Journal of Capital Medical University ›› 2000, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (2): 134-136.

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Study on Point Implantation with Allograft Rabbit Cartilage for Repairing Articular Cartilage Defects

Cheng Yiquan1, Yong Yimin2, Hu Huaijian2, Shen Huiliang2   

  1. 1. Shenzhen Longgang Buji People′s Hospital;2. Department of Orthopaedics, Xuanwu Hospital, Affiliated of Capital University of Medical Sciences
  • Received:1999-04-07 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2000-04-15 Published:2000-04-15

Abstract: A novel method of cartilage transplantation, point implantation, have been developed for repairing articular cartilage defects. 30 New Zealand rabbits were divided into three groups randomly: In group Ⅰ, the new born allograft cartilage masses were transplanted into the holes in the defect which was made previously. In group Ⅱ, The cultured new born allograft chondrocytes were transplanted like group Ⅰ, and then the holes were covered by collagen gel. In group Ⅲ, The holes in the defect were left empty. Healing of the defects was assessed by gross examination、 light microscopy、 histological histochemical scoring and electron microscopy at 2、4、12 and 24 weeks. Twenty four weeks after the transplantation, the defects were filled with hyaline cartilage, while the defects without transplantation healed with fiber tissue and fibrocartilage. The histologic quality scores of the repair tissue were significantly better in all knees in which defects were treated with point implantation compared to knees in which defects were treated with drilling only. Point Implantation can obtain satisfactory hyaline cartilage repair when used in some large area defects.

Key words: point implantation, allograft cartilage, articular cartilage defects, repair, subchondral drilling

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