Journal of Capital Medical University ›› 2001, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (3): 193-198.

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Effect of Nitric Oxide on the Cotical Neurons Apoptosis Induced by Hypoxia/ Reoxygenation and EGB Protection

Ji Fengqing1, Sun Haimei1, Yue Xu1, Guo Yanru2, Du Xiaoyu1, Guo Chongjie2, Zhao Tiande2   

  1. 1. Department of Histology and Embryology, Capital University of Medical Sciences;2. China-Japan Friendship Institute of Clinical Medical Sciences
  • Received:2001-02-26 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2001-07-15 Published:2001-07-15

Abstract: To explore the effect of extract ginkgo biloba(EGB)on the dynamic expression of nitric oxide(NO)in the neuron apoptosis following hypoxia/reoxygenation(H/R), cerebral neurons of fetal Wistar rats were primarily isolated and cultured. Apoptosis of cultured cerebral cortical neurons following H/R was detected with Tunel and Flow cytometry method. The dynamic changes of NO metabolite nitrite(NO2-)in the supernatent solution of cultured neurons were measured by fluorospectrophotometry. No content in the apoptosis of cerebral neurons of fetal Wistar rats increased at H2R0 and H18R18 respectively to the normal control group. EGB showed an inhibition function to the increase of NO. AG inhibited the increase of NO at H8R18 , but showed no effect on the NO in H2R0 group. NO plays a role in the apoptosis of neurons following H/R, and EGB has a protective function on the apoptosis . The probable mechanism of EGB protection is its inhibition of NO.

Key words: nitric oxide, hypoxia reoxygenation, neuron, apoptosis, EGB

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