Journal of Capital Medical University ›› 2002, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (1): 17-19.

• 基础研究 • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Solubility Enhancement of Nicotinic Acid in PAMAM Dendrimers

Ye Ling1, Zhang Jinnan1, Zhou Yulan1, Gu Wei1, Liu Yongli1, Hu Jinping1, Piao Dongxu2   

  1. 1. Department of Chemistry, Capital University of Medical Sciences;2. China Rehabilitation Research Center
  • Received:2001-12-18 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2002-01-15 Published:2002-01-15

Abstract: PAMAM dendrimers enhance the solubility of nicotinic acid. PAMAM dendrimers of generation 1 to 6 have been synthesized. The study investigated the effect of pH and concentration of the dendrimers on the solubility enhancement of nicotinic acid. The pH and concentration of the dendrimers influenced the solubility enhancement of nicotinic acid. It suggests that an electrostatic interaction between the carboxyl group of the nicotinic acid and the amine groups of the dendrimers is involved.

Key words: PAMAM dendrimer, nicotinic acid, solubility enhancement

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