Journal of Capital Medical University ›› 2000, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (2): 108-111.

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Experiment Study on Effects of Artificial Cordyceps Sinensis (Q80) on Lowering Blood Glucose and Excreting Function of Endocrine Cell in Islets

Jia Baoxiang, Zhang Yuhai, Wu Junjie   

  1. Dept. of Urology, Beijing Friedship Hospital, Affiliate of Capital University of Medical Sciences
  • Received:1998-12-20 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2000-04-15 Published:2000-04-15

Abstract: This study is to determine effect of Q80 on lowering blood glucose and excreting function of endocine cell in islets of diabetic mice by cyclosporine. The diabetic mice resulted from cyclosporine levels were determined by 125 I insulin radioimmunoassay and glucoseoxidation assay. ① Different dose of cyclosporine could heighten the blood glucose and lower the insulin of mice . But the blood glucose and insulin levels recovered to normal levels when withdrawal. And there were significant differences between the blood glucose increase and normal or the insulin reduce and normal. ② The blood glucose of the mice got to normal and insulin could not get to normal after cyclosporine plus Q80 treated by intra abdomial or intro oral way. ③ Using Q80 alone could not change the blood glucose, but Q80 injection could resulted in difference of insulin level. ④ The cyclosporine alone group was compared with Q80 combing with cyclosporine infra oral group in which the insulin level increased and recoved to normal level after two weeks. In the Q80 combining with cyclosporine intro abdomen group, the insulin level increased two weeks after treatment and reduced to lower level than normal after cyclosporine withdrawal. The result showed that: ① Cyclosporine could increase blood glucose level and reduce insulin level by both intra abdomial and intra oral way . ② Herb Q80 had significant effect of lowering blood glucose resulted from cyclosporine. ③ Q80 taken by oral or injection had some inhibit function on the lowering of insulin secreting led by cyclosporine, but no significant difference. ④ The effect of cyclosporine was temporary, the blood glucose would recover to normal once withdrawal, even if the dose of cyclosporine was added to large enough.

Key words: artificial cordyceps sinensis (Q80), cyclosporine, insulin, blood glucose

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