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    24 February 2007, Volume 28 Issue 1
    Study on the Morphological Changes and the Function of Long-term Cultured Primary Rat Hepatocytes in a Sandwich Configuration
    Wang Ying;Zhang Xianjie;Song Maomin;Sun Jiabang;Duan Zhongping;Chen Yu;Luo Yanxia;Guo Xiuhua
    2007, 28(1):  1-6. 
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    Objective To study the morphological changes and the function of long-term cultured primary rat hepatocytes in a sandwich configuration. Methods Hepatocyte were isolated by a two-step collagenase perfusion based on a procedure described by Seglen and modified by us. Hepatocyte viability was determined by trypan blue exclusion test. Primary rat hepatocytes were cultured in a sandwich configuration. The morphological changes were observed under a inverted microscope. The concentration of albumin, BUN and lactate dehydrogenase(LDH) in the collected supernatant of different cultured periods were examined with single collagen gel configuration as control. Results Routinely, 2×108~3×108 cells were obtained per liver, with viability ranging from 90% to 96%[(93±3)%]. By the third day the function of the albumin secretion and urea synthesis recovered dramatically . The functions of albumin secretion and urea synthesis of the hepatocytes cultured in sandwich configuration maintained high level for 14 d. Heptocytes cultured in sandwich configuration formed hepatic cords, and bile canaliculi-like structures appeared, its polygonal morphology lasted for more than 28 d. Conclusion Sandwich configuration more closely mimics the normal histological sturcture of the liver, hepatocytes cultured in this configuration may maintain its morphology and function for a long period, it is not only used for the study of basic science, but also serves as the basis of a bioreactor and hepatocyte transplantation for the treatment of liver failure.

    Effects of AngiotensinⅡ and Its Receptor Antagonist on CollagenⅠSynthesis of Hepatic Stellate Cells
    Gong Hao;Wang Yu;Zhang Zhongtao;Li Jianshe;Ma Xuemei;Zhou Yanzhong
    2007, 28(1):  7-9. 
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    Objective To investigate the effects of angiotensinⅡ(AngⅡ) and angiotensinⅡ type 1 receptor antagonist (AT1RA) on the collagenⅠsynthesis and collagenⅠmRNA expression of cultured hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) in vitro. Methods HSC-T6 rat hepatic stellate cell line was chosen as the study model of the activated hepatic stellate cells. Cultured HSCs were randomized into control group, AngⅡgroup, AT1RA group and AngⅡ+AT1RA group. Cell culture medium was used to detect the collagenⅠlevel with ELISA method. HSCs were harvested to measure the collagenⅠmRNA expression with RT-PCR. Results The collagen Ⅰ level and collagen Ⅰ mRNA expression level of AngⅡ group was higher than control group(P<0.05), AT1RA group and AngⅡ+AT1RA group was lower than control group(P<0.05). Conclusion AngiotensinⅡ can increase the collagenⅠ synthesis and collagenⅠ mRNA expression of hepatic stellate cells, while all these effects are inhibited by angiotensinⅡ type 1 receptor antagonist.

    The Expression and Significance of CK20mRNA in the Peripheral Blood Samples of Patients with Colorectal Carcinoma before, during and after Radical Operation by Laparoscope or Open Surgery
    Wu Jixiang;Liang Jiexiong;Wang Yufu;Li Yajun;Wen Shaojun;Li Jinjun;Shao Tiansong;Qiu Lixin;He Ping
    2007, 28(1):  10-13. 
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    Objective To study the alteration of CK20mRNA in the peripheral blood samples by laparoscope and open radical operation of colorectal carcinoma micrometastasis, and investigate the value of laparoscopic surgery in with colorectal cancer. MethodsThe expression of CK20mRNA in the peripheral blood samples of 37 patients with colorectal carcinoma and 8 patients with non-malignant disease by operations on abdomen. Results The expressions of CK20mRNA are negative in the peripheral blood samples of 8 patients with non-malignant disease by operations on abdomen. Meanwhile, the total positive rate of expression with CK20mRNA are 39.6%(44/111)in the patients with colorectal carcinoma. The positive expression rates of CK20mRNA in patients of the two groups pre-, during and post-operation do not have significant difference(P>0.05). Conclusion There are no significant differences in the efficacy of radical operation in patients with colorectal carcinoma by laparoscope and open radical surgery.

    Analysis of Correlation between Prognostic Evaluation and the Timing of Surgical Treatment for Acute Cholangitis of Severe Type
    Fu Jianzhu;Zhang Lijun;Yu Zeli
    2007, 28(1):  14-16. 
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    Objective To evaluate the timing of surgery in the treatment of acute cholangitis of severe type(ACST). Methods The medical records of 52 patients with ACST were retrospectively analysed. Results The morbidity of post-operation complication and mortality of early surgical treatment (less than 8 h after admission) were 6.9% and 0, respectively, in contrast to 34.6% and 8.7% in patients who underwent delayed surgical treatment(more than 8 h after admission). The APACHE-Ⅱ, TB and DB in 24 h after operation, were lower in early surgery than in delayed surgery(P<0.05). Conclusion If the diagnosis of ACST is ascertained, we suggest that surgical treatment for ACST should be performed as early as possible.

    TME Plus Intersphincteric Resection as the Sphincter-saving Procedure for the Ultra-low Rectum Cancer
    Qu Hao;Wang Zhenjun;Du Yanfu;Li Minzhe;Yang Xinqing
    2007, 28(1):  17-19. 
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    Objective To report the experiences and preliminary results of TME plus intersphincteric resection as the sphincter-saving procedure for ultra-low rectal cancer. Methods 31 rectal neoplasm patients whose distal tumour edges were ≤2 cm from the dentate line were evaluated preoperatively. Eighteen patients with advanced rectal cancer received preoperative chemoradiotherapy. The TME were performed by abdominal operation group and then the puborectal ligament and partial levator ani were dissected approaching to the upper edge of external sphincter ring. It was possible to go down further to dissect 1~2 cm between the external sphincter ring and the rectum inner sphincter wall. The surgeon of anal operative group dissected all layer of rectum inner sphincter vertically to the longitude axis of the anal canal 2 cm below the lower edge of malignancy and then further mobilized ascending to meet with the abdominal group. Colon or colon pouch were anastomosed to distal anal wall. Results There was no operative death and no evidence of recurrence or metastasis in twenty-six patients. The rectum cancer recurred 1 year after operation in one patient, another one had rised level of CA19-9 but without documents of metastasis. 30 patients were satisfied with their fecal control. The average-time of follow-up is 24 months. Conclusion Radical resection could be attained and anal sphincter could be saved by TME plus intersphincteric resection. It is an alternative sphincter-saving method to early stage rectal cancer, or some advanced rectal cancer which were sensitive to preoperative chemoradiotherapy, or ultra-low rectal parenchamal tumour, or wide based polyps, and for patients with extremely strictured pelvis.

    Study on the Activity of CD69 and L-2 before and after Operationin Colon Cancer Patients
    Jia Jianguo;Sun Jiabang;Liu Dachuan;Feng Xiuli;Chen Hong;Yang Lei;Yang Peng;Li Fei
    2007, 28(1):  20-22. 
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    Objective To test the change of immunity function after colon cancer operation. Methods Test the activity of CD69 and level of L-2 by cell flow cytometer after colon cancer operation in 33 cases. Results The activity of CD69 was significantly higher after operation 1st day compared with nonoperation patients, and the activity of CD69 expression is unchange from the after operation 3 d to 10 d. The level of L-2 was nondifferent from the first day to third day after operation. The level of L-2 was higher 5 d after operation than the control group(P<0.05 ), the level of L-2 10 d after operation was significantly higher than unoperation group(P<0.01). Conclusion The immunity function is inhibited in colon cancer patients. The ability of anticancer and immunity function is improved after colon cancer operation.

    Immediate Breast Reconstruction with the Extended Latissimus Dorsi Flap in Patients with Breast Cancer
    Kang Hua;Hai Tao;Cai Wei;Liang Kuo;Zhang Yan
    2007, 28(1):  23-25. 
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    Objective To evaluate the results of immediate breast reconstruction with extended latissimus dorsi flap in patients with breast cancer following mastectomy. Methods The clinical data of the patients who have undergone immediate breast reconstruction with extended latissimus dorsi flap following mastectomy dating from December 2004 to October 2006 were collected. The operative technical detail, postoperative complications, esthetical results and patient satisfactions were analyzed. Results Fourteen patients with breast cancer underwent immediate breast reconstruction with extended latissmus dorsi flap following mastectomy, including stage Ⅰ, Ⅱa, Ⅱb , Ⅲa in 3, 7, 3, and one patient respectively. The mean age was 43 years(range, 24~51). The length of follow-up ranged from 3 to 24 months. There were no flap losses; Donor site seroma occurred in 5 patients(35.7%), one of which required surgical correction of non-resolving seroma, the others disappeared after repeated aspiration. Wound infection was not observed. One patient developed minor wound dehiscence. 9 patients were very satisfied with the reconstructive breast, 4 satisfied, 1 considered the result to be fair. None of the patients was not satisfied. Conclusion In selected patients with breast cancer the extended latissimus dorsi flap is a relatively easy and reliable method for total autologous breast reconstruction. However, this flap's main disadvantage is donor-site morbidity with prolonged drainage and risk of seroma.

    Prevention and Treatment for Portal Vein Thrombosis after Splenectomy and Devasculation with Portal Vein Catheterization
    Lin Dongdong;Lu Shichun;Liu Jinning;Wang Menglong;Zhang Jinguang;Fu Zhi;Zhang Zhen;Zhu Yue;Li Ning
    2007, 28(1):  26-28. 
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    Objective To investigate the safety and efficiency of portal vein catheterization for prevention and treatment of portal vein thrombosis after splenectomy and devasculation. Methods From April 2004 to May 2005, 35 cases of post-operative patient undergoing performed splenectomy and devasculation, catheters were placed and retained in portal veins through right gastroepiploic veins. Anticoagulation and thrombolysis treatment were given after operations. The changes of platelet, hemodynamics of portal vein, incidence of infection and thrombosis, outcome of thrombolysis were analysed. Results Platelet level rised after operation, reached peak about two weeks later, and lowered to normal about 1 month later. The maximum and mean velocity of portal vein blood flow became slower. There was 1 case who suffered from sepsis through portal vein catheter. 5 cases(14.28%) suffered of portal vein thrombosis before operations. 7 cases developed portal vein thrombosis after operations. 6 cases(85.72%) of portal vein thromboses were given thrombolysis through portal vein catheters. Conclusion Portal vein thrombosis can be prevented and treated efficiently with anticoagulation and thrombolysis through portal vein catheter, which give these patients opportunities for liver transplantation later.

    The Experiences of Breast Cancer Operation under Local Anesthesia or(and) Intravenous Intensified Anesthesia
    Luo Chengyu;Zhang Jian;Ji Xiaoxin;Yang Qi;Lin Hua
    2007, 28(1):  29-31. 
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    Objective To analysis the local anaesthesia or/and intravenous intensified anaesthesia. Methods Local breast surgery and mastoscopic axillary lymph node dissection were performed under local anaesthesia or/and intravenous intensified anaesthesia in 7 cases of breast cancer. Results All patients were satisfied with the whole anaesthesia process during operations. The incisions healed well. There was no subcutaneous liquid accumulation, blood accumulation, skin-flap necrosis and other complications. Follow-up period was 6~59 months. Patients recovered well after operation. No case died from circulatory and respiratory failures caused by the attacks of operation and anaesthesia. Local recurrences of cancer in breast or axilla were not observed during follow-up period. Conclusion Local anaesthesia or/and intravenous intensified anaesthesia is one of the good options for some special patients. It is convenient and feasible. It improves the safety of surgery. Patients, recovery becomes simple after operation. It provides the experience for performing "day operation" in breast cancer in the days to come.

    Some Issues on Surgical Treatments of Portal Hypertension
    Zhang Zhongtao;Wang Yu
    2007, 28(1):  32-34. 
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    Because of little understanding about natural course of liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension and lacking of highly qualitative multi-central prospective randomized control trial on different treatment techniques, surgical treatments on portal hypertension remain controversial. The prognosis of the patients with portal hypertension depends on the progression of primary liver disease, so the present traditional surgical operations could not obviously increase the survival rate. The final method for human being beating the disease relies on various ways to deal with donor sources, so that more patients with portal hypertension would benefit from liver transplantation. Furthermore, the basic research, including exploring the effective methods to postpone or reverse the liver cirrhosis and prevent and cure the primary liver disease, should be emphasized. Presently, to enhance the comprehensive perioperative managements would improve the outcomes of traditional operations on portal hypertension.

    Surgical Treatments on Portal Hypertension
    Wang Yu
    2007, 28(1):  35-38. 
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    The incidence of hepatitis B and schistosomiasis is higher in China, as a result the incidence of portal hypertension in China is significantly higher than it in Europe and USA. It is very important to prevent and treat the portal hypertension in China. Traditional surgical treatments on portal hypertension include devascularization and shunt procedure. The devascularization is a relatively simpler surgical procedure. Its disadvantages include higher perioperative death(10%~20%) and higher recurrent bleeding rate(significantly higher than shunt procedure). The portacaval shunt plus enhancement of perfusion of hepatic artery can increase the perfusion of hepatic artery, maintain the liver function and overcome the side effects of the portacaval shunt. The liver transplantation is the only curative method for the liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension, but in our country it is not impractical to treat all patients with portal hypertension and variceal bleeding of esophago-fundus of stomach resulting from the posthepatitic cirrhosis and the schistosomiasis using liver transplantation. The traditional surgical treatments in China still play an important role in a long term in the future. The higher cost of liver transplantation is also a bigger problem. It should be seriously studied the investing more money for developing liver transplantation or for preventing and treating hepatitis and schistosomiasis.

    Applied Anatomy of Mastoscopic Axillary Lymph Node Dissection
    Luo Chengyu
    2007, 28(1):  39-41. 
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    The minimally invasive MALND differs from the usually laparoscopic operation. The narrow space, complicated anatomic layers, lots of blood vessels and nerves add much difficulty to the operation. Moreover, the elaborate anatomy in axilla becomes more clear by the help of the magnifying function of endoscopic system. Some anatomic structures which are difficult to be realized in conventional axillary lymph node dissection uncover under the endoscopic view. The routes and features under endoscopy of some anatomic structures such as intercostobrachial nerve, axillary vein, subscapular vessels, thoracodorsal nerve and vessels, lymphatic drainage channels, thoracic epigastric vein, long thoracic nerve, lateral thoracic arteries, axillary vein segment behind minor pectoralis and medial thoracic nerve in the space between major and minor pectoralis are described in detail.

    The Early Management of Severe Acute Pancreatitis
    Sun Jiabang;Wang Yajun
    2007, 28(1):  42-46. 
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    Because of improvements in the management including better diagnostics and treatment modalities, the mortality of acute pancreatitis (AP) has declined during the past 2 decades. With the development of evidence-based medicine, more and more guidelines in AP are published and the management is trended to convincing scientific evaluations. Appropriate early managements are the important step and critical time to alleviate pancreatic necrosis, relief organ dysfunction and improve prognosis. It is necessary to identify the causes and severity of AP before treatment, so as to take etiotropic therapy and intensive care or not. AP is divided as mild and severe type according to the Atlanta Symposium criteria. The severity of AP is mainly determined by Ranson score, APACHE Ⅱ, CT, CRP, et al. The early management of AP is including adequate fluid resuscitation, sufficient oxygen, preventing infection, sedation, analgesia, nutritional support, inhibiting pancreatic exocrinosity, promoting enterocinesia, blood filtration and small dose glucocorticoid infusion. A few patients maybe need surgery for the causes and local complications.

    Advance in the Application of Noninvasive Ventilation to Treat Respiratory Failure
    Zhu Guangfa
    2007, 28(1):  47-51. 
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    Noninvasive ventilation(NIV), because of its easier operation and fewer complications as compared with invasive ventilation is used increasingly to treat respiratory failure in patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, acute lung injury, acute respiratory distress syndrome, and acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema. NIV can also be used to provide ventilatory support for postoperative patients and for those with Do-Not-Intubate order, and to facilitate extubation and weaning for patients who are already intubated. The appropriate application of NIV in clinical should be improvement of patient outcomes.

    Establishment of Fisher344 Rat Animal Model of Epithelial Ovarian Cancer
    Wei Wei;Shen Keng;Zhao Lihong;Cao Yang
    2007, 28(1):  52-55. 
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    Objective To establish rat model of epithelial ovarian cancer which clinical character should be similar to human ovarian cancer. Methods Epithelial ovarian cancer cells(NuTu19) were injected intraperitoneally into Fischer344 rat in different cell number. Weight and survival time were observed weekly. Necropsy and pathologic analysis were performed after 4, 8, 16 weeks. Results Mean survival time: 5×106 group was 30 d, 1×106 group was 62 d, 5×105 group was 66 d, 1×105 group was 129 d, 5×104 group was 160 d, 1×104 group was 223 d. Body weight of all rats were raised and ascites were found at three weeks before death. Clinical characters were similar to human ovarian cancer: hemorrhagic ascites, confluent omental mass, peritomeum, diaphragm and intraabdominal organs were implanted numerous tumor nodules. Histological character was papillary serous ovarian adenocarcinoma. Only in terminal stages, ovarian tissues were affected. Conclusion The model is consistent with clinical human ovarian cancer in growth manner, development of disease process, histological type and death complications.
    The Role of ET in the Pathogenesis of Renal Injury in Rats with Acute Hemorrhagic and Necrotic Pancreatitis
    Wang Yunfan;Li Haiyan;Liu Guozhen;Chen Ruifen
    2007, 28(1):  56-60. 
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    Objective To investigate plasma endothelin levels and the expression of endothelin in the kidneys and determine the role of endothelin in the pathogenesis of renal injury in rats with acute hemorrhagic and necrotic pancreatitis(AHNP). Methods AHNP was induced in rats by intraductal administration of 5% sodium taurocholate. The concentrations of endothelin in plasma were determined with radioimmunoassay. The pathologic morphologic changes of kidney were observed under light microscope and electron microscope.The expression of endothelin in the kidney was determined through immunohistochemistry. Results The concentration of plasma endothelin was elevated 3 h after inducement. Compared with the control group, the concentration of plasma endothelin in each AHNP groups were higher and the longer the time after inducement, the higher the concentrations and the more severe pathological alteration of pancreatic and renal tissue in AHNP rats. The positive staining of endothelin was mainly localized at the epithelial cells of tubules and glomerular endothelial cells . And along with the development of AHNP, the renal injury was more significant and serious accompanied with the increase of the expression of ET in the renal tissue.Conclusion Our findings suggest that endothelin contributes to the development and aggravation of the renal failure in the course of AHNP. The increase of ET levels can lead to the renal microcirculatory disturbance and proliferation of mesangial cells, which might be one of the pathogens to induce the renal damage in rats.[
    Study on Thiencynonate by Electron Ionization and Electron Spray Ionization Mass Spectrometry
    Xu Yanxia;Wang Lijuan;Xue Ming;Ruan Jinxiu;Zhang Zhenqing;Liu Keliang
    2007, 28(1):  61-63. 
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    Objective Thiencynonate(TC) is a novel compound which is similar to anti-cholinergic drug developed by Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, used for the prevention and treatment of motion sickness or other disease caused by imbalance of function under movement stimulation and the pesticides poison of organic phosphorus. Methods For further study on it, the mass spectrometry techniques of electron ionization mass spectrometry(EI-MS) and electron spray ionization mass spectrometry(ESI-MS) were used for the elucidations of the structure and fragmentation pathway of TC. Results The results shows the molecular ion peak m/z 364[M+H]+, m/z156, were detected by ESI-MS; m/z363[M]+ and m/z138,m/z181 and m/z154, m/z221 were detected by EI-MS. Further more, the fragmentation pathway of TC was also explained. Conclusion The results provided a valuable information for the investigation and development of drugs similar to TC.
    Effects of 11,12-EET on Heme Oxygenase-1 in Ischemia/Reperfusion Rat Heart
    Jiang Ying;Yan Li;Wang Hongxia;Lu Lingqiao;Zeng Xiangjun;Zhu Yinfen;Zhang Like
    2007, 28(1):  64-67. 
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    Objective To observe the effects of 11, 12-epoxyeicosatrienoic acid (11, 12 -EET) on heme oxygenase-1(HO-1) in myocardial ischemic/reperfusion(I/R) injury in rats. Methods Myocardial ischemic/reperfusion model was produced by legating the left anterior descending coronary artery for 60 min followed by 30 min reperfusion. The rats were divided into 3 groups: 1) ischemia/ reperfusion(I/R) group; 2) EET group, 6.24×10-8 mol/ L 11, 12-EET was injected intravenously 20 min before I/R; 3) L-NAME group, L-NAME was injected intravenously 10 min before EET plus I/R .The heart function was evaluated by observing the change of +dp/dtmax and -dp/dtmax. The level of HO-1 was detected by Western blot method. The activities of nitric oxide synthase of myocardium were examined by colorimetric method. Results At 30 min reperfusion, +dp/dtmax and -dp/dtmax increased significantly in EET group compared with I/R group(P<0.01). HO-1 level was higher in EET group than I/R group(P<0.05). HO-1 level was lower in L-NAME group than EET group(P<0.05). The activities of cNOS in EET group were higher than those in I/R(P<0.01). The activities of iNOS in EET group were lower than those in I/R(P<0.01). Conclusion 11, 12-EET protected rat heart against I/R injury. 11,12-EET increased the expression level of HO-1 and the activities of cNOS and decreased the activities of iNOS .As the expression of HO-1 induced by 11,12-EET could be blocked by L-NAME, It was indicated that elevated HO-1 was involved in NO-meadiated signal pathway.
    Effect of Endothelin-1 and Its Receptor Antagonists on the Expression of Collagen-1 mRNA in HSC-T6 Cells
    Zhang Jun;Zhang Zhongtao;Wang Yu;Wang Ping;Li Jianshe;Zhou Yanzhong
    2007, 28(1):  68-70. 
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    Objective To study the effects of endothelin-1 and its receptor antagonists on the expression of collagen-1 mRNA in HSC-T6 cells. Methods RT-PCR analysis was used in the research. Results The expression of collagen-1 mRNA in ET-1 and ET-1+BQ-123 group was significantly higher than that of control group (0.706±0.027 and 0.724±0.059 vs 0.400±0.047, P<0.05). The expression in ET-1+BQ-788 group and ET-1+BQ-123+BQ-788 group was significantly lower than ET-1 group (0.427±0.131 and 0.382±0.022 vs 0.706±0.027, P<0.05). Conclusion ET-1 can induce high expression of collagen-1 mRNA in HSC. BQ-788, and the selective ETB receptor antagonist, can inhibit high expression of collagen-1 mRNA in HSC-T6 induced by ET-1.
    Cloning of Anti-keratin ScFv From a Human Large Phage Antibody Library
    Zhang Guomin;Qiao Yuanyuan;Chen Yuping;Lü Zhe;An Yunqing
    2007, 28(1):  71-74. 
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    Objective To clone human single chain antibodies(scFv) against keratin from a large phage antibody library and analyze the specificity of antigen binding activity and the homology of gene sequences. Methods A human large phage antibody library was panned for four times. The specificity of the antigen binding activity of the selected clones was identified by ELISA. Positive clones were analyzed by DNA fingerprint and sequencing. Results After 4 rounds of "adhesion-elution-amplification" panning, 9 clones expressing anti-keratin scFv were obtained. DNA fingerprint and sequence analysis showed that they had different antibody V region encoding genes. Conclusion Human anti-keratin scFv is obtained from a large phage antibody library, which will benefit to the application of anti-keratin antibody to clinical research.
    Study on the Cognition and the Pathogenetic Mechanisms of Early Stage in Diabetic KK-Ay Mouse
    Wang Xianling;Jia Jianping
    2007, 28(1):  75-77. 
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    Objective To study the pathogenic mechanisms of diabetic encephalopathy. Methods Using KK-Ay mouse as the non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus(NIDDM) model and age-matched C57BL/6J mouse as normal control, their cognitive performance in Morris water maze and morphological change in brain has been observed respectively at 6 and 12 weeks after onset of diabetes mellitus. Results KK-Ay diabetic mouse begin to display moderate learning deficits in the Morris maze 6 weeks after onset of diabetes. The cognitive impairment become more significant at 12 weeks: the swimming time and distance of diabetic mouse is significantly longer than the control; the pathological change of brain tissue has been observed by electron microscopy and light microscopy. Conclusion KK-Ay diabetic mouse can be used as an animal model to study the pathogenesis of diabetic encephalopathy. The hyperglycemia may lead to the cognitive impairment in diabetes.
    Effects of Spirulina-radix Puerariae Tablet on Immunological Functions of Mice
    Bi Xiaoyu;Gao Lifang;Cao Lige;Chen Zhenliang;Wu Tao;Yin Zhaoxue;Su Yilan;Jiang Zhicheng
    2007, 28(1):  78-80. 
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    Objective To study the effects of spirulina-radix puerariae tablet(SPT) on immunological functions of mice. Methods Delayed type hypersensitivity was examined with toe incrassation; the lymphocyte proliferation was evaluated by MTT assay;the serum hemolysin formation was performed by HC50 assay; NK cells activity was detected by lactate dehydrogenase method. ResultsCompared with control group, the immunological functions above increased significantly in SPT group(P<0.05). Conclusion Taking SPT orally can obviously enhance cell and body fluid immunological functions and NK cells activity.
    Study of Electrical Heterogeneity of L-type Calcium Current in the Canine Ventricular Myocytes
    Gao Ying;Yang Xinchun;Zhou Peng;Liu Xiulan
    2007, 28(1):  81-84. 
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    Objective To determine the characteristics of L-type calcium current(ICa L) in epicardial(Epi), midmyocardial (M), and endocardial(Endo) canine ventricular myocytes. Methods Using whole-cell patch clamp techniques to compare the electrophysiological characteristics of ICa L of myocytes enzymatically dissociated from right and left canine ventricular epi, mid and endomyocardium. Results The peak density of ICa L(pA/pF) was –4.896±1.907(n=31), -3.406±0.904(n=37), -2.788±0.756(n=33), respectively in right ventricular(RV) epicardial, midmyocardial, and endocardial myocytes(P<0.01). The peak density of ICa L(pA/pF) was -3.824±1.201(n=18), -4.854±1.485(n=20), -2.988±1.082(n=17), respectively in left ventricular(LV) (P<0.01). In epicardial myocytes, the average peak ICa L densities was significantly smaller in RV than in LV(P<0.05). In midmyocardial myocytes, the average peak ICa L densities was significantly larger in RV than in LV(P<0.01). In endocardial myocytes, the average peak ICa L densities wasn't significantly different(P> 0.05). Conclusion L-type calcium current on different ventricular myocytes of canine present with different characteristics.
    An Experimental Study on the Therapy of Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia with Dephnetin in Rat Model
    An Yijun;Liu Jiang;Huang Minjun;Li Shuzhen;Guo Zengzhu
    2007, 28(1):  85-88. 
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    Objective To evaluate the efficacy of dephnetin in the treatment of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia(PCP) in rat models. Methods The PCP animal model was made by subcutaneously injecting prednisolone acetate in female Wistar rat. All experimental rats were randomly divided into 5 groups: group A was normal control; group B was control with no drug for treatment; group C was control given TMP-SMZ; group D was rats given dephnetin; group E was control given dihydroarteminsinin(DHA). The efficacy of dephnetin on the treatment of PCP was evaluated by altration in ratio of lung weight to body weight and the burden of Pneumocystis carinii. Results The mortality of the experimental rats immunosuppressed by prednisolone acetate was 16.7% in six weeks. The mean ratios of lung weight to body weight in groups A~E were 0.75, 1.05, 0.77, 0.77, and 0.85 respectively. And the mean counts of Pneumocystis carinii cyst/mg of lung in groups B~E were 1 490, 74, 339, and 219 respectively. The mean ratio of lung weight to body weight and the mean count of Pneumocystis carinii cyst/mg of lung in groups C, D and E were significantly lower than those of the control group B with no drug for therapy(P<0.05 and P<0.01). Although the efficacy of dephnetin was not better than those of TMP-SMZ, there was no difference between the efficacy of dephnetin and DHA. Conclusion Dephnetin is effective in the treatment of PCP in rat models, and its therapeutic efficacy is similar to that of DHA.
    The Analysis of the Relationship between COL3A1 Gene and the Polymorphism Chinese Sporadic Intracranial Aneurysms
    Hua Tao;Li Xueji;Liu Gang;Zhang Dong;Zhao YuanLi;Wang Shuo;Zhao Jizhong
    2007, 28(1):  89-92. 
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    Objective To investigate the possible relationship between the Ⅲ collagen α1(COL3A1) gene and the Chinese sporadic intracranial aneurysms. Methods Obtain the venous blood of the two group cases and extract genomic DNA. After the primer design and synthesis, the polymerase chain reaction(PCR) was performed and the PCR products were examined via the 1% agarose gel electrophoresis, and finally the products were sequenced to investigate the frequency discrepancy of certain single nucleotide polymorphism of COL3A1. Results After statistic analysis, the difference of genotype frequency between the intracranial aneurysms and control group was statistically significant, the P value of which is lower than 0.05. Conclusion There is significant relationship between the functional SNP of COL3A1 gene and sporadic intracranial aneurysms patients and COL3A1 gene would be one of the candidate genes of the Chinese sporadic intracranial aneurysms.
    Study of the Disconnection Theory in Conduction Aphasia
    Zhao Xingquan;Fang Ruile;Sun Xuejin;Hu Nan;Zhang Yumei
    2007, 28(1):  93-96. 
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    Objective To test and verify the disconnection theory in conduction aphasia with diffusion tensor imaging. Methods 5 conduction aphasia cases and 5 volunteers carried out handedness assessment of aphasia battery of China meanwhile 5 conduction aphasia cases were studied using oral fluent test. We studied theses case's arcuate fasciculus with diffusion tensor imaging. Results All of these cases were right handedness. DTI showed that the fibers arcuate fasciculus were damaged at different levels compared with control group. Conclusion The disconnection between Broca's area and Wernicke's area is one of mechanisms in conduction aphasia.
    The Polymorphic of Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte-Associated Antigen 4 of Patients with Autoimmune Poly-glandular Syndrome Ⅲ
    Gong Chunxiu;Shen Kunling;Wu Di;Yan Chun
    2007, 28(1):  97-100. 
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    Objective To learn the relationship between CTLA-4 exon 1 49A/G and APS Ⅲ. Methods 52 normal control, 39 T1DMA cases and 16 APS Ⅲ cases. Results The frequency of allele G, 0.788 was higher than A, 0.212. GG genotype and G allele was higher in NC group. But it was no significant difference(χ2=2.856, P=0.24; χ2=0.003, P=0.352). G and A alleles in 3 groups was no significant difference too. Conclusion The main allele is G in the research groups. The CTLA-4 polymorphism has race difference. There is a increased trend of A allele in NC, T1DM and APS Ⅲ. So there may be a relation between A allele and susceptibility of autoimmune disease.
    Association between Pulse Wave Velocity and Ambulatory Pulse Pressure in Patients with Essential Hypertension
    Tan Jing;Hua Qi;Xing Xiurong;Wen Jing
    2007, 28(1):  101-103. 
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    Objective To explore the association between pulse wave velocity and ambulatory pulse pressure in patients with essential hypertension. Methods 224 patients with essential hypertension were enrolled and divided into 3 groups based on the levels of 24 h mean pulse pressure. Carotid-femoral PWV(CFPWV) and carotid-radial PWV(CRPWV) were measured by automatic pulse wave velocity measuring system. Results CFPWV increased with 24 h mean pulse pressure(P﹤0.001), whereas CRPWV did not change significantly. CFPWV was positively and significantly correlated with clinic pulse pressure(r=0.251, P﹤0.001), daytime pulse pressure(r=0.341, P﹤0.001), nighttime pulse pressure(r=0.301, P﹤0.001)and 24 h mean pulse pressure(r=0.338, P﹤0.001). Such relationships were not found with CRPWV. Conclusion CFPWV but not CRPWV closely correlate with ambulatory pulse pressure.
    To Investigate the Experiences of the Multi-modality Treatment of the Patients with Stage Ⅲ Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
    Miao Jinbai;Hou Shengcai;Li Hui;Hu Bin
    2007, 28(1):  104-106. 
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    Objective To evaluate and summarize the experiences of the treatment of the patients with stage Ⅲ non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC). Methods We reviewed a total of 188 cases treated with different methods, which included preoperative and postoperative chemotherapy combination with operation, operation combination with postoperative chemotherapy, simple operation and naive chemotherapy. Then the 1-year and 3-year survival rate and median survival time(MST) were analyzed and compared. The chemotherapy were all based on carboplatin combined with gemcitabin or taxol, but the preoperative received 2 or 3 cycle and postoperative received 4~6 cycle chemotherapy , and the naive chemotherapy also performed 4~6 cycle. Results The 1-year and 3-year survival rate of preoperative and postoperative chemotherapy combination with operation group exceeded the simple operation group significantly(P<0.01), but compared with postoperative chemotherapy combination with operation group the difference of 1-year survival rate was significantly(P<0.05) and that of 3-year was not evident(P>0.05). The resectability of preoperative and postoperative chemotherapy combination with operation group was better than that of postoperative chemotherapy combination with operation group(P<0.05). The 1-year survival rate of postoperative chemotherapy combination with operation group was improved compared with simple operation group but not statistically significant(P=0.069). As for naive chemotherapy group, there were no patients could live more than 3 years and the 1-year survival rate was the lowest among all groups. And its MST was only nine months less than preoperative and postoperative chemotherapy combination with operation group and postoperative chemotherapy combination with operation group evidently. Conclusion The patients with stage Ⅲ NSCLC would be received resection as possible even incomplete, and could had benefits from routine systematic hilar and mediastinal lymph node dissection. Postoperative chemotherapy might improved the survival rate. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy increased the resection rate and shown considerable improvement in survival time, but the effect of naive chemotherapy was disappointed.
    Association of G894T Polymorphisms of Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Gene with the Antihypertensive Effect of Telmisartan
    Guo Shaojie;Zhao Xiuli;Wu Feng;Cui Yanli;Wang Shumin;Li Jiajing;Zhou Hui;Yang Ling
    2007, 28(1):  107-109. 
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    Objective To investigate the association of the G894T polymorphism of endothelial nitric oxide synthase(eNOS) gene with the antihypertensive effects of telmisartan in essential hypertensive patients. Methods Seventy-five patients with mild to moderate essential hypertension diagnosed according to criteria of hypertension of WHO/ISH were enrolled in and treated with telmisartan for 4 weeks. Polymerase chain reaction combined with restrictive enzyme digestion was used to detect the G894T polymorphisms of eNOS gene in patients. Results There are three genotype-GG, GT, TT(their genotype frequencies is respectively 44.0%, 41.3%, 14.7%), the frequency of G allele is 64.7% and T allele is 35.3%. Before treatment, There is no statistically significant in SBP or DBP or MAP between GG genotype patients and GT+TT genotype patients; After 4-weeks' treatment of telmisartan, the decrease of DBP with GT+TT genotype patients 〔(6.1±7.3)mmHg (1 mmHg=0.133 kPa)〕was higher than that of GG genotype〔(4.0±8.0)mmHg〕, but it is not statistically significant(P=0.624); however, the decrease of SBP with GG genotype patients 〔(9.6±19.0)mmHg〕was higher than that of GT+TT genotype〔(7.7±12.8)mmHg〕,but it is not statistically significant(P=0.623). Conclusion We can not found that the association of eNOS gene G894T polymorphisms with antihypertensive effects of telmisartan in this selected hypertensive patients.
    Clinical Study of Treatment for Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy with Combination of Pentoxifylline and Microbalamin
    Lu Meihua;Sun Li
    2007, 28(1):  110-112. 
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    Objective To investigate the correlation between diabetic peripheral neuropathy(DPN) and hemorrheology and to observe the efficacy effect of pentoxifylline and micobalamin for DPN. Methods 96 patients with DPN were divided into groups of DPN 1, DPN 2 and DPN 3 randomly. Patients of group DPN 1 were treated with micobalamin PO. Patients of group DPN 2 were admistered pentoxifylline PO. Patients of group DPN 3 were treated with both pentoxifylline and micobalamin. Control group are included 36 healthy persons and 40 DM patients without complication. Patients of group DPN 1, DPN 2, DPN 3 were treated for 3 months. Hemorheology and electromyogram were performed prior and post to treatment. Results 1) Whole blood hypsiviscosity, whole blood hypoviscosity, plasma viscosity, fibrinogen, max platelet packing fraction, erythrocyte aggregation of DM patients without complication were higher than healthy persons(P<0.01). Numerical value of prior treatment in group DPN 1, DPN 2 and DPN 3 were higher than DM patients without complication(P<0.01). 2) Nerve conduction velocity(NCV) of post-treatment in group DPN 1, DPN 2 and DPN 3 were improve obviously(P<0.01). In the improve degree of NCV group DPN 2 was better than group DPN 1, DPN 3 was better than group DPN 2(P<0.01). Conclusion Hemorrheology abnormality is an important pathogenic factor in the diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Pentoxifylline and micobalamin can reduce blood viscosity and improve NCV. Among all the therapies alliance is more utility.
    The Comparative Analysis of Active T Cells,Nature Killer Cells and Interferon-γ in Malignant and Tuberculous Pleural Effusions
    Jin Jianmin;Zhang Husheng;Gu Haitong;Wang Yang
    2007, 28(1):  113-116. 
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    Objective To evaluate the distribution of active T cells and nature killer cells (NK cells),as well as the interferon-γ(γ-IFN) level in tuberculous pleural effusions and malignant ones. Methods The percentages of active T cells (CD3+HLA-DR+) or NK cells (CD3-CD16+/CD56+) in tuberculous pleural effusions (23 cases) and malignant ones (22 cases) were detected with flow cytometry. γ-IFN levels were also measured with Elisa method. Results Compared with malignant pleural effusions, tuberculous pleral exudates showed a higher percentage of active T cells and contained more γ-IFN. The percentage of active T cells was positively correlated with γ-IFN in tuberculous pleural effusions. There was a higher percentage of NK cells in malignant pleural exudates. However, The γ-IFN level was not correlated with percentage of NK cells in malignant pleural effusions. The ratio between the percentages of active T cells and NK cells was significantly higher in tuberculous pleural exudates when compared with malignant ones. Conclusion To detectγ-IFN level, also the percentages of active T cells and NK cells in pleural effusions, especially the ratio between the percentages of these two kinds of cells may provide a useful method to distinguish the malignant pleural effusions from tuberculous ones.
    The Study of the Correlation between Topographic Patterns and Prognosis in Patients with Pons Infarction
    Ju Yi;Wang Yongjun;Zhao Xingquan;Li Jingjing
    2007, 28(1):  117-120. 
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    Objective To investigate the correlation between topographic patterns of different location and vascular lesions and prognosis in patients with pons infarction. Methods 111 patients with pons infarction who were admitted in 2003 were enrolled in this study. All the patients were evaluated using NIHSS, MRS on admission, and were evaluated MRS again on day 30 and day 90 after the onset of the illness. The location and responsible vessel of lesions were evaluated systematically and the multivariate logistic regression analysis of the prognosis at the time of 6 months and the correlative factors were analysed. Results Patients with pons, proximal, and distal territory involvement(OR=6.02, P<0.05), multiple intracranial territory involvement(OR=6.60, P<0.01), in basilar artery acute occlusion(OR=6.10, P<0.001) , were more likely to have the poorest outcome. Conclusion Its found that pons infarction consists of a variety of different stroke topographic patterns and vascular lesions, with various prognosis.
    The Characteristics of Clinical Pathology in Congenital Hydronephrosis Caused by Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction in Children
    Xie Xianghui;Huang Chengru;Sun Ning;Zhang Weiping;Tian Jun;Li Minglei;Song Hongcheng
    2007, 28(1):  121-123. 
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    Objective To investigate the pathologic characteristics, clinic manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of congenital hydronephrosis caused by ureteropelvic junction obstruction(UPJO) in children. Methods 1 376 children( male 1 169 and female 207, left side in 894, right side in 309 and bilateral in 173) with UPJO were treated in our hospital during the last 50 years,including 1 279 Anderson-Hynes and 97 Y-V procedures. Results All patients were followed up for at least 6 months. Congenital hydronephrosis are most commonly caused by ureteropelvic junction stenosis(94.3%), upper ureteral valve, upper ureteral polyps and an aberrant, accessory or early branching vessel to the lower pole of the kidney as well. Conclusion The most common cause of ureteropelvic junction obstruction is ureteropelvic junction stenosis. Anderson-Hynes procedure should be applied to children with obstructive symptoms and ultimately damaged renal function.
    The Characteristics of Clinical and Ultramicropathological Intracranial Chondroma and Its Histogenesis
    Sun Yilin;Zhang Hui;Qu Baoqing;Zhang Liwei
    2007, 28(1):  124-127. 
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    Objective To investigate the ultrastructure and histogenesis of intracranial chondroma. The tissue origin of the tumor was studied in combination with the morphological features. Methods 7 cases biopsy specimens of chondroma in middle cranial fossa were examined with transmission electron microscopy. Results Most of intracranial chondroma were located at the position of junctura cartilaginea of basicranial skeleton. It was difficult to make a definite diagnosis by means of neuroradiologic examination. Ultrapathology confirmed the tumor tissue consisted of untypical cartilager cells. Electron microscope observed the tissue structure disturbance of chondroma and polymorphic morphology of tumor cells as well as a lot of processes and microvillus on the cell membrane surface. The tumor cells was rich of cytoplasma and a large numbers of juncturae, rough endoplasmic reticulum expansion along with the polymorphic nucleus. There are a lot of homogeneous mucous in the matrix. Conclusion The ultrastructure characteristics support that the origin of intracranial chondroma is brephic embryonic rest of osteoprogenitor cells in the basicranial periost.
    The Effects of Scalp Nerve Block Combined with Tramadol PCA on the Postoperative Pain Undergoing Craniotomy
    Wang Lixin;Wang Baoguo
    2007, 28(1):  128-130. 
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    Objective To observe the effects of scalp nerve block combined with tramadol PCA on the postoperative pain undergoing craniotomy. Methods 60 adult patients(ASA physical status Ⅰ or Ⅱ) scheduled for frontotemporal craniotomies were randomly assigned into three groups: ropivacaine group (scalp nerve block with 10 mL of ropivacaine 1%), long-lasting lidocaine group (scalp nerve block with 10 mL of long-lasting lidocaine 0.8%) and saline group (scalp block with 10 mL of saline 0.9%). After the induction of general anesthesia, the scalp nerve block including the supraorbital nerve, the auriculotemporal nerves, and the greater, lesser occipital nerves was performed. The anesthesiologists performing the block were blinded to the drug being administered. Anesthesia was standarded. Patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) was used for the postoperative analgesia with tramadol. VAS scores were measured at 2 h, 24 h, 48 h after craniotomy. Results Average visual analog scale scores(VAS) within 2 h postoperative of saline, long-lasting lidocaine and ropivacaine group were (42.0±19.7)mm, (25.2±16.4)mm, (38.6±24.5)mm respectively . VAS were higher in the Saline group as compared with long-lasting lidocaine group(P<0.05) . VAS scores at 24 h and 48 h decreased as compared with VAS scores at 2 h, especially in the Saline group. Conclusion Scalp nerve block combined with tramadol PCA can successfully reduces postoperative pain after craniotomy.
    Efficacy Analysis in 13 Cases of Postpartum Hemorrhage Treated with Uterus Suture Ligation
    Wu Qingqing;Jiang Guiying;Chen Fei
    2007, 28(1):  131-132. 
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    Objective To investigate the efficacy of uterus suture ligation in 13 cases of postpartum hemorrhage. Methods Clinical data of 13 cases of postpartum hemorrhage from January, 2003 to April, 2005. Results 13 patients were stanched effectively by means of the operation of uterus suture ligation with saved without childbed infection and late postpartum hemorrhage. Conclusion Suture ligation procedure of post partum uterus is effective for hemostasia, simple and convenient. Also it is secure without any impact upon catamenia and pregnancy. Preservation of uterus will ensure the long-term quality of life of lying-in woman.