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    15 January 2004, Volume 25 Issue 1
    Effects of Manganese withdifferent Valence on Lipid Peroxidation in 18-Month-Old Rats
    Chu Jinhua;Geng Rong;Zhang Shuhua;Liu Di;Xuan Dengfeng;Zhao Feng;Zhang Jie;Li Guojun
    2004, 25(1):  1-3. 
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    The aim was to u nderstand the effects of manganese with different valence on the status lipid pe roxidation and antioxidation in rats. Methods: mice were treated with MnCl2 or C6H9O6 Mn·2H2O or sterile saline by intraoeritioneal injection for one month, then the concentration of MDA and the activity of SOD in brain, liver and heart were determined. In the rat's brain treated with the two different manganese, the concentration of MDA increased with the decrease of SOD, contras ted with those treated with sterile saline. In liver, to those samp les treated with MnCl2, the concentration of MDA and the activity of the SOD i ncreased and decreased respectively, contrasted with the other two groups. In he art, however, no difference was fond in three groups. The results show that the toxicity of manganese with different valence on the old rat's different organizes are vari ous.
    Regulation of Oxygen Freeradical in RatCerebrum with Chinese Herbs, Suifukang
    Huang Changsheng;Sun Congxiao;Han Fengyue;Yang Lin;Chen Yaliang;Liu Na
    2004, 25(1):  4-6. 
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    The objective was to reserch on level change of SOD and MDA after traumatic brai n injur y,and on neuro-protection mechanism of Suifukang(SFK). 42 Sprague-Daleg rat s were divided into three groups: normal control group (NG), blank control group (BG), and SFK group (SG). Cerebral contusion models were prepared by weight dr opping in BG and SG rats. The injury cerebral areas were removed, and homogenize d, on 6th h, 3rd d, and 7th d after the contusion. Levels of SOD and MDA in cere bral ho mog enate were measured. Levels of MDA and SOD were distinctly higher in BG and SG (P>0.05, between BG and SG) on 6th h after cerebral contusion. Levels of MD A and S OD were distinctly higher in BG than in SG (P< 0.05) on 3rd d after cere bral contusi on. MDA content was lower in BG than in SG on 7th d after cerebral contusion (P<0.0 5). The results show that the oxygen free radical increases after cerebra l contusion, the increase is partly inhibited by treatment with SFK.
    Change of Heart Homogenate in Mice After Acute Repetitive Hypoxia
    Wang Qiao;Song Xueying;Liu Yongli;Lü Guowei School of Basic Sciences;Capital University of Medical Sciences
    2004, 25(1):  7-8. 
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    The chromatograms of heart homogenate after acute hypoxia in mice were determine d by HPLC. A new compound was found in heart homogenate in mice after hypoxia. A nd the more the tolerant duration increased in mice, the more compounds were pro duced. It was shown the compound was correlative to hypoxia. It may be an antihy poxic factor that can enhance hypoxic tolerance in mice, but it may also be a me tabolite in mice under hypoxia.
    Effect of Streptococcal Histone-Like Protein on IL-6 Level in Murine Serum
    Zhang Liping;Jing Xuefang;Zhang Haiyan;Ping Guoling;Shen Haizhong;Li W eihong;Zhang Hongchun;Li Yuying
    2004, 25(1):  9-11. 
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    The goal was to evaluate the effect of Streptococcal HlpA on IL-6 level in muri ne serum. Serum levels of IL-6 production were measured by means of 7TD1 IL-6 dependent cell line. The IL-6 levels in murine serum induced with Streptococcal HlpA were time and concentration dependent in vivo. There was a synergistic res ponse on the IL-6 level in murine serum induced by the mixture of HlpA and LTA, compared to HlpA alone. On the contrary, anti-HlpA and heparin could restrain serum levels of IL-6 production induced by intravenous injection o f HlpA. It means that Streptococcal HlpA can increase serum levels of IL-6 pr oduction induced by intravenous injection of HlpA. There was significant synergi sm on it in mice vivo after HlpA and LTA were injected together.
    Electrophysiological Changes of WDR Neurons in Spinal Cord Above Injury Plane in Rats with Chronic Central Pain Following Spinal Cord Injury
    Zhao Xiaodong;Zheng Hongrong;Zhao Feng;Xong Kaiyu
    2004, 25(1):  12-14. 
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    To investigate the mechanism of chronic central pain(CCP) after spinal cord inju ry(SCI), the model of CCP was made by weight dropping, then recording the evoked potential of wide dynamic rang (WDR)neurons in spinal cord above the lesion plan e. Compared with the normal rats, the number of early discharges of stimulation -evoked responses significantly decreased. As to the late discharges of stimula tion-evoked responses, respectively the threshold decreased, the latent per iod was shortened, the frequency and the number increased significantly compared with the normal rats. The result suggests that the high excitability of WD R neurons in center above the injury plane may be the reason of CCP after SCI.
    New Culture Method for Primordial Germ Cell——Application of Sert oli Cells
    Lu Xin;Xu Qing;Liang Yuanjing;Shi Xiaolin
    2004, 25(1):  15-18. 
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    The aim was to investigate the effects of sertoli cells (SCs) on the growth an d proliferatio n of primordial germ cells (PGCs). Primordial germ cells were co-cultured with homologue fibroblasts from genital ridge or with sertoli cells. Result: When co -cultured with SCs, PGCs colonies and times of passage were greater than those co-cultured with homologue fibroblasts. Conclusion: Sertoli cells can enhance p rimordial germ cells' proliferation in cell culture.
    HBO Treatment on Neuron-specific Enolase in Rats with Transient Global Brain Ischemia
    Liu Tianhui;Chen Rui;Tan Yanguo
    2004, 25(1):  19-22. 
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    The aim was to observe the dynamic change of neuron-specific enolase activity a fter experim ental cerebral ischemia and the effect of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) on it, and exp lore the mechanism of HBO therapy. Sprague Dawlay rats were randomly divided int o three groups: ischemia/reperfusion group (I/R), group treated by HBO (HBO) and sham operated group (Sham-O) as control. Global brain ischemia was induced usi ng a modified four-vessel occlusion model originally described by Pulsinelli an d Buchan. Blood was collected in EDTA respectively at reperfusion time of 6th h, 24th h, 48th h and 96th h after 20 min of ischemia, the NSE activity was measur ed by ELISA. The plasma NSE levels on 6th h and 96th h I/R groups were significant ly h igher than Sham-O group (P<0.05). These data suggest that plasma NSE increa sed after global ischemia/reperfusion. The increment of 6th h and 96th h presuma bly represented the acute neuronal necrosis and delayed neuronal death respectiv ely. Compared with 6th h I/R group, the NSE level on 6th h HBO group significantly de crea sed (P<0.05). There were no statistically significant differences between ot her HBO groups and corresponding I/R groups (P>0.05). These data indicate th at the recovery of NSE level in HBO group is earlier than I/R group. The optimal therapeutic window of HBO in this study is 6 h after reperfusion.
    Effects of Almond on Regulating Lipid Levels
    Wang Hui;Zhang Shuhua;Guo Aimin;Liu Zheng;Zhang Jinnan
    2004, 25(1):  23-25. 
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    The aim was to study the regulating effects of almonds on lipid levels. The rats with hyperlipemia were fed on almond of three different dosages respectively ev eryday. After 28 d, the level of TC, TG and LDL-C were measured. Result showed that compared with control group, TC, TG and LDL-C of different dose groups differed evidently. It is concluded that Beijing almonds have ability of regulating plasma lipid.
    Changes of Corticospinal Tract in Rats of Cirrhosis with Portacaval Shunts
    Wan Huaying;Gao Xiulai
    2004, 25(1):  26-28. 
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    The aim was to study pathological changes of corticospinal tract in rats of cirr hos is with portacaval shunts. Copper-silver degenerating fibers staining were used . The results showed that black degenerating fibers were found in posterior funi culus of spinal cord in rats of cirrhosis with portacaval shunts. So cirrhosis with portacaval shunts can cause demyelination of corticospinal tract in rats.
    Isolation and Identification of Human Fetal Hepatic Stem Cells
    Wang Xiaoping;Chen Ruifen;Song Aili;Pei Xuetao
    2004, 25(1):  29-31. 
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    The aim was to isolate and identify hepatic stem cells from human fetal liver. H uman fetal l iver cells were isolated and cultured in vitro, the specific markers of cell clo nes were detected immunocytochemically. Then, cell lines were obtained, which was stained positive for specific markers as AFP, albumin, CD34 and CK19. Concl usion could be drawn that Hepatic stem cells lie in human fetal liver which lays a better basis for further research.
    Anti-influenza Effect of Catechu Extract in Mice
    Zheng Qun;Ping Guoling;Zhao Wenming
    2004, 25(1):  32-34. 
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    The objective was to investigate the anti-influenza effect of catechu extract, w hich was tested on murine pneumonia model by influenza virus strain A/FM/1/47(H1 N1). The results showed 12.5 g/L of catechu extract had significant effect on in fluenza virus strain A/FM/1/47(H1N1) (P< 0.05). The survival time in the gro up of mice infected with influenza virus was markedly prolonged and the patholog ic changes of the murine lung was improved significantly at the concentration of 12.5 g/L, compared to the control murine group fed with ribavirin. The fin dings suggest that the catechu extract has a strong anti-influenza effect.
    Construction and Identification of pPICZα-synBPIm600 Recombinant Expression Vector
    Cong Min;Jing Xuefang;Liu Zhenlong;Sun Mingjie;An Yunqing
    2004, 25(1):  35-39. 
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    In order to express rBPIm23 recombinant bactericidal protein in Pichia pa storis, synBPIm600 expression vectors were constructed. synBPI200 bp fragment was amplified by PCR from pUC18-synBPI414 vector, then the product was diges ted by XhoI and EcoRI to obtain synBPI185 bp fragment; PBV220-BPIm600 recombinant expressing vector was digested by EcoRI and SalI to obtain BPIm420 bp fragment; the above two fragments were linked and cloned in pPICZα e xpression vector to form intact pPICZα-synBPIm600 recombinant expression vector. After E.coli TOP 10 F' was transformated by pPICZα-synBPIm600 vector, positive cloning strains were selected by low salt LB medium with Zeocin and id entificated by PCR amplication, restriction analysis by XhoI/EcoRI/SalI and DNA sequencing. The results show that intact pPICZα-synBPIm600 recombinant expression vectors are constructed successfully.
    Cloning and Expression of Inflammatory Signal TLR-4 Gene in HEK293 Cell
    Liang Feng;Hu Dayi;Wang Boyao;Chen Huaiqing
    2004, 25(1):  40-43. 
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    This study was to examine TLR-4 gene expression in HEK 293 cells. Total RNA was isolated from human umbilical vein endothelial cells(HUVECs) by using trizol re agent. The sequences coding for TLR-4 were amplified and inserted into eukaryot ic expression vector pcDNA3 at HindⅢ and BamHΙsites. The pcDNA3-TLR-4 was tran sfected into HEK 293 cells by using Dosper liposomal transfectional reagent. The expression of TLR-4 was determined on the HEK 293 cells transfected with pcDNA 3 -TLR-4 by fluorescence immunocytochemisty and flow cytometry. 2 726 bp TLR-4 cD NA fragment was amplified from HUVECs by RT-PCR. The recombinant plasmid pcDNA3 -TLR-4 was confirmed by PCR, enzyme digestion and sequencing. Both immunocytoflu orescent staining and flow cytometric analysis showed TLR-4 expression in the H EK 293 cells that was transfected with pcDNA3-TLR-4. This study shows that when tran s fected with pcDNA3-TLR-4, the HEK 293 cells express TLR-4, in order to furthr d efine its ligands and signal pathway.
    Relationship between Expression of AmpC Beta-lactamase in Enterobacter Cloacae and ampD-ampR Regulatory Gene
    Gu Yiming;Zhang Jie;Yu Yunsong;Zhou Zhihui;Du Xiaoling
    2004, 25(1):  44-48. 
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    The aim was to investigate the relationship between the expression of AmpC beta -lactamase i n Enterobacter cloacae and ampD-ampR regulatory gene. Phenotype screening test, PCR amplification, gene clone and DNA sequencings were performed in the 58 stra ins of Enterobacter cloacae. From the 58 strains of Enterobacter cloacae, the nu mberog de repressed strains were 50 and that of hyperinducible mutant strains were 3, resp ecti vely. 49 of the 58 strains harbored bla ampD gene and 51 of 58 strains harb ored blaampR gene. The results of blaampD gene sequencings indicated t hat hyperinducible mutant strains had an amino acid change in 95 codon(Try-95→Arg) and eight of the derepressed strains had amino acid substitutions or deletion i n the carboxy-terminal of ampD. The results of blaampR gene sequencin gs i ndicated that only five of the derepressed strains had the suspicious mutants in the ampR gene. The deletion and amino acid substitutions in the carboxy-termin al of ampD may result in the stably depressed expression of AmpC beta-lactamase in Enterobacter cloacae. The amino acid substitutions of ampR maybe influence t he expression of AmpC beta-lactamase.
    Therapeutic Effects of Qidan Granule and Expressions of TGF-β and TNF-α on Rats with BlemycinA5 Induced Pulmonary Fibrosis
    Xin Hongtao;Song Xiujie;Xu Shaohua;Mu Xiaoyan;Wang Jing;Jin Changjun;Huang Chen
    2004, 25(1):  49-52. 
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    The aim was to evaluate the therapeutic effects and mechanisms of Qidan granule on blemycinA5-induced pulmonary interstitial fibrosis (PIF)in rats. Altogether 40 rats we re divided into normal group, model group, Qidan group and Hydrocortisone group. Rat pulmonary f ibrosis was induced by blemycinA5. They were treated with Qidan granule and Hy dr ocortisone respectively. The pathological changes and collagen protein dispositi on were observed by hematoxylin and eosin(HE) staining and Van Gieson(V.G)staini ng, and the expression of transforming growth factorβ(TGF-β)and tumor necrosi s factor α(TNF-α) proteins were measured by immunohistochemical technique. Af ter treatment, the pulmonary alveolitis and fibrosis were alleviated remarkable in the pathological section and collagen protein disposition in Qidan granule gr oup compared with those in the model group and hydrocortisone group (P<0.01) . The expression of TGF-β and TNF-αprotein were higher in Qidan granule grou p than those in normal group and were significantly less than those in the model group and in hydrocortisone group (P<0.01). Our studies suggest that Qidan granule would ameliorate the pulmonary alveolitis and fibrosis. TGF-β and TNF -α might play an important role in the development of alveolitis and fibrosis in rats.
    Development of Congenital Heart Diseases Database System
    Ma Qiong;Liu Yinglong;Wang Li
    2004, 25(1):  53-56. 
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    The use of database in clinical research is an innovation. Clinical database inf ormation provides a way to evaluate and improve the overall process and results of the broader system of patient care. Exploring questions that arise from this data can identify system issues, which are invisible to individual practitioners or specialties using other traditional review methods. Compared with the first generation database designed in Access by National Conge nital Heart Surgery Database Committee, our database is more complex with full p otential, which can totally meet the needs of clinicians and researchers in the study of congenital heart defects and can provide remote information data sharin g digital platform. Since congenital heart disease surgery is arapidly developin g subject, our database provides assistant tables, with which the new diagnosis, operation and medicine can be combined into the system.
    Tubulin-β Expression of Various Culture Cells Using Immunoinfluorescence
    Li Junhua;Wan Hong;Wang Zhongcheng Beijing Neurosurgical Institute
    2004, 25(1):  57-59. 
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    To explore tubulin-β expression of normal and tumor cells in vitro, 3T3, BGC-823, SH-SY5Y, C6, BT325 were cultured in vitro and immunofluorescent staining was used to investigate tubulin-β immunoreactivity. Results showed that the po sitive cells were intense red in body and processes which presented in all of cells. The findings prove that tubulin-β expression may occur in any multipl ication cell including normal cells and tumor cells.
    Microsurgical Anatomy of Suboccipital-retrosigmoid-IAC Approach
    Jia Wang;Yu Chunjiang;Wang Fengmei;Chen Fei
    2004, 25(1):  60-63. 
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    Microsurgical anatomy of internal auditory canal (IAC) and cerebellopontine angl e that were related to suboccipital retrosigmoid approach were studied to put fo rward anatomic parameters for the operation of acoustic neuromas. Ten cadaveric head s were dissected using 5 to 25× magnification and ten dry skulls provided 20 te m poral bone for measurment of the osseous relationships in the region. The anatom ic distances were measured and the anatomic structures were photographed wi th microphoto camera. The anatomic relationship and data of structures in cerebe llopontine angle and IAC that was related to acoustic neuromas were obtained. Fa miliarity with the microanatomical relationship of the structures around IAC may be helpful to improve the surgical outcome of acoustic neuromas.
    Surgical Treatment of Lesions in Cingulate Gyrus with Minimal Invasive Approach
    Wang Lei;Zhang Maozhi;Zhao Jizong;Zhang Wei;Meng Guolu
    2004, 25(1):  64-66. 
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    The aim was to summarize postoperative results of lesions in the cingulate gyrus via trans- interhemispheric fissure approach. The surgical results of 27 cases of lesions i n the cingulate gyrus were studied retrospectively. Total resection occurred in 22 cases, subtotal resection in 5 cases. Low-grade glioma was the commonest pat h ological type (n=25). Except 2 cases occurred postoperative hemiplegia i n the opposite side, the other 25cases were in normal condition and with normal cognitive funtion. Trans-interhemispheric-fissure approach is the most suitabl e way in treating lesions of the cingulate gyrus, which is in accordance with th e concept of minimal invasive surgery.
    Transfection of Antisense Oligonucleotide Against the Insulin Like Growth Factor I on Proliferation and Apoptosis of Liver Cancer Cell
    Qiao Shifeng;Sun Jiabang;Zhu Bin;Wang Jikun
    2004, 25(1):  67-70. 
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    The study was designed to observe the inhibited effect of the antisense oligonuc leotide(ASON) targeting IGF-I on proliferation,differatiation and apoptosis of the liver cancer cell line BEL-7402 by antisense oligonucleotid e transfection. Antisense oligonucleotide against the insulin like growth factor I was synthesized and transfected to human liver cancer cell line B EL-7402 cells by Lipofectin kits. MTT method was used to measure the cell proli feration. The expression level of CEA and AFP in the supernatant of transfect ce ll culture was measured by RIA. The apoptosis of BEL-7402 cells was observed by TUNEL techniques. It was shown that the lipofectin ASON significantly inhibite d the growth of BEL-7402 cells. The expression of AFP and CEA in the supernatan t of transfected cell culture were significantly lower as compared to the parent cells (P<0.05 and P<0.01 respectively). Antisense IGF-I oligonucle otide transfected to human liver cancer cell line BEL-7402 can lead to a reduct ion of proliferation and differatiation. It can also induce the apoptosis of cells .
    Effects of Bisoprolol on renin-angiotensin System and Vascular Endothelial Function in Patients with Essential Hypertension
    Hua Qi;Li Dongbao;Chen Hailing;Liu Rongkun
    2004, 25(1):  71-73. 
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    To investigate the effects of bisoprolol on renin-angiotensin-aldosterone syst em(RAAS), endothelial function and its antihypertensive efficacy, the changes of plasma endothelin (ET), nitrogen monoxide(NO), renin(Ren), angiotensin Ⅱ(AngⅡ), aldosterone(Ald) and clinical blood pressure(CBP) were observed before and a fter bisoprolol was taken for 4 weeks in 36 patients with essential hypertension . After 4 weeks treatment of bisoprolol, clinical systolic b lood pressure and clinical diastolic blood pressure decreased to 2.16 kPa(16.23 mmHg) a nd 1.02 kPa(7.65 mmHg) respectively(P< 0.01); Ren, AngⅡ, Ald decreas ed and NO significantly increased(P<0.05 and 0.01 respectively), but NO/ET and ET h ad no any changes(P>0.05). It is suggested that Bisoprolol can not only dec rease blood pressure, but also inhabit RAAS,improve vascular endothelial functi on and protect target organ simultaneously.
    Relationship between Left Ventricular Diastolic Function and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy and their Changing with Ages in Essential Hypertensive Patients
    Ma Xiangtao;Hua Qi
    2004, 25(1):  74-77. 
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    The objective was to study the relationship between left ventricular diastolic f unction and left ventricular hypertrophy and their changing with ages in essential hyper tensive patients. Randomly, 3 024 outpatients of hypertension and healthy people were enrolled in Feb 1995 to Jul 2002, including 2 groups from 10 to 80 years old, and als o 481 patients with essential hypertension in three grades were enrolled, includ ing m en and women. Tissue Doppler imaging, and color M-mode echocardiogra phy were used to measure IVST(interventricular septal thickness), and PWT(left v e ntricular posterior wall thickness) and E/A. Compared with control group, E/A w as significantly lower, IVST and PWT were significantly higher(P<0.01). E/A and IVST of the two groups had the same instant changes with ages, and IVST wa s significantly, positively and partially correlated to E/A(P<0.01). In h ypert ension with three degrades, IVST and PWT of men's were significantly higher than that of women. In grade-one hypertension, E/A of women was significantly low er than that of men(P<0.05). The study shows that left ventricular diastoli c function decreases with the increase of ages, and it is positively and partial ly correlated to left ventricular hypertrophy. It is also effected by gender.
    Relationship Among Insulin, True Insulin and Glucose Tolerance in Graves Disease
    Liu Wei;Yuan Shenyuan;Wang Xue;Pan Sufan;Yu Mei;Xie Rongrong
    2004, 25(1):  78-81. 
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    The study was performed in 40 untreated GD patients and in 11 euthyro id subjects. After the normal oral glucose tolerance test, the glucose、 IRI、 C -P and TI were measured in order to investigate the relationship among insulin, true insulin and glucose tolerance in Graves' disease. It was found that the serum glucose, IRI and C-P of the patients' were significantly higher than thos e of the euthyroid controls except for the data at 0 min. The true insulin le vel of the patients' were higher than that of the controls', but only at 60 and 120 min with significant difference. The sigma IRI/sigma BG increased signif icantly in GD group. FT3 was correlated negatively with IRI(30, 60, 120 min), C-P(60 min), TI(60 min), and FT4 was not correlated with the data at the se points. These results indicate that Graves' disease could affect the metabol ism of glucose and cause a series of abnormality, such as hyperglycaemia and hy perinsulinism, which suggests that insulin-resistance is underlying in this c ondition.
    Antioxidant Effect of Exogenous Sulfhydyl Compound and Cytoprotective Effects on Pancreatic Acinar Cells in the Course of ANP
    Cui Peilin;Zhou Tingting;Sun Yilin;Yang Zhaoxu;Zhang Lei
    2004, 25(1):  82-85. 
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    Objective: To observe the antioxidant effect and the cytoprotective effect from morphological point of view of exgenous sulfhydryl compound on pancreatic acina r cells in the cou rse of acute necrotic pancreatitis. Methods: Male Wistar mice were divided rand omly into three groups: Group A and B served as animal models, A (n=18) with normal saline therapy, whi le B (n=18) with Tiopronin therapy; and group C (n=9) a normal control. Animals were killed 4, 6 and 12 h after operation respectively. Malondiadehyde(M DA) was analyze d and the pancreatic acinar cells were observed histologically under light mic roscope and electromicroscope. R esults: The level of MDA increased highly during the course of ANP, and it was p revented obviously when Tiopronin-an exgenous sulfhydryl compound was administr ated prophylactically. The pancreas from rats of group A suffered from acute necroti c pancreatitis (ANP). Morphological changes were profound in the pancreatic tiss ue and the acinar cells, and the damage to the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and the mitochondria was most serious. The damage was attenuated to a certain e xtent especially when the RER of acinar cell with Tiopronin was used. Conclusion : A disti nctly antioxidant effect of exgenous sulfhydryl compound is found in the course of ANP, a nd it could protect the acinar cells especially the ultrastructure of the RER.
    Vicissitudes of Clinical Bacteria and their Sensibitities in Pulmonary Department
    Qiu Xiaojian;Meng Kun
    2004, 25(1):  86-88. 
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    To investigate the vicissitudes of clinical bacteria and their sensibilities to commonly used antibiotics in pulmonary department of our hospital in the last th ree years, 334 bacteria were isolated from sputum samples. We adopted Kirby-Bau er method and determined sensitive bacteria by NCCLS standard. Common bacteria w ere Pseudomonas aeruginosa(25.4%), Bacillus pneumoniae(10.8%), A.lwoffii(10.2%), E.coli (6.0%), Hemolysis Staphylococcus(4.2%), Staphylococcus epidermidis(3.9 %), S taphylococcus aureus(2.4%). Effective antibiotic to G- bacillus were Imipenem, Cefo, Quinolone and Cidomycin. Effective antibiotic to G+ bacillus was Vancomy cin . Staphylococcus aureas and Epidermidis were all sensitive to it. Nosocomial inf e ctious diseases and drug resistance are more and more serious in teaching hospit al. They are relevant to patient's condition and antibiotic abuse. Reasonable ap plication of Antibiotic and monitoring drug resistance is very important to cont rol the situation.
    Change of Endothelins and Calcitonin Gene—Related Peptide in Patients Suffering Chronic Nephritis
    Wang Lizeng;Huang Wen;Jiang Liping;Dai Haojie;Wang Ying
    2004, 25(1):  89-91. 
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    The aim was to observe the change of endothelin(ET) and calcitonin gene—re lated peptide (CGR P) in patients suffering chronic nephritis in the decompensated stage of renal d ysfunction and their relationship with glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and in o rde r to elucidate the significace of their changes. The plasmer and urine ET and CG RP levels were assessed with radioimmunoassay in 36 patients with chronic nephri tis and correlation analysis. The plasma and urine ET were (72.45±20.65)ng/L, (23.72±5.18)ng/L, CGRP were (90.01±29.77)ng/L, (58.33±22.53)ng/L, respecti vely in chronic nephritis, they were significantly higher than those in normal c ontrols(P<0.01). Positive correlation was found between plasma and urine ET (r=0. 341, P<0.05), CGRP(r=0.516, P< 0.001). Positive correlation exist ed between p lasma ET and CGRP(r=0.573, P<0.001). Negative correlation lied in betwe en ET in p lasma and urine and GFR(r=-0.593, P<0.001. r=-0.330, P<0.01). Po sitive correlation existed between CGRP and GFR in plasma and urine(r=0.392 、0.412, P<0.01). In patients with chronic nephritis in the decompensated stage of r enal dysfunction, the change of ET and CGRP in plasma and urine may play a role in progress in some degree.
    Relationship between Pancreatitis-associated Protein Serum Levels and Prolife rative Activityin Colorectal Cancer Tissues
    Zhang Shuwen;Cao Guang;Li Fei;Sun Jiabang Department of Surgery;Xuanwu Hospital;Capital University of Medical Sciences
    2004, 25(1):  92-94. 
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    To detect the role of pancreatitis-associated protein (PAP) in color ectal cancers' diagnosis, and analysis the relationship between serum PAP level and proliferative activity of colorectal cancer tissues. The serum levels of PAP were measured in 27 patients with colorectal cancers and 15 healthy subjects by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. In order to verdict t h e proliferative activity of colorectal cancer tissues, DNA ploidy and s-phase f r action (SPF) were detected by flow cytometry. The serum level of CEA an d CA199 was recorded, and compared with serum PAP level. Result: serum P AP level of the h ealthy subjects was lower than patients with colorectal cancer (P< 0.01). The cut off value was set at 25 μg/L. According to this standard, about 44.4% (12/27) colorectal cancer patients exceeded it. For these 12 patients SPF was 17.82 ±8.02 and 8 patients had aneuploid tumor. Nevertheless, the other patients' SPF was 11.17±7.01 and only 3 patients had aneuploid tumor. So the SPF and aneuplo i d tumor had significant difference between them (P<0.05). There were 3 cases of P AP positive and CEA or CA199 negative colorectal cancers. Co- detected PAP serum levels with CEA and CA199 could enhance the check rate of color ectal cancers. Patient's tumor tissue whose serum PAP lever is over 25 μg/L has high er proliferative activity.
    Detection of Telomerase Activity in Tissues of Colorectal Carcinomas
    Tian Deqing;Yu Yueming;Shan Baoen;Li Chunzhong;Wang Guiying;An Guangquan;Ma Qiang 
    2004, 25(1):  95-97. 
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    The aim was to study the expression of telomerase activity in tissues of colorec tal carcinom a and to investigate its clinical value in prevention, diagnosis, treatment. A t otal of 50 human colorectal tissue specimens, comprising 40 carcinomas and 10 tu mor-adjacent normal tissue specimens were examined for telomerase activity by t elomeric repeated amplification protocol (TRAP) assay. In the 40 colorectal carc in oma specimens, 34 cases were detected positive expression of telomerase activity (85%), 10 specimens of tumor-adjacent normal tissue were negative. There was si gnificantly difference between the two groups (P< 0.05). There was no rel ationshi p between telomerase activity and the site of colorectal carcinoma, the level of cell differentiation, Dukes stage, metastasis of lymph nodes (P> 0.05). Th ere is common telomerase activity of colorectal carcinoma tissues. Telomerase ac tivity can become a gene marker of colorectal carcinoma tissues. Detecting the t elomerase activity of colorectal carcinoma tissues may help early discovery, ear ly diagnosis, early treatment. Inhibiting the telomerase activity may cure color ectal carcinoma. Inhibiting or destorying the process of telomerase activity may prevent the cause of colorectal carcinoma.
    Perioperative Management of Orthopaedic Surgery in Elderly Patientswith Diabetes Mellitus
    Shi Yongchang;Liu Yang
    2004, 25(1):  98-99. 
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    The aim was to evaluate the perioperative blood glucose control on orthopaedic surgery results in the old pa tients with diabetes mellitus. The blood glucose control during perioperative pe riod in 17 patients with diabetes mellitus who had accepted the orthopaedic surg ery were analysed retropectively. Patient's controlled glucose sta ndard were observed (before meal <7.8 mmol/L, 2 h after meal <11.1 mmol/L). Th e average dura tion of follow-up was 20 months, the patients' orthopaedics diease were curled with no infection and no DKA. Their competence in life was as good as before ope ration. Regular insulin is the abstract method for orthopaedic patients complica t ed with diabetics before operation. Insulin controls blood sugar suitably and ef fectively, which is better than oral drugs to prevent diabetic complications.
    Etiological Study on Adult Diseases with Seizures as Initial Symptoms
    Zhao Xingquan;Wang Chunxue;Wang Yilong;Wang Yongjun
    2004, 25(1):  100-102. 
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    Altogether 320 cases with seizures as initial symptoms were studied retr ospectively. They were categorized as different factors, and the percentages of causes for seizures from different groups were evaluated by statistic software S PSS 10.0 . The causes for acute and chronic seizures were different. The varied etiological data from different age groups and different onset styles sh owed that the percentages of causes for seizures were significantly different be tween the two groups with different onset styles (P= 0.00). A seizure always presents in various diseases and it shows very complicated poten tial causes to be discoveried. However, we believe some intrinsic relations amon g the seizure causes and some other clinical characters can be traced based on t his study. To figure out the relations among the causes of seizures and age grou ps, seizure patterns and varied onset styles will play an important role for neu rologists to make prompt diagnosis.
    Diagnosis of Parkinson Disease
    Ma Kai;Li Yongjie Department of Functional Neurosurgery;Xuanwu
    2004, 25(1):  103-105. 
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    Altogether 944 cases of Parkinson disease patients were investigated about their experien ce of treatment, and the reasons of misdiagnosis were summed up. Of the 944 cases, 35.1% of them wer e diagnosed within half a year, 26.3% patients were diagnosed between 0.5 to 1 year, 17.6% patients were diagnosed between 1.0 to 2.0 year, 8.5% patients were diagnosed between 2.0 to 3.0 year, while 12.5% patients were diagnosed after 3 years. Some patients were thought to be young-onset Parkinson disease (YOPD) if the illness onset before 40 year old, while other patients were thought to be re gular PD if the illness onset after 40 year old. In the tremor patients, the diagnosis time of YOPD was (1.7± 1.9) years, while the regular one was (1.4 ±1.7) years, the difference was not significant; In the rigidity type patients, the diagnosis time of YOPD was (2.6±2.4) years, while the regular PD was (1.6 ± 1.8) years, the difference was significant. The former's time of diagnosis i s longer than the later's.
    Dynamic Changes in Blood/Gas Partition Coefficient of Volatile Anesthetics during Cardiopulmonary Bypass
    Zhou Jianxin;Liu Jin
    2004, 25(1):  106-109. 
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    In order to determine and estimate blood/gas partition coefficient of volatile a nesthetics during open heart surgery, blood samples were obtained from six adult patients undergoing valvular replacement with hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypas s 6 times: before induction, skin incision, aortic cannulation, before rewarming during bypass, weaning of bypass and skin suture. Blood/gas partition coefficient of desflurane, isoflurane and halothane were measured simultaneousl y at rectal temperature when blood was sampled. Significant differences were fou nd in blood/gas partition coefficient of the three anesthetics between differen t times during operation (P<0.05). Blood/gas partition coefficient at weanin g of bypass was the lowest, about 75% of that before anesthesia induction. The r esults of this study indicate that blood/gas partition coefficients of volatile anesthetics vary dynamically during open heart surgery and they are influenced b y the combination of hypothermia and hemodilution.
    Histological Classification in 3582 Cases of Ovarian Tumors
    Tang Lirong;Duan Wei;Fan Fengxiao;Xu Xiaohong
    2004, 25(1):  110-113. 
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    The aim was to analyze the histological types of ovarian tumor in our hospital. The pathological data of ovarian tumor during Jun,1982 to Dec, 1999 were collected according to the WHO classification for ovarian tumors. Som e cases which were unsure in the previous pathological diagnosis were reconfirmed according to the WHO classification. 3 582 cases of ovarian tum ors were registered during 18 years in our hospit al. There were 3 068 (85.65%)cases of benign tumors, 419(11.70%)cases of m alignant tumors and 95(2.65%)cases of borderline tumors. Classified by histologi cal type, there were 1 362(38.02%) cases of epithelial tumors, 1 908(53. 27 %) cases of germ cell tumors, 280(7.81 %) cases of sex cord-stromal tumors, 18(0.50%) cases of secondary tumors and 14(0.40%) cases of non-specific soft tissue neoplasm. Among the 514 cases of malignant tumors, epithelial type accounted fo r 66.73%, sex cord-stromal tumors was 16.95%, and germ cell tumors, 13.03% . 71.87 % of malignant germ cell tumor occurred in women younger than 20. In averag e, malignant ovarian epithelial tumor occursat (47.8±11.0) years old. The inciden ce of ovarian germ cell tumors is higher than epithelial. But in malignant tumor s the incidence of common epithelial tumors is especially higher than other types of malignant tumors. The most frequent malignant tumor which occ urs in women younger than 20 is germ cell tumor.
    Variety of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor KDR Expressionand Microvessels Density in Endometriumbefore and after Transcervical Resection of Endometrium
    Yang Baojun;Feng Limin;Zhang Hua;Sun Haimei;Jing Peng
    2004, 25(1):  114-117. 
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    The aim was to explore molecule mechanism of TCRE for treatment of disfunction uterine ble eding. Immunohistochemical method (LSAB) was used on formalin-fixed paraffin-e mbedded e ndometrial sections to study the variety of vascular endothelial growth facto r (VEGF)、 vascular endothelial growth factor receptor KDR expression and microv essels density (MVD) in endomet rium before and after transcervical resection of endometrium. Eight normal cont rols were included. Results: The VEGF, KDR and MVD of the endometrium with simpl e hyperplasia markedly increased. The MVD, VEGF and KDR staining indices were significantl y higher in simple hyperplasia before the surgery than in normal endometrium and after the surgery (P< 0.05). But The VEGF, KDR and MVD staining indi ces in simple hyperplasia after the surgery was lower, just same as that of th e control . Conclusion: The high-score of VEGF, KDR and MVD expression of the endometrium with simple hyperplasia may be correlated with abnormal uterine bleeding. TCRE lowers significantly the score of KDR, VEGF and MVD expression of the endome trium with simple hyperplasia.
    Related Factors for Low-Born-Weight Infants
    Wu Qingqing;Zhang Lisong;Yue Shuqin
    2004, 25(1):  118-119. 
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    The aim was to investigate t he related factors between low-born-weight infants and pregnant women. The cli nical data of 215 low-born-weight infants were analyzed retrospectiv ely in our hospital during 1988-1997. The rate of incidence was 1.60% with lo w-born -weight infants during ten years, with a gradual decrease and was re lated to education level, gestational age, and pregnancy complications of preg nant women. Strengthening prenatal care and management, especially for those with high risk pregnancies are necessary. The incidence of low-born-weight and t he perinatal mortality should be controlled.
    Incidence of Monilial Vaginitis in Early Pregnancy Women
    Wang Li;Meng Fan
    2004, 25(1):  120-121. 
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    The aim was to investigate t he insidence and influencing factors of monilial vaginitis in early pregnancy. R e trospective study was carried out monilial in vagina secretion of early pregnanc y (5~10 gestational weeks) out-patients who came to our family planning depart ment from June 1999 to 2002. The incidence of monilial vaginitis was 7.17% in these women . There is no significant difference between age groups and between serious of cervicitis groups, but the incidence of multiple-pregnancy group is lower.
    Three Different Types of Materials on Restoring Wedge-shaped Tooth Defect
    Su Yanpin
    2004, 25(1):  122-124. 
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    The objective of this paper was to observe and analyze the effects of glass iono m er, light-fixing composite resin and silver amalgam on restoring wedge-shaped tooth defects. Among 312 wedge-shaped tooth defects of 166 patients were r estored by using glass ionomer, light-fixing composite resin and silver amalgam . Continuous observations were followed up for 1.5~2 years. The results were that 108 teeth were restored by glass ionomer, the successful rate was 82.4%; 104 teeth were re s tored by light-fixing composite resin, the successful rate was 76.0%; 100 teeth we re restored with silver amalgam, the successful rate was 66.0%. Compared with t hre e different type of restoring materials P< 0.05, there was significa nt differ ence. Thus, conclusions can be drawn that the three different type of restoring materials have different advantages and defects. All restoring materials are not perfect. Further research is needed to develop a good material, which has all t he advantages of the three types of material, and overcome their disadvantages. From the aspect of good quality and reasonable price, the glass ionomer is r elatively desirable.