
Table of Content

    21 December 2011, Volume 32 Issue 6
    Influence of cut-off value of skin prick test on the evaluation of serum specific IgE in the diagnosis of allergic rhinitis
    ZHANG Yuan;LIU Cheng-yao;DUAN Su;ZHAO Yan-ming;ZHANG Luo;
    2011, 32(6):  717-720.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.06.001
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    Objective Objective evaluation of allergic rhinitis(AR) requires in vivo skin prick test(SPT) and in vitro serum specific IgE(sIgE) tests. It is important to explore the relationship between the SPT and sIgE for promoting the AR diagnosis efficiency. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of different cut-off values for positivity of SPT in the evaluation of sIgE in the diagnosis of multi-allergens AR patients. Methods Combining a positive SPT and clinical history and nasal local signs as the diagnostic reference criteria of AR, we estimated concentrations of serum sIgE produced in response to the 7 most common allergens among 85 AR patients, using "+" and "++" positive cut-off value of SPT respectively. Results Based on a clinical diagnosis and SPT results using a positive cut-off value of "+", the serum sIgE test performed well and the sensitivity for different allergens ranged from 0.50(giant ragweed) to 0.91 dermatophagoides pterongssinus and dermatophagoides farinae(Der p and Der f), while specificity ranged from 0.93(Der f) to 1.00(animal hair, Der p and mugwort). When adjusting the cut-off score to "++", the sensitivity showed an overall increase while the remaining assessed items, including specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and efficiency, showed an unacceptable decline. Conclusion Setting "+" cut-off for positivity of SPT results was better than "++" setting for assessing the AR diagnosis value of serum sIgE.

    Evaluation on the reliability of mandarin lexical neighborhood test
    WANG Su-ju;KONG Ying;FENG Jie-fen;LIU Hai-hong;LI Shu-jing;YANG Yi-lin;LIU Sha
    2011, 32(6):  721-728.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.06.002
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    Objective To evaluate the reliability of the mandarin lexical neighborhood test(M-LNT), obtain the performance-intensity curve, speech recognition threshold and critical difference, and establish basic curve for the clinical use. Methods Fifty-two normal hearing adults were recruited to evaluate the reliability of M-LNT which consists of four types of list: monosyllable-easy word lists, monosyllable-hard word lists, disyllable-easy word lists and disyllable-hard word lists. Six intensities were chosen from pre-experiments. According to the randomized block design, for every list 3 intensities of which number is odd or even of the six selected ones were presented to subjects. The test sequence is from easy lists to hard. After calculating the scores of every intensity for every list, the Matlab 7.1 software was used to do the P-I curve fitting the scores and calculate the curve's slope, speech recognition threshold and critical difference. Results Statistical analysis showed that there was no significant difference between any two scores of monosyllable-easy word lists, scores of monosyllable-hard word lists, the scores of disyllable-easy word lists and the scores of disyllable-hard word lists(P>0.05). The P-I curves of monosyllable-easy word lists, monosyllable-hard word lists, disyllable-easy word lists and disyllable-hard word lists were analyzed; the speech recognition threshold was respectively 25 dB SPL, 31 dB SPL, 20 dB SPL and 24 dB SPL; the 50% slope was respectively 2.8%/dB SPL, 3.0%/dB SPL, 5.8%/dB SPL and 4.1%/dB SPL; the critical difference at 95% confidence level was respectively ±22.2%, ±26.1%, ±32.7% and ±29.9%. Conclusion After the evaluation of M-LNT, the critical difference at 95% confidence level of four types of lists was respectively ±22.2%, ±26.1%, ±32.7% and ±29.9% which indicate the lists' reliability. The P-I curves were fitted by the scores at different intensities and the speech recognition scores basic curve was established.
    Characterization of vocal fold wound healing in a rabbit model
    XU Wen;HAN De-min;HU Rong;FAN Er-zhong
    2011, 32(6):  729-732.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.06.003
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    Objective To investigate the characteristics of vocal fold wound healing by studying the changes in histopathology and the major extra cellular matrix(ECM) after vocal fold lamina propria injuring in a rabbit model. Methods Using a telescope for guidance, we made an incision in the middle region of the vocal fold tissue in 12 rabbits. Larynges were harvested at 3, 15, 40 days and 3, 6, 12 months after operation. We performed HE staining for histopathologic research, and used Masson trichrome staining for collagen, Alcian Blue staining for hyaluronic acid and immunohistochemical staining for fibronectin. Results After injury, the formation of new capillaries and inflammatory cells infiltration occurred within 15 days, fibroblasts increased significantly form 3 days to 3 months, fibrous tissues persistently increased from 40 days to 12 months, 12 months after injuring, the vocal folds had no hierarchical structure in local position. In addition, the content of collagen were significantly higher than normal(P<0.05) after injury, collagen had an irregular disordered distribution in the lamina propria. Hyaluronic acid had less increase, its content and distribution showed no significant difference with the normal control. Fibronectin scattered in the lamina propria, its levels were obviously higher than normal(P<0.05) from 40 days to 12 months after injury. Conclusion In the early and middle period of vocal fold wound healing, the ECM in the lamina propria increased, collagen increased significantly and deposited disorderly, hyaluronic acid less increased, fibronectin obviously increased; in the late period, collagen and fibronectin levels were continuously higher than normal, disordered collagen fibers arranged in vocal fold scar.
    Psychological analysis on patients with vertigo
    LIU Bo;ZUO Li-jing;DUAN Jin-ping;LIU Gang;ZHOU Yun
    2011, 32(6):  733-736.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.06.004
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    Objective To evaluate psychological condition of patients with vertigo and to study the affected factors of psychological condition. Methods A total of 253 patients with vertigo visited Tongren hospital from May to July in 2010. We investigated patients' psychological condition with UCLA Dizziness Questionnaire, Hamilton Anxiety Scale and Hamilton Depression Scale, and further analyzed the possible affected factors using logistic regression. Results The number of abnormal HAMA result was 122(48.22%) and abnormal result HAMD is 85(33.60%). 1 Patients were grouped on the basis of course of disease, mean score of HAMA increase along with the course, however, HAMD score had no such difference. 2 Patients were grouped on frequency of vertigo attack, the abnormal ratio of anxiety and depression raise along with the raised frequency. The result of one-way ANOVA test and nonparametric test was significantly different. 3 The score of HAMA and HAMD between the group of normal vestibular function and abnormal vestibular function was not significantly different. 4 The result of logistic regression suggested that female patients and the patients having more attack of vertigo were much easier to develop anxiety and depression. Conclusion Patients with vertigo had different degrees of anxiety and depression and anxiety was worse. The probability of anxiety was much higher. Female patients were prone to to develop the psychological problems. Increased frequency of vertigo attack will lay more pressure on patients with vertigo. We should not only treat the diseases but also lower the pressure on mind.
    Recognition of tone production in Chinese phonation of children with an artificial neural network
    LI Yong-xin;CHEN Xiu-wu;ZHAO Xiao-yan;ZHOU Ning;XU Li;LIU Ting;ZHANG Guo-ping;WANG Shun-cheng;CUI Dan-mo
    2011, 32(6):  737-741.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.06.005
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    Objective Traditionally, tone production is evaluated subjectively using human listeners. The present study was designed to investigate the efficacy of using an artificial neural network in evaluating tone production of Mandarin-speaking children. Methods The subject group included 61 normal-hearing children aged between 3 and 9 years old. The fundamental frequency(F0) of their produced monosyllabic words was extracted. The F0 were then used as inputs to a feed-forward backpropagation artificial neural network. The numbers of inputs and neurons in the hidden layer were 12 and 16, respectively. The output layer consisted of 4 neurons representing the 4 Mandarin tone patterns. The tone-recognition performance of the neural network was further compared with that of native-Mandarin-speaking adult listeners. Results The neural network successfully classified the tone patterns of the 61 children speakers with an accuracy of about 85% correct. The score was shown to be significantly better than the perception score by the adult listeners. There was individual variability in the children's tone production accuracy as revealed by both the tone recognition of the neural network and by the tone perception of the adult listeners. Conclusion This study demonstrates that the artificial neural network can successfully classify Mandarin-Chinese tone patterns produced by multiple children. The neural network can be used as an objective way of evaluating tone production of children.
    The effect of upper airway neuromuscular function on apnea duration in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
    CAO Xin;YE Jing-ying
    2011, 32(6):  742-745.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.06.006
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    Objective To assess neuromuscular factors influencing the apnea duration in patients with obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome(OSAHS). Methods Totally 64 male patients were diagnosed OSAHS by sleep study and were monitored with surface electromyography(EMG). We compared different apnea events with different duration through the percent of compensated EMG value(PCEV). PCEV was determined from awake to early stage of obstructive apnea. Results There was significant difference between PCEVs in different apnea(P<0.05). Conclusion Neuromuscular factors have a certain impact on apnea duration.
    Effects of ephedrine on nasal patency
    CAO Chun-ting;QI Ke;WANG Rui-tao;ZHANG Luo;
    2011, 32(6):  746-749.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.06.007
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    Objective To measure the effect of ephedrine on nasal patency. Methods Thirty-nine healthy adults(male 21, female 18) were enrolled in this study, the mean age was 37.9±11.5 years(range 20~61 years). Eccovision acoustic rhinometry was used to acquire the nasal cavity volume, minimum cross-sectional area and the distance between the nostril to minimum cross-sectional area before, 5 and 10 minutes after the use of ephedrine(NVb, NV5, NV10, MCAb,MCA5,MCA10, MDb, MD5, MD10), and acquired the difference values and variational rate(ΔNV5, ΔNV10, ΔMCA5, ΔMCA10, ρNV5, ρNV10,ρMCA5, ρMCA10). Results 1 NV5, NV10, MCA5,MCA10, MD5, MD10 were significantly different from NVb, MCAb MDb respectively. NV5 and NV10, MCA5 and MCA10 MD5 and MD10 were significantly different; 23.1% of the nasal cavity NV5 and MCA5 were smaller than NVb and MCAb. 2 ΔNV10 and ρNV10 were significantly bigger than ΔNV5, ρMCA5. 3 There was significant differences between men and women in NVb, NV5, NV10, MCAb, MCA5, MCA10, but there is no significant difference in ΔMCA5, ΔMCA10, ΔNV5, ΔNV10, ρMCA5, ρMCA10, ρNV5, ρNV10. 4 ΔNV5, ΔNV10, ρNV5 and ρNV10 were significantly correlated with age, but ΔMCA5, ΔMCA10, ρMCA5, ρMCA10 were not significantly correlated with age. Conclusion Acoustic rhinometry can be used to improve the accuracy of the ephedrine test, the results acquired at 10 minutes after using ephedrine were much better than those obtained at 5 minutes. The effect of ephedrine on nasal patency was not significantly different between men and women, and it has a decreasing trend with age.

    Reconstruction of the skull base defect with lower trapezius musculocutaneous flap
    LI Ping-dong;FANG Ju-gao;YU Zhen-kun;LIAN Meng;MA Hong-zhi;CHEN Xiao-hong;HUANG Zhi-gang;QIU E;FU Ji-di
    2011, 32(6):  750-753.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.06.008
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    Objective To observe the clinical outcomes of the reconstruction of the skull base defect with the lower trapezius musculocutaneous flap. Methods Eleven patients with skull base tumors, including 9 males and 2 females, were enrolled into this study. Among them, nine patients had malignant tumors and 2 had benign ones. The reconstructions were performed in the same stage while the tumors were resected. Results The first-stage healing was found in 7 patients. Second-stage healing occurred in 4 patients, among whom 3 patients had skin necrosis in distant part of the flaps and 1 wound dehiscence. All patients had satisfied functional results. The 1-year survival rate was 100% and 2-year survival rate was 67%. Conclusion The lower trapezius musculocutaneous flap is a useful local pedal flap in skull base reconstruction. The functional results were satisfying.
    Relevance between the expression of PCNA, neuregulin-1 and erbB-2 and biological behavior of acoustic neuroma
    FENG Juan-juan;XIA Yin
    2011, 32(6):  754-758.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.06.009
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    Objective To examin the relationship between the expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen(PCNA), neuregulin-1 and its receptor erbB-2 in acoustic neuroma and the growth characteristics of the tumor. Methods The clinical information of 27 patients with acoustic neuroma were reviewed retrospectively. Paraffin embedded acoustic neuroma samples confirmed by pathology from the 27 patients were included in the study. The expression of PCNA, neuregulin-1 and erbB-2 in acoustic neuroma was determined by immunohistochemistry. Results In all the 27 cases, the positive rate of PCNA was 92.7%(25/27) and the positive rate of neuregulin-1 was 81.4%(22/27). ErbB-2 expressed in none of the cases. There was no significant relationship between the expression of PCNA with gender, age, the side and size of the tumors, but there was significant difference between the expression of PCNA with the course(F=5.011, P=0.015) and clinical growth rate(t=-3.360, P=0.003) of the disease. There was no significant relationship between the expression of neuregulin-1 with gender, age, the side, size and course of the tumors. Although the expression of neuregulin-1 in the tumors of course less than 1 year was higher than that of the course more than 1 year, but the difference was not statistically significant. The expression of neuregulin-1 in the tumors of clinical growth rate less than 10 mm/year was lower than that in the tumors with the clinical growth rate more than 10 mm/year, the difference was not statistically significant. The expression of neuregulin-1 and PCNA had positive correlation(r=0.425, P=0.027). Conclusion PCNA is related with the growth of acoustic neuroma, and reflects proliferation activities of tumor cells in acoustic neuroma. Neuregulin-1 might participate in the biological behavior of acoustic neuroma. As the functional receptor of neuregulin-1, the expression of erbB-2 and its role in acoustic neuroma need further study in more cases. The clinical behavior of acoustic neuroma relates to tumor growth. Some characteristics of acoustic neuroma can reflect the trend of tumor
    α-Synuclein promotes neurite outgrowth of MES 23.5 dopaminergic cells
    LIU Guang-wei;LI Ying;LI Xin;LI Yao-hua;YU Shun
    2011, 32(6):  759-763.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.06.010
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    Objective To investigate the effect of α-synuclein(α-syn) on the neurite outgrowth of MES 23.5 dopaminergic cells. Methods The neurite length of MES 23.5 cells were measured at different time points after addition of recombinant human α-syn to the culture medium. Double immunofluorescent labeling was used to examine the co-localization of α-syn and β-tubulin in the cells. ELISA was applied to analyze the β-tubulin levels in the cells. Results The mean neurite length of the α-syn-treated cells was significantly longer than that of control neurons at 1 h, 4 h and 24 h after addition of α-syn. The effect of α-syn on neurite outgrowth was reversed by β-tubulin inhibitor, colchicine. α-Syn and β-tubulin were shown to colocalize in the cells, and the levels of β-tubulin was higher in the α-syn-treated cells than in control cells. Conclusion α-Syn can promote neurite outgrowth of MES23.5 dopaminergic cells possibly by its effect on tubulin synthesis and microtubule assembly.
    Genetic variants of the Pitx3 gene are not associated with late-onset sporadic Parkinson's disease in a Chinese population
    LIN Qing-ling;CAI Yan-ning;DING Hui;GU Zhu-qin;MA Jing-hong;CHEN Biao
    2011, 32(6):  764-766.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.06.011
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    Objective To investigate the relationship between polymorphism in the pitx3 gene and hereditary susceptibility of late-onset sporadic Parkinson's disease(PD). Methods Three pitx3 single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs), including rs2281983, rs4919621 and rs3758549 were examined in 509 late-onset sporadic PD patients and 494 healthy controls. Genotyping was carried out in all subjects using a ligase detection reaction(LDR). Additionally, about 10% of the samples were randomly selected, and retested by direct DNA sequencing. Results Allele and genotype frequencies did not differ between the patients and controls for all three SNPs(rs2281983, rs4919621 and rs3758549). Conclusion Three pitx3 SNPs do not contribute to the risk of developing PD in late-onset sporadic PD in this Chinese population.
    Promoter methylation analysis of seven clock genes in Parkinson's disease
    LIN Qing-ling;CAI Yan-ning;DING Hui;GU Zhu-qin;MA Jing-hong;CHEN Biao
    2011, 32(6):  767-770.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.06.012
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    Objective To investigate the relationship between polymorphism in the pitx3 gene and hereditary susceptibility of late-onset sporadic Parkinson's disease(PD). Methods Three pitx3 single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs), including rs2281983, rs4919621 and rs3758549 were examined in 509 late-onset sporadic PD patients and 494 healthy controls. Genotyping was carried out in all subjects using a ligase detection reaction(LDR). Additionally, about 10% of the samples were randomly selected, and retested by direct DNA sequencing. Results Allele and genotype frequencies did not differ between the patients and controls for all three SNPs(rs2281983, rs4919621 and rs3758549). Conclusion Three pitx3 SNPs do not contribute to the risk of developing PD in late-onset sporadic PD in this Chinese population.
    α-Synuclein promotes hydrogen peroxide-induced apoptosis of dopaminergic neuronal cells
    LI Ying;LIU Guang-wei;LI Xin;LI Yao-hua;YANG Hui;YU Shun
    2011, 32(6):  771-776.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.06.013
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    Objective To investigate the role of α-synuclein (α-syn) in hydrogen peroxide(H2O2)-induced apoptosis of dopaminergic neuronal cells. Methods α-Syn overexpression cell model was established by transient transfection of plasmids pEGFP-α-syn or pcDNA-α-syn into MES23.5 dopaminergic neuronal cells. The cells were treated with H2O2(200 μmol/L) to induce cell apoptosis. Hoechst 33258 and AO/PI fluorescent labeling were used to examine apoptosis. Mitochondrial probe Mitotracker was used to label mitochondria. Results H2O2 increased translocation of α-syn into mitochondria and nuclei and induced apoptosis of both the vector control cells and α-syn overexpression cells. More apoptotic cells were found in α-syn overexpression cells than in vector control cells(P<0.05). Conclusion α-Syn enhances H2O2-induced apoptosis of dopaminergic neuronal cells.
    Impact of depression on quality of life of Parkinson's disease and its associated factors
    MA Jing-hong;ZOU Hai-qiang;SUN Fei;AN Jing;CHEN Biao
    2011, 32(6):  777-780.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.06.014
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    Objective To investigate the prevalence of depression, its impact on quality of life of Parkinson's disease(PD) and its associated factors. Methods The detailed clinical information of 445 patients with idiopathic PD were recorded. Hamilton Depression Rating Scale(HAMD) were used to assess the severity of depression in PD patients. Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale(UPDRS) were used to evaluate the severity of PD. The Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey(SF-36) was used to assess the quality of life. The data was calculated with SPSS statistic software. Results The average score of HAMD was 7.42±6.44. Among the 445 patients, 61.2% patients had no depressive symptoms, 30.2% patients had minor depression, 6.5% had moderate depression, and 2.1% had severe depression. Depression had significantly impacted the quality of life of PD in physical functioning, role-physical, role-emotional, vitality, mental health, social functioning, bodily pain, general health, and reported health transition(P<0.001). Logistic regression analysis showed that total UPDRS scores were positively correlated with depression. Conclusion The depression in patients with PD was mainly minor depression and it had significant negative effect on quality of life in PD patients. The more severe the disease is the more likely to develop depression.
    Circadian E-boxes and surrounding CpG islands are free from methylation throughout the day
    ZUO Xiao-hong;LIU Shu;LIN Qing-ling;LI Ning;CHEN Biao;CAI Yan-ning
    2011, 32(6):  781-786.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.06.015
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    Objective To study the DNA methylation of E-boxes which may or may not be involved in the protein/DNA interacting and in the MKP1 tissue-specific expressions. To study the DNA methylation of E-boxes which may or not involved in the protein/DNA interacting and in the MKP1 tissue-specific expressions. Methods C57 BL/6J male mice were randomized into 6 groups and were sacrificed at six different time points during a 24-hour period. Liver and kidney were isolated. Genomic DNA was extracted and DNA methylation was examined using bisulfite sequencing analysis. Results All E-boxes and their surrounding CpG islands were free from methylation. The methylation status of the E-box in the MKP1 promoter in different tissues was also negative. Conclusion Our results indicated that DNA methylation does not determine distinct binding features of circadian genes and also does not regulate the tissue specific clock control of MKP1.
    Age-related changes of upper limb performance time and its association with the uptake ratio of 99mTc-TRODAT-1 in normal cynomolgus monkeys
    YUE Feng;WU Di;ZENG Si-en;YI De-qiao;ZHANG Yu;CHEN Biao
    2011, 32(6):  787-792.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.06.016
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    Objective The present study investigates age-related changes of upper limb performance time and its correlation with the aging-associated alterations of uptake ratio of 99mTc-TRODAT-1. Methods A total of 30 cynomolgus monkeys ranging from 3.5 to 15.5 years old were studied. The upper limb performance was quantitatively assessed using a modified movement assessment panel(MAP), and the function of the dopaminergic system represented by striatal dopamine transporter(DAT) uptake ratio was semi-quantatively detected using 99mTc-TRODAT-1 single-photon emission computed tomography(SPECT) imaging. Results A significant slowness of upper limb performance time was associated with aging and significantly correlated with age-related decrease in 99mTc-TRODAT-1 uptake ratio. A further partial correlational analysis independent of age indicates that aging is inclined to drive the relationship between striatal DAT levels and upper limb performance time. Conclusion Our results suggest that aging-associated dysfunction of dopaminergic function is at least an important factor underlying the age-related slowness of upper limb performance time in normal cynomolgus monkeys.
    Immunolocalization of α-synuclein in human meningiomas tissues
    WU Yang;SU Yu-jin;LI Xin;LIU Guang-wei;LI Yao-hua;YU Shun
    2011, 32(6):  793-797.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.06.017
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    Objective To investigate the localization of α-synuclein(α-syn) in human brain meningiomas tissues and its association with β-tubulin. Methods Immuohistochemistry with antibodies against α-syn was used to reveal the localizations of α-syn in normal brain and meningiomas tissues. Double immunofluorescent labeling was used to observe the co-localization of α-syn with β-tubulin. Results In normal brain tissues, α-syn was localized in presynaptic terminals and cytoplasms of the neuronal somata, which was co-localized with synaptophysin and β-tubulin, respectively. In meningiomas tissues, α-syn was observed in cytoplasms and nuclei of the tumor cells. α-Syn in tumor cells were found to be co-localized with β-tubulin. Conclusion α-Syn was localized in the cytoplasm and nucleus of the meningiomas cells, and colocalized with β-tubulin.
    Prokaryotic expression and purification of recombinant human SORL1 protein
    LI Shuang;LI Yao-hua;YE Yi-wen;LI Xin;YU Shun;YANG Hui;CHEN Biao
    2011, 32(6):  798-801.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.06.018
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    Objective To prepare the recombinant human SORL1 protein, and provide the experimental foundation for study about the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. Methods A human sorl1 cDNA fragment(5 923~6 260 bp) was amplified by PCR, and subucloned into pET-28a(+) vector. Recombinant plasmid was expressed by E.coli BL21(DE3), and the recombinant protein was purified by liquid chromatography. Results A 358 bp cDNA fragment was amplified by PCR method. Its structure between the ATG and TGA was completely consistent with the human sorl1 cDNA fragment(5 923~6 260 bp). The recombinant plasmid in E.coli BL21(DE3) was highly expressed and its expression product was mainly in the inclusion body. The purified protein on SDS-PAGE demonstrated a single band, which appeared to have a molecular weight of about 13 000. Conclusion Human sorl1 cDNA fragment was highly expressed in prokaryotic cells. The purified recombinant protein can be used to prepare antibodies.
    The interaction of nitric oxide synthase and extracellular signal regulated kinase in cardioprotection of 11,12-epoxyeicosatrienoic acid
    WANG Jue;YAN Li;ZENG Xiang-jun;WANG Hong-xia;LU Ling-qiao;ZHANG Li-ke
    2011, 32(6):  802-805.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.06.019
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    Objective To observe the effects of extracellular signal regulated kinase(ERK)1/2 inhibitor on the change of structural nitric oxide synthase(sNOS) caused by the 11,12-epoxyeicosatrienoic acid(1,2-EET) and study the mode of action of NOS and ERK in cardioprotection of 11,12-EET. Methods Myocardial ischemic/reperfusion model was produced by ligating the left anterior descending coronary artery for 60 min followed by 30 min reperfusion. The rats were divided into 4 groups: ischemia/reperfusion group(I/R); Sham group(Sham); EET and ischemia/reperfusion group(EET+I/R); EET, ischemia/reperfusion and PD098059 group(EET+I/R+PD). The heart function was evaluated by observing the maximum changes of intraventricular pressure(+dp/dt max and -dp/dt max). The activities of nitric oxide synthase of myocardium were examined by colorimetric method. Results At 30 min reperfusion, +dp/dt max and -dp/dt max decreased significantly in I/R group compared with Sham group and EET+IR group(P<0.01), and those in EET+I/R+PD group were less than those in EET+I/Rgroup(P<0.01). The activities of sNOS in IR group were lower than those in Sham group and EET+I/R group(P<0.01), and those in EET+I/R group were higher than those in EET+I/R+PD group(P<0.01). Conclusion Cardioprotective effect of 11,12-EET may be mediated by increasing the ERK then increasing the activity of sNOS.
    Hemolysis test and fit study of an implantable ventricular assist device
    WU Guang-hui;LIN Chang-yan;Chen Chen;HOU Xiao-tong;Li Hai-yang
    2011, 32(6):  806-810.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.06.020
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    Objective In this study, the stability, the hemocompatibility and the implantation possibility of a left ventricular assist device were evaluated. Methods First, the left ventricular assist device drove distilled water at room temperature for 30 days, and its stability was tested by the observation of the rotation speed and the current of the motor. Second, under the condition of 5 L/min and 100 mmHg, the in vitro hemolysis performance was evaluated with fresh sheep blood on a mock circulation loop and the standard hemolysis index NIH were measured. Finally, the implantation possibility of the blood pump were evaluated by in vivo animal test. The analog blood pump was implanted in the experimental animals' heart chamber and its implantation possibility was validated by comparing the preoperative and the postoperative chest X-ray of the experimental animals. Results Neither stuck nor leakage happened during the 30 days experiment; experimental results showed good hemolysis performance of the blood pump, the NIH value of the blood pump was(0.008±0.002)g/100 L; the blood pump did not squeeze the heart and its surrounding organs in all experimental animals, and it can be easily implanted in the heart chamber. Conclusion The results showed that the implantable ventricular assist device has good stability, hemocompatibility and implantation possibility.
    Effect of spatholobus suberectus column extract on apoptosis and mitochondrial transmembrane potential of non-small cell lung cancer A549 in vitro
    WANG Yan;LI Ping;LIN Yan;ZHAO Jing-xia;LIU Xin;HE Wei;LIANG Dai-ying;LUO Xiao-qin;WANG Xiao-min
    2011, 32(6):  811-815.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.06.021
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    Objective To investigate the effect of spatholobus suberectus column extract(SSCE) on apoptosis and mitochondrial transmembrane potential of non-small cell lung cancer A549 in vitro. Methods Cell counting kit-8 was used to investigate the effect of SSCE on the proliferation of A549, apoptotic morphological changes were observed by Annexin V-PI double-staining technique, nuclear changes were observed by Hochest33342 staining, mitochondrial changes were observed by Mitotracker red staining, and mitochondrial membrane potential was examined by JC-1 staining. Results The concentration of 40 mg/L, SSCE could suppress the proliferation of A549 cells in a dose and time-dependent manner. After cultured with SSCE for 24 h, A549 cells exhibited typical characteristics of apoptosis, such as phosphatidylserine(PS) externalization, pyknosis, dense-stained nucleus and cytoplasm, nucleus granulation, mitochondrias gathered to the nucleus and their shape changed from rod into granular form, mitochondrial membrane potential decreased. Conclusion SSCE induced apoptosis of A549 cells by changing the mitochondrial morphology and reducing the mitochondrial membrane potential.
    Effects of Gubentongluo decoction on tubulointerstitial p38MAPK expression in diabetic nephropathy rats
    LI Feng-ting;LI Meng;GENG Jian-guo
    2011, 32(6):  816-819.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.06.022
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    Objective To study the effects of Gubentongluo decoction on Tubulointerstitial p38MAPK expression in diabetic nephropathy rats. Methods The model of diabetic nephropathy rats was established by unnephrectomized and intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin(STZ). The rats were divided into six groups randomly, including normal group, model group, western medicine group, Gubentongluo decoction (high, middle, low dosage) groups. Then, the levels of blood glucose and renal function(including serum creatinine, urea nitrogen) were measured in each group of rats. HE staining was applied to observe changes in tubules. Immunohistochemistry was used to observe tubulointerstitial p38MAPK expression. Results Compared with the model group, intragastric administration of Gubentongluo decoction significantly lowered the blood glucose, serum creatinine, urea nitrogen, improved the tubular pathological changes and reduced tubulointerstitial p38MAPK expression. Conclusion Gubentongluo decoction could significantly reduce tubulointerstitial p38MAPK expression, delay the process of renal pathology in DN rats, and has a protective effect on kidney.
    Effects of chronic forced swimming on behaviors and PSD-95 contents in rat brain
    LIN Xian-hao;ZHENG Jin-chi
    2011, 32(6):  820-824.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.06.023
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    Objective To investigate the behavior effect and the contents change of PSD-95 in the rats' brain under chronic stress. Methods A pure stress(chronic forced swimming) and the MK801 intervention(injection MK801 before forced swimming) chronic stress model was established by chronic forced swimming. The PSD-95 contents in hippocampus, prefrontal and basal ganglia areas of the rats were measured by the method of Western blotting. Results At the 14th day of chronic forced swimming, the body weight gain was less in the pure stress group than the control or the MK801 intervention group, respectively. In the pure stress group, the value of sucrose consumption was less,the motionless time for forced swimming duration was longer, than the control or MK801 intervention group. The PSD-95 contents of hippocampus area, prefrontal area in pure stress group were significantly higher than that in control group and MK801 intervention group, but for the basal ganglia area there was no significant difference among the three groups. Conclusion Chronic forced swimming rat is an effective chronic stress model. Chronic forced swimming can enhance the message delivery function of the receptor-mediated NMDA within brain cells.
    Expression of pituitary tumor transforming gene, basic fibroblast growth factor and proliferating cell nuclear antigen in human pituitary adenomas: correlation with invasiveness
    LU Run-chun;JIA Gui-jun;RAN Ran;NIU Guo-dong;NI Ming;XU Zhi-qin;JIA Wang
    2011, 32(6):  825-828.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.06.024
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    Objective To evaluate the relationship between mRNA expression of pituitary tumor transforming gene(PTTG), proliferating cell nuclear antigen(PCNA), basic fibroblast growth factor(bFGF) and the aggressiveness of pituitary adenomas in 65 patients. Methods Tumor specimens from 65 patients with pathologically confirmed pituitary adenoma were selected for this study. The tumor specimens included 40 invasive adenomas and 25 non-invasive adenomas grouped according to MRI scan. The mRNA expression of PTTG, PCNA and bFGF in the pituitary adenoma tissue was assayed by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR), and a correlation analysis was performed. Results PCNA and PTTG expression was significantly higher in invasive group than in noninvasive group(P<0.05), whereas, there was no significant difference in bFGF expression between those two groups(P>0.05). The correlation analysis revealed that there was a positive correlation between bFGF and PTTG(r=0.26, P=0.038). Conclusion PTTG and PCNA are both correlated with the invasiveness of pituitary adenoma and may be a valuable biological predicting marker for invasion; PTTG expression parallels that of bFGF and they possibly have synergic effect to promote the invasiveness of pituitary adenomas.
    Isolation and identification of putative human epidermal stem cells
    MEI Xue-ling;LIAN Shi
    2011, 32(6):  829-833.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.06.025
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    Objective To isolate and identify keratinocytes enriched with putative human epidermal stem cells. Methods We isolated keratinocytes adherent to collagen type Ⅳ and normal primary keratinocytes. We stained cells with antibodies targeting α6-integrin and p63 under the same conditions and examined the expression of these proteins under a confocal microscope. Results Keratinocytes adherent to collagen type Ⅳ expressed high levels of p63 protein and α6-integrin but normal primary keratinocytes expressed low levels of p63 protein and α6-integrin(P<0.05). Conclusion These results indicate that keratinocytes adherent to collagen type Ⅳ are keratinocytes enriched with putative human epidermal stem cells.
    Effect of valaciclovir for preventing the recurrence of recurrent genital herpes
    BI Jian-jun;YANG Hui-lan;FAN Jian-yong;ZHANG ling
    2011, 32(6):  834-837.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.06.026
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    Objective To study the clinical effects of valacyclovir administered as suppressive therapy for patients with recurrent genital herpes(GH). Methods A total of 120 patients were randomly divided into four groups: patients in group 1 were treated with 400 mg aciclovir, Bid for 6 months; those in group 2 were treated with 500 mg valaciclovir, qd for 6 months; those in group 3, were treated with 500 mg valaciclovir, Bid for 3 months; and those in group 4, were treated with 500 mg valaciclovir, Bid for 3 months, and then with 500 mg valaciclovir, qd for 3 months. The patients were observed for the recurrence of GH after treatment and were followed up, and the viral load of HSV-2 DNA was monitored. Results Compared with pre-therapy, the recurrence of GH was significantly reduced in all the 4 groups, especially in group 4. Administration of 500 mg valaciclovir, Bid, could inhibit the replication of HSV-2 efficiently, and the subsequent reduced dose treatment additionally inhibited the replication of HSV-2. Conclusion Valaciclovir can not only reduce the recurrence of GH, but also efficiently inhibit replication of HSV-2.
    Correlation between HLA-typing, panel reactive antibody and posttransplant renal function in related living donor renal transplantation
    JIA Bao-xiang;MA Wei-ran;TIAN Ye
    2011, 32(6):  838-842.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.06.027
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    Objective To investigate correlation of posttransplant renal function with HLA typing and panel reactive antibody(PRA) in related living donor renal transplantation recipients. Methods Data from 336 patients who received living renal transplantation in our hospital, were analyzed. PRA, serum creatinine and urea nitrogen level were detected 1-4 years after transplantation. The donations were classified 5 groups: 1 Parents donated to sons and daughters; 2 Sons and daughters donated to parents; 3 Donation between brothers and sisters; 4 others; 5 Donation between husbands and wives. HLA-PCR-SSP kits were provided by One Lanmbda Company. PRA in recipients was detected by enzyme-linked immune absorbent assay. Results In group 1 118 recipients shared half-match HLA-A, B, DR, DQ with donors, 22 patients had more than half match; 36 recipients' renal function decreased and 8 patients PRA antibody positive post-transplantation. In group 2 12 recipients shared half-match HLA-A, B, DR, DQ with donors, 7 recipients more than half-match; 1 recipient had renal function decrease and underwent transplantation for the second time. In group 3, of 107 recipients, 18 recipients shared the same HLA-A, B, DR, DQ typing with donors, 73 recipients had more than half-match or half-match, others lower half-match or mismatch; 13 recipients renal function decreased and 3 recipients were PRA antibody positive post-transplantation. In group 4, of 92 recipients, 24 shared half-match with donors, 9 recipients were mismatched, although HLA typing matched for more than 4 antigens, 8 recipients had non-half-match, 51 recipients had 3 antigens or less match; 11 recipients had renal function decrease and 6 recipients PRA antibody positive in post-transplantation. In group 5 all the 7 recipients had HLA typing rate less 3 antigens; 2 recipients renal function decreased and PRA antibody positive post-transplantation. Conclusion The rate of matched HLA typing between the immediate family members was higher than that in other relative donation, however, the rate of completely matched HLA typing was lower between brothers and sisters. There was no correlation between HLA typing and renal allograft function in the near future, but HLA typing was relevant to donor' age. Well-matched HLA typing was correlated with low level PRA post renal transplantation.
    Lipid level and 28-days mortality among patients in urgency room
    WANG Tao;LI Chun-sheng
    2011, 32(6):  843-847.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.06.028
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    Objective To study the relationship between acute physiology and chronic health evaluation Ⅱ score(APACHE Ⅱ) and serum lipid level, and explore the ability to patients in emergency intensive care on prognosis of 28-days mortality. Methods Totally 1992 critically ill patients were selected. These patients were admitted to the urgency room in emergency department, Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, between October 2009 and October 2010 Laboratory examinations, including blood routine test, blood glucose, arterial blood gas analysis, hepatic and renal function, and lipid level, were performed. Every patients' APACHE Ⅱ score was calculated with the worse data in the beginning 24 hours. According to the 28-days mortality, all patients were divided into two groups: survival group and dead group. Results The serum TC, LDL and HDL level in dead group were significantly lower, and serum TG, TG/HDL and APACHE Ⅱ score were significantly higher than those in survival group. In critically ill patients, the APACHE Ⅱ score was positively correlated with TG and TG/HDL, and was negatively with TC, LDL and HDL. We performed the Binary logistic regression analysis and found that plasma HDL and APACHE Ⅱ were independent risk factors, which had important effect on clinical prognosis. We used receiver-operating-characteristic(ROC) analysis in both of them for the prognosis. Conclusion There were low serum lipid levels in the critically ill patients. There was correlation between APACHE Ⅱ and serum lipid level. APACHE Ⅱ score combined with serum lipid level can better predict the 28-days mortality in critically ill patients.
    Effect of oxygen inhalation during labor on delivery in parturients of Lhasa of China
    LUO Lan-rong;LI Jian
    2011, 32(6):  848-853.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.06.029
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    Objective To investigate the effect of oxygen inhalation during labor on delivery in high altitude area(Lhasa of China). Methods Forty parturients who had no obstetric complications and would have term delivery in May 2008 in Lhasa Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital were recruited as study group. Forty-nine parturients of term delivery in the same month in 2007 were taken as control group. When parturients in the study group entered the second stage of labor, they had oxygen inhalation via double nasal catheter at 2L-3L/min till fetal delivery. The data of delivery were recorded to compare with the control group. The heart rate and oxygen saturation(SO2) were also recorded before oxygen inhalation and after 10 minutes of inhalation to study the effect of oxygen inhalation on these data. Results 1 There were no significant difference in general status including age, the proportion of the tibetan ethnicity, gravida, parity, antenatal care, age of gestation, mean arterial pressure(MAP), heart beat rate(HR) and hemoglobin(Hb) between the two groups. 2 Time of the second stage was(32.51±22.8)min, the volume of postpartum hemorrhage was(211.25±95.06)mL, the ratio of lateral episiotomy was 55%(22/40), the ratio of amniotic fluid contamination was 20%(8/40) in study group. In the control group, time of the second stage was(32.27±25.98)min, the volume of postpartum hemorrhage was(248.47±107.62)mL, the ratio of lateral episiotomy 38.98%(23/59), the ratio of the amniotic fluid contamination was 35.59%(21/59). There was no significant difference in each corresponding data between the two groups. At the same time, the data of newborns including the Apgar score at 1 minute and at 5 minutes after birth, weight, length and the data of placenta including volume, length of umbilical cord,the ratio of cord around neck had no significant difference, either. 3 The HR was(77.75±9.12) beats per min after oxygen inhalation in the study group, that was significantly lower than HR before(84.29±2.3) beats per min(P=0.000). SO2 after oxygen inhalation in the study group was(96.58±1.62)%, which was significantly higher than that(93.40±3.23)% before oxygen inhalation(P=0.000). Conclusion Parturients who live in the highland for long time have already adapted to the low pressure of oxygen. Even in the second stage of labor, with the compensation of the parturient, parturient would fulfill the delivery successfully. Oxygen inhalation during the second stage of labor did not change the labor. So for normal parturient that have no sign of hypoxia, there is no need for oxygen inhalation. But it is generally believed that the lower oxygen pressure of highland give some negative influence on the heart. Oxygen inhalation can increase the supplement of oxygen for the body, and then reduce the reaction of compensation when the oxygen consumption increases. This action can protect the parturient heart in the high altitude area especially for those whose hearts have already shown some evidence of the negative influence of high altitude.
    Neuroprotective effects of triptolide and its derivatives and their mechanisms of action
    CUI Yan-qiu;LU Li;WANG Xiao-min
    2011, 32(6):  859-864.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.06.032
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    Tripterygium wilfordii hook.f. is a kind of herb in traditional Chinese medicine(TCM). Triptolide(T10) is the major active component of tripterygium extracts which possesses potent anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties. Recently, more and more evidences have indicated that T10 and its analogues(tripchlorolide and 5-hydroxytriptolide) had neuroprotective effects on various neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's disease(PD), Alzheimer's disease(AD) and multiple sclerosis(MS). Their neuroprotective mechanisms were involved in the inhibiting of microglial activation and release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, attenuating oxidative stress, suppression of excitotoxicity and Ca2+ overloading, and increasing the production of neurotrophic factors. The underlying molecular mechanisms were found to be associated with mitogen-activated protein kinases(MAPKs) and NF-κB signal pathways.
    Induction of Journal Union of Capital Medical University a union under the new actuality
    ZHANG Jian-jun;ZHANG Jun-min;WANG Xiao-min;
    2011, 32(6):  865-869.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2011.06.033
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    The Journal Union of Capital Medical University(JUCMU) was established formally in March, 2011. Here we introduced the process from its blueprint to its realization and the union's construction, aims and administration, so as to open up the thought of journal integration under the new actuality.