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    24 October 2008, Volume 29 Issue 5
    Primary Development and Evaluation on Early Signs Inventory of Relapse/Worsen in Schizophrenia(Care Version)
    Yan Liqiong;Li Zhanjiang;Jiang Changqing;Cao Xindong;Xu Ziyan;Li Dan;Liu Haiyan
    2008, 29(5):  543-546. 
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    Objective To develop and evaluate early signs Inventory of relapse/worsen in schizophrenia(ESIS).Methods The primary version of ESISedited by interviewing family members of schizophrenics and summarizing literatures,and 200 patients' family members were measured formally and developed the formal inventory referring to the results of exploratory factor analysis.50 stable and 50 relapse/worsen patients were investigated to evaluate the validity and reliability of the inventory.Results Exploratory factor analysis reveals that drawing-out 6 factors were termed and formed a 28-question inventory,which could explain 52.306% of total variation.The correlations between item and total scale were 0.150~0.603(P<0.05).The correlations between item and subscale were 0.483~0.811(P<0.01).The score differences between stable and relapse/worsen patients except subscale 1,the total scale and another 5 subscales were significant(P<0.01).The total Cronbach α was 0.845 and the Cronbach α of each subscale was 0.590~0.779.The split-half reliability of ESISwas 0.719,while the split-half reliabilities of subscales was 0.501~0.772.The test-retest correlation of the whole scale was 0.721 and subscales' test-retest correlation coefficients were 0.484~0.900(P<0.01).Conclusion The reliability and validity of ESIS could reach the acceptable level in psychometrics,and this inventory may be used to instruct family members to identify early signs of relapse/worsen of patients.
    Six month Follow-up of Anxiety Disorders Co-morbid with Personality Disorders
    Huang Jianjun;Yang Yunping
    2008, 29(5):  547-551. 
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    Objective To get the influence of personality disorders on anxiety disorders.Methods One hundred and twenty seven out-patients with anxiety disorders were diagnosed with the structured clinical interview for diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders.4th ed(text revision)AxisⅠ(SCID-Ⅰ)and their personality disorders were assessed with the structured clinical interview for diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders.4th ed SCID-Ⅱ AxisⅡ(SCID-Ⅱ).Moreover,all patients were assessed with the self-rating anxiety scale(SAS),self-rating depression scale(SDS),and followed for half year.Results Compared to anxiety disorders only,anxiety disorders with personality disorders had more severe symptoms,severe impaired social function,higher state of anxiety,worse prognosis,lower satisfaction for treatments,lower support from the society,easier to have been prescribed more than one anti-anxiety medication,anti-depression medication or anti-psychiatric medications,and easier to visit more doctors.Conclusion The high co-morbid rate of anxiety disorders with personality disorders influence the anxiety disorders greatly,personality disorders should be given more attention and assessed sufficiently when doctors are confronted with anxiety disorders patients.
    Survey of Loneliness, Social Anxiety and Mental Healthy of Taiwan Students at a Certain Medical University in Beijing
    Gao Xinyi;Xi Yingjun;Yang Fengchi
    2008, 29(5):  552-554. 
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    Objective We explored the psychological features,including loneliness,social anxiety and mental health of the college students from Taiwan at a certain medical university to provide the foundation of psychological education.Methods Atotal of 30 students from Taiwan and 49 continent students were enrolled in the survey by clustering sample method,and then analyzed by Symptom Checklist 90 and UCLA Loneliness scale to evaluate the state of loneliness,anxiety and mental health.Results There was significant differences between continent and Taiwan students in loneliness,but no difference was found in the state of mental health and social anxiety.Conclusion Taiwan students at a certain medical university have more severe state of loneliness than that of continent students which suggests overcoming loneliness is important for the meatal state of Taiwan student.
    Controlled Study on the Quality of Life and Influence Factors in the Family Members of Schizophrenic Patients
    Li Yanhong;Jiang Changqing;Xin GangChen;Zhimin
    2008, 29(5):  555-558. 
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    Objective In order to improve the quality of life,we explored the influence factors of the family members of schizophrenic patients.Methods Fifty-five family members of schizophrenic patients and 55 normal controls were tested with the Generic Quality of Life Inventory(GQOLI),Social Support Assessment Scale(SSAS)and Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire(SCSQ).Results 1)The total score of GQOLIand physical health,mental health and social function factor scores in the observed group were significantly lower than those in the control;2)The total score of GQOLI and material life,physical health and mental health factor scores were positively correlated to the total score of SSAS;objective support,subjective support and utilization degree of social support score and social function factor score were positively correlated to the total score of SSAS and objective support score;3)The total score of GQOLI and material life,physical health,mental health and social function factor scores were positively correlated with the score of passive coping style,but they were negatively correlated with the score of negative coping style.Conclusion The family members life quality of schizophrenic patients was lower than that of the normal and significantly correlated with social support and coping style.
    L's Case
    Zhang Shufang;Li Xiaolong;Yang Yunping
    2008, 29(5):  559-563. 
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    Attachment theory focuses mainly on attachments formed between infants and their fosters.Infants who learn from the reactions of their fosters develop a type of inner working mode for themselves and others,which forms the basis of an individual's interpersonal relationship.It has significant influence for the individual's emotional and behavioral reaction.This paper took a case to demonstrate the basic concept of attachment theory and its use in understanding and directing in therapies.By this case the writer explained the relationship between attachment theory and clinical symptoms,and showed mental state,reflection and mirroring function in psychodynamic therapy.
    Can Acute Stress Disorder Predict Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
    Wang Qian;Zheng Xiaoxing;Yang Yunping
    2008, 29(5):  564-568. 
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    Post-disaster Psycho-trauma has become a hot topic in the field of clinical psychology and psychiatry.The relationship between acute stress disorder(ASD)and posttraumatic stress disorder(PTSD)has been put forward.This article gives an overview of predicting PTSDthrough ASD.The author looked into the limit of predictability to PTSDby the diagnosis of ASD,by the symptoms of ASD(dissociation,re-experience,avoidance,increased arousal),and by the cognitive model or the narrative pattern.In conclusion,the author believes there are limitations to predict PTSDby either the diagnosis or the symptoms of ASD.
    Studies on Psychological Intervention of Internet Addiction
    Zhong Xin;Tao Ran;Yang Fengchi
    2008, 29(5):  569-572. 
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    Although the internet has provided convenience to many users,it has also caused many psychological and behavioral problems for some other users.Since Ivan Goldberg,Psychiatrist of USA,studied these problems and given a full definition to "Internet Addicition Disorder",foreign and domestic psychological groups have focused on it,and have given birth to corresponding names and definitions in pathological,behavioral,or medical view.This article looks into cognition-behavior therapy of Young and R.A.Davis,and group counseling on internet addiction from foreign literature,while sums up behavioral,psychological,group counseling and "Five in One"integrated intervention of internet addiction from domestic literature.In addition,some prospects on psychological intervention of internet addiction were given for the reference to psychological intervention of internet addiction aftertime.
    Application of Relaxation Therapy in Psychological Rehabilitation of the Injured and Disabled Patients after Earthquake
    Liu Songhuai;Liang Zhifeng;Qi Changfeng;Wang Na
    2008, 29(5):  573-575. 
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    Relaxation therapy is a common method in psychological rehabilitation of the injured and disabled patients,which can release the negative emotions,such as fear and anxiety,improve the quality of sleep,decrease the pain of the injured and disabled parts of the body and build up the confidence of psychological rehabilitation in the patients.This method has a un-substitutive effects on the injured and disabled patients after the earthquake.After the practice of the psychological rehabilitation on the injured and disabled patients,the author believed that the choice of technique and procedure of the relaxation therapy should depend on the specific situation of the patients;after the patients were leaded into the relaxing state,the therapist could add the implied treatment aiming at the psychological problems of the patients.The author introduce a idiographic method of the relaxation therapy in detail which is suitable for the injured and disabled patients,including the suggestion of the implied treatment.
    Psychological Rehabilitation for the Patients with Amputation after Earthquake
    Qi Changfeng;Liu Songhuai;Liang Zhifeng;Hong Ye
    2008, 29(5):  576-579. 
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    Earthquake always engenders a great number of patients with amputation.Timely and effective psychological rehabilitation are very helpful,especially for those survivors to relieve their psychological trauma response caused by earthquake and amputation,and renew their mental health.The present article analyzes the main psychological symptoms and influencing factors of amputated patients after earthquake,and further provides some principles and strategies of psychological rehabilitation,such as how to cope with the early stress response(anxiety,depression,self-abasement,and so on),or how to deal with social communication phobia and pain fantasy.
    Kinetic Changes of TLR4 mRNA Expression TNF-α, IL-10 and Hepatocytes Apoptosis of D-galactosamine/lipopolysaccharide Induced Acute Liver Failure in Rats
    Song Chenzhao;Liu Xuhua;Chen Yu;Zhang Zhiguo;Zhang Lijie;Wang Tailing;Duan Zhongping
    2008, 29(5):  580-584. 
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    Objective To describe the kinesis changes of TLR4 mRNAexpression,serum TNF-α and heaptocyte apoptosis in lipopolysaccharide(LPS)-induced acute liver failure.Methods Acute liver failure was established by intraperitoneal injections of D-galactosamine(400 mg/kg)and lipopolysaccharide(100 ug/kg)in female Wistar rats.Mortality and survival time were recorded in10 rats.Ten rats were sacrificed at 4,8,and 12 hours after treatment.Liver function test,serum TNF-α levels,IL-10 were measured,as well liver pathology studied.The apoptosis of liver cells was detected by TUNELassay.Results 80% rats died from acute liver failure after administration of D-galactosamine/lipopolysaccharide,with mean survival time of(15.6±1.8)hours.Liver function tests were compatible with liver massive necrosis.Plasma level of TNF-α and liver cells apoptosis increased,The expression of TLR4 mRNAincreased at every time points in liver tissue,which was positively correlation with concentration of plasma TNF-α(r=0.709,P=0.000)and no correlation with IL-10.Conclusion The results showed that TLR4 were involved in inducing the generous production of TNF-α,which activating inflammatory cascade reaction and initiating liver cell apoptosis.It suggested that TLR4 would be the novel strategy to prevent the development of lipopolysaccharide-induced acute liver failure.
    Correlation of Volume-sensitivity with Potassium Channels in Ventricular Myocyte of Rats
    Shi Luping;Xu Meng;Liu Jie;Wang Jun
    2008, 29(5):  585-588. 
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    Objective Regulatory volume decrease(RVD)is an essential function for animal cells because osmotic perturbation is coupled to a variety of physiological and pathological processes,such as cell proliferation,cell differentiation,and apoptosis.In most cells,RVD is accomplished mainly by KCl efflux induced by parallel activation of K+ and Cl- channels.This investigation was aimed to observe the RVDprocess of rat ventricular myocyte and investigate the characteristics of the K+ channel which is responsible for RVD and its subtypes.Methods Whole-cell patch clamp technique was used to record volume-sensitive potassium currents of the acute isolated rat ventricular myocyte under hypotonic condition,analyze its subtypes according its electrophysiological properties.The whole cell current activation and recovery was monitored by repetitively applying(every 15)step pulses(1-s duration)from-100 to +100 mV from a holding potential of-40 mV to test potentials(in 20 mV increments).Isolated rat ventricular myocyte images(400× magnification)were acquired using a digital video-camera mounted on an inverted microscope at short intervals(1~5 min)during the entire experimental protocol for subsequent analysis.Each image was then used for computer tracing of all myocyte edges to calculate myocyte area.Cell dimensions(diameter or width and length)were monitored with two calibrated graticules(one for width and the other for length)in the microscope.Results The electrophysiological results showed that a whole-cell current could be activited by hypotonic solution,then the currents could be blocked by K+ channel blocker CsCl and ATP-sensitive K+ channel blocker glibenclamide,Ahypotonic challenge reversibly induced an increases in cell size,furthermore the RVDprocess could be inhibited by K+ channel blocker.Conclusion The results showed that rat ventricular myocyte have a RVDprocess under hypotonic condition and hypotonic challenge could activate a volume-sensitive potassium channels.The primary results indicated that RVDprocess of rat ventricular myocyte is dependent on the activation of K+ channels especially the ATP-sensitive K+ channels because of its high sensitivity to glibenclamide.
    Differential Expressions of pp60c-Src and pERK1/2 in Src/MAPK Signal Transduction Pathway of Human Pancreatic Cancer Cell Line HPAC and BxPC-3
    Kong Lu;Zhang Yuxiang;Sun Lin;Ma Huiping;He Xu;Xie Qianchi;Li Baohong
    2008, 29(5):  589-592. 
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    Objective To acquire anti tumor target drug basic research data,we investigated the difference in Src/MAPK signal transduction pathway of human pancreatic cancer cell line HPACand BxPC-3.Methods HPACand BxPC-3 were cultured in RPMI 1640 and the same cell number divided into four groups:control,TGF-α,TGF-α+PP2 and TGF-α+PD.Cells were changed to serum free medium in condition of cell adhesion and 70% confluency and cultured 48 h.Control were treated by serum free medium;TGF-α group were treated 2 h by final concretion 7nmol/L TGF-α in serum free medium;TGF-α+PP2 group were treated 20 min by final concretion 10 μmol/L PP2 and then 2 h by final concretion 7nmol/L TGF-α;TGF-α+ PDgroup were treated 20 min by final concretion 30 μmol/L PD and then 2 h by final concretion 7 nmol/L TGF-α.The expression of pp60c-Src and pERK1/2 were analyzed by Western bloting.Results The expression of pp60c-Src in cell line HPACin control significantly higher than TGF-α group,TGF-α+PDgroup(P<0.05)and TGF-α+PP2 group(P<0.01);The expression of pERK1/2 in HPACin TGF-α group were significantly higher than that of control and TGF-α+PDgroup(P<0.01),but no significantly difference to that of TGF-α+PP2group(P>0.05).pp60c-Src expression of TGF-α group in BxPC-3 were significantly higher than that of control(P<0.05),and that of TGF-α+ PP2 group(P<0.01),but not significantly different to that of TGF-α+PDgroup(P>0.05);The expression of pERK1/2 of TGF-α group in BxPC-3 were significantly higher than that of control,TGF-α+PDgroup and TGF-α+PP2 group(P<0.01).Conclusion There were some difference in Src/MAPK signal transduction pathway between human pancreatic cancer cell line HPAC and BxPC-3.We supposed c-src is key signal molecular in activation of Ras/Raf/MAPK pathway in human pancreatic cancer cell line BxPC-3.The mechanism of c-src in human pancreatic cancer cell line HPAC should advanced explored.
    Establishment of Animal Model of Human Cervical Cancer in BALB/c Nude Mice by Tumor Tissue Xenograft
    Zhang Kaiju;Zhao Yanzhong;Shang Hongwei;Kong Lu;Zhang Yuxiang
    2008, 29(5):  593-596. 
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    Objective To establish the human cervical cancer animal model through abdominal subcutaneous transplantation in BALB/c nude mice and investigate the rate of tumor-forming and the biological features of the tumor.Methods Human cervical cancer tissue derived from surgical specimens were transplanted into the subcutis of nude mice.The rate of tumor transplantation,generic characteristic,tumor growth of bearing cancer mice were observed every day.On day 85 the tumor-bearing mice were killed and tumor masses were collected for analysis of histological features.Genomic DNAof tumor tissue,peripheral blood,liver,spleen,kidney,omentum,and uterus annex of tumor-bearing BALB/c nude mice were extracted,and then using all organs' genomic DNAas templates,we detected the HPV DNAexpression with polymerase chain reaction(PCR).Results In this experiment,the delitescence period of tumor-forming were 30~35 days.On day 42 the tumor tubercles were visible and grew fast day by day.The average tumor-take rate was 90.5%,and the mean tumor surface areas was(50.0±5.1)mm2 on day 80.The transplanted tumors grew well by local invasion.Metastasis was not found.The tumors were analyzed by HEstaining,and the histological appearance of the tumors before and after transplantation were very similar.The positive rate of HPV DNAin the tumor tissue was 100%.The appearance of HPV DNAbefore and after transplantation was the same.The PCRresults definitely displayed the subtype of high-risk human papillomavirus,which suggested cervical cancer patient's HPV16 infection,not HPV18 infection.But HPV DNAwas not detectable in peripheral blood,the spleen,the liver,the kidney,the omentum,and the uterus annex of tumor-bearing BALB/c nude mice.Conclusion Human cervical cancer model in nude mice has been successfully established which simulates the biological features of human cervical cancer.The animal model of human cervical cancer in BALB/c nude mice exhibit a high rate of tumor transplantation,and which may provide a convenient and ideal tool for the research of the mechanism and therapy of human cervical cancer.
    Detection of the Signal from the Mouse Y Chromosome in Situ Hybridization with Direct Tyramine Signal Amplification
    Zhao Chunli;Zou Xifeng;Cai Qing;Gao Erjing;Liu Yujun;Zhao Huanying;Zhang Jinlu;Xu Qunyuan
    2008, 29(5):  597-600. 
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    Objective To enhance the sensitivity of detecting the signal from mouse Ychromosome fluorescence in situ hybridization of brain slices direct tyramine signal amplification method was applied.Methods The RNA probe was labeled with pY353/B,a repeat sequence of mouse Ychromosome.Compared with the female mice,the brain tissue sections of the male mice were in situ hybridized with the RNAprobe,its fluorescence signal was detected with direct tyramine signal amplification method and "three antibodies method" respectively.The sensitivity of the detection Ychromosome positive cells was calculated as the percentage of the Ychromosome positive cell nuclei to that of all nuclei.The difference of sensitivity between the direct tyramine signal amplification and "three antibodies method" was compared and analyzed with statistic methods.Results The sensitivity and specificity of "three antibodies method" for detection of Ychromosome signal in brain tissue is 85.67% and 100%,respectively;the sensitivity and specificity of direct tyramine signal amplification method for detection of Ychromosome signal in brain tissue is 92.82% and 100%,respectively.Conclusion Compared with the "three antibodies method",the sensitivity for detection of the signal of Ychromosome fluorescence in situ hybridization in brain tissue sections of mice was enhanced significantly by the direct tyramine signal amplification method.This technique can be used in the tracing and analysis of the migration of bone marrow stem cells in the brain.
    Determination of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6-penta-O-galloyl-D-glucose in Radix Paeoniae Alba and Radix Paeoniae Rubra with HPLC
    Yin Zhishuang;Zhao Wenhua;Song Xueying;Kong Lingjiang;Wang Qiao
    2008, 29(5):  601-604. 
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    Objective In recent reports,it has been indicated that 1,2,3,4,6-penta-O-galloyl-D-glucose(PGG)in Chinese herbal medicines is a natural active component which exhibited distinct anticancer,antidiabete and anti-obesity activities.Arapid,sensitive and reliable method using high-performance liquid chromatography is to be developed for determination of PGGin Radix Paeoniae Alba and Radix Paeoniae Rubra.Methods PGGwas extracted with 50% ethanol from Radix Paeoniae Alba and Radix Paeoniae Rubra.For the chromatographic separation and analysis of PGG,a reversed phase Diamonsil C18 column(4.6 mm×250 mm,5 μm)was used at 25 ℃ with an isocratic mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile and 2.5% acetic acid solution(18∶82,V/V,pH=2.85).Flow rate was set at 1.0 mL/min.An ultraviolet detector was used and wavelength of detection was at 280 nm.Volume was 20 μL.Results The calibration curve for PGGwas linear over the range of 5 μg/mL~150 μg/mL(r =0.9999,n=5).PGGwas stable within 48 hours and showed good precision.The average recovery was 100.9%(RSD=3.57%,n=9).The contents of PGGin Radix Paeoniae Alba and Radix Paeoniae Rubra were 2.48 mg/g and 2.24 mg/g,respectively.Conclusion In the present work,a high-performance liquid chromatography method is developed for quantitative analysis of PGG in Radix Paeoniae Alba and Radix Paeoniae Rubra.The method is rapid,sensitive,reliable,and precise.It is applicable to determine PGGin Chinese herbal medicines.
    Effects of Streptococcal Protein on the Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Bel-7402 Cells and Human Normal Liver Cells
    Li Yanqin;Wang Yan;Cao Ning;Ping Guoling;Li Weihong;Zhang Liping
    2008, 29(5):  605-609. 
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    Objective To investigate the effects of streptococcal protein on the growth of human hepatocellular carcinoma Bel-7402 cells and healthy human Chang's liver cells.Methods The Streptococci(NO:32080 strain)were cultured conventionally.The whole streptococcal protein was extracted according to related references.The streptococcal protein components SpⅠand SpⅡ were separated by using DEAE-Sepharose Fast Flow anion exchange chromatography.Bel-7402 cells and Chang's liver cells were treated with different concentrations(10,50,100 mg/L)of the whole bacterial protein,SpⅠor SpⅡ for 24~72 h.MTTassay was used to evaluate the effects of the proteins on the proliferation of two kinds of cells.The morphological changes of the two cells were observed by 50 mg/Lwhole streptococcal protein and SpⅡ under the phase-contrast microscope.Results The growth of Bel-7402 cells was inhibited significantly in a time and dose dependent manner by the whole protein and SpⅡ,while there was no significant growth inhibition of SpⅠ.The whole streptococcal protein and SpⅡ could promote the proliferation of Chang's liver cells after the cells treated by the proteins.After treating with the whole streptococcal protein and SpⅡ,Bel-7402 cells lost the normal morphology and changed sparsely and mussily,while Chang's liver cells changed little.Conclusion The whole protein and SpⅡ of Streptococcus(NO:32080 strain)can inhibit Bel-7402 cell proliferation and stimulate the growth of human normal liver cells in vitro.
    Studies on the Inhibition of siRNA Expression Vector Mediated skp2 Expression in Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells
    Ren Jinshuai;Li Shuang;Song Maomin
    2008, 29(5):  610-614. 
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    Objective To construct a series of eukaryotic expression vector which can transcript shRNAagainst human skp2 gene and investigate the inhibitory effect of siRNAon skp2 expression in pancreatic caner cell line Capan-2.Methods Three pairs of hairpin-like oligonucleotides specific for human skp2 gene were designed and synthesized.The annealed oligonucleotides designed contain 5'-BamH Iand 3'-EcoR Ⅰ overhangs.Then they could be ligated into the eukaryotic expression RNAi-Ready pSIREN-RetroQvector.The recombined plasmids were verified by digestion with restriction endonuclease.Results The shRNAsequences were successfully inserted into the eukaryotic expression vector pSIREN-RetroQ.The sequence-specific siRNAefficiently down regulated the SKP2 expression at both mRNAand protein levels.The inhibition rate was 64.16% at mRNA level and 60.26% at protein level,respectively.Conclusion Three siRNA expression vectors were successfully constructed.The siRNAplasmid expression vectors against SKP2 can inhibit the SKP2 expression in Capan-2 cells efficiently.RNAi-mediated gene silencing of SKP2 can be a novel modality in gene therapy of pancreatic cancer.
    Studies on the Immunogenicity of Small Intestinal Submucosa as a Scaffold for Tissue Engineering
    Li HuaZhang;Fenglan;Feng Yongtang
    2008, 29(5):  615-618. 
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    Objective To study the immunogenicity of the small intestinal submucosa(SIS)and explore its feasibility as a scaffold for tissue engineering.Methods Healthy New Zealand rabbits were subjected to the study.Under general anesthesia,the SISwhich has been prepared into a size as 10 mm×4 mm×3 mm were implanted into the sacro-spine muscle in terms of sterility.The condition of the same rabbits before operation was designed as own control.The vein blood were gained from the rabbits oto-fringe vein after the operation of 1,4 and 8 weeks,and the dynamic changing of CD4+ and CD8+ cell in peripheral blood were detected by flow cytometry.Then the immunity talkback of rabbits responded to the implanted SISwere observed.Results The results of immunology showed that the CD4+ and CD8+ cells of peripheral blood rised after implanting the de-antigene SISto the rabbits,and reach the peak after one week.The percent of CD4+ and CD8+ cells were significantly different from those of before implanting(P<0.05),and then fall to the least after four weeks.There was no significant difference between them and those of before operation.On the contrary,the group of the fresh SISindicated that the percent of CD4+ and CD8+ cells were step up continually.Between the two groups,the difference was significant(P<0.05).Conclusion The T-cell responses of different subsets following SISengrafts demonstrated only mild immunogenicities,which suggests an encouraging potential of SISas a scaffold for tissue engineering.
    Changes in mRNA Expression of Estrogen Receptor Isoform α, β and Insulin-like Growth Factor- I in Uterine Leiomyoma
    Zhao Ying;Zhang Weiyuan;Jia Hongmei;Chen Wei
    2008, 29(5):  619-621. 
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    Objective Expressions of estrogen receptor α(ERα),β(ERβ)and insulin-like growth factor-Ⅰ(IGF-Ⅰ)were observed to elucidate their roles in the pathogenesis of leiomyoma.Methods Twenty one leiomyomal and six paired myometrial tissues from patients at the proliferative phase were included in the study.The mRNAlevels of ERα,ERβ and IGF-1 mRNA in leiomyoma and adjacent myometrium were determined by quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction.Results All tissues showed a higher ERα expression level.The correlation between ERα mRNA and IGF-Ⅰ mRNA levels was significant(r=0.527,P=0.014).The correlation between ERβ mRNA and IGF-1mRNA levels was also positive,but the statics was not significant.In six paired leiomyoma and myometrium,the levels of ERα and ERβ mRNA exhibited no difference,but IGF-Ⅰ mRNA levels elavated significantly in leiomyoma when compared with paired myometrium(P<0.05).Conclusion The expression of IGF-Ⅰ mRNA increases in leiomyoma,and ERα mRNA is positively correlated with IGF-Ⅰ mRNA which implies that estrogen unregulate the IGF-Igene through ERα in leiomyoma.
    Choroidal Neovascularization Mouse Model Induced by Argon Laser
    Li Mingming;Wang Kang;Liu Xuan
    2008, 29(5):  622-625. 
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    Objective To evaluate the feasibility of inducing choroidal neovascularization(CNV)in C57BL/6Jmice by argon laser.Methods Twenty-eight C57BL/6Jmice were divided into 7 groups.In each group,the mice receieved retinal photocoagulation by argon laser in both eyes,at 2 hours,3,7,10,14,28 and 60 days after photocoagulation,the formation and nature process of CNVwere observed by fundus fluorescein angiography(FFA),and lightmicroscopy(LM).Results FFAand LMdemonstrated that CNVbegan to form at the seventh day after photocoagulation,increased at the tenth day,reached the peak at the twenty-eighth day and kept stable until sixty day.Conclusion Argon Laser can successfully induce CNVin C57BL/6Jmice,and it is an ideal animal model for further study.
    Susceptibility Surveillance of Gram-positive Bacteria to Antibiotics Among Children in China: A Study in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chongqing during the Period of 2000-2006
    Wang Ling;Shen Xuzhuang;Lu Quan;Wang Yi;Zeng Qiyi;Chen Yuan;Wan Chuanqing;Deng Qiulian;Liu Lan;Zhen Jinghui;Zhang Hong;Yang Yonghong
    2008, 29(5):  626-631. 
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    Objective To obtain a better insight of the drug-resistance rate of gram-positive cocci isolated from patients of 5 pediatric hospitals located in different areas of China.Methods From Jan 1st 2000 to Dec 31st 2006,a total of four type pathogenic strains were isolated from 5 pediatric hospitals which are Beijing Children's Hospital,Children's Hospital of Fudan University,Shanghai Children's Hospital,Guangzhou Children's Hospital and Chongqing Children's Hospital with both hospital acquired infection(HAI)and community acquired infection(CAI),and the number of the strains is 8215.The all 12063 strains were tested using Kirby-Bauer method.According to the criteria of guidelines of NCCLSof each year from 2000 to 2006,the R% were calculated to show the resistance and intermediate,and the S% for susceptible rate of bacteria to the compound tested.We chose Penicillin,Oxacillin,Amoxicillin and Clavulanat,Clindamycin,Cefuroxime,Ceftriaxone,Erythromycin,Compound Sulfamethoxazole and Vancomycin for testing S.aureus;Penicillin,Erythromycin,Clindamycin,Vancomycin,Ofloxacin and Compound Sulfamethoxazole for testing S.pneumoniae;Penicillin,Erythromycin,Clindamycin,Vancomycin and Ofloxacin for testing Group Astreptococci;Ampicillin,Streptomycin(highconcentration),Gentamycin(high concentration,Ciprofloxacin,Vancomycin,Teicoplanin,Erythromycin and Rifampicin for testing Enterococcus.Results Among a total of 4781 strains of S.aureus,the detectable rates of methicilin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA)were6.87%,and the rate of resistance to erythromycin was 66.39% while the rate was rising.The rate of MRSA from two hospitals in Shanghai were higher than the others.All S.aureus isolates were susceptible to vancomycin;4781 strains of S.pneumoniae were isolated.The rate of penicillin unsusceptible Streptococcus pneumoniae(PRSP)was 68.64%,and the rate of resistance to erythromycin was 90.80% while the rate of both were going up;The total strains of 1301 Group Astreptococci were all susceptible to penicillin,with the rate of resistance to erythromycin was 80.94% which was rising by year,and we can see that rate of erythromycin-resistant were various from 100% to 52.08% by area;3.11% of all 1377 isolated Enterococcus strains were found intermediate to vancomycin,and the rate of ampicillin resistance was 48.03%.The rate of resistance to erythromycin was 86.47%.Conclusion Except Group Astreptococci,G+ coccus have a high resistance rate to penicillin;almost all G+ coccus were susceptible to vancomycin and teicomycin,but resistant to erythromycin with a trend of rising.MRSAwas low in rate,and we haven't find VRSA and VISA.But there was 3.11% of Enterococcus intermediate to vancomycin.So we should pay more attention to it.Antimicrobial resistant coccus of pediatric has already become a serious problem in China.Ongoing surveillance study on the antimicrobial resistance of gram-positive coccus is necessary for appropriate antimicrobial use in pediatric clinical work.
    Effect of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Treatment on the Rise of Morning Blood Pressure in the Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Hypopnea Syndrome
    Liu Song;Liu Li;Zhang Ning;Li Ping;Xu Linghua;He Zhengyi
    2008, 29(5):  632-635. 
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    Objective To investigate the effect of continuous positive airway pressure(CPAP)treatment on the rise of morning blood pressure in the patients with obstructive sleep apnea and hypopnea syndrome(OSAHS).Methods 105 patients with OSAHSdiagnosed by polysomnography(PSG)were enrolled the study.49 patients were treated with CPAP(CPAPgroup,and the other patients(56 cases)were treated without CPAP(control).The clinical characteristics and PSGdata of all patients were documented,which included age,body height,body weight,neck circumference,abdominal circumference,the family history of hypertension,respiratory disturbance index(RDI),the minimum oxygen saturation(SpO2)during sleep,percentage of recording time with oxygen saturation of 90% or less(SAT<90),and the longest apnea time.Blood pressure(BP)was recorded in the evening before the sleep and wakefulness from sleep.The definition of morning BPrise is that the patient's morning systolic BP(SBP)or diastolic BP(DBP)was 10 mmHg higher than that of the evening SBPor DBPrespectively.The above data of CPAPgroup were compared with that of the control.After 4~5 weeks' treatment,the above data before and after the treatment were compared and analyzed in CPAP and controls,respectively.Results There is no significant difference between the CPAPand control in clinical information,the morning blood pressure and the PSGresults(P>0.05)before the treatment.After the CPAPtreatment,the morning blood pressure decreased,the percentage of the patients with the rise of morning blood pressure reduced,and the PSGparameters changed for the better in the CPAP group(P<0.05).However,the above parameters after the treatment show no significant difference compared with that before the treatment in control(P>0.05,respectively).Conclusion CPAPtreatment can lower morning BP,and improve PSGparameters in patients with OSAHS.
    Studies on Risk Factors and Prognoses in Female Patients Less than 60 Years of Age with Acute Myocardial Infarction
    Fu Hao;Hua Qi;Zhao Yusheng
    2008, 29(5):  636-639. 
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    Objective To analyze the risk factors and prognoses of female patients less than 60 years of age with acute myocardial infarction(AMI).Methods 75 female patients less than 60 years of age with AMIwere compared with 440 male patients at the state about smoking,hypertension,hyperlipemia,diabetes,occupations,body mass index(BMI),complications and mortality in hospital.Results The morbidity of hyperlipemia and the ratios of smoking and mental labors in female patients were significantly lower than in male patients(P<0.05,P<0.001,P<0.001,respectively);the morbidity of hypertension and the ratios of physic labors in female patients were significantly higher than in male patients(P<0.001,all);the morbidity of diabetes and BMIwere similar in both sexs.The incidence of complications in female patients was significantly higher than in male patients(P<0.05),the mortality in hospital was similar in both sexs.The incidence of complications was similar in both sex,after excluding other confounding factors.Conclusion Compared with male patients,there were less hyperlipemia;less mental labors,more physic labors;more hypertension in female patients younger than 60 years-old with AMI.The prognoses were similar in both sex.
    Studies on Clinical Characteristics in Patients Endobronchial Tuberculosis and Pulmonary Tuberculosis
    Hou Huiling;Wei Bing;Bi Junying;Yuan Jing;Nie Xiuhong
    2008, 29(5):  640-642. 
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    Objective To summarize clinical feature of endobronchial tuberculosis and improve the diagnosis.Methods To compare age,gender,clinical symptoms,chest X-ray,and smear of sputum were searched for acid-fast bacilli in 36 cases with endobronchial tuberculosis and in 30 cases with pulmonary tuberculosis.The data were analyzed by Chi square.Results The onset age exceed sixty years old and no significant difference were found in the two groups.Female were often with endobronchial tuberculosis.Main symptoms of endobronchial tuberculosis were cough,fever and chest distress.Chest X-ray shadow characteristic were lamellar more than patching.Chest X-ray of 22.2%(8/36)were normal.Focus of infected were in right lung more than left lung.Acid-fast bacilli were all negative in smear of sputum,but bronchial washings were all positive.Pulmonary tuberculosis had often hemoptysis and chest X-ray showed shadow of patching.Focus of infected were in left lung more than right lung.Acid-fast bacilli were all positive in smear of sputum.Bronchoscopy showed the rate of inflammatory filtration at 38.9%(14/36),cheesy necrosis at 33.3%(12/36),cicatricial constriction at 19.4%(7/36)and granulation hyperplasy at 8.3%(3/36).Conclusion Endobronchial tuberculosis is predilection in female.Chest X-ray are no specific change as well as 22.2% are normal.Focus of infected are in right lung more than left lung.Under bronchoscope,the main changes are inflammatory infiltration and cheesy necrosis.Bronchoscopy is best diagnostic method.
    Experiences on the Surgical Treatment to 85 Cases with Gunshot Wounds in Limbs at the Early Stage
    Fu Lixin;Liu Limin;Oumar Cherif
    2008, 29(5):  643-645. 
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    Objective To summarize the experiences on surgical treatment to 85 cases with gunshot wounds in limbs.Methods Early wounds cleaning,draining and antibiotic application,and the suitable fixing for the incorporated fracture were applied.In addition,15 of 20 cases with tangent wounds were sutured at the early stage.Results In the 85 cases with gunshot wounds,the infection ratio reached at 23.5%,while the number of the infection of the tangent wounds were 8 cases.Conclusion In the early treatment of gunshot wounds in limbs,it demands great attention to the wounds decompression,sufficient draining,and the impacts of the environmental elements.
    Comparative Studies on Gentamicin and Compound Betamethasone for the Treatment of Primary Trigeminal Neuralgia
    Wang Gang;Wang Baoguo
    2008, 29(5):  646-649. 
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    Objective To compare the therapeutic effects and adverse events of gentamicin and betamethasone on primary trigeminal neuralgia.Methods Forty patients with primary trigeminal neuralgia were allocated into two groups to receive a peripheral nerve block with lidocaine combined with gentamicin or betamethasone,respectively,once a week for 5 weeks.Their pain intensity were assessed using visual analogue scale(VAS)before treatment and once a week just prior to every treat.We continued to make such assessments every month until 3 months after treatment.Their pain relief rate and the occurrence of adverse events were also evaluated.Results The VASvalue of patients in gentamicin group and betamethasone group decreased significantly after treatment.Compared with the betamethasone the decreases in VASvalue induced by gentamicin were lower during the first 2 weeks,but there were no significant differences between these two groups at other observing points.In addition,no severe adverse events was observed in patients with either drug at the dosage we used.Conclusion Gentamicin is the optimal choice for patients with primary trigeminal neuralgia cases that can not be treated by corticosteroids.
    Analysis on Subsequent of 25 Cases with Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia, Microinvasive Carcinoma after Cold-knife Conization
    Yang Baojun;Liu Hui;Feng Limin;Xing Fengling;Wang Enjie
    2008, 29(5):  650-652. 
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    Objective To investigate the factors of residual lesions after cold-knife conization(CKC)with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia Ⅲ(CINⅢ),microinvasive carcinoma.Methods 25 cases who had been treated by CKCdue to CINⅢ,microinvasive carcinoma underwent subsequent hysterectomy from October 2001 to December 2007.The pathologic study that carried out on cone-specimens analysis the relationship between endocervical margin status,multiple-quadrant disease,glandular involvement,stroma microinvasive and residual disease in the post-cone hysterectomy specimens.Results 17 out of 25 cases(68%)were diagnosed with no residual lesions after repeated operation.Eight cases(32%)had lesions lower than that of conization.All of five cases with microinvasive carcinoma had degraded residual disease.Three of 20 cases with CINⅢ had degraded residual lesions.No significant difference existed between endocervical margin status,glandular involvement,multiple-quadrant disease and residual disease in the post-cone hysterectomy specimens(P>0.05).Patients with the presence of any two or more of the risk factors mentioned above,especially stroma microinvasive,should be considered as a high-risk group for having disease persistence after conization.Conclusion Patients with microinvasive carcinoma or CIN Ⅲ after conization could be given further individual treatment.
    A Clinical Analysis of Intraocular Lens Explantation in 40 Cases
    Feng Xing;Shi Yuying
    2008, 29(5):  653-655. 
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    Objective To evaluate the indications,lens styles,removal methods and results of intraocular lens(IOL)explantation or exchange in the authors department from 1st,July,2005 to 30th,April,2008.Methods The retrospective analysis comprised 39 patients(40 eyes).The mean age was 30 years old.40 IOLs were explanted,34 IOLs in posterior chamber and 6 IOLs in anterior chamber.The anterior-road technique of explantation was used.After the IOLoptic was freed from the capsular bag,it was cut into 2 or 3 pieces through a small incision.38 eyes were through clear corneal incision,and 2 eyes were through sclera tunnel incision.Of the 40 eyes,34 eyes were implanted with new intraocular lens in the same operation.One IOL was implanted into anterior chamber,29 IOLs were into posterior chamber,and 4 IOLs were sutured in ciliary sulcus.Results Indications for IOL removal were malposition of the IOL in 22 eyes,uveitis in 9 eyes,postoperative refractive error in 4 eyes,secondary glaucoma in anterior chamber IOL in 2 eyes,endothelial cell loss in anterior chamber IOL in 2 eyes,and opacification of the IOL in 1 eye.The intraocular lens of 40 eyes were explanted successfully.There was no serious postoperative complications happened.The postoperative corrected visual acuity improved after one month in 26 eyes.Conclusion The most frequent indications for IOLexplantation/exchange were IOLmalposition,uveitis and postoperative refractive error.Intraocular lens explantation in time will lead to better outcome.Final visual results have been largely good.Most cases can get better vision by implanting new intraocular lens.
    Research Progress of Dental Pulp Stem Cells
    Ding Gang;Liu Yi;Wang Songling
    2008, 29(5):  660-663. 
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    Dental pulp stem cells(DPSCs)are a kind of adult stem cells in the dental pulp and possess high proliferation rate,self-renewal capability and multi-lineage differentiation capability,which play an important role in dental pulp repair and tooth regeneration.Recently,there are plenty of studies about culture,cell phenotype and function of DPSCs.The research progress of DPSCs is reviewed in this paper.
    Role of Oxidative Stress in Manganese-induced Neurotoxicity
    Zhang Jie;Li Jie;Wu Ping
    2008, 29(5):  664-667. 
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    Long term exposure to manganese may induce extracorticospinal tract damage in nervous system causing Parkinson-like disease.Though the mechanism of the manganese-induced neurotoxicity is not clear,studies show that it might be associated with the oxidative stress status in vivo.This article is a review on several up-to-date researches concerning manganese-induced mitochondria damage,impacts on dopaminergic neurons and effects in Ca2+,Fe2+ion metabolism.