Journal of Capital Medical University ›› 2004, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (1): 74-77.

• 论著·临床研究 • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Relationship between Left Ventricular Diastolic Function and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy and their Changing with Ages in Essential Hypertensive Patients

Ma Xiangtao, Hua Qi   

  1. Department of Cardiovascular, Xuanwu Hospital, Affiliate of Ca pital University of Medical Sciences
  • Received:2003-04-12 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2004-01-15 Published:2004-01-15

Abstract: The objective was to study the relationship between left ventricular diastolic f unction and left ventricular hypertrophy and their changing with ages in essential hyper tensive patients. Randomly, 3 024 outpatients of hypertension and healthy people were enrolled in Feb 1995 to Jul 2002, including 2 groups from 10 to 80 years old, and als o 481 patients with essential hypertension in three grades were enrolled, includ ing m en and women. Tissue Doppler imaging, and color M-mode echocardiogra phy were used to measure IVST(interventricular septal thickness), and PWT(left v e ntricular posterior wall thickness) and E/A. Compared with control group, E/A w as significantly lower, IVST and PWT were significantly higher(P<0.01). E/A and IVST of the two groups had the same instant changes with ages, and IVST wa s significantly, positively and partially correlated to E/A(P<0.01). In h ypert ension with three degrades, IVST and PWT of men's were significantly higher than that of women. In grade-one hypertension, E/A of women was significantly low er than that of men(P<0.05). The study shows that left ventricular diastoli c function decreases with the increase of ages, and it is positively and partial ly correlated to left ventricular hypertrophy. It is also effected by gender.

Key words: hypertension, left ventricular diastol ic function, left ventricular hypertrophy, interventricular septal thick ness(IVST), left ventricular posterior wall thickness(LVPWT)

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