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    24 October 2006, Volume 27 Issue 5
    Development and Expectation of Anesthesiology in China
    Li Shuren
    2006, 27(5):  563-564. 
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    Anesthesia in China is developing rapidly and has achieved outstanding accomplishment.New concept and advanced technology are coming forth.The classic theory and technique have been reformed.These progresses not only promote the development of surgery,but also alleviate patients' misery and improve people's live quality.Moreover,standardize training for residents and anesthetists,applying and researching of new anesthetic technique and short duration drugs,popularizing of new equipments,spreading of multi-center clinical research achievements are leading anesthesiology in China to a brilliant future. However,the imbalance of development is still a tough difficulty in China.We have to focus on the deficiency of our work.There is still a long way to go to an ideal future,but it can be reached by our efforts.
    Effects of Etomidate and Midazolam on Extracellular Signal-regulated Kinase1/2 Phosphorylation in Mice Hippocampal Slices
    Gao Haiying;Zhang Bingxi
    2006, 27(5):  565-568. 
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    Objective To investigate the effects of etomidate and midazolam on extracellular signal-regulated kinase1/2 phosphorylation in mice hippocampus slices.Methods BALB/C mice weighting 18~22 g were decapitated and the hippocampus were dissected.Hippocampal slices were prepared with MacⅡwain tissue chopper.Hippocampal slices were incubated at 36 ℃ during the whole experiment.The slices were incubated with 10-9~10-4mol/L etomidate and midazolam respectively for 1h during the experiment.Phosphorylation of ERK1/2 was examined in hippocampus slices by immunoblotting with both phosphor-p44/42 Map kinase and p44/42 Map kinase antibodies.Experiments were performed in the absence(control) or presence of various concentrations of etomidate and midazolam.Results Clinically relevant concentrations of etomidate and midazolam decrease phosphorylation of ERK1/2.The decrease was concentration-dependent.Conclusion Etomidate and midazolam markedly decrease phosphorylation of ERK1/2 in mice hippocampal slices.
    Study of Sufentanil Used in Epidural Anesthesia for Labor Analgesia
    Dong Jingwei;Xu Mingjun;Yue Jianning
    2006, 27(5):  569-572. 
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    Objective To evaluate effects and safety of sufentanil for labor analgesia as compared with fentanyl.Methods One hundred and twenty ASA Ⅰ full term primipara who were 25~28 years old and had a single fetus were expected to have a vaginal delivery and were randomly divided into 3 groups: group S(n=40),sufentanil 0.5 mg/L+0.1% ropivacaine in pump,group F(n=40),fentanyl 2 mg/L+0.1% ropivacaine in pump,group C(n=40),received no analgesia.The VAS score,first inject drug time,cervix dilation,uterine intermittent of uterus contraction,mode of delivery,postpartum hemorrhage,amount of oxytocin required and Apgar score of neonates were recorded.Results Compared to group C,group S and group F had higher rate of satisfactory analgesia(P<(0.01)).There was no difference in VAS score(P>0.05) between group S and group F.There was no significant difference in brith process time,intermittent of uterus contraction,mode of delivery,postpartum hemorrhage,amount of oxytocin required,rate of neonatal asphyxia and cesarean section,degree of motor block(P>0.05).There was the first stage of labor shortened tendency with group S.Conclusion Epidural anesthesia with sufentanil is effective and safety for labor analgesia,the active stage of labor can be shortened.
    The Clinical Observation on the Patient-controlled Analgesia for OSAS Patients Postoperation of UPPP
    Li Li;Lin Na;Li Tianzuo;Zhang Bingxi
    2006, 27(5):  573-575. 
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    Objective There was severe pain after the operation of uvulopalatopharyngoplasty(UPPP) for the patients suffered from obstructive sleep apnea syndrome(OSAS).It was necessary to give the analgesia for those patients.The patient-controlled analgesia(PCA) was performed with tramadol or fentanyl for those patients.Methods 42 adult male patients were divided into two groups,tramadol(24) or fentanyl(18) group randomly.The pain score(VAS) of those patients at rest and swallow were observed at the time points as follows: the time of 6 h,the next morning,24 h and 48 h after the operation.The total press number,the total amount of drug on PCA modal,the sedation score during the 24 h postoperative,the PONV and dizziness were also recorded.Results The pain score at both rest and swallow state had no difference at different times after the operation between the two groups.The total numbers of press in tramadol group were significant less than those in fentanyl group at the time of 24 h and 48 h after the operation.The total amount of drug is(593.56±198.71)mg in tramadol group,while that in fentanyl group is(864.58±402.9)μg.At the time of 24 h after the operation,the number of patients whose Ramsey score is zero,in tramadol group is 75%,while that in fentanyl group is 44.4%.There is no difference between the two groups in PONV and dizziness.Conclusion PCA is a good method for the OSAS patients postoperation of the UPPP in terms of pain relieving.The analgesia with tramadol and fentanyl can both gain satisfied effects.
    Effects of Asphyxial Hypoxic Preconditioning on HIF-1α after Intracranial Hemorrhage in Rats
    An Lixin;Wang Baoguo;Peng Yuming;Yuan Fang;Sun Meizhen
    2006, 27(5):  576-580. 
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    Objective To investigate observe the effects of asphyxial hypoxic preconditioning on neurological symptoms,expression of Hypoxia-inducible factor-1α(HIF-1α),content of nitric oxide(NO) and nitric oxide synthase(NOS) in brain tissue after intracranial hemorrhage(ICH) in rats.Methods 180 male SD rats were randomly allocated into three groups: sham group(group S,n=60),ICH group(group I,n=60) and preconditioning group(group P,n=60).The rats were anesthetized,paralyzed with vecuronium 2 mg/kg and mechanically ventilated.The rats in P group were pretreated with four times of preconditioning,by being stopped ventilation for 1 min and reventilated for 5 min per circle.One hour later,endotracheal was extubated. ICH model was made by stereotactic injection of 50 μL antilogous blood into the caudate nucleus in group P and I,and 50 μL saline in group S.Neural deficit scores(NDS) and Rosenberg scores were evaluated and the expression of HIF-1α in cerebral tissues were detected by using immunohistochemistry techniques and the content of NO and NOS were assayed by spectrometry at 6 h,(24) h,48 h and 72 h after intracerebral hemorrhage.Results In group P,NDS scores were much better at 6 h,24 h and 48 h than that in group I(P<0.05).Rosenberg score was significantly decreased in group P at 6 h(3.9±1.5) as compared with group I(5.4±1.5,(P<)0.01).HIF-1α expression raised obviously at 24 h and increased to the 72 h after ICH.The number of HIF-1α positive cells was much higher in group I than that in group P at 24 h and 48 h after ICH(P<0.01).Compared with the S group,NO and NOS content in group P and I raised obviously after 6 h ICH.But in group P the changes of NO and NOS content were much less at(24) h than that in group I((P<)(0.01)).Conclusion Asphyxial hypoxic preconditioning improves NDS and Rosenberg scores and demonstrates cerebral protective effect after ICH in rats which maybe related to the decreasing of the HIF-1α expression and the depressing of the NO and NOS increase in brain tissue.
    Study on Target-controlled Infusion of Remifentanil during Neurosurgical Anesthesia
    Xing Yan;Wang Baoguo;Sun Li;Shi Wenzhu;An Jianxiong;Fan Ting
    2006, 27(5):  581-585. 
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    Objective To investigate the optimal TCI target concentrations of remifentanil with propofol at different anesthetic and neurosurgical stages. Methods 100 ASAⅠ~Ⅲ patients scheduled for elective craniotomy were anesthetized with target controlled infusion of propofol and remifentanil. The initial plasma target-concentrations of propofol and remifentanil for induction of anesthesia were 5 mg·L-1 and 3 μg·L-1,respectively. When patients lost consciousness,the plasma target-concentration of propofol was decreased and maintained to 3 mg·L-1 and vecuronium with the dose of 0.1 mg·kg-1 was administrated.3 min later intubation was performed.The plasma target-concentration of remifentanil was adjusted to maintain the mean arterial pressure within(+10%~-20%) of baseline.The calculated plasma target-concentration and effect-site concentration were recorded at different stages of operation.Before the dura was sutured,lornoxicam 8 mg was administrated intravenously.The hemodynamics and anesthetic recovery profiles were observed. Results The plasma target-concentrations of remifentanil were ((2.98±)0.39)μg·L-1,(3.44±0.86)μg·L-1,(3.55±1.00)μg·L-1 and(3.33±1.08)μg·L-1 before skin incision,during skull opening,intracranial procedure and skull closing,respectively,and the upper limit of 95% confidences were 3.01 μg·L-1,3.52 μg·L-1,3.63 μg·L-1,3.43 μg·L-1,respectively.The calculated effect-site concentrations of remifentanil were(2.83±0.53)μg·L-1,(3.43±0.85)μg·L-1,(3.54±0.99)μg·L-1 and(3.31±1.09)μg·L-1,and the upper limit of 95% confidences were 2.87 μg·L-1,3.50 μg·L-1,3.62 μg·L-1,3.41 μg·L-1,respectively.The postoperative recovery times of spontaneous breathing,opening eyes,extubation and orientation were(10±6)min,(13±8)min,(16±7)min and(21±8)min,respectively.Conclusion The target-controlled infusion of propofol with remifentanil used for neurosurgery has advantages of rapid induction of anesthesia, stable hemodynamics and better recovery profile.With 3 mg·L-1 of propofol TCI,the optimal plasma target-concentrations of remifentanil are(3.0) μg·L-1,3.5 μg·L-1,3.6 μg·L-1 and 3.4 μg·L-1 before skin incision,during skull opening,intracranial procedure and skull closing,respectively.
    Dosing Study of Remifentanil Combined with Propofol in Tracheal Intubation without the Use of Muscle Relaxants
    Wu Yan;Guo Shurong;Luo Ying;Wang Hui;Yue Yun
    2006, 27(5):  586-589. 
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    Objective To determine the bolus dose of remifentanil required for reliable intubating condition when combined with propofol 2 mg/kg only.Methods 66 ASA Ⅰ~Ⅱpatients were randomly divided into 3 groups with 22 patients in each group.The predetermined dose of remifentanil for group 1,group 2,group 3 were 2,3,4 μg/kg respectively.All the patients were premedicate with midazolam 0.03 mg/kg.60 s after propofol 2 mg/kg and the predetermined dose of remifentanil were administered,laryngoscopy and intubation were performed and the intubating conditions were assessed.Results Clinically acceptable intubating conditions were observed in 11 patients in group 1 compared with that in 18 patients in group 2 and all in group 3(P<0.05).The significant but clinically acceptable reduction in mean arterial pressure(MAP) and heart rate(HR) after the administration of the drug were observed in each group(P<0.05).Conclusion Remifentanil 34 μg/kg can reliably provide clinically acceptable intubating conditions when administered after propofol 2 mg/kg.
    Comparison of Pharmacodynamics of Rocuronium in Administration by Target-controlled Infusion versus Continuous Infusion with TOF Monitor
    Liu Yu;Yue Yun
    2006, 27(5):  590-593. 
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    Objective The study was designed to compare the pharmacodynamics of rocuronium administered by target-controlled infusion(TCI) and continuous infusion and to investigate the feasibility of target-controlled infusion of rocuronium.Methods Thirty female adult patients,ASA Ⅰ,without any neuromuscular disease,undergoing elective surgery under general anesthesia,were randomly divided into two groups with fifteen patients each.In group Ⅰ patients received rocuronium by TCI and in group Ⅱ by continuous infusion.The responses of adductor pollicis to train-of-four(TOF) stimulation of ulnar nerve were monitored.The onset time,the time of maximal neuromuscular blockade,the duration of neuromuscular blockade,the spontaneous recovery time,dosages of rocuronium and intubations condition were recorded.Total intravenous anesthesia(TIVA) was used for both induction and maintenance of anesthesia.Patients received no antagonists for reversal of neuromuscular blockade and recovered spontaneously.Neuromuscular blockade monitoring ended when TOF ratio(T1/Tc)≥75%.The patients were extubated when ventilation was satisfactory.Results The two groups were well-matched with regard to age,weight,height and duration of operation.The mean onset times were(73.3±26.6)s in group Ⅰ versus(88.7±36.2)s in group Ⅱ(P>0.05).The mean dosages of induction were(0.86±0.09)mg/kg in group Ⅰ versus(0.60±0.00)mg/kg in group Ⅱ(P<0.01).The mean target concentration of maintenance was 4.47mg/mL in group Ⅰ.There was no significant difference in the recovery time between the two groups.The total dosages between the two groups.Conclusion Target-controlled infusion of rocuronium can be used safely in clinical practice.The suggested effect-site concentration of induction is 9 mg/mL,at which intubation is accomplished 70 s after induction.The suggested effect-site concentration of maintenance is 4.5 mg/mL.TCI can provide satisfactory muscle relaxation,but is not advantageous over continuous infusion.
    Alterations of Cerebral Blood Flow and Vasoactive Neuropeptides during Retroperitoneal CO2 Insufflation
    Xue Jixiu;Wang Kejie;Cheng Weitao;Liu Qinghai;Fan Long
    2006, 27(5):  594-596. 
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    Objective To investigate alterations the changes of cerebral blood flow and vasoactive neuropeptides during retroperitoneal CO2 insufflation.Methods 19 patients undergoing retroperitoneal laparoscopy were selected.Vmean、Delt and PI were measured with TCD,and endothelin(ET),neuropeptide Y(NPY),calcitonin gene-related peptide(CGRP),neurotensin(NT) in plasma measured before CO2 insufflation,after CO2 insufflation,and after CO2 deflation.Results Vmean and Delt increased significantly after CO2 insufflation and PI decreased significantly.The plasma concentration of ET 、NPY、CGRP and NT increased significantly at different times.Conclusion Cerebral blood flow is increased significantly in patients undergoing retroperitoneal laparoscopy,which is correlated to alterations of PaCO2、plasma vasoactive neuropeptides.
    Comparison of Apoptotic Effect between BT325 Human Glioblastoma and U251 Glioblastoma Inducted by FasL Gene Transferred NIH3T3 Fibroblast
    Li Junjie;Zhao Jizong
    2006, 27(5):  600-603. 
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    Objective To compare the effects of FasL gene on the induction of apoptosis between two kinds of human glioma cells in vitro.Methods FasL gene was introduced into NIH3T3 fibroblast cell by liposome reagents.FasL expressed by the NIH3T3/FasL cells was investigated with immunohistochemical staining and FasL mRNA was explored with RT-PCR.The ability of NIH3T3/FasL cells to induce apoptosis of BT325 and U251 glioblastoma cocultured was assayed with Hochest 33342 fluorescent staining and TUNEL method respectively.Results FasL was expressed effectively in NIH3T3/FasL cells,and compared with the control group,the experimental group had significant effect on the induction of apoptosis of BT325 and U251 cells((P<0.05)),the apoptosis of BT325 glioblastoma induced by NIH3T3/FasL was more significant than that of U251 glioblastoma((P<0.05)).Conclusion FasL gene transferred NIH3T3 fibroblast has greater apoptosis induction effect on BT325 glioblastoma than on U251 glioblastoma.
    The Model of Cultured Mice Embryonic Cardiomyocytes in Vitro
    Gao Lifang;Li Yong;Chen Xianggui
    2006, 27(5):  604-606. 
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    Objective To establish the model of primary cultured mice embryonic cardiomyocytes,which is adapted to isolation,culture and identification. Methods To isolate hearts from different day gestational age mice,then digested,seeded,proliferation in vitro and identified in different ways. Results Repeat digestion with 0.125% trypsin and 0.02% EDTA,then in the form of cell suspension seeded in tissue culture plate precoated with fetal bovine serum,and added with Ham F12 containing 20% FBS(pH 7.27.4),and finally identified cells with PAS staining and immunocytochemical methods,which proved the rate between cardiomyocytes and cultured cells was about 80%.Conclusion The model of cultured mice embryonic cardiomyocytes has highly effective.
    Effects of Id4 on Apoptosis of K562 Cell
    Liu Xin;Zeng Shaoju;Wang Yongchao
    2006, 27(5):  607-611. 
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    Objective To study the effects of Id4 on cell apoptosis of humen erythroleukemia cell line K562.Methods The antisense Id4 gene was inserted into eukaryotic expression vector pXJ41-neo,the recombinant vector was transfected into K562 cells.The percentage of apoptotic cells induced by HT was analysed by flow cytometry,UNEL.Western blot for detection of the expression of Bcl-xl,c-Myc,p27. Results The cell apoptosis was most significant in pAId4 cells induced by HT,The expression of Bcl-xl was found down-regulated in pAId4 cells in comparison with the control.Conclusion The antisense Id4 gene was found to be a strong inducer of apoptosis in K562 cells.In addition,Id4 may be an upstream regulator expression of Bcl-xl,leading to apoptosis.
    Establishment and Charateristics Research of Human Laryngeal Squamous Carcinoma Cell Line
    Ren Lerong;Liu Yuqin;Li Zhengjiang;Su Xiaoling;Gu Pei;Dong Jihong
    2006, 27(5):  612-615. 
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    Objective To establish human laryngeal squamous carcinoma cell line and define its biological charateristics.Methods Primary tumor tissue and the metastatic lymph node of laryngeal squamous carcinoma from a patient were used for culture with the regular small mass method.After 20 passages,their morphologies,growth curves,immunohistochemistry staining,cell cycles and colony-forming efficiency in soft agar were determined.Results Two human laryngeal squamous carcinoma cell lines were designated CCC-HLS and CCC-HLSLN respectively.CCC-HLS cells were main spindle,while CCC-HLSLN cells demonstrated various morphologies and some often had thin and long projection with branches in the end.Both of the cells were CK-positive. From the second day to the forth day,it was in the exponent growing stage for both cell lines and they began to die on the seventh day.The population doubling time of CCC-HLS cells was 33.9 h and that of CCC-HLSLN cells was 30 h.54.7% CCC-HLS cells were in GO/G1,5.2% in G2/M and 40.1% in S,and 50.6% CCC-HLSLN cells in GO/G1,27.4% in G2/M and 22.0% in S.The colony-forming rate of CCC-HLS cells was 1.23% and that of CCC-HLSLN cells was 2.58%.Conclusion We established two human laryngeal squamous carcinoma cell lines and studied their biological characteristics systematically.These cells can be used for basic research on laryngeal carcinoma.
    Promoting Effects of Extracellular α-Synuclein on the Proliferation of MES23.5 Dopaminergic Neuronal Cells
    Zhang Chen;Li Xin;Li Yaohua;Han Junyan;Chen Biao;Yu Shun;
    2006, 27(5):  616-619. 
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    Objective To study the effects of extracellular α-synuclein (α-Syn) on the proliferation of MES23.5 Dopaminergic Neuronal Cells.Methods The recombinant human α-Syn was extracellularly administrated to the MES23.5 dopaminergic neuronal cells.Immunohistochemistry and Western blot analysis were used to detect the α-Syn entered into the cells.MTT assay was used to measure cell proliferation.Results Extracellularly administered α-Syn entered into the neuronal cells and significantly promoted the proliferation of the cells in a dose-dependent manner.A specific monoclonal antibody against α-Syn blocked the entry of α-Syn into the cells and the cell proliferation.Conclusion Extracellular α-Syn promotes the proliferation of dopaminergic neuronal cells.
    A New Method of Dispersing Neuropheres into Single Cells
    Dong Kai;Zhang Yu
    2006, 27(5):  620-622. 
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    Objective To compare the three different methods of dispersing neuropheres of neural stem cells into single cells.Methods The neural stem cells were isolated of 16~20 weeks old human fetus,and were cultured and expanded to form neuropheres.Three different dispersing methods including digesting with Trypsin,triturating with Pasteur pipette and the new method of digesting and shaking were used to disperse neuropheres and the viability and clonability of the resulting cells were analyzed.Results The method of digesting combined with shaking yielded the best survival rate and best proliferation potential of cells.Conclusion This study suggests a valid and safe method that can be used for efficient passage of neural stem cells.
    Construction of Baculovirus Expression System of Human VEGF Gene and Assessment of Biological Activity
    Sun Licui;Wang Yamei;Yan Yudong;Zhang Jingyi;Si Yang;Qi Yahui
    2006, 27(5):  623-626. 
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    Objective To construct recombinant baculovirus vector containing VEGF gene and study its biological activity.Methods Using Hind Ⅲ enzyme to digest pcDNA3.1/VEGF,the VEGF fragment(575 bp) was obtained.Then recombinant vector pFast/VEGF including VEGF gene was constructed.It was transformed into DH10BAC competent cell and cultured in LB plate which contained Kan,Ter,Get and X-gal/IPTG.After transfected into sf9 cells the virus plaque was screened.Western blot and MTT methods were used to determine the expression and biological activity of VEGF gene. Results The virus plaque was observed successfully in diluting to 10~(-7) concentration.Western blot showed only one band was identified.Cell growth promotion rate was 19.44% by MTT method.Conclusion The vector pBacmid-Fa-VEGF was successfully constructed and showed significant biological activity to stimulate endothelial cells proliferation.
    Therapeutic Effects of VEGF165 Gene Combined with bFGF Gene for Acute Myocardial Infarction in Rats
    Wen Mingjie;Liu Bing;Sun Licui;Qi Yahui
    2006, 27(5):  627-630. 
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    Objective The current study was designed to explore the effect of VEGF165 gene combined with bFGF gene on neovascularization and infarct size of ischemic myocardium by intramyocardial injection.Methods 36 SD rats were divided randomly into five groups: control group(saline group,n=6);group A(pcDNA3.1 group,n=6);group B(VEGF group,n=8);group C(bFGF group,n=8);group D(combined VEGF with bFGF group,n=8).Then they received a ligation of the left anterior descending artery to induce myocardial infarction(MI).Saline,pcDNA3.1 vector,pcDNA3.1-VEGF165,pcDNA3.1-bFGF,and VEGF combined with bFGF was intramyocardially injected at three seperated sites into the border zone of infarction.The hearts of rats were excised to evaluate the density of the capillary vessels and infarct size by HE staining and Masson's trichrome staining after four weeks.Immunohistochemical staining was used to evaluate protein expression of VEGF and bFGF. Results The density of myocardial capillary vessels in group B((37.4±)3.0/field),group C(34.0±2.9/field) and group D((41.9±)2.9/field) was significantly more than those in control(25.2±3.2/field) and group A(25.9±3.2/field)(P<0.01).The density of myocardial capillary vessels in group D was significantly more than those in group B and C(P<0.01).There was no significant difference in infarct size between group C(27.0±4.7)% and group D((25.1±)3.1)%,but the infarct sizes of these two groups were significantly decreased compared with those of group A(38.2±7.6)%,group B(34.9±4.2)% and control(37.6±6.2)%(P<0.01).Immunohistochemical staining for VEGF appeared to be positive staining in group B and group D,and immunohistochemical staining for bFGF appeared to be positive in in group C and group D.Conclusion The therapy of VEGF165 combined with bFGF gene promotes angiogenesis significantly and reduces infarct size.The therapy effect of VEGF165 combined with bFGF is better than only VEGF165 gene or bFGF gene in improving angiogenesis,as well as better than only VEGF165 gene in reducing infarct size.
    Effects of Peanut Oil on Behavior and Metabolism Rats with Type 2 Diabetic Mellitus
    Xu Qiuyan;Zhao Zhiwei;Zhao Yongmei;Sheng Shuli
    2006, 27(5):  631-633. 
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    Objective To develop a rat model of type 2 diabetic mellitus and study the protective effects of peanut oil on improvement and treatment of type 2 diabetic mellitus.Methods After 2 months of high-fat food feeding,type 2 diabetic mellitus models were prepared with low dose STZ intraperitoneal injection in 8 weeks old SD rats.Then they were treated with different dose of peanut oil.One month later,the rats were examined with Morris water maze test and then the levels of serum lipids,serum insulin and blood glucose were measured.Results The rat models were characterized by hyperglycemia,hyperlipemia and hyperinsulinemia which resembled the clinical phenotype of type 2 diabetes.The results of Morris water maze test : there was no difference among 4 groups(P>0.05).The levels of blood glucose、serum insulin and serum lipids were significantly lower in 5 mL peanut oil group than those of in diabetic model group(P<0.05).Conclusion The data of Morris water maze test suggests that there is no cognitive impairment in early stage of type 2 diabetic mellitus.The decrease of hyperglycemia,hyperlipemia and hyperinsulinemia with peanut oil indicates that peanut oil can improve and treat the type 2 diabetic mellitus.
    The Expression of Fas-L and Caspase-3 in C57black/6 Mice after Global Cerebral Ischemia
    Huang Haixia;Liu Limin;Cui Qian;Hu Yingan
    2006, 27(5):  634-638. 
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    Objective C57black/6 mice are increasingly used for experimental stroke research while how the neuron death is induced and what the pathway of dead signal transduction is after ischemia in this model are still unknown.Methods In this study global cerebral ischemia was induced by bilateral common carotid artery occlusion(BCCAO) in C57black6 mice.C57black/6 mice were subjected to 15 min occlusion followed by reperfusion for 24 h.Fas-L and Caspase-3 immunohistochemical staining of brain tissue were performed. Results Fas-L-positive neurons were distributed in retrosplenial agranular cortex(RSA),piriform cortex(Pir),ventral posterolateral thalamic nucleus/ventral posteromedial thalamic nucleus(VPL/VPM),arcuate hypothalamic nucleus(Arc) and medial amygdaloid nucleus,posteroventral(MePV) areas and the cytoplasm was stained.There were more positive neurons in the ischemia group than in the sham-surgery group(P<0.01) for all observed areas except VPL/VPM.And the positive neurons were more darkly stained in the ischemia group(P<0.01).Caspase-3-positive neurons were distributed in RSA,Pir,VPL/VPM and MePV areas.The Caspase-3-positive neurons were less in number and lightly stained compared with Fas-L-positive neurons.Also there were more Caspase-3-positive neurons in the ischemia group than in the sham-surgery group(P<(0.05),P<0.01).The positive neurons were more darkly stained in the ischemia group(P<0.01).Conclusion These results showed that C57black/6 mice model of global ischemia can induce extensive expression of Fas-L and Caspase-3 in brain,indicating that members of Caspases family were involved in the pathway of neuron death signal transduction and there was exogenetic pathway during this process for this kind of global ischemia model.
    Constructing and Sequencing T Vector and pET28a Expression Vector of Human Recombinant Serum Albumin Gene
    Yun Miaoying;Wang Tao;Xiao Yuhong;Zhang Jingwen;Chen Zhenghua
    2006, 27(5):  639-642. 
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    Objective To construct and sequence T Vector and pET28a expression vector of recombinant Human Serum Albumin(rHSA) for protein expression and construction of other rHSA fusion gene.Methods Total RNA was prepared from human placenta,cDNA-mRNA hybrid was constructed by RT-PCR,then PCR with special primers of rHSA,the product of PCR was recycled and ligated to T vector,after the procedure of transforming an aliquot of each ligation into E.coli DH-5α and digesting the plasmid DNA of the selected transformants with an appropriate restriction endonuclease,the plasmid DNA was sequenced to check for the information of the inserted fragment.With the corrected fragment of rHSA,PCR again with pfu enzyme and another primers,and the PCR fragment and pET28a vector were digested with two restriction endonucleases of EcoRⅠ and HindⅢ,then followed the same procedure of ligating,transforming,sequencing to confirm fragment introduced into pET28a-vector.Results The DNA fragment introduced into the two kinds of vectors is a fragment 1 830 bp gene which includes 72 bp signal peptide coding sequence,it shows the possibility of gene polymorphism at alleles 485,750,1 685.Conclusion The sequence of rHSA by RT-PCR from the mRNA of placenta matches well with that in the GenBank,this result can lay a solid foundation for the work of next step.
    Expression of VEGF,bFGF and TGF-β1 in Nephropathy Induced by Aristolochic Acid I in Rats
    Huang Wen;Chen Wei
    2006, 27(5):  643-646. 
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    Objective To observe the expression of VEGF,bFGF and TGF-β1 in nephropathy induced by aristolochic acid I in rats.Methods 20 female Wistar rats were in the experiment group and their stomachs were perfused with 50 mg·kg-1·d-1(AAⅠ) one time per day for 7 d continuously,and 6 rats were in the control group whose stomachs were perfused with pure water per day for 7 d,too.In the test group,every week 5 rats were killed from the first to the fourth week respectively,and in the control group,3 rats were killed in the second and fourth week respectively.The expression and regulation of VEGF,bFGF and TGF-β1 in kidney in all groups were examined with 2-step immunohistochemistry.Results Since the second week,the transparent renal tubular epithelial defect were found in each test group;in the initial stage,the lesion mainly situated in the proximal convoluted tubule,in the fourth week,the lesion involved all of the renal tubules. From the first to the fourth week,the positive expression of VEGF,bFGF and TGF-β1 in the test groups showed a tendency to expand gradually,and which were wide spreadly distributing over every segment of the renal tubular epithelial cells in the cortex and medulla.The quantity and degree of positive cells increased strikingly,and there was significant difference between the control and the test groups in the mean expression quantity(P<0.01).Conclusion AAⅠ can injure the renal tubular epithelial cell directly and induce the expression of VEGF,bFGF and TGF-β1.The early and super expression of VEGF,bFGF and TGF-β1 in the renal tubular epithelial cells may be the important cause of renal tubular interstitial lesion and interstitial fibrosis.
    The Existent Form of Mercury and Arsenium in Angong Niuhuang Wan and the Absorption and Excreting in Rats
    Li Jun;Yuan Zhuobin;Han Shubo;Zhu Min
    2006, 27(5):  647-651. 
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    Objective To detect the existent form of mercury and arsenium in Angong Niuhuang Wan(ANW) and the absorption and excreting in rats.Methods The existent form of mercury was detected with high performance capillary electrophoresis.Mercury and arsenium of vermilion and realgar in artificial gastric and intestinal juice,and mercury and arsenium excreted out of rats fed with mercuric sulfide,arsenic disulfide and ANW were respectively tested with cold vapour-atomic absorption spectrometry and hydrogen arsenide based method.Results Mercury scutellarin was detected.Mercury of vermilion in artificial gastric and intestinal juice respectively was 0.003 05% and 0.000 04%.Arsenium in those Mercury and arsenium of vermilion and realgar were respectively was 0.033 75% and(0.000 61%).24 h later,more than 90.195 0% mercury was excreted out of rats fed with mercuric sulfide;26.437 9% arsenium was excreted out of rats fed with arsenic disulfide;82.830 9% mercury and 24.442 0% arsenium were excreted out of rats fed with ANW.The difference of excreted mercury and arsenium is not significant between rats fed with ANW and rats fed with mercuric sulfide and arsenic disulfide.Conclusion The absorption and excretion of mercury and arsenium from ANW,mercuric sulfide and arsenic disulfide in rats are analogical.
    Assessment of Therapeutic Benefits Treated with Intravenous Administration of Endothelia Cells Derived from Rat Bone Marrow in Rats after Stroke
    Wang Chunxue;Jiang Hua;Mao Shujing;Wan Hong;Li Junhua;Liu Liping;Liang Dejun;Liang Xianhong;Zhai Jing;Wang Yongjun
    2006, 27(5):  652-656. 
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    Objective To investigate therapeutic benefits with intravenous administration of rat bone marrow derived endothelial cells after stroke and assess the improvement of neurologic function.Methods The endothelial cells derived from bone marrow stromal cells(BMSC) of rats,which were multiplied and differentiated in the medium with high concentration of rhgm-CSF(400 μg/L) in vitra.Rats were subjected to permanent cerebral middle artery occlusion(MCAO models,n=45).Intravenous injection via tongue vein with(3×)106 endothelial cells 24 h after stroke for test group(n=15);same amount PBS injection for control group 1(n=15);for control group 2 no intervention after stroke(n=15).Neurologic functional behaviour tests including postural reflex test,limb use asymmetrical test and corner test were performed before transplantation and 1,3,5,7,14 d after stroke. Results Significant recovery of neurological function was found in rats treated with ivadministration of endothelial cells at 7 d and 14 d after stroke,compared with control group 1 and group 2,P<0.05.Conclusion Endothelial cells derived from rats bone marrow could improve neurological function in rats by intravenous injection,the effect starts to be significant on the 7 th day after transplantation,and it is even more significant on the 14 th day,P<0.05,the relevant mechanism should be investigated further in other study.
    Clinical and Echocardiographic Characteristics in 1137 Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction
    Gao Jing;Hua Qi;Sang Cheng;Fan Zhenxing;Wang Cairong
    2006, 27(5):  657-659. 
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    Objective To investigate clinical and echocardiographic characteristics in patients with acute myocardial infarction(AMI).Methods 1 137 patients with AMI were analyzed in clinical terms of characteristics and echocardiographic menifestations.Results Left ventricular remolding and impaired cardiac function were found less compared with elderly patients in young patients with AMI,and more males than females in this group.Male patients with AMI were about equal to female in elderly patients with AMI.Symptoms of elderly patients with AMI were not typical.And high incidence in left ventricular remolding and left ventricular dysfunction was discovered in elderly patients with AMI.Symptoms in 4074 years old group displayed between young and elder patients with AMI in clinic.Conclusion Young patients with AMI have good prognosis.Severe abnormalities in cardiac structure and function are observed in elderly patients with AMI.Elderly patients with AMI have poor prognosis.
    Application of Electrocautery in Hemorrhagic Tendency Patients during Permanent Pacemaker Implantation
    Zhao Yingxin;Zhou Yujie;Nie Bin;Li Yueping;Cao Zeng;Yang Lixia;Zhang Linlin
    2006, 27(5):  660-662. 
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    Objective To investigate the safety and efficacy of electrocautery in hemorrhagic tendency patients(being treated with anti-coagulant and anti-platelet) during permanent pacemaker implantation.Methods We Compared the hemostasis effectiveness,and complications during and after operation within four groupsgroup A(hemorrhagic tendency patients with electocautery,n=47),group B(hemorrhagic tendency patients without eclectrocautery,n=42),group C(non-hemorrhagic tendency patients with eclectrocautery,n=95) and group B(non-hemorrhagic tendency patients without eclectrocautery,n=91).Results Regardless patients with hemorrhagic tendency or without hemorrhagictendency the incidence of hemorrhage and hematoma was lower in the electrocautery groups.Especially,the electrocautery therapy proved more benefit in the hemorrhagic tendency patients(P=0.04).There were no complications of myocardial perforation,hemorrhoea,electrode dislodge and pacemaker system failure.There were no pocket erosion and the pacing parameters were coincident with program parameters during 1 year follow-up.Conclusion The electrocautery is safe and effective in permanent pacemaker implantation.
    Research of Correlation between Sleep Apnea and Chronic Heart Failure
    Tian Hailing;Li Li;Ni Ruyang;Xu Yushen
    2006, 27(5):  663-665. 
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    Objective To monitor the prevalence of sleep apnea in the inpatients with chronic heart failure and investigate whether sleep apnea affects heart function.Methods 68 inpatients with symptomatic chronic heart failure(CHF) in NYHA functional classesⅡ to Ⅳ and LVEF less than and/or equal 50%,were divided into two groups with polysomnography: inpatients with CHF and SA(apnea-hypopnea-index,AHI≥5 episodes per hour) and inpatients with CHF without SA(apnea-hypopnea-index,AHI<5 episodes per hour).Results 42 patients had sleep apnea in 68 patients with CHF.Central sleep apnea was in majority.PaCO2、LSaO2 and LVEF were lower in patients with SA compared with those without SA.Left ventricular end-diastolic diameter was longer(P=0.000,P=0.000,P=0.007,P=0.000,respectively).By logistic regression analysis: PaCO2,LSaO2 and LVEF of the SA group were lower(P=0.006,P=0.003,P=0.040).Conclusion Inpatients with CHF usually suffer from central sleep apnea.Sleep apnea decreases oxygen saturation,aggravates hypoxia and brings about the significant adverse effects on heart function of inpatients with CHF.
    The Linguistic Center of Auditory Function in Native Speakers of Chinese
    Zhang Yumei;Wen Yongxia;Zhang Ning;Sun Haixin;Wang Yongjun
    2006, 27(5):  666-668. 
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    Objective To do mapping and locate the linguistic center of auditory function in volunteers whose native language is Chinese by equivalent current dipole(ECD) and synthetic aperture magnetometry(SAM) of magnetoencephalography(MEG) in order to reveal the language processing of Chinese.Methods Fifteen volunteers undertook handedness assessment of Aphasia Battery of China.They also listened animal's names and plant's names silently.We recorded the induced magnetic field and added the collecting data to MRI to locate the linguistic center of auditory function. Results Fifteen volunteers are all right handed.We found late magnetic reaction waves in two hemisphere of these volunteers after hearing animal's names and plant's names and the left hemisphere waves were more differential than that of right hemisphere.The results showed that the linguistic center is located at middle temporal gyrus,superior temporal gyrus and supramarginal gyrus.Conclusion The linguistic center of auditory function in Chinese people coincides with the classic language center,ie.is located at middle temporal gyrus,superior temporal gyrus and supramarginal gyrus.
    The Relationship between Body Mass Index and the Incidence of Diabetes Mellitus,Coronary Artery Disease and Stroke
    Yang Yi;Yuan Shenyuan;Pan Sufang;Qian Ning
    2006, 27(5):  669-671. 
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    Objective To investigate the relationship between body mass index(BMI) and the incidence of diabetes mellitus(DM),coronary artery disease(CHD) and stroke.Methods 1 566 residents were screened in Beijing area for DM,CHD and stroke in 1995.914 residents were followed up 5 years later and were divided into 4 groups by BMI. Results The prevalence of DM,CHD and stroke increased significantly with the increasing of BMI,especially the group of BMI≥30.Conclusion BMI is closely related to the prevalence of DM,CHD and stroke.
    Eye Fundus Images Registration Flicker
    Liu Aizhen;Wang Xiaobing;Xu Liang;Ren Haiping;Song Fei;Wang Sa
    2006, 27(5):  672-674. 
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    Objective Registration flicker on eye fundus images that were screened in different time is important for ophthalmologist to study the glaucoma,diabetic retinopathy.Methods The normalized mutual information could be used to deal with eye fundus images and flicker them every one second.There are two methods to estimate it: one is based on the error of eye fundus images registration,the other is according to testing by ophthalmologist.Results 50 eye fundus images were tested and repeated ten times.Circumvolve and shift value had been analyzed. The result is P>0.05.100 eye fundus images had been matched.Conclusion Image registration methods based on mutual information had been accepted as the accurate and efficient method in eye fundus images registration flicker.It is easy to operate and repeat.
    Acute Subdural Hematoma Caused by Ruptured Cerebral Aneurysms
    Sui Dali;Wang Shuo;Zhao Jizong
    2006, 27(5):  675-676. 
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    Objective Acute subdural hematoma originating from ruptured cerebral aneurysms is rare.To investigate the diagnosis and management of this condition is the purpose of the article.Methods Nine cases of acute subdural hematoma due to cerebral aneurysm rupture confirmed by cerebral angiography and surgery were reviewed retrospectively.Patients were evaluated using the Glasgow Coma Scale(GCS) in terms of their consciousness.The original sites of the aneurysms repure were detected with DSA.Evacuation of hematoma and clipping of aneurysms were performed in these patients.Results 3 cases recovered completely,3 cases remained neurological deficiency,2 cases died postoperatively.Conclusion Acute subdural hematoma due to ruptured cerebral aneurysm is rare and fatal.Timely subdural hematoma removal and aneurysml clipping surgery should be performed for such patients.
    Disturbance of Gastric Emptying in Bile Reflux Gastritis:with Radio-opaque Markers
    Xu Bing;Jiang Weijian;Zhou Hai
    2006, 27(5):  677-680. 
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    Objective To detect the delay of gastric emptying in bile reflux gastritis with radio-opaque markers.Methods 80 cases were divided into 3 groups,27 cases as healthy control(HC);32 patients with primary bile reflux gastritis(PBRG),and 21 with secondary bile reflux gastritis(SBRG).All the cases took the same amount of test meal which contained a capsule with 20 barium sulfate pieces.Gastrointestinal fluoroscopy was performed after meals 120 and 240 min respectively.Then the rate of gastric emptying was measured.Results There was significant delay in gastric emptying of solids for PBRG patients compared with HC and SBRG patients(P<0.05).Compared with HC cases,the gastric emptying of solids for SBRG patients showed somewhat delay but there was no statistically significant difference between them(P>0.05).Conclusion PBRG patients show significant gastric emptying disturbance with radio-opaque markers.SBRG patients do not show significant delay of gastric emptying.
    Histopathologic Category and Treatment of Parovarian Cyst
    Duan Aihong;Zhang Jianping;Lu Dan
    2006, 27(5):  681-683. 
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    Objective To investigate the incidence,characteristics,histopathologic category and treatment of parovarian cyst.Methods Retrospective analyses of 191 cases who treated with laparoscopic operation for parovarian cyst were analysed retrospectively.Results 1) The incidence of parovarian cyst was 20.9% in all adnexal cysts.175 cases(91.62%) were pure cysts;15 cases(7.85%) were common epithelial ovarian tumors(13 cases were serous cystadenoma;1 case was focal or junctional serous papillary cystadenoma;1 case was cystadenoma genesis from mesonephric duct which was moderate-severe atypical hyperplasia);1 case(0.53%) was high-differentiated papillary mesothelioma.2) 6 cases had the complication of ovarian torsion,4 in right side and 2 in left side.The diameter of torsional cyst ranged from 612.67 cm,the average diameter was((8.66±)2.73)cm.The angle of torsion was 360°~720°.3) The most of cases were in reproductive age and have no obvious clinical manifestation.The levels of CA125 in most of cases were normal.Conclusion Parovarian cyst was not an absolute nonmalignant disease and can be developed into malignant disease.The most of malignant parovarian cyst are serosity,which belong to low potential malignancy.The low malignant potential lesions should be treated as ovarian counterparts by laparotomy operation.

    A Levonorgestrel-releasing Intrauterine System in the Treatment of Endometriosis-associated Pain after Conservative Surgery
    Sheng Jie;Lu Dan;Zhang Jianping
    2006, 27(5):  684-687. 
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    Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of a levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system(LNG-IUS) in the treatment of endometriosisassociated pain after conservative surgery.Methods We recruited 36 women with recurrent endometriosis-associated pain after conservative surgery.All women were inserted LNG-IUS into their uterine cavity within 7 d of their periods and maintained for 12 months.We compared the mean visual analogue scale(VAS) scores of their dysmenorrhea,chronic pelvic pain(CPP) and deep dyspareunia on baseline and 12-month follow-up. Results Thirty-three women completed the study.Baseline and 12-month follow-up,mean VAS scores of dysmenorrhea and deep dyspareunia dropped very significantly,respectively,from 66.5±21.8 to 8.3±2.9 and from 64.0±17.4 to 12.0±4.9;those of chronic pelvic pain dropped significantly,from 66.2±24.3 to 26.7±21.6.There are 21.2% of the subjects with irregular uterine bleeding,33.4% of those with weight gain and 21.2% of those with ovarian cyst formation.Overall 52.8% of subjects were very satisfied or satisfied with the treatment after one year.Conclusion Insertion of a LNG-IUS alleviates endometriosis-associated pain remarkably,but irregular uterine bleeding and weight gain are the main side effects.
    Comparison of Iodophor and Iodine Glycerin in the Treatment of Experimental Rat Gingivitis
    Liang Xiumin;Guo Deyu;Li Bin;Ye Cuifei;Li Fengyuan
    2006, 27(5):  688-689. 
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    Objective To compare the therapeutic effect of Iodophor and iodine glycerin in treating gingivitis of rats.Methods The gingivitis animal model was made by suturing ligation of the neck on rat teeth and feeding with food containing high sugar.Animals were divided into groups of normal control,gingivitis,Iodophor and iodine glycerin.Local blood flow and aspartate aminotransferase levels were measured in gingival fluid after 7 d treatment.Results The gingiva of rats in gingivitis model group became red and swollen and formed false periodontal pocket.The quantity and cell number of blood flow and the gingival crevicular fluid aspartate aminotransferase(AST) levels in model group increased significantly(P<0.01) compared with control group.The quantity and cell number of blood flow and the gingival crevicular fluid AST levels in groups of iodophor and iodine glycerin were significantly lower(P<0.01) than those in model group.The quantity of blood flow and the gingival crevicular fluid AST levels in iodine glycerin group were significantly lower(P<0.01) than those in iodophor group.Conclusion The two drugs were effective in treating experimental gingivitis,and iodine glycerin is more effective than iodophor.
    The Progress of Embryonic Stem Cells
    Liu Ying;Wa Longmei
    2006, 27(5):  699-701. 
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    The development of technique of In-vitro Fertilization(IVF) provides a possibility for research of human embryonic stem cells(ESC) pre-implantation.Since the establishment of the human embryonic stem cells line in 1998,great progress in the area of orientation and differentiation of ES has been made.The correlation between ESC,obstetrics and gynecology,biological characteristics,cultured in vitro,oriented differentiation and prospect are reviewed.