Journal of Capital Medical University ›› 2001, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (2): 144-146.

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Relationship between Liver Fibrosis Stages and the Diameters of Wide Main Portal Vein and Spleen Vein and Splenectasis and Blood Tests

Ma Hongbo, Lang Zhenwei, Jin Rui, Jin Ronghua, Lü Fujing   

  1. Liver Unit of Beijing You′an Hospital
  • Received:2000-12-15 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2001-04-15 Published:2001-04-15

Abstract: In order to study the relationship between liver fibrosis stages and the diameters of main portal vein(MPV), spleen vein(SPV), splenectasis and blood tests, 1 005 patients with chronic hepatitis were divided into groups S0 to S4 according to liver fibrosis stages. The MPV and SPV diameters and splenectasis were measured by ultrasonography. The WBC, Hb, PLT, ALB, γ-G, PTA were tested by routinel method. From S0 to S4, the rates of wide MPV and SPV diameters and splenectasis increased gradually. The rates of wide MPV and SPV diameters were not significantly different(P>0.05)among the groups while the rates of splenectasis were significantly different(P<0.05)among the groups. Splenectasis occured earlier. The rate of splenectasis was 28.8% in S1 and it was significantly different between S1 and S0(P<0.05). The rate of wide MPV diameters was only 6.2% in S1. In S4, the rates of splenectasis and wide SPV, MPV diameters were 43.3%, 36.7%, 16.7% respectively. In blood tests, WBC, Hb, PLT, ALB, PTA were gradually decreased and γ-G was gradually increased from group S0 to S4 successively. In group S4, WBC, Hb, PLT were still normal, while ALB(<33.8 g/L), PTA(< 70.5%), γ-G(23.9%)were abnormal. Conclusion: The appearance of splenectasis is earlier and it may be more sensitive than SPV and MPV. If the effect of necroinflammatory activity of liver can be excluded, the earlier liver fibrosis may be consided under the conditions ALB< 33.8 g/L, PTA< 70.5%, γ-G> 23.9%.

Key words: chronic hepatitis, liver fibrosis stage, ultrasonography, blood tests

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