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    21 October 2011, Volume 32 Issue 5
    Relationship between diabetic retinopathy and diabetic nephropathy
    JIA Yu-mei;XU Yuan;YANG Jin-kui
    2011, 32(5):  593-597.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.05.001
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    Objective Currently mechanisms of diabetic nephropathy(DN) and diabetic retinopathy(DR) remains unclear, but the hypothesis that persistent hyperglycemia and its abnormal metabolites play a vital role has been controversial. It is necessary to analyze the relationship of type 2 diabetic retinopathy and diabetic nephropathy in the aspect of onset and development of them, and whether we can use fundus examination to predict the renal injury level. This study aimed to find the relationship of diabetic retinopathy and diabetic nephropathy. Methods Patients with non-diabetic retinopathy(NDR) or proliferative diabetic retinopathy(PDR) were enrolled. Based on 8-hour urinary albumin excretion rate(UAER), the patients were divided into 3 groups: group A: UAER<20 μg/min, group B: UAER≥20~199 μg/min; group C: UAER>200 μg/min. Group A had 169 patients, including 53 NDR patients, PDR 116 patients; group B had a total of 76 patients, including 37 patients with NDR, 39 with PDR; group C had a total of 66 patients, including 40 patients with NDR, 26 with PDR. The glomerular filtration rate was compared between the subgroups. Results Glomerular filtration rate(GFR) was calculated according to the currently recommended MDRD simplified formula: eGFR=186×(SCr)-1.154×(Age)-0.203×(0.742 women). We found that among the three groups, PDR subgroup eGFR was lower than those in NDR. Significant difference in eGFR was found in groups B and C in PDR sub-group compared with the NDR sub-group(P<0.01). Conclusion Proliferative diabetic retinopathy appears to predict the degree of renal injury, but urinary albumin excretion rate had poor correlation with renal injury. The cause may be poor specificity of microalbuminuria as a biomarker of DN in diagnosis.
    Exome sequencing in patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy
    YANG Guang-ran;A San;FENG Wei;MA Jing;ZHU Xiao-rong;AN Yan-hua;LU Jing-kai;ZHANG Xiu-qing;YANG Jin-kui
    2011, 32(5):  598-601.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.05.002
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    Objective We intended to apply targeted capture and exome sequencing to identify genetic variants involved in proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Methods In this case-control study, all subjects were assessed using ophthalmoscopy and fundus photographs. Fifty subjects with proliferative diabetic retinopathy(with less than 15 years of diabetes duration) and 50 subjects without diabetic retinopathy(with hemoglobin A1c above 7.0%, at least 10 years of type 2 diabetes duration) were enrolled. The total DNA was extracted from the blood samples. Targeted capture and exome sequencing were applied. Results Subjects with proliferative diabetic retinopathy were younger and had shorter duration of diabetes. There were no significant differences in body mass index, blood pressure, hemoglobin A1c, lipid profiles and renal function between the proliferative diabetic retinopathy group and the non-diabetic retinopathy group. The prevalence of diabetic nephropathy in the proliferative diabetic retinopathy group(70.6%) was higher than that of the control group(21.6%, P=0.000). The average depth was 42-fold in exome sequencing. An excess of single nucleotide polymorphisms, particularly for nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms including 14 386 known and 6 444 novel single nucleotide polymorphisms, were identified. Conclusion These single nucleotide polymorphisms may be related with proliferative diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetes by applying targeted capture and exome sequencing. Further large-scale and experimental studies are needed to verify these associations.
    Clinical analysis of hepatitis B virus asymptomatic carriers with type 2 diabetes
    HU Hong-ying;LIU Ying;YANG Jin-kui
    2011, 32(5):  602-604.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.05.003
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    Objective To study the clinical feature of type 2 diabetes(T2D) patients who were hepatitis B virus(HBV) asymptomatic carriers(HBAC). Methods We collected data from 71 T2D patients with normal liver function(control group) and 50 T2D patients with HBAC(infected group), and compared the clinical data. Results The infected group consists of 32 males and 18 females. Their average age was(56.33±11.54) years. The control group consisted of 40 males and 31 females. Their average age was(55.86±11.56) years. There was no statistically significant difference between the control group and the HBV-infected group in terms of their courses of T2D, prevalence of fatty liver disease(FLD), family history of the diabetes, body mass index(BMI) and waist/hip ratio(WHR). The alanine aminotransferase(ALT) of the HBV-infected group〔(20.69±7.78)U/L〕 and aspartate aminotransferase(AST) of the HBV-infected group〔(25.11±7.48)U/L〕 were significantly higher than those of the control group(P<0.05). The fasting plasma glucose〔FPG,(7.07±2.16)mmol/L〕 and HbA1c (8.62±2.44 %) of the HBV-infected group were significantly lower than those of the control group(8.70±2.84 and 9.66±2.74%, respectively). The postprandial blood glucose(PBG) of the HBV-infected group〔(11.28±1.96)mmol/L〕 and the control group〔(10.54±2.13)mmol/L〕 had no significant difference. The blood glucose fluctuation(PBG/FPG) of the HBV-infected group(1.61±0.59) was significantly higher than that of control group(1.41±0.39). The release of C-peptide in the HBV-infected group and control group had no significant difference. Conclusion Liver function of patients with HBAC and T2D may be impaired. Synthesis, decomposition and gluconeogenesis of hepatic glycogen might be damaged, which may lead to a low FPG but high PBG and significant blood glucose fluctuation. The hepatitis B virus may not obviously impair release of insulin.
    Analysis of risk factors for diabetic nephropathy in patients with type-two diabetes mellitus
    KANG Li-hua;HE Zhong-chen;YANG Jin-kui
    2011, 32(5):  605-608.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.05.004
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    Objective To study the relationship between diabetic nephropathy(DN) and its risk factors. Methods A total of 381 type-2 diabetic patients were divided into three groups: normal albuminuria(NA), microalbuminuria(MA) and clinical proteinuria(CP), depending on the levels of urinary albumin excretion rate(UAER). The differences of the 3 groups in terms of age, duration of diabetes, systolic blood pressure(SBP), diastolic blood pressure(DBP), waist-to-hip ratio(WHR), body mass index(BMI), fasting plasma glucose(FPG), glycosylated hemoglobin A1c(HbA1c), triglyceride(TG), total cholesterol(TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol(HDL-C), low density lipoprotein cholesterol(LDL-C), uric acid(UA) and C-peptide. Logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the possible factors that might affect the DN. Results There were statistically significant differences in age, duration of diabetes, WHR, SBP, DBP, LDL-C, TC, HbA1c C-peptide and UA among the 3 groups. Logistic regression analysis showed that diabetic duration and SBP were independent risk factors(OR=1.029 and 1.088, P<0.05 for both). Conclusion A close correlation has been found between duration of diabetes and SBP. Monitoring and evaluating systemic factors will be helpful for prevention and treatment of DN.
    Characteristics of HDL2b changes and their significance in prediction of risks for coronary artery disease in type 2 diabetic patients
    MA Ya-hong;XIAN Xun-de;YANG Jun-fen;ZHEN Ya-ping;LIU Guo-qing;YANG Jin-kui
    2011, 32(5):  609-613.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.05.005
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    Objective To investigate the characteristics of plasma high-density lipoprotein(HDL) subfraction HDL2b changes and their significance in prediction of risks for coronary heart disease(CHD) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM). Methods Totally 41 T2DM patients and 41 controls with normal fasting glucose matched in age, gender, body mass index(BMI), circumference of waist, circumference of hip, and blood pressure were enrolled. The controls were from a normal population aged 35~74 year-old from Nanfaxin, a town in Shunyi District, Beijing. A microfluidic chip method was adopted to measure total HDL, HDL2b and the ratio of HDL2b/HDL, and the 10-year CHD risk was evaluated. Results T2DM patients had higher fasting plasma glucose(FPG), Homeostasis model for insulin resistance(HOMA-IS), homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistant index(HOMA-IR), triglycerides(TG), total cholesterol(TC) and 10 year CHD risk than the controls(P<0.05), while HDL, HDL2b and the ratio of HDL2b/HDL were lower in the T2DM patients(P<0.01). HDL2b was found to be negatively correlated with FBG, fasting insulin(FINS), TC, TG, HOMA-IR and 10 year CHD risk. The relationship of FBG and 10-year CHD risk with HDL2b was stronger than with HDL. Conclusion T2DM patients have significantly lower HDL2b levels, higher 10-year CHD risk. HDL2b is therefore a more sensitive predictor than HDL.
    Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in a rural Chinese population in Beijing
    YUAN Mei-ying;MA Jing;YU Shi-lin;GENG Ya-hui;WANG Min;YANG Jin-kui
    2011, 32(5):  614-616.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.05.006
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    Objective To investigate the the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome(MS) and its concomitance in a rural Chinese population in Beijing. Methods In a community in Haidian Area of Beijing all persons over 18 years of age were studied by questionnaires, physical examination and determination of blood biochemical parameters. Results The prevalence of MS in the rural area was 26.4%. Prevalence in male and female were 38.9% and 17.7%, respectively, which were significantly different(P<0.001). Prevalence of hyperglycemia, overweight/obesity, high lipids and hypertension were 23.1%, 54.2%, 57.1% and 36.7%, respectively. Each prevalence of above mentioned parameters were high in men than women(P<0.05); Prevalence of MS rose with age. Among subjects over the age of 60 years the prevalence reached a peak of 37.3%. Conclusion The rural residents have higher rates of MS and related diseases. Health promotion, prevention and treatment of MS should be actively strengthened in healthy male and female population over the age of 40.
    High salt and hypertension
    HUA Qi;REN Hai-rong
    2011, 32(5):  617-625.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.05.007
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    Salt is related to occurrence and development of hypertension. As an important type of essential hypertension, salt-sensitive hypertension, which means blood pressure rises with more salt intake, is main cause of high incidence rate in many regions in China. The major mechanism is abnormality in both ion transport in cell membrane and sodium excretion in the kidney. Kidney and central nervous system are key systems to induce salt-sensitive hypertension. The pathogenesis includes heredity, ion transport, endothelial dysfunction, kidney, sympathetic and central nervous system, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system(RAAS), endocrine, insulin resistance and so on. The prognosis of salt-sensitive hypertension may be improved by either changing food habits or pharmacotherapy. This review focuses on salt-sensitive hypertension's cause, epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment.
    Correlation between blood pressure variability and renal dysfunction in patients with primary hypertension
    HOU Hai-xia;HUA Qi;CHEN Hui-min;LIU Rong-kun;YANG Zheng
    2011, 32(5):  626-628.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.05.008
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    Objective To explore possible correlation between blood pressure variability and impaired renal function in hypertensive patients. Methods Twenty-four-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring(ABPM) was performed in 106 hypertensive patients. The estimated glomerular filtration rate(eGFR) was assessed using the abbreviated equation of the modification diet for renal disease(MDRD) study. Patients were divided into two groups: those with an eGFR less than 90 mL/min per 1.73 m2(group A) and those with an eGFR 90 mL/min per 1.73 m2 or more( group B). Results Patients with low eGFR levels had higher 24 h-diastolic blood pressure(24 h-DBP) and higher 24 h-systolic blood pressure-standard deviation(24 h SBP-SD) in comparison to those with normal eGFR levels. The multivariable Logistic regression analysis showed that the negative relation between 24 h-DBP, 24 h SBP-SD and eGFR persisted(OR=0.913, P=0.019; OR=0.803, P=0.049, respectively) even after adjustment for age, male sex. Conclusion Besides blood pressure level, BPV level is also related to impaired renal function.
    Relationship between peripheral arterial disease and glomerular filtration rate and microalbuminuria in elderly patients
    WANG Peng;WANG Qing;ZHAO Qing-hua;SHI Hai-tao
    2011, 32(5):  629-633.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.05.009
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    Objective To investigate the relationship between peripheral arterial disease(PAD) and estimated glomerular filtration rate(eGFR) and microalbuminuria(MA) in elderly patients. Methods A total of 328 consecutive patients were included in this study. ABI, Urinary albumin/creatinine ratio(UACR), serum creatinine(Cr), lipids profile, fasting plasma glucose(FPG) and glycosylated hemoglobin(HbA1c) were measured. Cardiovascular risk factors and cardiovascular diseases(CVD) were collected. eGFR was calculated according to Chinese modified MDRD formula based on Cr level. eGFR<60 mL·min-1·1.73 m-2 was defined as eGFR reduced. ABI<0.90 was defined as PAD. Results In 328 elderly patients, the prevalence of PAD was 21.0%, 24.4% patients had MA and 25.9% patients had reduced eGFR. Compared to patients without PAD, the Age, levels of SBP, HbA1c, and UACR were significantly increased in patients with PAD(P<0.05 or <0.01). ABI showed a negative correlation with UACR(r = -0.323, P=0.000) and a positive correlation with eGFR(r = 0.185, P=0.001). Logistic regression analysis showed that OR(95% CI) for PAD was 3.613*2.035~6.415) for patients with MA. In models adjusted for age, sex and other traditional cardiovascular risk factors and medicine use, OR(95% CI) for PAD was 2.877(1.588~15.213) for patients with MA. There was no association between eGFR reduction and PAD. Conclusion The prevalence of PAD was higher in elderly patients. MA was associated with PAD, and patients with MA were at a high risk of PAD.
    Prognosis of patients with hypertension complicated with glucose metabolic disorder at home and abroad
    REN Hai-rong;HUA Qi
    2011, 32(5):  634-639.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.05.010
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    Hypertension will be more serious when it is complicated with glucose metabolic disorder. The incidence rate of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in hypertensive patients will increase significantly as impaired glucose tolerance(IGT) happens. Because hypertension leads to complications in large and capillary vessels in type 2 diabetes patients, intensive treatment of pressure release is recommended by many guidelines. Screening of glucose metabolic disorder in hypertensive patients should be paid more attention. Both nondrug and pharmacotherapy can make blood pressure and blood glucose return to the standard. This review focuses on prognosis of patients with hypertension complicated with glucose metabolic disorder at home and abroad in recent years.
    Effects of myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury on the level of endogenous soluble receptor for advanced glycation end-products(sRAGE)
    DONG Hong-wu;GUO Cai-xia;DU Feng-he;WANG Hong-xia;ZENG Xiang-jun;ZHANG Li-ke;TIAN Jun-ping
    2011, 32(5):  640-644.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.05.011
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    Objective We evaluated the plasma levels of soluble receptor for advanced glycation end-products(sRAGE) of the cardiomyocytes in vivo undergoing ischemia/reperfusion(I/R) injury and the medium levels of sRAGE of cardiomyocytes in vitro undergoing hypoxia(H) or hypoxia followed by reoxygenation(H/R). Methods The rat model of myocardial I/R injury was induced by ligation of anterior descending coronary artery. All SD rats were randomly divided into two groups as follows: I/R group and sham group. The changes of heart rate(HR), left ventricular end-systolic pressure(LVESP) and the maximum rate change of left ventricular pressure(±LVdp/dtmax) in the different time points(10 minutes before ischemia, the end of 45 minutes' ischemia, the end of 60 minutes' reperfusion, the end of 120 minutes' reperfusion and the end of 180 minutes' reperfusion, for short BI-10, I-45, R-60, R-120, R-180) were observed and analyzed. Infarction size was measured by tri-phenyltetrazolium chloride(TTC) staining. The levels of sRAGE were determined by enzyme linked immunoabsorbent assay. The isolated cardiomyocytes were randomly divided into two groups as follows: H or H/R groups and control groups. Lactate dehydrogenase(LDH) release was determined by an enzyme activity assay kit(Nanjing Institute of Jiancheng Bioengineering, Nanjing, China). Results In the period of ischemia and reperfusion(I-45, R-60, R-120, R-180), the left ventricular function(HR, LVESP,±LVdp/dtmax) in I/R group decreased compared with control group. Within I/R group, the left ventricular function and the levels of sRAGE in the different time points(I-45, R-60, R-120, R-180) were decreased as compared with BI-10. There is no statistical differences in the sRAGE levels between H or H/R groups and control groups. Conclusion Our findings indicate that the levels of sRAGE were reduced after I/R injury and suggest that the molecules of sRAGE were involved in the pathophysiological of myocardial I/R injury.
    Construction of parp-1 gene low expression in silica-associated malignant transformation of human bronchial epithelial cells by RNA interference
    GUO Wei;SONG Shan-shan;TIAN Lin;GAO Ai;NIU Pi-ye;ZUO Xin;ZHU Zhong-hui;WU Hui-hui
    2011, 32(5):  645-649.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.05.012
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    Objective To construct poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1(PARP-1) gene low expression model in malignant transformation of human bronchial epithelial cell line(M-16HBE) induced by silica. Methods Parp-1 gene low expression model in M-16HBE was constructed by silencing of parp-1 with RNAi, and parp-1 mRNA expression was detected by RT-PCR. The effect of proliferation of cells was detected by MTT assay. Cell cycle was monitored by flow cytometry. Results The expression of parp-1 gene in transfected cells decreased(about 45% of normal cells) significantly, compared with normal cells and the cells transfected with empty vector(P<0.05). The expression of parp-1 gene in normal cells was equal to the cells transfected with empty vector(P>0.05). Compared with normal cells, the effect of proliferation of transfected cells was significantly increased(P<0.05); and the S phase ratio increased by 7.8%(P<0.05) and the G2 phase ratio decreased by 5.8%(P<0.05). Conclusion Parp-1 gene low expression model in M-16HBE was successfully constructed.
    Quality control standard for shenqifumai tablet
    XIAO Yin;LIU Kai;CHEN Jiang;PENG Guo-hua;LI Guang-qi;CHEN Fang;LI Bo;Yan Mei-juan
    2011, 32(5):  650-652.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.05.013
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    Objective To establish the quality standard for Shenqifumai tablet. Methods Ophiopogon japonicus and Tonglolosa silaifolia Wolff in the formulation of Shenqifumai tablet were indtified by thin layer chromatography(TLC); and the content of salidroside in the tablets was determined by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC). Results The characteristic identification by TLC was distinct and highly specific(RSD=0.87%). Conclusion The method of TLC was reliable, accurate and specific. It can be used for the quality control of shenqifumai tablets.
    Value of combined application of glypican-3 and cytokeratin-19 in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma
    ZHANG Shi-jie;LANG Zhen-wei;WANG Xin-xin;LV Fu-dong
    2011, 32(5):  653-657.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.05.014
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    Objective To evaluate combined application of glypican-3 and cytokeratin-19 in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC). Methods Totally 142 cases of HCC were chosen in our hospital from Dec. 2009 to Mar. 2011. Among these patients, 94 had HCC, 32 had intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma(ICC), 16 had combined hepatocellular and cholangiocarcinoma(CHC). Adoptive HE, glypican-(GPC-3) and cytokeratin-19(CK-19) immunohistochemical-staining was performed, and the results of GPC-3 were compared with those of CK-19 in the three groups in expression and distribution in HCC, ICC, and CHC. Results Positive result of GPC-3 was found in 79 cases(84%) with HCC, 5 cases(15.6%) with ICC, and 16 cases(100%) with CHC. Immunostaining for CK-19 was negative in all HCC cases, while it was positive in 31cases(97%) with ICC, and in 16 cases(100%) with CHC. Staining intensity and positive rate of GPC-3 in the moderately/poorly differentiated groups of HCC cases was higher than that in the well differentiated group. Staining intensity was related to the extent of differentiation(P<0.001). Conclusion Expression of GPC-3 had high degree of specificity and sensibility in HCC and CHC cases. Combined application of GPC-3 and CK-19 may have important diagnostic value in distinguishing HCC from ICC and CHC.
    The investigation on the reaction of N-heterocycles
    ZHANG Jian-wei;FAN Yuan-jie
    2011, 32(5):  658-660.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.05.015
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    Objective The reactions of quaternary ammoniumsalts of N-heterocycles were investigated. Methods The rearrangement reactions of N-heterocycles might be performed if the N-ylide intermediates can be generated. In compounds containing a β-hydrogen atom, Hofmann elimination may compete and in many cases provides the major product. We tried N-cyanomethyl-N-methylpiperidine bromide and N-cyanomethyl-N-methyltropinone bromide which were treated with sodium hydride. Results The quaternary ammonium salt N-cyanomethyl-N-methylpiperidine bromide furnished the rearrangement reactions products 2-piperidinyl-2-cyanoyl-propionaldehyde and N-cyanomethyl-atropine bromide gave Hofmann elimination product 2-piperidinyl-2-cyanoyl-propionaldehyde. Conclusion Thus we have explored the reaction quaternary ammoniumsalts of N-heterocycles with sodium hydride. Some of them performed Hofmann elimination reactions and some of them underwent rearrangement reactions. N-methylpiperidine and tropinone derivatives were tested. N-methylpiperidine derivative react with sodium borohydride to performed rearrangement reactions. Tropinone derivatives performed Hofmann elimination reaction and cyclize to produce 7.
    The quality of life and its influential factors among discharged patients with gastric cancer in rural area, Wuwei, Gansu
    LIN Chen-xi;YE Yan-cheng;ZHANG Zhi-yi;WANG Jun-xian;LIANG Xiao-yun;LIU Yu-qin;LUO Bing-zhi;ZOU Jun;WANG Tao
    2011, 32(5):  661-666.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.05.016
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    Objective To evaluate and explore overall condition of quality of life and the influential factors among discharged patients with gastric cancer in rural area. Methods Wuwei city of Gansu province was selected as the field. Based on the cross-sectional study, 135 gastric cancer patients in rural areas were interviewed face-to-face to explore their quality of life. The questionnaires used were the EORTC QLQ-C30 3.0 and QLQ-STO22(Chinese version) and multiple linear regression model was used to explore the main factors influencing the quality of life of patients with gastric cancer. Results The overall scores of quality of life of discharged gastric cancer patients were 56.17±20.23. The results of one-way analysis of influential factors of quality of life suggest that gender, marital status, educational background, occupation, family income, degree of tumor differentiation, degree of satisfaction with medical services and medical services were influential factors of the overall quality of life. The results of multiple linear regression suggest that family income, the degrees of the satisfaction with medical fees and educational background had positive correlation with quality of life, the quality of life of male patients was better than that of female patients. Conclusion The overall quality of life of the discharged gastric cancer patients from rural areas which was surveyed needs to be improved. Treating and taking care of rural patients with gastric cancer of different genders, education backgrounds, family income will help to improve their quality of life.
    Analysis of serum specific IgE in 2 230 patients with allergic diseases
    ZHAO Hong-fen;LI Xiao-xia;ZHAO Jing-li
    2011, 32(5):  667-669.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.05.017
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    Objective To detect serum specific IgE in allergic diseases for clinical diagnosis and therapy. Methods The serum specific IgE and total IgE(sIgE) were detected by enzyme immunoassay in 2 230 patients. Results The dermatophagoides farinae(28.3%) and pteronyssinus(26.6%) were the most common allergen in 2 230 patients, followed by Artemisia(14.9%), cat hair dander(9%), beef and mutton(9%), cockroaches(8.3%), seafood(8.1%), fungi(6.6%), milk(6.1%), short ragweed(5.6%), peanuts, cashew nuts(4.6%), elm, sycamore, willow, cottonwood(3.8%), egg white(3.8%), soybeans(3.1%). The positive rate of total IgE was 46.9%. Conclusion The detection of serum specific IgE and total IgE can help to find the corresponding clinical allergy, and provide evidences for prevention, diagnosis and therapy of allergic diseases.
    Influences of hyperbaric oxygen pretreatment on mice hypoxia tolerance ability
    LIU Jie;WANG Yong;WU Lian-hua;GAO Chun-jin
    2011, 32(5):  670-673.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.05.018
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    Objective To explore whether hyperbaric oxygen(HBO) could raise the hypoxia tolerance of animals with acute mountain sickness(AMS). Methods Acute mountain sickness model was established by exposing adult Wistar mice in hypobaric chamber to observe the content of interleukin-6(IL-6) and matrix metalloproteinase-9(MMP-9) in arterial blood under the corresponding hypobaric environment. Results 1) Contents of IL-6 in model group were higher than those of control group, and the difference was statistically significant(P< 0.05); contents of IL-6 in HBO group(3 000 meters and 5 000 meters above sea level) were slightly lower than those of normal pressure oxygen(NPO) group(3 000 meters and 5 000 meters), but the difference was statistically insignificant(P>0.05). 2) Contents of MMP-9 in model group were significantly higher than those of the control group, and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05); contents of MMP-9 in HBO group(3 000 meters and 5 000 meters) were slightly lower than those of NPO group(3 000 meters and 5 000 meters, P>0.05). Conclusion 1) The pretreatment could significantly reduce brain toxic injury of acute mountain sickness model. 2) IL-6 and MMP-9 could serve as the evaluation variables of hypoxic brain damage for AMS. 3) The HBO pretreatment regimen had no preventive effect against AMS.
    Experience of the laparoscopic high ligation of hernial sac in the treatment of the juvenile patients with inguinal hernia
    ZHU Yi-lin;CHEN Jie;WANG Ming-gang;LIU Su-jun;SHEN Ying-mo
    2011, 32(5):  674-677.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.05.019
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    Objective To explore the advantages of the high ligation of hernial sac in the treatment of the juvenile patients with inguinal hernia. Methods Data of 330 juvenile patients(≤6 years old) with inguinal hernia treated with the laparoscopic high ligation of hernial sac in our department during Jan 2009 to May 2010, including duration of operation, postoperative complication, cost of hospitalization, postoperative length of stay and the follow-up. Results 60 cases contralateral latent hernia was detected during the laparoscopic operation, the duration of operation for the single side was 10 minutes, the mean time of the postoperative food intake was 4 hours, and the postoperative length of stay was 4~24 hours. All the patients had slight postoperative pain, no analgesics were used. Fifty cases had scrotal emphysema, which subsided within 2~3 hours, and there was no relapse, no operative injury, no infectin and postoperative pain occurred. The mean length of stay was 3 days, the mean cost was 3 000 yuan. Conclusion The laparoscopic high ligation of hernial sac is a safe and reliable method, the latent hernia could be detected in the operation, and it is suitable for the juvenile patients(≤6 years old).
    Diagnosis and treatment of primary retroperitoneal tumors: an analysis of 30 cases
    ZHANG Zhi-peng;XIU Dian-rong
    2011, 32(5):  678-680.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.05.020
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    Objective To evaluate the diagnosis and treatment of the primary retroperitoneal tumor based on experience with 30 cases. Methods The clinical manifestations, image examinations and operations of 30 cases with primary retroperitoneal tumor that were diagnosed and treated in our department from January 2007 to July 2009 were Retrospectively analyzed and discussed. Results Of the 30 cases, 8 were male and 22 were female, the age range was 15~82 years, average 44.8 years. Nine of the cases were asymptomatic, 7 had abdominal pain or fullness, 4 had back pain, 5 had abdominal mass, 4 had lower extremity pain or numbness, and 1 case had body weight loss. All the 30 cases were treated with surgical operations, 14 received laparoscopic surgery and the rest laparotomy. The average operation time was 205 minutes. There were no major complications in any of the patients. Twenty-seven cases were followed-up for an average of 18 months. Conclusion The image examinations are the main methods to detect the primary retroperitoneal tumors and the operations to remove the tumor are the main treatment. For benign or less malignant neoplasmas, laparoscopic surgery can be attempted.
    Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in serum and callus during fracture healing in patients with fracture and cerebral trauma
    SHEN Feng;PAN Hai-tao;MA Song;ZENG Zheng
    2011, 32(5):  681-687.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.05.021
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    Objective To study the relationship between vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF) and enhanced osteogenesis after cerebral trauma by investigating the level of VEGF in serum and the expression of VEGF in granulation tissue of fracture region in patients with fracture and cerebral trauma. Methods Totally 57 patients who were treated in our hospital were included(the position and type of fracture were similar, which were extremity long bone fractures). ELISA and immunohistochemical methods were used for determination of VEGF. The 57 patients were divided into two groups: group A, fracture group(n=31); and group B, fracture with cerebral trauma group(n=26), and the serum of all patients were collected at weeks 1, 2, 3, and 4. The concentration of VEGF in serum was detected by ELISA method. Immunohistochemical staining: The 31 patients of group A and the 26 patients of group B were further divided into A1(n=10), A2(n=11), A3(n=10) and B1(n=8), B2(n=8), B3(n=10) according to the time from injury to operation(3~7 d, 8~14 d, 15~21 d). Samples of granulation tissue of fracture site of each patient were collected during surgery, taking immunohistochemistry staining method to calculate positive cell rate and gray scale value of VEGF. Results 1) ELISA: The concentration of VEGF in serum of group A(fracture group) was low at the first week, and it reached the maximum value at the second week and decreased obviously at the fourth week; while it reached the maximum value at the first week in group B, after that although it decreased but still maintained a high level, and decreased obviously in the fourth week. The concentration of VEGF in serum of group B was significantly higher than that of group A at the same time-point(1-3 week)(P<0.05), and there was no significant differences between two groups at the fourth week(P>0.05). 2) Immunohistochemical staining: The expression of VEGF in group A was very low from 3~7 d, and it reached the peak at 14 d and decreased slightly during 15~21 d. The expression of group B started to increase on d 3 after injury, and it rose to the peak at 7 d and stained a high level through 15~21 d. At the same timespan, positive cell rate and gray scale value of VEGF in group B was significantly higher than that in group A(P<0.05). Conclusion The level of VEGF in serum and the expression of VEGF in granulation tissue of fracture region in patients with fracture and cerebral trauma was persistently higher than that in patients with fracture only in the progress of fracture healing, and the enhanced osteogenesis caused by cerebral trauma may be implemented mainly through promoting the expression of many growth factors, such as VEGF.
    Analysis of factors influencing effect of transsphenoidal microsurgery for growth hormone-secreting pituitary adenoma
    BI Zhi-yong;JIA Wang;JIA Gui-jun
    2011, 32(5):  688-691.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.05.022
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    Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effect of transsphenoidal microsurgery for growth hormone-secreting pituitary adenoma(GHPA) and analyze the correlative factors influencing the effect. Methods The clinical data of 106 patients who underwent transsphenoidal microsurgery for GHPA were retrospectively analyzed. The tumors were classified according to tumor size, preoperative GH levels, and invasion etc. Based on the criterion of cure of acromegaly, postoperative hormone level and imaging examination were used to evaluate the post-operative outcomes. Results Total remission rate was 72.6%, and grades Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, and Ⅳ adenomas were 84.2%, 82.6%, 64.7%, and 14.4%, respectively. But according to Knosp grading,the remission rate of 0~4 grade were 89.7%, 80.6%, 66.7%, 45.5% and 0.0%, respectively. Conclusion The prognoses were related to the size of the adenomas, the preoperative level of GH and invasiveness of GH-secreting adenomas.
    Pineal parenchymal tumors of intermediate differentiation
    ZHANG Ming-shan;ZHANG Hong-wei;ZHANG Jun-ping;XIA Lei;QU Yan-ming;WANG Hao-ran;YU Chun-jiang
    2011, 32(5):  692-696.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.05.023
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    Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics and treatments of pineal parenchymal tumors of intermediate differentiation(PPTID). Methods Data of 6 cases of PPTID admitted to the Department of Neurosurgery from June 2009 to July 2010 were analyzed. The statistical data include clinical features, radiological, pathological characteristics and treatments. Among the six cases, one case underwent transcranial biopsy, five cases underwent transfrontal-interforniceal approach for tumor resection, five patients received gamma-knife, four patients received radiotherapy and four patients received chemotherapy. Results The whole neuraxis disseminating of the tumor were found in four cases. Among the six cases, one tumor was totally removed; three with subtotal removal and one with partially removal, one case performed biopsy. The symptoms were improved in two patients after radiation, two patients after gamma-knife, and three patients after chemotherapy. Conclusion PPTIDs are liable to disseminate through the central nervous system. Multiple treatments are needed for PPTIDs, the tumors should be resected totally as far as possible and the postoperative radiotherapy or chemotherapy are necessary for this entity.
    Application of color doppler ultrasound in the forearm arteriovenous fistula in hemodialysis patients
    LU Rui-gang;GUO Rui-jun
    2011, 32(5):  697-699.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.05.024
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    Objective Color doppler flow imaging(CDFI) was used to evaluate the effects of difficult arteriovenous fistula establishment for hemodialysis. Methods CDFI was used to monitor the establishment of blood vessel in Hemodialysis and estimate diameter of the vessels. CDFI was applied to select appropriate artery and vein before operation for arteriovenous fistula, and to analyze hemodynamic status and complications after operation in 176 patients with arteriovenous fistula which was difficult to establish in clinic for hemodialysis. Results Operations for establishing fistula were performed for the 176 cases and for 19 cases with subsequent intercurrent complications. Conclusion CDFI ultrasound could play important roles in choosing appropriate artery and vein before operation for arteriovenous fistula, and analyzing of hemodynamics and complications after operation.
    Employment anxiety of medical college graduates
    LI Jie
    2011, 32(5):  700-703.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.05.025
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    Objective This study aimed to provide the theoretical basis for preventing and intervening the employment anxiety of medical college graduates through investigating the employment anxiety and the influencing factors. Methods Basic self-investigating questionnaire, self-rating anxiety scale(SAS) as the measurements were used to test the anxiety of 497 medical college graduates and analyze the factors like their majors, college categories, and total income etc. Results The total ratio for the employment anxiety of medical college graduates was 27.77% which included 17.71% of mild anxiety, 8.65% of moderate anxiety, and 1.41% of severe anxiety. The employment anxiety of the medical college graduates with different genders showed no significant differences; however, the employment anxiety of the medical college graduates with different majors, different colleges or different places where students come from showed significant differences. The graduates who took vocational institutions have greater employment anxiety than those who took general colleges. Clinical graduates' employment anxiety was the most serious. The students whose family had lower total income had greater employment anxiety than those who had higher general total income in their family. Conclusion These findings present that the colleges and the professional and the families should conduct pre-employment and employment guidance in mental health education to medical college graduates.
    Report of a case with status thymicolymphaticus died after vaccination and similar reports in China
    ZHANG Xue;ZHANG Dong-yan;LAN Bei;ZHAO Jian-zhong
    2011, 32(5):  704-709.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.05.026
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    Objective To understand the characteristics of status thymicolymphaticus cases sudden death after vaccination and provide advice for its prevention and control. Methods Sudden death of cases with status thymicolymphaticus happened in Fengtai 2010 are reported and after searching for all the sudden deaths associated with vaccination from 1986 to 2010 nearly 25 years in China published in journals, all the cases were carefully analyzed for related characteristics. Results Besides this case, there were totally 9 cases reported during 1986~2010, 6 boys and 3 girls. The youngest was 3 months and the oldest was 2 years and 11 months. Three cases were vaccinated with 2 or more vaccines and 5 cases were vaccinated with DPT vaccines. The shortest time between vaccination and death was about 1 hour, the longest was 19 hours. Autopsy results showed different extents of thymus enlargement, lymphoproliferation, many had visceral edema and congestion. Conclusion The diagnosis of status thymicolymphaticus is difficult, and usually confirmed after the death of patients. Pediatricians and radiologists should be careful in reading pediatric vertical chest X-ray taken for the thymus, and use the heart-thymus-thorax ratio to measure the size of the thymus. If there is any abnormality in the ratio, the child should be contraindicated for vaccination in order to reduce deaths possibly associated with vaccination.
    The breakthrough in understanding immune response introduction of Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2011
    ZHANG Ting;WANG Xiao-min
    2011, 32(5):  710-713.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.05.017
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    The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2011 is divided, with one half jointly to Bruce A. Beutler and Jules A. Hoffmann for their discoveries concerning the activation of innate immunity and the other half to Ralph M. Steinman for his discovery of the dendritic cell and its role in adaptive immunity. The detailed understanding of the immune system provided by the new Nobel laureates has given other researchers the ability to improve vaccines and to attempt to stimulate immune reactions to cancer and inflammation.