首都医科大学学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (4): 536-541.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2020.04.007

• 绝经与生殖内分泌 • 上一篇    下一篇


程姣姣, 阮祥燕, 杜娟, 谷牧青   

  1. 首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院内分泌科, 北京 100026
  • 收稿日期:2020-05-08 出版日期:2020-08-21 发布日期:2020-07-22
  • 通讯作者: 阮祥燕 E-mail:ruanxiangyan@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Research progress on protective effect of mesenchymal stem cells on hypoxia after human frozen-thawed ovarian tissue transplantation

Cheng Jiaojiao, Ruan Xiangyan, Du Juan, Gu Muqing   

  1. Department of Gynecological Endocrinology, Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100026, China
  • Received:2020-05-08 Online:2020-08-21 Published:2020-07-22
  • Supported by:
    This study was supported by Natural Science Foundation of Beijing (7202047),Capital's Funds for Health Improvement and Research (2020-2-2112), Beijing Municipal Administration of Hospitals' Ascent Plan (DFL20181401),Beijing Municipal Administration of Hospitals Clinical Medicine Development of Special Funding Support (XMLX201710), Medical Health Technology Innovation and Talent Training Special Fund (2017041900004, 2018042000001, 2018042000002).

摘要: 越来越多的证据证明卵巢组织冻存移植技术有效和安全,但移植后早期血管形成前的低氧期是移植卵巢组织中卵泡丢失的特别时期,因此,提高卵巢组织移植后早期卵巢组织的氧合度和血管的形成对提高移植卵巢组织的存活与卵巢功能的恢复与延长具有重要意义。本文将围绕卵巢组织移植后早期低氧期损伤、间充质干细胞的研究应用以及间充质干细胞在卵巢组织移植中的应用研究等方面进行综述。

关键词: 卵巢组织冻存, 卵巢组织移植, 间充质干细胞, 早发性卵巢功能不全, 低氧期, 新生血管生成

Abstract: Ovarian tissue cryopreservation and transplantation has been evidenced to be effective and safe. However, the hypoxia period before angiogenesis in the early stage after transplantation is a special period for the follicle loss in the transplanted ovarian tissue. Therefore, it is of great significance to improve the survival of transplanted ovarian tissue and the recovery and prolongation of ovarian function by improving the degree of oxygenation and angiogenesis in the early stage after ovarian tissue transplantation. This article reviews the early hypoxic injury after ovarian tissue transplantation and application of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in ovarian tissue transplantation.

Key words: ovarian tissue cryopreservation, ovarian tissue transplantation, mesenchymal stem cell, premature ovarian insufficiency, hypoxia, neovascularization
