Journal of Capital Medical University ›› 2001, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (2): 147-149.

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TT Virus Infection and Autoimmune Diseases in Non-A, Non-G Hepatitis

Guo Xinhui1, Yan Huiping2, He Lixiang2, Luo Zhaoxia2, Huang Dezhuang2, Lang Zhenwei3   

  1. 1. Liver Unit of Beijing You′an Hospital;2. Beijing Hepatitis Research Institute;3. Department of Pathology, Beijing You′an Hospital
  • Received:2000-12-31 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2001-04-15 Published:2001-04-15

Abstract: All 48 screened sera were unknown etiological hepatitis. Four kinds of autoantibodies, including ANA,AMA SMA and anti-liver/kidney microsomal(LKM), were detected by indirect immuneofluorescence. TTV DNA were tested by nest PCR. Twenty-two of 48 patients(45.8%)were found with autoantibodies, 15(31.3%)with ANA, 5(10.4%)with AMA, 4(8.3%)with SMA, none with LKM. Seven of 48 patients(14.6%)were finally diagnosed as sufferering from autoimmune diseases: 3 had antoimmune hepatitis; 2 primary billiary cirrhosis and 2 primary Sjogren′s syndrome. M∶F=1∶6. Fourteen of 36(38.9%)were positive for TTV DNA. M∶F=2∶1. Three were also found to have autoantibodies in their sera. Autoimmune diseases and TTV infection prescented in Non-A, Non-G hepatitis. Severe damage in liver function could be seen in TTV patients, meanwhile autoimmune reaction was produced in some of them.

Key words: hepatitis, virus, autoimmune

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