
Table of Content

    21 December 2012, Volume 33 Issue 6
    Correlation between the counting results of Durham pollen sampler and automatically pollen monitor
    OUYANG Yuhui;Zhang Deshan;ZHAO Liping;ZHANG Luo
    2012, 33(6):  713-716.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2012.06.001
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    Objective To analyze the correlation between the counting results of Durham pollen sampler and automatic pollen monitor, discuss the advantages and defects of two instruments. Methods Durham sampler and KH3000-1 automatic pollen monitor were set up next to each other on the same altitude. Airborne pollen concentrations were measured at the same time. Results Durham sampler has the merit of low cost and can classify the granules that adhere to the sampling surface, but pollen counting using Durham sampler require much time and skilled labor; KH3000-1 automatic pollen monitor count pollen particle using laser light in real time for computer processing, without the counting using a microscope, but it is difficult to distinguish pollen species. Conclusion The onset and peak time of pollen concentration measured by two devices were consistent, the results of automatic pollen monitor affected by pollens particle size and meteorological factors.
    Effect of the unilateral anterior group sinusitis on acoustic rhinometry and rhinomanometry
    SONG Xiaohong;ZHANG Luo;ZHANG Yuan;HE Fei;MENG Yifan
    2012, 33(6):  717-719.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2012.06.002
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    Objective To explore the effect of the unilateral anterior group sinusitis on acoustic rhinometry and rhinomanometry. Methods The nasal ventilation function of 25 patients of lateral sinusitis was detected by acoustic rhinometry and rhinomanometry and then compare the results of normal nasal cavity and affected nasal cavity. Results The nasal volume from 0~7 cm, 2~5 cm, 5~7 cm(V0-7, V2-5, V5-7) was (8.98±3.01)mL, (3.47±1.37)mL, (4.39±1.42)mL of healthy side and (8.59±1.30)mL, (3.09±0.55)mL, (4.07±0.81)mL of affected side respectively. The minimum cross-sectional area(MCA) of the anterior extremity of inferior turbinate and middle turbinate was (0.56±0.35)cm2, (1.83±1.13)cm2 of normal side and (0.52±0.18)cm2, (1.52±0.75)cm2 of affected side. The nasal flow rate was F75Pa (193±70)mL/s, F150Pa(271±131)mL/s, F300Pa(225±204)mL/s of healthy side and F75Pa(196±52)mL/s, F150Pa(274±106)mL/s, F300Pa(174±205)mL/s of affected side. The resistance was R75Pa(0.46±0.21)Pa·cm-3·s-1, R150Pa(0.55±0.30)Pa·cm-3·s-1, R300Pa(0.57±0.57)Pa·cm-3·s-1 of healthy side and R75Pa(0.41±0.15)Pa·cm-3·s-1, R150Pa(0.50±0.21)Pa·cm-3·s-1, R300Pa(0.39±0.47)Pa·cm-3·s-1 of affected side. No significant difference was found between healthy side and affected side(P>0.05). Conclusion The acoustic rhinometry and rhinomanometry was not affected significantly by the ostial state of anterior nasal sinusitis and the mild inflammation of the middle nasal meatus.
    Monosyllable short lists in mandarin speech test materials: test-retest reliability study
    CHEN Jing;WANG Shuo;LIU Su;ZHANG Hua
    2012, 33(6):  720-724.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2012.06.003
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    Objective To assess the test-retest reliability of monosyllable word short lists in Mandarin Speech Test Materials(MSTMs). Methods The sets of monosyllable word short lists were used to test the speech perception score among sixteen normal-hearing subjects utilizing the Chinese Speech Intelligent Audiometric System, which was developed by the Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University. The stimulus level was fixed at 12 dB HL. The second round was carried out after an interval of 6 to 35 days. The Pearson correlation coefficient r was calculated, significance level of the difference between test and retest was examined by Student's t test, and critical difference(CD) for 95% confidence interval(CI) was analyzed after "rationalized" arcsine transform with SPSS 19.0. Results Speech perception scores in tests and retests were significantly correlated with a Pearson's r value of 0.748(P<0.01) for the short lists. Standard deviation turned out to be 11.5%, thus the resulting value of CD was 22.5. Conclusion The intervention should be considered effective once the number of correct response presented by a subject is no less than 5 in a short list.
    Role of interleukin 10 in otitis media with effusion
    LI Jie;ZHAO Shouqin;LIU Hua;WANG Yang
    2012, 33(6):  725-728.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2012.06.004
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    Objective This research was designed to study the role of interleukin 10(IL-10) in the pathogenesis of otitis media with effusion(OME) in adults. Methods The expression of IL-10 in middle ear effusion(MEE) and blood plasma were measured in 36 adults(45 ears) with OME by means of enzyme linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA), as well as in 30 normal volunteers. Results The expression of IL-10 in MEEs was significantly higher than that in the plasma of OME patients(P<0.01), while the latter had no statistically significant difference with the plasma of normal volunteers(P>0.05). The expression of IL-10 in MEEs of chronic course was significantly higher than those MEEs of acute course. While the IL-10 concentration in patients' plasma was concerned, the plasma with chronic OME was higher than that in acute OME(P<0.01, P<0.05); in chronic OME, expression of IL-10 in MEEs was higher than those in plasma(P<0.01), while there was no significant difference between plasma of patients with chronic OME and normal plasma(P>0.05); The expression of IL-10 in MEEs of patients who had been treated with myringotomy or/and insertion of ventilation tube more than once were higher than those MEEs treated for the first time, respectively(P<0.05). As far as the IL-10 expression in patients' plasma was concerned, there was no significant difference between those treated more than once and those treated firstly(P>0.05). The expression of IL-10 was higher in mucoid MEEs than in serous MEEs(P<0.05). Conclusion IL-10 as an important immunoregulatory mediators, may play an important role in chronic course of OME in adults.
    Role of regulatory T cells in the allergic rhinitis and allergen-specific immunotherapy
    LOU Wei;WANG Chengshuo;ZHANG Luo
    2012, 33(6):  729-734.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2012.06.005
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    The immune system is a complex network, and it promptly produces the appropriate immune response to invasion of antigen, bacteria, viruses, etc. The mechanism of the allergic disease is still unclear. However, in recent years, with the understanding of regulatory T cells(Treg cells), people realize that "immune tolerance" plays an important role in the stability of the environment to maintain the body’s immunity. Treg cells play an important role in the induction and maintenance of immune tolerance. This review highlights current knowledge of the role of Treg cells in the mechanism of allergic rhinitis and the antigen-specific immunotherapy.
    Combined diagnosis of allergic fungal rhinosinusitis
    WANG Xiangdong;WANG Chengshuo;SONG Xiaohong;BO Mingyu;LI Ying;WANG Hong;ZHANG Luo
    2012, 33(6):  735-739.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2012.06.006
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    Objective To evaluate the clinical application of different diagnostic methods in the diagnosis of allergic fungal rhinosinusitis. Methods Eighteen cases of allergic fungal rhinosinusitis were enrolled in the present study, clinical characteristics, CT and MRI images, skin prick tests(SPTs), serum specific IgE, smear and culture of mucin and pathological diagnosis were used as diagnostic methods. Results The ratio of male to female was 11/7, and the age range was 17~66 years. The CT and MRI of sinuses showed typical characteristics. The main fungus was aspergillus diagnosed by SPTs, serum specific IgE, smear and culture of mucin in sinuses. Eosinophils and Charcot-Leyden crystals could be found in mucin. Conclusion The diagnosis of allergic fungal rhinosinusitis depends on combination of clinical characteristics, CT and MRI images, SPTs, serum specific IgE, smear and culture of mucin and pathological diagnosis.
    Objective assessment of nasal patency
    2012, 33(6):  740-744.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2012.06.007
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    Nasal obstruction is one of the most common complaints in rhinologic practice. There are subjective and objective methods available for the assessment of nasal patency. Currently, visual analogue scale, based on what the subjects feel, is the most widely used subjective assessment of nasal obstruction. Objective assessment of nasal patency and nasal physiology includes the use of rhinomanometry and acoustic rhinometry, which respectively provides the relationship between pressure and airflow, and a mimic topographic map of the nasal cavity. This review focuses on rhinomanometry and its application in clinical practice.
    Hearing and balance function in patients with diabetes mellitus
    ZHOU Yun;FENG Wenjing;LIU Bo;DUAN Jinping;LIU Gang;ZHAO Xiaoyan;ZUO Lijing
    2012, 33(6):  745-749.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2012.06.008
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    Objective To evaluate the hearing and balance function in patients with diabetes and further find out the relationship between them. Methods A total of 137 patients with diabetes mellitus visited Tongren hospital from January to December in 2011. The patients’ hearing and balance function were investigated. Results In all of the 137 subjects with diabetes: 85 cases(62.04%) had hearing loss, including the patients’ duration with diabetes≤10 years is 65 cases(65/115, 56.52%), and the duration>10 years is 20 cases(20/22, 90.90%). The incidence of hearing loss increase along with the duration of diabetes(P=0.001). 114 cases(84.44%) had vestibular disfunction, 94 cases(68.61%) had tinnitus, the number of the patients with aural fullness is 49 cases(35.77%). The multi-factor Logistic regression analysis showed that, hearing loss related with gender(P=0.073, OR=2.076) and the duration of diabetes(P=0.047, OR=1.711). Conclusion The incidence of hearing loss in patients with diabetics is high. Gender and the duration of diabetes is also related with hearing loss.
    Computational fluid dynamics simulations of respiratory airflow in volunteers’ nasal cavity
    LU Jiuxing;HAN Demin;ZHANG Luo
    2012, 33(6):  750-756.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2012.06.009
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    Objective To apply computational fluid dynamics simulations of respiratory airflow in clinical examination, and individually measure the airflow motion parameters. Methods Ten healthy noses with normal nasal structure and function were axially scanned by spiral CT, simultaneously all volunteers were examined by GM Rhinomanometer NR6 and GM Acoustic Rhinometry A1. The continuous fault images of upper respiratory tract were imported into Mimics software for image segmentation and 3-dimensional models were obtained. Then model data were input to Ansys software to generate finite element mesh for transient computing and analysis. Rationality validation of workflow digital simulation was made from three aspects: 1 using acoustic rhinometry results to test the simulation of model; 2 setting transient boundary condition used airflow velocity value from Rhinomanometer results; 3 using air pressure value obtained from numerical simulation to calculate the nasal resistance value, then compared with the data from Rhinomanometer. Results The comparison indicates that the model and the numerical simulation were consistent. From the result we can observe the airflow distribution quantitatively in the nasal cavity in the period of respiration. Conclusion The model could truly reflect the actual anatomic structure and morphology of the nasal cavity, numerical simulation results were reliable. The airflow in the upper respiratory tract can be individualy measured.
    Diagnosis and surgical treatment of carotid body tumor: A single clinical center experience
    LI Pingdong;YU Zhenkun;FANG Jugao;YU Zhengya;CHEN Xiaohong;CHEN Xuejun;HUANG Zhigang
    2012, 33(6):  757-761.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2012.06.010
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    Objective To summarize the experiences of diagnosis and therapy of carotid body tumor(CBT) cases from a single center through a retrospective analysis. Methods The clinical information of 17 CBT cases was retrospectively analyzed. Among the 17 cases, 7 were male and 10 females. The average age was 39(25 to 65) years. Results All lesions were unilateral. By Shamblin classification, 2 cases were Type Ⅰ, 8 were Type Ⅱ, and 7 were Type Ⅲ. Preoperative evaluations included Doppler ultrasound, computed tomography(CT), magnetic resonance angiography(MRA) and digital subtraction angiography(DSA). Sixteen cases underwent surgeries and the lesions were pathologically confirmed benign. The surgeries included total tumor removal with or without external carotid artery resection, tumor removal with carotid artery resection and reconstruction, or with carotid artery ligation, and combined approach of cranial base involved cases. After 43(9~108) months follow-up, 6 cases had unilateral palsy of recurrent laryngeal nerve(37.5%), 1 case had unilateral facial palsy(6.25%), 2 cases had unilateral palsy of hypoglossal nerve(12.5%), 1 case had bleeding(6.25%). No stroke and death happened. Conclusion DSA is a way to confirm diagnosis as well as evaluate the tumor extension. Several techniques are essential for operations and prevention of complications, such as dissection with bipolar coagulation, temporary arterial occlusion, shunt and reconstruction.
    A comparison between two methods of myelin staining in Cuprizone-induced demyelination model mice
    ZHANG Li;YIN Linlin;LI Lin
    2012, 33(6):  762-765.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2012.06.011
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    Objective To compare two methods of myelin staining for detecting the morphological changes in the brain of Cuprizone-induced demyelination model mice. Methods Demyelination model was induced by Cuprizone which was mixed in forage and fed to mice for 4 weeks. After the brain tissue sections were made, Luxol Fast Blue(LFB) and oil red O staining methods were used to observe demyelinative changes in the corpus callosum on striatum and hippocampus sections. Results The results from both LFB and oil red O staining showed that demyelination occurred in the corpus callosum of Cuprizone-induced model mice, but the morphological changes in the striatum section were clearer detected by oil red O staining than that measured by LFB staining, and the margin of demyelination with the surrounding tissue was not clear on the section stained by LFB. Conclusion Compared with the LFB staining, Oil red O staining showed clearer demyelination and is a simple myelin staining method.
    Effects of remote ischemic post-conditioning on the expression of NF200 in the brain of rats following cerebral ischemia and reperfusion in long term
    YAN Feng;LIU Xiangrong;ZHAO Haiping;WANG Rongliang;JI Xunming;LUO Mei;LUO Yumin
    2012, 33(6):  766-770.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2012.06.012
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    Objective To investigate the effects of remote ischemic post-conditioning on the expression of NF200 in the brain of rats following cerebral ischemia and reperfusion in long term. Methods The focal ischemia and reperfusion rat model was made by suture method. The remote ischemic post-conditioning was performed with occluding of bilateral femoral arteries for 10 mins and reperfusion for 10 mins, repeated for 3 times at the time of reperfusion and then once a day. The rats were divided into 4 groups: the control group at 7 d after cerebral ischemia(C7, n=6), the experiment group at 7 d after cerebral ischemia(the remote ischemic post-conditioning was done everyday after cerebral ischemia, P7, n=6), the control group at 28 d after cerebral ischemia(C28, n=6), the experiment group at 28 d after cerebral ischemia(the remote ischemic post-conditioning was done everyday after cerebral ischemia, P28, n=6). The expression of NF200 protein in the brain of rats was determined by Western blotting. The immunofluorescence was used to detect the localization of NF200. Results The expression level of NF200 in P7 group increased significantly compared with that of C7 group(P<0.05); the expression level of NF200 of P28 group increased significantly compared with that of C28 group(P<0.05); The expression level of NF200 in P28 group increased significantly compared with that of P7 group(P<0.05) while the expression level of NF200 in C28 group had no significant difference compared with that of C7 group(P>0.05). Immunofluenrence staining showed that NF200 expressed both in neuron and axon. Conclusion Remote ischemic post-conditioning in long term increases the expression level of NF200 in the brain of rats, which might be the mechanism of reducing the damage of cerebral ischemia.
    Changes of astrocytes in the hippocampus of a model of intra-ventricular injection of lipopolysaccharide in the rat
    ZHAO Yongmei;LÜFengyue;XU Qunyuan
    2012, 33(6):  771-775.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2012.06.013
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    Objective To investigate the change of astrocytes in the hippocampus in intracephalic inflammation rat model induced by intra-ventricular injection of lipopolysaccharide(LPS). Methods Altogether 64 healthy male SD rats were assigned into normal saline(NS)-injected group or LPS-injected group randomly. All injections were made intra-ventricularly on right side of the rats with NS 20 μL or LPS 20 μL(1.25 g/L). The changes of the the astrocytes in rat hippocampus were observed by immunohistochemical staining using astrocyte-specific marker-glial fibrillary acidic protein(GFAP) at 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 12 weeks and 24 weeks after NS or LPS injection. Western blot was performed to detect GFAP expression in the hippocampus of the rats. Results Immunohistochemical staining with GFAP antibody showed that the astrocytes in the hippocampus of rats were not activated at any time point after NS injection in NS-injected group. The astrocytes were activated obviously in the hippocampus of rats in LPS-injected group at 2 weeks after LPS injection. The activation of astrocytes was not found in the hippocampus in LPS-injected group at 4 and 12 weeks while the astrocytes were re-activated slightly in the hippocampus of LPS-injected group rats at 24 weeks after LPS injection. The result of Western blotting showed that the expression of GFAP in the hippocampus of NS-injected group rats did not change significantly at any time point after NS injection. The GFAP protein level in the hippocampus of LPS-injected group rats was 239% of that of NS-injected group rats at 2 weeks after injection(P<0.01). At 4 and 12 weeks after injection, the GFAP protein level in LPS-injected group was similar to that of NS-injected group. The expression of GFAP protein in the hippocampus of LPS-injected group was 119% of that of NS-injected group at 24 weeks post injection with no significant difference(P>0.05). Conclusion Intra-ventricular injection of LPS may result in acute and significant activation of astrocytes in the hippocampus of rats at early time(2 weeks post injection).
    Protective effect of folic acid and vitamin B12 on human neuroblastoma cell line SH-SY5Y cells
    ZHANG Jingyan;CHEN Juan;WANG Rong;ZHAO Jingshu;WU Yanchuan
    2012, 33(6):  776-778.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2012.06.014
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    Objective To observe the protective effect of folic acid and vitamin B12 on human neuroblastoma cell line SH-SY5Y cell growth in vitro. Methods SH-SY5Y cells cultured in vitro, divided into control group, the folic acid(1.875 mg/L) group, vitamin B12 (800 μg/L) group, folic acid (1.875 mg/L) + vitamin B12(800 μg/L) group. Cell morphology, cell count analysis, thiazolyl blue(MTT) metabolic rate, and lactate dehydrogenase(LDH) leakage rate of each group were detected. Results Compared with the control group, cell count and MTT metabolic rate of folic acid group, vitamin B12 group, folic acid+vitamin B12 group increased(P<0.05), and LDH leakage rate decreased(P<0.05). Compared with the control group, cell morphology were much better in those groups, cell body more plump, the number of surviving cells increased, adherence was good and neurite extension could be found. Conclusion Folic acid and vitamin B12 can promote nerve cell growth, reduce nerve cell death, in order to achieve the protection of neurons.
    Expression of somatostatin in plasma and antral mucosa in older rat
    WANG Yulan;TIE Zhenjun;ZHANG Taichang
    2012, 33(6):  779-781.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2012.06.015
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    Objective To study the topography and plasma level of somatostatin of rats in order to explore the effects of somatostatin in inhibiting acid secretion in the course of ageing. Methods Different Wistar rats of different age were selected. The rats were divided into two groups: 20 young rats(age 3 months) weight 200-250 g, and 15 old rats(age 24-30 months) weight 400-450 g. The somatostatin plasma level in rats was assayed by radioimmunoassay every month, At the meantime, the frozen section of the rats sinus ventriculi were obtained to study the topography of somatostatin by immunohistochemical staining. Results The rats in different groups had different concentration of somatostatin with a high somatostatin level in old rats group. There was a significant difference between the two groups(P<0.01). The topography of somatostatin determined by immunohistochemical staining showed that the rat gastric sinus D cell shape was irregular and full of somatostatin compound. The D cell had deeper colour. The quantity and concentration of D cell in old rats gastric sinus were more than that in young rats(age 3 months). The difference between the two groups was significant(P<0.05). Conclusion The quantity of D cell and the level of somatostatin in old rats gastric sinus were higher than that in young rats. These phenomena might be associated with regulation disturbance of acid secretion in older rats.
    Pharmacokinetics of a novel pegylated consensus interferon in rats
    SHEN Wenjin;LI Chunyu;CAI Yongming;SONG Zihui;XIANG Zongshang;MENG Xianli;ZHANG Zongpeng;
    2012, 33(6):  782-787.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2012.06.016
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    Objective To characterize the parmacokinetics of a novel pegylated consensus interferon(PEG-IFN-SA) following a single subcutaneous administration to rat, compared with those of non-PEG modified IFN-SA. Methods The rats were randomly assigned into four groups in which the rats were given PEG-IFN-SA at doses of 7, 14 and 28 μg/kg, and IFN-SA at a dose of 7 μg/kg, respectively. The serum concentrations of PEG-IFN-SA and IFN-SA were determined using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA). The pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated by DAS 3.0 software. Results The rats treated with PEG-IFN-SA following single s.c. administration at doses of 7, 14, and 28 μg/kg, a greater than proportional increase in both the peak concentration(Cmax) and the area under the concentration-time curve(AUC) for PEG-IFN-SA was observed with increasing dose, while the rate of clearance decreased. Both the time to reach peak concentration(Tmax) and serum elimination half life(t1/2β) did not display markedly dose-dependence and were relatively consistent in the range of 10~20 h. The pegylated protein exhibited improved pharmacokinetic properties compared to IFN-SA at an identical dose, with a 15-fold increase in t1/2β, and a 10-fold decrease in serum clearance(CL), as well as a 10-fold increase in Tmax, respectively. In addition, AUC of PEG-IFN-SA was approximately 8-fold greater, while Cmax was approximately half that of IFN-SA. Conclusion These findings demonstrate that pegylation of IFN-SA results in more desirable pharmacokinetic properties, prolonged biological half-life, decreased system clearance, enhanced drug exposure, reduced serum peak-to-trough concentration ratio and increased in vivo duration of antiviral efficacy compared to unmodified IFN-SA.
    Expressions of NHERF1, PTEN and ERα protein in breast cancer and their clinical significance
    LI Yang;LI Yang;CHENG Shan;GE Zhicheng;SI Yang;HE Junqi
    2012, 33(6):  788-792.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2012.06.017
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    Objective To explore the expression and analyze the relationship among NHERF1, PTEN and ERα in breast cancer. Methods Immunohistochemical(S-P) method was used to evaluate NHERF1, PTEN and ERα protein expression in breast cancer and adjacent tissues. Results The expressions of NHERF1 and PTEN were very weak in the breast cancer tissues compared to their expressions at adjacent tissues(P<0.01). In contrast, the expressions of ERα was significantly higher in the adjacent tissues(P<0.01). Conclusion The expression of NHERF1 may regulate the PTEN expression in breast cancer. ERα plays an important role in the carcinogenesis and progression of breast cancer.
    Susceptibility study of the haplotype from VEGF gene promoter -460T/C and -634G/C polymorphisms and the risk of colorectal cancer in Chinese subjects
    ZHANG Ying;SUN Xiujing;ZHU Shengtao
    2012, 33(6):  793-797.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2012.06.018
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    Objective This study was performed to elucidate whether the vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF) gene haplotypes were associated with the colorectal cancer risk in the Han ethnic group of China.Methods Association was analyzed in a hospital-based case-control study involving 182 colorectal cancer cases and 216 cancer-free controls. DNA was obtained from blood samples and the polymorphisms of -460T/C and -634G/C were genotyped by the method of PCR-RFLP. The software PHASE1.0 was performed to construct the haplotypes of every individual. Unconditional logistic regression model was used to analyze the statistical association of haplotypes in two groups adjusted by gender, age, smoking, drinking, and the family history of cancer. Results Both the -460T/C and -634G/C loci in the VEGF gene promoter were carried out in the Chinese individuals. The distributions of the VEGF genotypes among cases and controls were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. There was significant difference in allele frequency of -460T/C polymorphism between the colorectal cancer patients and normal subjects(P=0.002) while, there was no significant difference in -634G/C polymorphism(P=0.103). The haplotypes analysis showed that the result exhibited a significantly higher level of haplotype C-C in colorectal cancer patients compared to control subjects(P<0.001; OR=4.28, 95%CI: 2.77-13.41). Conclusion Based on these findings, it seemed that the haplotype C-C constructed by the VEGF gene promoter -460T/C and -634G/C polymorphisms may contribute to the susceptibility of colorectal cancer in the Chinese population.
    Down-regulation of DcR3 expression by siRNA in SW480 cells
    HE Ping;WU Jixiang;ZHONG Chenxi;DAI Jie;LIANG Jiexiong;LI Yang;XU Yingcheng;YU Wei
    2012, 33(6):  798-802.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2012.06.019
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    Objective To investigate the inhibitory effect of small interfering RNA(siRNA) on the expression of decoy receptor 3(DcR3) in human colon carcinoma cell line SW480. Methods Two siRNA plasmid expression vectors targeting DcR3 were constructed and transfected into SW480 cells with Lipofectamine 2000. The down regulation of DcR3 expressions were detected by RT-PCR and Western blotting methods, following statistical processing. Results Compared with the control group, the sequence-specific siRNAs efficiently and specifically down-regulated the expression of DcR3 at both mRNA and protein levels. The expression inhibition of mRNA and protein of DcR3 significantly decreased(P<0.01). Conclusion The siRNA plasmid expression vector against DcR3 can inhibit the expression of DcR3 in SW480 cells efficiently and specifically. siRNA against DcR3 may be of potential value in gene therapy of cancer.
    Effects of rosuvastatin on the proliferation, migration and apoptosis of late endothelial progenitor cells
    SHENG Jin;LIU Wenxian;LI Peng
    2012, 33(6):  803-809.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2012.06.020
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    Objective To evaluate the effect of rosuvastatin on the proliferation, migration and apoptosis of late endothelial progenitor cells(EPCs) from bone marrow of rats. Methods The late EPCs were cultured and characterized by DiLDLuptake and lectin binding. Then, we co-cultured the EPCs with culture medium containing rosuvastatin of different concentrations(0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1.0, 10, 100 μmol/L), and tested the proliferation, migration and apoptosis; furthermore, we co-cultured EPCs with medium containing 0.1 μmol/L rosuvastatin for different hours(1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 h), and the functions including proliferation, migration and apoptosis were analyzed again. Results The early EPCs became long spindle on the seventh day, and then became cornerstone shape on the 28th day. Moreover, late EPCs can take in Dil-acLDL and FITC-UEA-I. After co-cultured with rosuvastatin of different concentrations, it was demonstrated that proliferation(P<0.05), migration(P<0.05) and apoptosis(P<0.05) were improved. Furthermore, compared with the control, the protection was highest when the rosuvastatin concentration was 0.1 μmol/L. It was also found that proliferation(P<0.05), migration(P<0.05) and apoptosis(P<0.05) of late EPCs were improved at the concentration of 0.1 μmol/L rosuvastatin, and the protection increased with time, but did not changed significantly after 24 hours. Conclusion This study demonstrated that rosuvastatin could improve the proliferation, migration and apoptosis of late EPCs from bone marrow in concentration- and time-dependent manner.
    Effect of acupuncture combined with rehabilitation training on pulmonary function in patients experienced pulmonary resection
    HU Jun;HU Zongde;CHEN Chen
    2012, 33(6):  810-813.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2012.06.021
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    Objective To evaluate effect of rehabilitation training, acupuncture and Chinese medicine on the patient’s pulmonary function after lung resection surgery. Methods A total of 100 patients after pneumonectomy were selected from April 2008 to mid-2011, 1 in Shanghai Pudong Pulmonary Hospital. Using randomized, controlled clinical research methods, patients were allocated into rehabilitation treatment group and the acupuncture treatment group. Two weeks was a course of treatment. Changes in lung function after treatment was observed. Results Ninety-three patients were chosen into the final analysis. The two groups had no significant difference in gender and age(P>0.05), and were comparable. Comparison of pulmonary function in the control group before and after treatment did not show any significant difference(P>0.05), but there was significant difference in treatment group before and after treatment(P<0.01). The pulmonary function of treatment group before and after treatment in men had no significant difference(P>0.05), nor in women(P>0.05); there was no significant difference between men and women in the treatment group after treatment(P>0.05). In treatment group, there was significant difference in patients in age groups 30-40 Y and 40-50 Y, before and after treatment(P<0.05). Conclusion Rehabilitation and acupuncture therapy as a simple rehabilitation, may be associated with improved pulmonary function after lung resection. Acupuncture has a good safety without obvious adverse reactions.
    Ethanol induces death of neuroblastoma cells by activating JNK and p38K pathways
    MOON Yong;KWON Yongil
    2012, 33(6):  814-817.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2012.06.022
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    Objective To study the mechanism underlying the ethanol-induced damage to SK-N-SH neuroblastoma cells. Methods MTT reduction assay was used to evaluate the cell death rate induced by ethanol. DNA fragmentation analysis, DAPI nuclear staining, and caspase-3 activity assay were applied to examine the apoptotic alterations. Western blotting analysis was used to observe the expressions of JNK and p38K. Results Ethanol induced dose-dependent cell death in SK-N-SH cells, which was mediated via apoptosis, as indicated by increased caspase-3 activity, nuclear disruption, and DNA fragmentation. The ethanol-induced apoptosis was partially mediated by the activated JNK and p38K pathways. Conclusion Ethanol mediates cell death of SK-N-SH neuroblastoma cells by activation of JNK and p38K pathways.
    Clinical value of reciprocal ST-segment depression in patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
    GUAN Xinliang;AI Hui;WANG Chunmei;LI Yanfang;ZHU Xiaoling
    2012, 33(6):  818-821.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2012.06.023
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    Objective To evaluate clinical value of reciprocal ST-segment depression(RSTD) in patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction(STEMI). Methods Data of a total of 318 patients with STEMI and undergoing percutaneous coronary artery angiography(CAG) were collected from January 2011 to January 2012. According to whether there was RSTD on the admission electrocardiogram(ECG), the patients were divided into RSTD group and non-RSTD group. All patients were investigated and evaluated for baseline characteristics and results of coronary artery angiography(CAG). Results The acute inferior myocardial infarction was more common in RSTD group. The patients exhibiting RSTD tended to have a lower systolic blood pressure(SBP), poorer left ventricular ejection fraction(LVEF), higher Killip classification, higher peak creatinekinase-MB(CK-MB) and troponin I(TnI), higher degree of ST segment elevation, higher incidence of atrial fibrillation, conduction block and cardiogenic shock, more multi-vessel diseases, the higher utilization rate of intra-aortic balloon pump(IABP) and the higher in-hospital mortality(P<0.05). Conclusion The STEMI patients with RSTD were in unstable hemodynamic status and had worse prognosis. ECG could be good to identify the high-risk patients, and to choose treatment options.
    Analysis of 109 filial generation of T2DM in predicting diabetes and prediabetes
    XING Xinjun;YANG Jinkui
    2012, 33(6):  822-826.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2012.06.024
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    Objective Using some data that were easy to access at home, to establish and evaluate a simple tool to identify the type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM) and prediabetes(PDM) in the filial generation of T2DM. Methods A total of 109 filial generation of T2DM patients participated in the test. Measuring their blood sugar, age, neck circumference(NC), waist circumference(WC), hip circumference(HC), height, weight. Their waist-hip ratio(WHR) and body mass index(BMI) were calculated. Receiver operating curve(ROC) was used in the analysis and according to the analysis results to establish classification tree. Results For detecting T2DM, the area under receiver operating curve(AUC)of WC was the highest among all of the five risk factors, the AUC=0.770, P=0.000. For detecting T2DM and PDM, AUC of WC was the highest among all of the five risk factors, the AUC=0.770, P=0.000. AUC, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value were 78.4%, 61.1%, 95.6%, 68.8% and 93.5%, respectively for detecting T2DM. AUC, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value were 72.7%, 56.5%, 88.9%, 78.8% and 73.7% respectively for detecting T2DM and PDM. Conclusion WC, which reflects central obesity, has the biggest AUC, can best predict the possibility of suffering T2DM and PDM and is used as the first bifurcation in the classification tree. The classification tree is an easy and feasible tool to detect T2DM and PDM.
    Transforaminal endoscopic spine system in percutaneous transforaminal endoscopic discectomy for lumbar disc herniation
    LIU Haonan;LIN Xin;PAN Haitao;YAN Jiazhi;CUI Wei;Aiyireti·Maimaiti
    2012, 33(6):  827-832.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2012.06.025
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    Objective To evaluate the efficacy of the transforaminal endoscopic spine system(TESSYS) percutaneous transforaminal endoscopic technique for treatment of lumbar disc herniation. Methods From August 2010 to May 2011, 42 cases of lumbar disc herniation with average age of 39.5 years(range, 20~62 years) who underwent percutaneous endoscopic surgery were included in this retrospective study. Of the 42 cases, 22 were males and 20 females.The mean course of disease was 11 months(range, 3 months~6 years). The involved segments were L3/4 in 3 cases, L4/5 in 26 cases, and L5/S1 in 13 cases. The surgery was performed under local anesthesia. The visual analogue scale(VAS), Japanese Orthopaedic Association(JOA) Scores, Oswestry disability index(ODI) and modified MacNab criteria were employed to measure the clinical outcome. Results The operation was successful in all the cases. The mean operation time was 70 min(range, 55~120 min) with the blood loss of 5~15 mL. Only 3 cases were found complicated with transient paraesthesia in lower limbs. Another 3 cases suffered from leg pain recurrence after relief and 1 case had no significant relief. All these problems were relieved after the conservative treatment. There were no infection, dural matter tear and intraoperative neurovascular injury in any of the cases. The mean follow-up period was 9 months. The preoperative mean VAS of low back and leg pain decreased from (5.8±1.4) and (7.4±2.2) points to (1.6±0.9) and (1.4±0.2) points at 9th month postoperatively. The JOA scores increased from (12.1±3.7) to (22.5±2.1) points while the ODI decreased from (68.83±14.18)% to (21.02±11.34)%. The effects were excellent in 12(28.6%) cases, good in 25(59.5%) cases, fair in 4(9.5%) and poor in 1(2.4 %) according to modified MacNab criteria with the sum of excellent and good rate up to 80.1%. Conclusion As an effective minimally invasive treatment for lumbar disc herniation, TESSYS percutaneous transforaminal endoscopic technique for lumbar discectomy can ensure reliable clinical outcome with less complications, early functional recovery and good prognosis.
    Relationship between serum placental growth factor and coronary collateral circulation
    LI Xiaotao;WEI Liye;Ren Yunjun;LI Qiang;XIA Yang;XIA Yue;GUO Xichao
    2012, 33(6):  833-836.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2012.06.026
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    Objective To investigate the relation between serum placental growth factor(PlGF) level and coronary collateral circulation(CCC) in patients with coronary artery disease. Methods A total of 78 patients with coronary artery disease(CAD) with severe coronary stenosis were included according to coronary angiography, CCC severities were divided into the following 4 degrees: degree 0(n=23), degree 1(n=23), degree 2(n=18), degree 3(n=14) by Rentrop method. Serum concentration of PlGF was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA). Results Serum PlGF level in patients with CCC degree 0 and 1 was decreased as compared with that in CCC degree 2 and 3(P<0.01). The CCC degrees had a significant positive correlation with serum levels of PlGF(r=0.534, P<0.01). Conclusion In severe coronary artery disease, serum concentration of PlGF showed a significant positive correlation with coronary collateral circulation, suggesting that PlGF may be a factor that can enhance coronary collateral circulation.
    Continuous glucose monitoring system-based statistical research for the best finger tip blood glucose monitoring method
    ZHAO Jingmin;ZHANG Muxun
    2012, 33(6):  837-841.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-7795.2012.06.027
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    Objective The values of the mean blood glucose(MBG) and the mean amplitude of glycemic excursions(MAGE) obtained by continuous glucose monitoring system(CGMS) were compared with those obtained by finger tip blood glucose monitoring in order to get the perfect self-monitoring method. Methods Totally 63 cases of type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus were enrolled. The blood glucose values of those cases were monitored by CGMS for about(72±6)hours, and were proved by finger tip blood glucose monitoring about 4-7 times in all process. The finger tip blood glucose and dynamic blood glucose were tested for correlation. The values of mean blood glucose and the mean amplitude of glycemic excursions in 24 hours were calculated. At the same time, the points in(CGMS) monitoring process were picked, and then analyzed statistically to find suitable and economical self-monitoring points. Results 1 The mean blood glucose(MBG) values of "routine 8 points" and 7 points of "routine 8 points" had significant correlation with the 24 hours mean blood glucose(24hMBG) values. When the number of points was less than 7, the correlation decreased gradually with decreasing number of points. But there was significant correlation between 6 pionts and 5 points. 2 The mean amplitude of glycemic excursions(MAGE) values of "routine 8 time points" showed a close correlation with the 24 hours mean amplitude of glycemic excursions(24 h MAGE), and middling moderate correlation among 7, 6 and 5 points, and moderate correlation in before breakfast, after lunch, after supper, before sleep. Conclusion 1 The study on the mean blood glucose showed that "routine 8 points" and 7 points of "routine 8 points" could reflect adequately 24 hours mean blood glucose values. 2 The study on the mean amplitude of glycemic excursions showed that the routine 8 points could reflect the blood glucose fluctuation. It was proved that those points before breakfast, after lunch, after supper, before sleep had stronger effect on the blood glucose fluctuation.