Journal of Capital Medical University ›› 2000, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (1): 51-52.

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Clinical Significance of Urodynamics Analysis on Female Dysuria (97 Cases Report)

Wu Tianping1, Dai Qunsheng2, Zhou Zongxing1, Liang Dejiang2   

  1. 1. Department of Urology, Chongqing the Ninth People Hospital;2. Department of Urology, Beijing Jishuitan Hospital
  • Received:1999-04-28 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2000-01-15 Published:2000-01-15

Abstract: In order to find out the clinical significance of urodynamics on female with dysuria, S WⅢ type urodynamic appratus was used to analyse 97 cases patients. Distal urethrostenosis was 64.9%(63/97), bladder neck obstruction was 5.2%(5/97), uretheral polyp was 3.1%(3/97), urethral cancer was 1.0%(1/97) and normal was 25.8%(25/97). The result showed that urodynamics examination could find out bladder functional status and the site of urethera obstruction and had a great clinical significance.

Key words: urodynamics, dysuria, female

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