
Table of Content

    24 December 2006, Volume 27 Issue 6
    Identification of the Follicular Occlusion Triad Susceptibility Locus by a Genome Wide Scan
    Gao Min;Wang Peiguang;Cui Yong;Yang Sen;Lin Da;Li Hui;Du Wenhui;Huang Wei;Zhang Xuejun
    2006, 27(6):  703-706. 
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    Objective To identify the locus for follicular occlusion triad in a four-generation Chinese family.Methods A genome-wide scan was performed with 400 microsatellite markers in a Chinese follicular occlusion triad family to map the chromosome locations of the susceptible gene.Two-point linkage analysis was performed using Linkage programs version 5.10 and haplotype was constructed with Cyrillic version 2.01.Results A locus was identified at chromosome 1p21.1-1q25.3 with a cumulative maximum two-point LOD score of 3.26 at microsatellite markers D1S2624(at recombination fraction=0.00).Haplotype analysis indicated that the candidate gene was located within 61.8 cM region between markers D1S248 and D1S2711.Conclusion Chromosome 1p21.1-1q25.3 contains the candidate gene susceptible for the follicular occlusion triad.
    Clinical Analysis of Skin and Mucosa Manifestations in 539 Patients with HIV/AIDS
    Huang Xiaojie;Gao Yanqing;Wang Xicheng;Sun Xin;Zhang Tong;Wu Hao
    2006, 27(6):  707-711. 
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    Objective To investigate skin and mucosa manifestations as clinical markers of underlying status in HIV infection by assessment of skin diseases,and neusurement CD4+ lymphocyte count and CD4+/CD8+ ratio.Methods Retrospective studies were performed,in 539 inpatients and outpatients in Beijing Youan Hospital from May 2001 to April 2006.CD4+ lymphocyte count and CD4+/CD8+ ratio were measured by flowcytometry in 189 asymptomatic HIV patients and 350 HIV patients with various skin manifestations respectively.The prevalence of skin disease in HIV infection and its relationship to the degree of immuno-suppression were studied as well.Results Average CD4+ T cell count and CD4+/CD8+ ratio in symptomatic HIV-infected individuals(153.04/μL and 0.2024 respectively) were significantly lower than that of HIV-infected asymptomatic individuals(281.97/μL and 0.3129 respectively)(P<(0.05)).Oral mucosal candidiasis was the commonest skin manifestation in 36% HIV-positive patients.Conclusion There was an inversion ratio between the CD4+ T cell counts and the incidence,severity and the number of skin diseases in the HIV/AIDS patients.Some cutaneous manifestations of HIV carriers can be considered as good clinical markers to predict and assess the underlying immune status in resource-limited countries.
    Analyses on Biological Characteristics and Neuroimmuno-modulatory Functions of Epidermal Dendritic Cells Induced and Cultured in Vitro
    He Yanling;Qi Huanying;Xu Junzhu;Dong Jie
    2006, 27(6):  712-715. 
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    Objective To study the effect of epidermal dendritic cells on the immune reaction and disease development in the skin.Methods The cells were taken from embryo umbilical blood and divided into monocytes.The monocytes were cultured with GM-CSF and IL-4 in vitro and investigated the changes in different stage.The MoDC were analyzed the HLA-DR,CD1a and CD80 antigen markers on the cell surface with FACS.The MoDC were stimulated with LPS,CGRP and LPS,simple CGRP,then the expression of IL-12 mRNA in the MoDC were tested.Results The monocytes from umbilical blood appeared dendritic cells in culture 7 days later and expressed HLA-DR,CD1a marker.Conclusion The neuropeptide CGRP played double modulation on the MoDC in expression of IL-12 mRNA.
    Study on Correlation between the Serotype of Exfoliative Toxins and Dermatosis in 60 Strains of Staphylococcal Aureus
    Zhang Xia;Ma Lin;Shen Xuzhuang;Yang Yonghong;Zhang Guirong;Wang Yonghong
    2006, 27(6):  716-718. 
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    Objective To study the correlation between dermatosis and the serotype of exfoliative toxins(ET),and identify the correlativity of the serotype to impetigo or staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome(SSSS).Methods Sixty strains of Staphylococcal aureus(SA) isolated from patients were studied.Among them,15 strains were isolated from patients with bullous impetigo patients,15 strains from patients with nonbullous impetigo,and 30 patients with strains from SSSS.The reversed passive latex agglutination has been used to detect exfoliative toxin A and B.Results There were 51 exfoliative toxin producers detected by the EXT-RPLA,including 3 serotype A producers and 8 serotype B producers,and 40 double producers.Of the 15 isolates from the skin of patients with bullous impetigo,12 isolates were positive in terms of exfoliative toxin production,including 2 serotype A producers and 10 double producers,with no serotype B producer.Of the 15 isolates from the skin of patients with nonbullous impetigo,10 isolates were positive in terms of exfoliative toxin production,including 1 serotype A producer and 9 double producers,with no serotype B producer.On the other hand,of the thirty SA isolates from patients with SSSS,29 exfoliative toxin producers were detected with the EXT-RPLA,including 8 serotype B producers,21 double producers and with no serotype A producer.Conclusion ETA is correlated with impetigo and ETB is associated with generalized SSSS.ET-producing SA is the most common pathogenic bacteria in these two diseases.
    Study on the Phases of Traditional Chinese Medicine Syndromes in Psoriasis
    Jiang Chunyan;Wang Jusheng;Deng Bingxu;Chen Kai;Wang Ping;Cai Nianning;Tao Yi;Liu Wali;Qu Xing;Zhao Yiming
    2006, 27(6):  719-721. 
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    Objective To study the phases of traditional chinese medicine(TCM) syndrome in psoriasis.Methods The blood heat syndrome,the blood dryness syndrome and the blood stasis syndrome are the basic syndrome of psoriasis.In clinical epidemiological research which is prospective,muticentered,the distribution of the three basic syndromes of psoriasis on different disease phase and different disease course etc and the reqular pattern of development were discussed.Results The three basic syndromes of psoriasis are closely related to disease phases and the last course of disease.Conclusion The three basic syndromes of psoriasis are phasic syndromes.Usually,the blood heat syndrome is in the initial stage of psoriasis.As time goes on,the blood heat syndrome changes to be the blood dryness syndrome or the blood stasis syndrome.
    Study on the Protection Mechanism of APP17-mer Peptide from Ultraviolet a Induced Damage on Cultured Fibroblasts
    Chen Hui;Lian Shi;Zhu Wei
    2006, 27(6):  722-726. 
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    Objective To investigate the protection mechanism of β-amyloid precursor protein 17-mer peptide from UVA induced damage on cultured fibroblasts.Methods Human skin fibroblasts were irradiated with UVA.The activity of fibroblast was detected with the assay of MTT.The activity of superoxide dismutase was measured with biochemical assay.The intracellular ROS production was measured with a confocal microscopy.Results A significant decrease of activity of fibroblast was observed after exposure to UVA(P=(0.000)).A higher level of intracellular ROS(P=(0.000))and activity of superoxide dismutase(P=0.01) were detected in the irradiated samples.40 μmol/L APP17-mer peptide could counteract the effects of UVA on fibroblasts(P<0.05).Conclusion APP 17-mer peptide has potential protective effects from UVA induced damage on cultured fibroblasts.
    Morphology Observation and Function Study on PBMC to DC in Patients with Syphlis
    Zhang Haiping;Lian Shi;Zhu Wei
    2006, 27(6):  727-729. 
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    Objective To investigate the differentiated ability of peripheral blood mononuclear cells(PBMC) to dendritic cell(DC) in patients with syphilis.Methods The PBMC isolated from syphilis patients as well as healthy people were cultured in the completed medium containing GM-CSF,IL-4.The morphology of the DCs was observed using inverted microscope.The phenotypes were investigated with flow cytometry method.To perform mixed lymphocyte reaction(MLR),DCs were cultured with allogeneic T cells.Results The expression of CD80,CD83,CD86 and HLA-DR in syphilis patients were(77.92%),(39.34)%,(75.78%) and(95.42%),respectively.The expression level of CD80 was higher than the controlled people while the level of CD86 was lower.There were no significant differences between the syphilis patients and healthy people as to the level of CD83 and HLA-DR.The results of MLR suggest that the PBMC derived from syphilis can stimulate the T cells proliferation just like normal.Conclusion Compared with healthy people,the DC induced from the PBMC of the syphilis patients has characteristic morphology and the function of the presenting antigen is normal.
    Study of the Antifungal Effects on Candida Species of Oral Itraconazole in Human Stratum Corneum
    Wang Li;Zhao Junying;Xu Wei;Jiang Dalin;Wang Li
    2006, 27(6):  730-734. 
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    Objective To investigate a new method of antifungal sensibility test approximate to human internal environment by studying antifungal effects of oral itraconazole on four Candida species in human stratum corneum.Methods Twenty-one healthy adult volunteers who were divided randomly into two groups enrolled in the study.Ten volunteers were randomized to receive a 1-week dose of 200 mg itraconazole Bid,and 200 mg Qd for other eleven volunteers.Stratum corneum strippings were taken from the forearm skin on day 0,1,4,7,10,14,21,28,and 35.Yeasts of selected fungi(Candida albicans,Candida glabrata,Candida Parapsilosis and Candida tropicalis) were deposited and cultured on the center of stratum corneum strippings.The 2-days fungal growth on stratum corneum strippings was stained with PAS,then assessed over time of corneofungimetry assay by computer-assisted image analysis.Results Itraconazole at both dosages were always significantly effective against Candida albicans,Candida Parapsilosis and Candida tropicalis on stratum corneum strippings.There was no striking significance between two groups at statistics(P>0.05),but the area covered by the yeasts was significantly lesser at the group with 1-week dose of200 mg itraconazole Bid than 200 mg Qd at Candida glabrata.(Conclusion Corneofungimetry) bioassay is a new method between in vitro trial and in vivo effect.
    Evaluation of Life Quality of Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Study of Intervention of Traditional Chinese Medicine
    Li Yuanli;Wang Ping;Chen Weiwen;Jiang Chunyan
    2006, 27(6):  735-737. 
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    Objective To evaluate the life quality of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE) who was treated with traditional Chinese medicine and to analyze the impact of the therapy on those patients.Methods The method employed in this study is questionnaire.Evaluation of life quality of 93 patients with SLE and 30 healthy persons was fulfilled by SF-36 quality of life assessment questionnaire,and then the results of the assessments of 30 patients before the treatment were compared with the results after the treatment.Results There was significant difference in terms of SF-36 quality of life assessment between the group of patients and the control(P<0.05 or P<0.01);and there was significant difference in life quality before and after treatment in patient group.Conclusion The life quality of patients with SLE is generally reduced,and the treatment with TCM can significantly improve with life quality of patients with SLE.
    Thirty-five Cases of Facial hormone Dependence Dermatitis Treated with Shi Lan Cao Compound Preparationin
    Yang Lan;Wang Ping
    2006, 27(6):  738-739. 
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    Objective To study the roles of Shi Lan Cao compound preparation for treatment of facial hormone dependence dermatitis.Methods Thirty-five cases of facial hormone dependence dermatitis treated with Shi Lan Cao compound preparation,according to concomitant symptom,using external therapy,evaluate the change of erythema,edema,xeransis,desquamative phenomenon and itch,discomfort feeling in different phases.Results The concomitant symptom have obvious improvement after 4 weeks treatment.Conclusion Shi Lan Cao compound preparation,which be proved have efficacy of Qingreliangxue,Jieduchushi,and can highly increase the effect of treating anaphylaxis and inflammation,have better curative effect for facial hormone dependence dermatitis.
    526 Cases of Androgenetic Alopecia: an Investigation and Analysis on Quality of Life
    Xu Feng;Yang Qinping;Zhou Jing;Sheng Youyu;Wang Xiasheng
    2006, 27(6):  740-742. 
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    Objective To evaluate the effects of androgenetic alopecia on quality of life and relevant factors including age,sex,duration of illness,family history and clinical classification.Methods 526 out-patients diagnosed with Hamilton-Norwood hair loss Scale or Ludwig Scale answered a questionnaire measured with DLQI.Factor analysis grouped the items into four subscales(no effect,mild effect,and severe effect,the most effect).The according score is 0,1,2,3.The higher the score,the lower the quality of life.Results The difference in quality of life is related to age of patients or clinical classification of the disease.Factors such as sex,duration of illness and family history make no difference.Conclusion Androgenetic alopecia affects the quality of life,especially of younger patients or those with more severe manifestations.Early treatments are essential for relieving patients from psychologically devastating effects.
    An Appraisal of Acitretin Therapy on the Efficacy and Side Effects in Children with Inherited Disorders of Keratinization
    Zhang Xibao;He Yuqing;Cai Yanxia;Luo Quan;Wang Yanfang;Xu Xiao;Li Changxing;Huang Zhenming;Luo Yuwu;Li Ji
    2006, 27(6):  743-746. 
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    Objective To study the acitretin as the treatment for children cases with severe inherited disorders of keratinization.Clinical data of efficacy and tolerability of acitretin therapy were available for all patients and defines guidelines for treatment.Methods 22 children with severe inherited disorders of keratinization had been treated by acitretin,the body weight and height had been adopted to investigate the growth and development of children,the treatment and maintancedose were(0.67)~(1.07) mg/(kg·d) and 0~0.94 mg/(kg·d) respectively and the cumulative follow-up was 3~36 months for these 22 patients.Results The overall improvement was considerable;the clinical cured and effective rate were 77.3% and 18.2%,with only one case responding poorly.Most of those cases were showed the excellent response.Mild to moderate dry lips was most frequent((54.5)%),the next were pruritus(36.4%),skin fragility(27.3%),and dry mouth(22.7%).The less frequent side effects were anorexie(13.6%),and hypoacusis(4.5%).Irreversible side effects did not occur and showed no any effected on the growth and development of those children cases during treatment in the study.Conclusion The overall improvement of acitretin therapy in treatment of severe disorders of keratinization is considerable,with only mild to moderate side effects and has no effected on the growth and development in children.Acitretin therapy represents the treatment of choice for severe inherited disorders of keratinization and it is a safe and effective treatment during the investigation.
    Clinical Analysis of 186 Outpatients with Drug Eruption
    Liu Wenbin;Sun Yunchuan;Jin Xiaokun Yang Xiumin;Wang Yuxin;Tian Jing;Liu Huiru
    2006, 27(6):  747-749. 
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    Objective To study the causative agents and the clinical features of drug eruption of outpatients in our hospital from 2004 to 2005.Methods The clinical data of drug eruption in 186 outpatients were collected from 2004 to 2005 and the causative agents and clinical patterns were analyzed.Results 186 patients were enrolled in this study.The drugs most often responsible for the drug eruption were antimicrobials(38.7%)and Chinese patent medicine(26.9%).The most common clinical types were morbiliform-scarlatiniform exanthesis(69.4%),urticaria(18.8%) and fixed drug eruption(7.0%).The main causative agents of morbiliform-sarlatiniform exanthesis type and urticaria were antimicrobials(34.9%,45.7%) and Chinese patent medicine(27.9%,34.3%).The main causative drugs of life-threatening Steven-Johnson syndrome and dermatitis exfoliativa were antimicrobials and traditional Chinese medicine.Conclusion The most common causative agents in this study were antimicrobials and traditional Chinese medicine.More attention should be paid to increasing of drug eruption caused by traditional Chinese medicine,although most of them were gentle or midrange.
    Research about the Broth Microdilution Antifungal Susceptibility Testing Condition for 182 Microsporum Canis
    Yan li;Liu Wei;Han Lihua;Wan Zhe;Li Ruoyu;Ma Lin
    2006, 27(6):  750-753. 
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    Objective Study on the broth microdilution antifungal susceptibility testing condition about 182 Microsporum canis derived from patients in Beijing Children's Hospital.Methods The vitro method was used for testing filamentous fungi.We approached the broth microdilution antifungal susceptibility testing condition for Microsporum canis and tested the minimal inhibitory concentration(MIC) of 8 common antifungal drugs.Results The broth microdilution antifungal susceptibility testing condition for Microsporum canis: inoculum size ranged from 1×104 to 3×104 CFU/mL;MICs obtained from different medium at the same incubation time for the same isolate were significantly different,MICs were consistently higher with SDB than with RPMI-1640,when itraconazole,bifonazole,amorolfine were tested,no parameter had any influence on MICs;incubation temperature was 28 ℃,Microsporum canis produced clearly detectable growth after 5 d.Conclusion With good reproducibility and feasibility,the M38A procedure can be used for the antifungal susceptibility test to dermaphytes in the laboratories.
    Infections of STDs/HIV and Assessment of Risk Factors in Male Sex Workers
    Li Qunhui;Wu Hao;Sun Lijun;Huang Xiaojie;Liu Yi;Sun Xin;Liu Rusheng;Liu An;Wei Hongjuan;Ye Jiangzhu
    2006, 27(6):  754-757. 
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    Objective To determine the serologic prevalence of STDs/HIV in male sex workers(MSW) in order to provide evidence for intervention in the population.Methods Questionnaires were administered to MSWs after informed consent obtained.Serologic specimens were taken to detect antibodies to HIV,syphilis and herpes simplex virus(HSV-2).Results A total of 85 MSWs were screened.HIV antibody was positive in 5(5.9%) of them.FTA-ABSIgG、RPR and TPPA were positive in 17(20.0%) of them.The antibody to HSV-2-IgG was found in7(8.2%) of the men.Age and the age at first sex debut were risk factors associated with the infections.Conclusion STDs are identified in this group of MSWs.It is necessary to monitor STDs/HIV and their behaviorally in the population.
    Coincident Infections of Syphilis with HIV
    Gao Yanqing;Huang Xiaojie;Wu Hao;Zhang Tong;Guo Caiping;Liang Lianchun
    2006, 27(6):  758-760. 
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    Objective To investigate the manisfetations of coincident infection syphilis with HIV.Methods Patients diagnosed as having HIV and syphilis coinfection in Beijing Youan Hospital were retrospecpectively studied.Their demorgraphic data,clinical manisfetations,diagnostic means,treatment and follow-up results were analyzed.Results 6 patients with syphilis and HIV coinfection were all homosexual men,among them three cases had abnormal CSF,all patients responded well to penicillin.Conclusion There is a high incidence of HIV and syphilis coinfection in homosexual men.Syphilis may present with atypical features in the HIV-positive patients,serious courses with rapid progression and CNS involvement are observed more frequently.Diagnosis is generally made with serology,but the clinician should be aware of the potential for false-negative serology.All HIV-positive patients should be treated with a penicillin-based regimen.All HIV-positive patients should be considered for the evaluation of neurosyphilis.Relapse is a real concern and careful follow up is required.
    Studies on the Chromosomal Aberration and Fragile Site of Psoriasis and Leukemia: a Review of Recent Literatures
    Xu Junzhu;He Yanling
    2006, 27(6):  761-763. 
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    Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease.The etiology is involved in many factors including genetic predisposition and environmental impact.The heritability degree of psoriasis is estimated between 60% and 80%.Many investigators pay attention to the genetic predisposition and epidemiologic feature and begin to study the correlation between chromosome aberration or gene mutation and pathogenesis.More and more clinical case reports and laboratory studies about psoriasis associated with acute myelogenous leukemia have been reported.Most of the patients with psoriasis and leukemia are the subtype of AML-M3.Someone consider the psoriasis with leukemia is caused by bimolane.On the other hand,the others consider there are some genetic defects existed in the patients with psoriasis,including chromosome instability and defect of DNA repair.Here is the review about the relationship between psoriasis and leukemia.
    Effects of Cellular Immunity in the Pathogenesis and Treatment of Condyloma Acuminatum
    Liu Yongxin;Zhang Heyi
    2006, 27(6):  764-766. 
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    Condyloma acuminatum is a kind of hyperplastic disease caused by human papilloma virus.Both the significant change of ratio of CD4+-T-cell to CD8+-T-cell and generation of the memory T cells in patients suggest that the course of disease has close relationships to cellular immunity.Combination of cellular immunity in the clinical treatment of condyloma acuminatum can reduce the recurrence rate efficiently.
    Suppression of Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-1 on Gene Expression by Small Interfering RNA in Rat Hepatic Stellate Cell
    Cong Min;Wang Ping;Liu Tianhui;Xu Yong;Lu Yan;Tang Shuzhen;Liu Xiaoming;Wang Baoen;Jia Jidong;You Hong
    2006, 27(6):  767-770. 
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    Objective To investigate the effects of RNA interference targeting TIMP-1 gene on rat hepatic stellate cell(HSC)-T6 cells in vitro and screen highly efficient small interfering RNA(siRNA).Methods Five pair of 21 nucleotide siRNAs targeting rat TIMP-1 at nt161~181,nt 190~208,nt 208~226,nt 226~244,nt 445463 and one pair of fluorescence labeled unspecific siRNA were synthesized.After transfecting different concentrations of unspecific siRNA to select the optimum transfection concentration,50 nmol/L siRNAs were transfected into rat HSC-T6 cells respectively.The protein of the infected cells at 24 h,48 h and 72 h was collected and detected by Western blot to confirm the suppression effects of diverse siRNAs at different time point.Results It was demonstrated by fluorescence actived cell sorter that 50 nmol/L siRNA had the optimum trasfection efficacy,and 3 of the 5 siRNA oligomers had the significant effects on suppressing TIMP-1 expression by Western-blot within 48 hours after transfecting into rat HSC-T6 cells.The expression level of TIMP-1 gene in HSC-T6 cells infected by one pair of siRNA after 48 h decreased significantly(80%) compared with control cells,and the effects of suppression disappeared at 72 h after transfection.Conclusion RNA interference can exert an suppression of TIMP-1 gene in rat HSC.One paie of siRNA,which can highly effectively inhibit expression of TIMP-1 gene was screened successfully,and it will be reconstructed into virus vectors to suppress the specific gene expression for a long time by chromosomal integration.
    The Changes of Toll-like Receptor mRNA Expression in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells after Lower Laminar Shear Stress
    Liang Feng;Hu Dayi;Wu Mingying;Li Tianchang;Shi Xubo;Tang Chuzhong;Wang Boyao;Huang Ning;Wu Qi;Liu Xuqing
    2006, 27(6):  771-773. 
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    Objective By using the technology of RT-PCR and Northern hybridization,to assess the expression of TLR-2 and TLR-4 in human umbilical vein endothelial cells(HUVECs) after lower laminar shear stress.Methods Total RNA was isolated from HUVECs untreated and treated with 42 μN/cm2 for 1 h.The technology of RT-PCR and Northern hybridization were used to determine the change of TLR-2 and TLR-4 mRNAs expression after 1 hour stimulation of laminar shear stress.Results The results of RT-PCR and Northern hybridization showed that the expression of TLR-4 in HUVECs was increased after 1 h shear stress.There was no change for TLR-2 after stimulation.Conclusion Lower laminar shear stress can induce TLR-4 mRNA expression.The experiment suggests that the inflammatory signal receptor TLR-4 would probably be involved in flow shear stress-induced effective gene expression in human vascular endothelial cells.
    Expression of Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein and Tyrosine Hydroxylase Genes in Bone Marrow Stromal Cells
    Zhao Chunli;Duan Chunli;Zhang Haiyan;Sun Xiaohong;Zhao Huanying;Lu Qiang;Liu Yujun;Yang Hui
    2006, 27(6):  774-777. 
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    Objective To investigate the expression of enhanced green fluorescent protein(EGFP) and tyrosine hydroxylase(TH) genes in bone marrow stromal cells(bMSCs).Methods bMSCs were isolated by a density gradient(lymphocytes separation) from limbs.After being cultured for 8~10 d in primary culture,the bMSCs were transduced by retrovirus supernatants of EGFP and TH from PT67 cells in sequence.The transduced bMSCs were then selected by different antibiotics.After having been selected for 7~10 d,we could get the bMSCs with stably expressed EGFP and TH genes. Results In primary culture,bMSCs could reach 70%~80% confluence after 3~4 d.In the second day after being transduced by retrovirus supernatants of EGFP,the bMSCs could express weak green fluorescence.The EGFP transdced bMSCs were selected by G418 and reached confluence about 8~10 d.The positive cells were over 60% and the EGFP expression was stable in the following passages. The stable EGFP expressed bMSCs were then transduced by retrovirus supernatants of TH and selected by hygromycin for about 8~10 d.The TH positive bMSCs were also over 60%.Conclusion EGFP and TH genes could transduce BMSCs readily and efficiently and the expression of EGFP and TH genes were stable in the following passages.The EGFP and TH genes expressed bMSCs are useful and important in the study of the migration of bMSCs in vivo and gene therapy for Parkinson disease.
    Changes of Na+/Ca2+ Exchange Current in Ischemic Reperfused Cardiac Myocyte of Mouse
    Zhang Zhifei;Hou Xiaoli;Cui Qian;Zang Yimin;Wang Jun
    2006, 27(6):  778-780. 
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    Objective To investigate the direct effects of ischemia/ reperfusion on Na+/Ca2+ exchange current in mouse cardiac myocyte and the mechanism of [Ca2+] overload induced by ischemia/reperfusion.Methods The electrogenic Na+/Ca2+ exchanger currents was recorded from freshly isolated mouse ventricular myocyte during ischemia/reperfusion using nystatin-perforated patch clamp techniques.Myocardial ischemia was simulated by perfusion of metabolic inhibitor(5 mmol/L NaCN and 10 mmol/L deoxyglucose in glucose-free solution) and reperfusion was achieved by washing out the metabolic inhibitor.Results Ischemia significantly inhibited inward and outward Na+/Ca2+ exchanger currents(from(-0.04±0.01)nA to 0 nA at-100 mV; from(0.25±0.08)nA to(0.11±0.03)nA at +50 mV),Subsequent reperfusion enhanced NCX current obviously,especially the outward currents(from(0.25±0.08)nA to(0.49±0.12)nA at +50 mV).Conclusion The results suggest that ischemia/reperfusion result in significantly functional changes of Na+/Ca2+ exchanger which maybe mainly responsible for the [Ca2+] overload during ischemia/reperfusion.
    The Effects of Polyclonal Antibodies against CNTF on Ultrastructure of Paralytic Muscle Induced by Botulinum Toxin
    Yan Lijuan;Wu Xiao;Sun Yilin;Li Xin
    2006, 27(6):  781-784. 
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    Objective The aim of this research is to study the effects of polyclonal antibodies against ciliary neurotrophic factor(CNTF) on ultrastructure of paralytic muscle induced by botulinum toxin.Methods Botulinum toxin A(BTXA)was injected into bilateral extraocular muscles and facial muscles of 10 New Zealand rabbits.After 3 days,right extraocular muscles and facial muscles were injected polyclonal antibodies against CNTF(anti-CNTF),while left side were injected equivalent normal saline at the same sites.After 14 d of injection BTXA,observe changes of bilateral muscle cell,motor endplate,and nerve fiber by electron microscope.Results After 14 d of injection BTXA,both extraocular muscle and facial muscle atrophy,mitochondria swell,the layers of myelin sheath loosen,seeing myelin-like body,motor end plate is full of lots of clear excitatoty neurotransmitter vesicles.The group of injection anti-CNTF shows the nucleus of myocytes ingression,mitochondria swelling in endochylema,which leads to the vacuole-like degeneration of muscles,local myofilament disrupting and dissolving,degenerative myocytes necrosis and disintegrating fragments.In the motor end plate,there are lots of clear aggregating vesicles too,myelin sheaths increase.There are not obvious structure changes between both of them.Conclusion After injection of polyclonal anti-CNTF,local structure of muscle cell shows unreversible destroy rather than single injecting BTXA,which maybe prolong the time of paralytic muscle resuming.It is suggested polyclonal antibodies against CNTF may prolong the duration of muscle paralyzing induced by botulinum.
    Raman Spectra of Salicylic Acid, p-Methoxybenzoic Acid and Metronidazole
    Xu Lili;Ding Kuke;Guo Xueqian;Wang Chunyan;Huang Juying
    2006, 27(6):  785-787. 
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    Objective To investigate selectivity to excitation wavelength of Raman spectra for several compounds.Methods We obtained the different Raman spectra of some samples with different excitation,mainly including salicylic acid(SA),p-methoxybenzoic acid(p-MBA) and metronidazole.Results The Raman spectra of SA and p-MBA in aqueous solution were correspondent to their solid counterpart at ultraviolet excitation,which could not be observed with visible or near infrared excitation.The high-quality Raman spectra of metronidazole were obtained with visible and near infrared light while there was not any Raman band with ultraviolet.Conclusion The spectra of SA and p-MBA demonstrate the advantages of ultraviolet excitation,but on the other hand the spectra of metronidazole indicate the selectivity of excitation wavelength.
    Reconstruction and Expression of Regucalcin Fusion Protein in E.coli
    Li Li;Gao Xiulai;Song Yizhi;Lu Tao;Jing Peng
    2006, 27(6):  788-791. 
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    Objective To construct the prokaryotic expression vector of the human regucalcin gene.Methods To get the human regucalcin cDNA from human live cancer HepG2 cells with RT-PCR,and then inserted the fragment of regucalcin into pMD-18 simple T vector.The amplified products were cloned into the prokaryotic expression vector pET-32a(+).Results There was one obvious band at the position of relative molecular weight 45 000 after SDS-PAGE analysis,and it was equivalent to the expected value.Conclusion To construct the recombinant fusion expression vector and to express the fusion protein in E.coli successfully.
    The Different Expression Levels of Human Beta Defensins in the Lung Cancer Cell Line A549 Cells after Treated with Allicin
    Si Ligang;Liu Xicheng;Li Wenmei;Lv Youyong;Rao Xiaochun;Ma Yuyan
    2006, 27(6):  792-794. 
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    Objective Human beta defensins(HBD) are antimicrobial peptides mainly generated by the epithelia of human body,Allicin is a antimicrobial drug made in China,our research is to investigate what might be the mechanism involved in improving the immunity of human body. Methods We used RPMI 1640 which included 5 μg/mL Allicin to culture the lung cancer cell line A549,and detected the mRNA expression levels of different kinds of HBD(HBD1~3). Results The HBD3 expression level could be improved,and there were no effects on the expression level of HBD1 and HBD2. Conclusion Allicin can improve the expression level of HBD3 in the cell line A549,that might be one of the reasons which allicin involve in the adjustment of human immunity.It further confirmed that there were different signalling pathways between HBD3 and HBD2.
    A Study to the Confidence Region of Multinomial Distribution on the Condition of Large Sample Size
    Zhang Jian;Hua Lin;Yan Yan
    2006, 27(6):  795-798. 
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    Objective Find out the relationship between the precisionsof estimation of a parameter or some parameters and other parameters.Methods Infer a parameter's or some parameters' confidence region from the confidence region of entire parameters on the basis of large sample size.Results Give out the quantitative relationship between a parameter's or some parameters' confidence region and other parameters.Conclusion If the unknown parameters of Multinomial Distribution are estimated by MLE and the estimation of a parameter or some parameters is closer to the truth-value,the precisions of estimation of other parameters will be lower.
    Effects of Desflurane on Ultrastructure in Rats with Reperfusion Injury in Global Cerebral Ischemia
    Wang Tao;Sun Yilin;Qu Baoqing;Zhao Jizong
    2006, 27(6):  799-802. 
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    Objective To observe the effect of desflurane on ultrastructure in rats with global cerebral ischemia reperfusion injury and investigate the cerebral protection action of deflurane.Methods Nine Wistar rats were randomly divided into 3 groups: ischemia group(n=3),desflurane group(n=3),and sham-operation group(n=3).Rat models with global cerebral ischemia-reperfusion were prepared.The desflurane inhalation for one hour was given immediately to the desflurane group when the reperfusion started.The brain was obtained 1 h after the ischemia-reperfusion in the ischemia and desflurane groups and after the operation in the sham-operation group.The changes of cortical ultrastructure were observed with electron microscope.Results The pyknosis of neurons in the desflurane group was less,and the organelle and microtubule-structure were basically normal,but the gliocytes and microcirculation were not improved,as compared with those of the ischemia group.Conclusion The results indicated that desflurane may have protective effects on neurons and cytoskeletons,but not on the gliocytes and microcirculations.
    Hydrogen Peroxide Preconditioning and Oxidative Tolerance of Neural Stem Cells of Rat in Vitro
    Tang Jie;Wang Hongyun;Sun Yilin;Zhang Yazhuo;Sun Meizhen;Wang Zhongcheng;
    2006, 27(6):  803-807. 
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    Objective To evaluate the effects of preconditioning with hydrogen peroxide(H2O2) on oxidative tolerance(OT) of rat neural stem cells(NSC) in proliferation(PNSC) and differentiation(DNSC) respectively.Methods PNSC and DNSC were cultured in vitro.H2O2 was used in following concentrations: 0.05,0.10,0.25,0.50 and 1.0 mmol/L,for 2 h,4 h,8 h,12 h and 24 h respectively to assess the cell injury.Oxidative preconditioning was undertaken with final concentration of 0.50 mmol/L H2O2 for 10 min.After 6 h or 12 h preconditioning,0.50 mmol/L H2O2 were added to cause insult.Hsp27,Hsp70,catalase(CAT),superoxide dismutase(SOD) assessed by immunohistochemistry(IHC),viability of CAT and SOD were assessed before and 12 h after preconditioning.TEM was used to study the ultrastructure.Results When H2O2 reaches 0.25 mmol/L,both PNSC and DNSC develop injury.Twelve hours after 0.50 mmol/L H2O2 preconditioning for 10 min in DNSC,the cell injury decrease significantly than the non-preconditioning group.The preconditioning OT can last at lest for 12 h.However,PNSC do not develop OT.DNSC presented significant more cells with positive staining of Hsp27 and Hsp70;however both the staining and viability of CAT and SOD keep no significant difference before and after preconditioning(P<0.05).The TEM demonstrated after preconditioning,more cells keep alive during H2O2 insult,and all surviving present characteristics of immature cells.Conclusion Although DNSC develops OT after 0.50 mmol/L H2O2 preconditioning for 10 min with 12 h interval,and the OT last for 12 h,the PNSC can't develop.The mechanism may involve the protection of Hsp27,Hsp70,but not CAT nor SOD.In addition,immature NSC get higher OT than differentiated NSC.
    The Expression and Significance of Pancreatitis Associated ProteinⅠ mRNA in Experimental Acute Pancreatitis
    Liang Kuo;Li Fei;Zhang Shuwen;Cui Yeqing;Liu Shuang;Sun Haichen
    2006, 27(6):  808-811. 
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    Objective To investigate the expression of pancreatitis associated protein Ⅰ(PAPⅠ) mRNA in pancreatic tissue in experimental acute pancreatitis(AP).Methods Rat mild acute pancreatitis(MAP) and severe acute pancreatitis(SAP) were induced by retrograde pancreatic duct injection with 1.5% and 3.0% sodium taurocholate respectively.PAPⅠ mRNA was detected by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR).Severity of AP was evaluated by pancreatic pathological score,wet/dry weight ratio and amount of ascites.Results The expression of PAPⅠ mRNA could be detected at 6 h,and peaked at 24 h,then dropped rapidly(48()h) after induction of AP.The expression was significantly high in SAP in all time points,compared with MAP.Also,it correlated well with pancreatic pathological score,wet/dry weight ratio and amount of ascites.Conclusion The expression of PAPⅠ mRNA might be related with the severity of AP.
    Evaluation of Curative Effect of Xiaozhiling Injection Double-layer Four-step Inject therapy of Full Thickness Rectal Prolapse
    Li Huashan;Li Guodong;Li Dongbing;Wang Chunxiao;Wang Xiaofeng;Jing Jianzhong;Kou Yuming;Zhang Jianhua;Hu Zhanling
    2006, 27(6):  812-815. 
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    Objective To evaluate the clinical curative effect and security of therapy of Xiaozhiling injection of complete rectal prolapse.Methods 36 patients that were randomly divided into group A and B were taken double-layer four-step inject therapy.A was group of high concentration with 20 patients,and B was group of low concentration with 16 patients.The length of rectal prolapse and radiography of defecation were the indicators of curative effect,and the indicators of security were the general conditions of patients,the blood cell analysis and the function of liver and kidney.Follow-ups were taken every three months.Results In group A,19 patients were clinical controlled and 1 case was effective.In group B,16 patients were clinical controlled.There was no statistically significant effect between the two groups(P> 0.05),liver and kidney function had no serious damage.After 336 months' follow-up,7 cases recurred.Of the 7 patients,4 were clinical controlled after the second time injection,1 was taken intestine resection,1 was taken Sling fixation of rectum,1 was taken PPH.Conclusion The therapy is painless,effective,simple,low-cost and repeatable.Which is appropriate for being generalized in the grass roots hospitals as preferred method.

    Supratentorial Primitive Neuroectodemal Tumors(a Review of 6 Cases)
    Cao Yong;Zhang Maozhi;Zhao Jizong;Zhang Wei;Wang Lei
    2006, 27(6):  816-819. 
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    Objective To analyze the clinical features,neuroimaging presentations,and treatment and prognosis of supratentorial primitive neuroectodemal tumors.Methods The clinical data of 6 patients with supratentorial primitive neuroectodemal tumors which were confirmed by histological examination and immunohistochemistry were retrospectively reviewed.Preoperative radiographies included CT and /or MRI in all patients,all patients underwent direct surgery, and received a course of postoperative radio-therapy,and / or chem-therapy.Intro-operative neuronavigation or intraoperative ultrasound was used in four patients.All patients were followed up from 6 to 24 months.Results The age of patients with SPNET is from 4 to 33 years old with mean age of 16.8.The incidence was about 0.6% of same period intracranial brain tumors in our hospital.The initial characteristic symptoms and signs of these patients included vomiting and headache,followed by motor weakness.MRI or CT features were low signal on T1-weighted images;strong contrast enhancement,low or similar signal on T2 weighted image.little perifocal edema on T2-weighted images could be found.The tumors of 6 patients were totally or sub-totally removed.During the operations the tumor often had rather distinct margin.There were no operative mortality and serious complications in this series.In the follow-up 3 patients were dead,survival time is 7,18 and 20 months respectively,3 were alive for 16,12,6 months.Conclusion The supratentorial primitive neuroectodemal tumors generally occurring in children was very rare,the chief complaint was always increased cranial pressure.The image features of supratentorial PNETs are typically bulky hemisphere masses which appear sharply circumscribed.Focus is always with intense contrast enhancement,but only mild perifocal edema,total removal is major treatment,radiotherapy and chemotherapy following can improve the patient's prognosis.
    Dyembryoplastic Neuroepithelial Tumor Review of 12 Cases
    Wang Dongchun;Li Xiaoli;Wang Shuo;Luo Lin;Zhang Kun
    2006, 27(6):  820-823. 
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    Objective To investigate the clinical features,diagnosis and treatment of dyembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor(DNT).Methods 12 DNT patients who underwent operation from 2003.1 to 2005.2 were reviewed.Results 2 patients had headache and others had epilepsy as the initial symptom.The lesions were of low intensity on T1 and of high intensity on T2,there were neither edema nor mass effect and epilepsy was well controlled after operation.Specific glioneuronal neurons were typical manifestation in pathological examination.Conclusion DNT is a beingn tumor and the surgery is curative.The correct diagnosis of DNT is of great importance in the treatment of DNT.
    The Comparison of Diagnostic Value between CT and Ultrasounic Examination in Acute-Ileus Caused by Colonic Carcinoma
    Zhou Hai;Xu Bing;Xu Nini;Zhou Nan
    2006, 27(6):  824-825. 
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    Objective To compare the diagnostic value between CT and ultrasound examination in acute-ileus caused by colonic carcinoma.Methods The results with 42 cases between acute-ileus caused by colonic carcinoma were analyzed retrospectively.Results In 42 cases of acute-ileus caused by colonic carcinoma,the ultrasound examination shoed 29 cases of celiac effusion,16 cases of celiac mass,only 5 cases suggested the mass related to colon,no ileus diagnosed.CT shoed all cases with ileus sign,20 cases mass in ascending colon,5 cases in right flexure of colon,4 cases in transverse colon,5 cases in left flexure of colon,8 cases in descending colon.Conclusion CT was more sensitive and accurate in diagnoses of acute-ileus caused by colonic carcinoma.
    The Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome and Its Clinic Polymorphism of Main Signs among Community Population in Economy Developed Regions
    Yang Song;Yu Rongbin;Zhang Jun;Sun Guoxiang;Zhou Zhengyuan;Yao Cailiang
    2006, 27(6):  826-829. 
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    Objective To explore the main epidemiological characters of metabolic syndrome among urban and rural community population in economy developed regions.Methods Based on the data of two community population from Chinese Multicenter Cardiovascular Health Cooperative Project,the distribution characters of metabolic syndrome and its clinic polymorphism of aggregation of main signs were analysed.Results The prevalence of metabolic syndrome among urban community population was higher than rural community population(30.5%:18.1%);The prevalence among the male was lower than the female(19.3%:28.0%);The prevalence was rising with age.Among the five diagnostic standards,WC,TG and HDL-C all accounted for more than 80%;hypertension accounted for 71.1%;GLU accounted for 35.8%.Among the patients with metabolic syndrome,who had all of the five diagnostic standards accounted for 10.3%,who had four diagnostic standards accounted for 30.2%,who had three diagnostic standards accounted for(59.5%).Among the signs of metabolic syndrome,the aggregative proportion of WC,TG,HDL-C and WC,TG,HDL-C,hypertension was higher,the aggregative proportion of HDL-C,GLU,hypertension;TG、HDL-C,GLU,hypertension;TG,GLU,hypertension;WC,TG,GLU;WC,HDL-C,GLU was lower.Conclusion The prevalence of metabolic syndrome among urban and rural community population in economy developed regions had reached higher level.Among the signs of metabolic syndrome,if WC existed,it was easier to aggregate for other risk factors.The analysis of clinic polymorphism suggested,WC,TG and HDL-C seemed to constitute the core signs of metabolic syndrome.
    Efficacy of Intra-articular Triamcinolone Acetonide and Sodium Hyaluronic in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis
    Wang Qian;Ni Jiaxiang;Shi Jingzhe
    2006, 27(6):  830-832. 
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    Objective To observe the efficacy of treatment using intra-articular triamcinolone acetonide and sodium hyaluronic in patients with knee osteoarthritis.Methods 36 patients with knee osteoarthritis were enrolled in this study.All the patients received intra-articular and trigger point injections of triamcinolone acetonide once a week for 2 consecutive weeks then intracavitary injections of sodium hyaluronic for 5 times with one-week intervals and trigger point injections are as before.Lysholm Knee Scale scores were recorded at baseline,at week 1and at months 3.Results The Lysholm Knee Scale scores at week 1 and at months 3 were significantly higher than that at baseline.Conclusion Intra-articular triamcinolone acetonide and sodium hyaluronic provide clinically significant improvement and a long-term beneficial effects in patients with knee osteoarthritis.
    Dexamethason Suppresses AQP1 Expression in Cultured Bovine Trabecular Meshwork Cells
    Zhao Li;Kang Fengying;Wang Ningli;Lu Hong
    2006, 27(6):  833-835. 
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    Objective To study the effects of dexamethason on AQP1 expression in bovine trabecular meshwork cells in vitro.Methods The third passage bovine trabecular meshwork cells were divided into control group and dexamethason-treated groups randomly.Different dosages of dexamethason(10(-5),10(-6),10(-7) mol/L) were added to cultures for 14 d.The AQP1 expressions were stained using immunocytochemistry method,and the cell areas were detected by the computer image analytical system.Results Comparisons were made between different groups.A means of AQP1 affected by dexamethason >10(-7) mol/L was much lower than that of control group > 10(-6) mol/L dexamethason > 10(-5) mol/L dexamethason.The mean cells areas were significantly increased in 10(-7) mol/L dexamethason treated group,but decreased in 10(-6) mol/L and 10(-5) mol/L dexamethason treated group compared with controls.Conclusion It is suggested that probably down-regulating the AQP1 express by dexamethason have potential significance in the development of steroid-induced glaucoma.
    The Therapeutic Effects of Progestin on Perimenopuasal Syndrome
    Lai Ailuan;Zhang Lisong;Jiang Guiying;Jin Qiaofeng;Sun Yange
    2006, 27(6):  836-838. 
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    Objective To study the therapeutic effects of progesterone on menstrual cycle disorder and perimenopuasal syndrome in perimenopausal women.Methods 122 subjects with menstrual cycle disorder and perimenopuasal syndrome were divided into two groups: Group A(54 cases) with menorrhagia and endometrial proliferation,who was diagnosised with D & C.They took norethisterone 6~8 mg/d for 22 d per month for 2 cycles,and then changed into medroxyprogestone 6~8 mg for 10 d for 1 cycles during day of cycle 16 d.Group B(68 cases)with irregular cycle or oligomenorrhea,menstrual flow was normal or slight increased or decreased.They received medroxyprogestone 68 mg for 10 d for 3 cycles during day of cycle 16 d.The serum concentration of FSH,LH,E2 were compared before and after treatment(85 cases).The greene score were performed in two groups(94 cases) who had primenopuasal syndrome before and after treatment. Results FSH was significantly lower(P<0.01),and E2 was significant higher(P<0.05),LH was decreased,but no significant defference(P>0.05) before and after treatment.In both groups,the symptoms of 94 subjects with perimenopuasal syndrome(77%)were alleviated after treatment,the Greene score were significantly decreased(P<0.01),no significant difference was observed between two groups.Extended menstrual flow was decreased,and disorder of menstrual cycles kept regular for several months after taking progesterone.Conclusion Taking progesterone can alleviate symptoms of perimenopuasal syndrome,regulate menstrual cycles,and protect uterine endomitrium in perimenopausal women.
    The Clinical Analysis of External Ear Canal Cholesyeatoma
    Li Xia;Feng Lei
    2006, 27(6):  839-840. 
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    Objective To study the cause and treatment of external acoustic meatus cholesyeatoma.Methods Sixty-eight cases of external acoustic meatus cholesyeatoma were reviewed.Results The most cases of external acoustic meatus cholesyeatoma presented with skin chronic infection and bone erosion from mild to severe.The middle ear,jugular vein and facial nerve were invaded in some cases.11 cases were treated with surgery to remove the cholesyeatoma sac and necrotic bone.Conclusion The disease can cause damage extensively.Early and comprehensive treatment is importment.
    The Mechanisms of Infertility Causing by Endometriosis
    Zhu Xian
    2006, 27(6):  850-852. 
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    It has been proposed that there is an association between endometriosis and infertility.This review represents a summary of several mechanisms to explain infertility causing by endometriosis.They are including: 1) distorted pelvic anatomy and blocked fallopian tube.2) altered peritoneal environment peritoneal fluid alterations including cell-mediated immunity(macrophages,T lymphocytes),humoralmediated immunity and hormonal(prolactin,estrogens and progesterone) concentration.3) altered endometrial receptivity and embryo implantation and 4) psychological factors.
    Outbreak Through Silencing——The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for 2006
    Zhang Ting;Wang Xiaomin;
    2006, 27(6):  853-855. 
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    In Oct.2,2006,the Nobel assembly at Karolinska Institute decided to award the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine jointly to Andrew Z.Fire and Craig C.Mello for their discovery of RNA interference-gene silencing by double-stranded RNA.The two winners,their contributions,the significance of the discovery of RNAi and a pity to this year's prize are introduced.
    The Beauty of a Transcriptional Machine——The Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2006
    Li Xianghui;Zhang Yuxiang;Jia Hongti
    2006, 27(6):  856-858. 
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    On Oct.4,2006,the Nobel assembly at Sweden Royal Academy of Science declared to award the Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Roger D.Kornberg for his work on the process of eukaryotic transcription.In this paper,we introduce Roger D.Kornberg,his contributions and the significances of the research for the process of eukaryotic transcription.