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    24 August 2006, Volume 27 Issue 4
    Expression of the Adeno-associated Virus Rep78 as a Major Regulatory Protein and Its Binding with Hepatitis B Virus X Gene Promoter in Vitro
    Liu Tianhui;Cong Min;Wang Ping;Tang Shuzhen;Wang Baoen;Jia Jidong;You Hong
    2006, 27(4):  423-426. 
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    Objective This study is to investigate the possible effect of adeno-associated virus(AAV) Rep78 on hepatitis B virus X gene(HBV-X).Methods Rep78 protein was produced as a fusion protein with MBP using pMAL-Rep78 plasmid(with full gene of Rep78) in DH-5α.SDS-PAGE and western blot were used to confirm the expression of MBP-Rep78.Electrophoretic mobility shift assay(EMSA) was utilized to detect the binding of MBP-Rep78 protein with HBV-X promoter.Results Purified MBP-Rep78 fusion protein was obtained successfully.EMSA showed Rep78 protein could bind with HBV-X promoter strongly in a dose-dependent manner.Conclusion AAV Rep78 could bind with HBV-X promoter.
    Recombination and Expression, Purification of Human Hepatic Stimulatory Substance by Non-fusion Vector in E. coli
    Liu Hejia;Wu Yuan;Yang Lin;An Wei
    2006, 27(4):  427-430. 
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    Objective To establish the prokaryotic expression system for expression of human hepatic stimulator substance.Methods Fulllength of hHSS cDNA was digested by PstⅠand NdeⅠand the fragment of open reading frame(ORF) was inserted into pT7-7 vector.The construct of prokaryotic expression vector pT7-7-hHSS identified by endonuclease digestion and DNA sequencing.Recombinant hHSS was purified by microcon centrifugal filter.The hHSS was identified by Western blot and Peptide Mass Fingerprint.Results There was one obvious band at the position of relative molecular weight(150000),which was positively reacted with anti-HSS antibody in Western blot.The sequencing of such(150000) protein indicated that the amino acids was equivalent to the deduced data.Conclusion The recombinant fusion express vector pT7-7-hHSS is constructed,and hHSS gene is expressed in E. coli successfully.
    Effects of Aspirin on Apoptosis and Effects of Cigarette Extracts on Proliferation and Apoptosis in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinomas Cell Lines
    Lin Jin;Zhang Shutian
    2006, 27(4):  431-434. 
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    Objective To verify the hypothesis that aspirin,a non-selective COX-2 inhibitor,could induce apoptosis in ESCC cell lines and to evaluate the effects of cigarette smoking extracts on proliferation and apoptosis in ESCC cell lines.In addition,it is developed that the interaction between cigarette smoke extracts and NSAIDs on ESCC cell lines.Methods The apoptosis was determined by flow cytometry.MTT assay was performed to study the effect of cigarette smoking extracts on esophageal cancer cell growth.Results Aspirin was found to be able to induce the apoptosis of EC109 cell,and the apoptosis was dose and time dependent.Results showed that the proliferation of EC109 cell lines were promoted by CE(1~40 mg/L),EE(10~80 mg/L) and NNK(0.01~10 mmol/L) in 24 h.The proliferation of cell lines were inhibited by aspirin.Both CE and NNK could inhibit the apoptosis that was induced by aspirin.EE has no similar effects on the apoptosis.Conclusion Aspirin could inhibit the proliferation of EC109 cell by inducing the apoptosis,cigarette smoking extracts could inhibit the apoptosis that was induced by aspirin.It is suggested that the effects of cigarette smoking extracts on cell proliferation is related to COX-2.
    Evaluation of Correlation Between Hepatic Pathohistology of Biopsies and Liver Function or Serum HBV DNA in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B
    Ou Xiaojuan;Wang Xiaoming;Jia Jidong;You Hong;Ma Hong;Wang Baoen
    2006, 27(4):  435-437. 
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    Objective To evaluate correlation between hepatic damage or hepatic fibrosis and liver function including total bile acid,alanine aminotransferase or quantity of serum HBV DNA in patients with chronic hepatitis B.Methods eighty-two biopsies in patients with chronic hepatitis B were reviewed pathohistologically.Serum samples for liver function test and quantity of HBVDNA were collected simultaneously half a month before and after the biopsy.The correlations between the results were assessed.Results The inflammatory staging and fibrotic scoring grading were significantly correlated with total bile acid,and inflammatory staging correlated with alanine aminotransferase or quantity of serum HBV DNA.Conclusion Serum total bile acid is considered to be the valuable reference for clinical diagnosis for hepatic inflammatory and fibrosis staging and alanine aminotransferase and the quantity of serum HBVDNA to be valuable for hepatic inflammation.
    Effects of Proliferation Inhibition and Apoptosis Induced by COX-2 Selective Inhibitor on Esophageal Squamous Carcinoma Cells
    Li Peng;Zhang Shutian;Yu Zhonglin;Liu Xuan;Zhang Li;Zhou Qiaozhi;Lin Jin;Hu Yaojun;Xu Caimin
    2006, 27(4):  438-440. 
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    Objective To investigate the effects of nimesulide(a non-selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor) on cell proliferation inhibition and apoptosis in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma(ESCC) cell line.Methods EC109 cells were incubated with nimesulide.Cell proliferation was assessed by MTT assay.Cell apoptosis induction were determined by fluorescence staining flow cytometry.PGE2 production was measured by ELISA assay to determine the effect of nimesulide on cyclooxygenase activity.Results Nimesulide inhibited cell growth in a concentration and time dependent manner.Apoptosis was induced by Nimesulide dose dependently.This was accompanied with a decrease of PGE2 production.Conclusion Nimesulide could inhibit ESCC cell proliferation and induce apoptosis,which is probably through cyclooxygenase-2 inhibition.Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor may be a promising therapeutic agent for human ESCC.

    Expressions of Subtypes of Somatostatin Receptors in Activated Human Hepatic Stellate Cells and Its Clinical Significance
    Zhang Juan;Ding Huiguo;You Hong;Tang Shuzhen;Shang Hongwei;Wang Xingcui;Jia Jidong
    2006, 27(4):  441-444. 
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    Objective To study the expressions of somatostatin receptor subtypes in human activated hepatic stellate cells(LX-2).Its clinical significances was also surveyed.Methods To detect the expressions of SSTR2/5 of LX-2 which is in the logarithmic growth cycle using immunocytochemistry staining method: LX-2 were routinely cultured on small glass coverslip in six well cluster dishes at a density of 8×104 cells/well.The cells were divided into 5 subgroups: compound 861 0.5 g/L,compound 861 1.0 g/L,octreotide 1 mg/L and control group,PNAC-1 was a positive control cell line.Meantime,expressions of SSTR1-5 mRNA were observed using RT-PCR method.Results The expressions of SSTR 2,SSTR5 in LX-2 were positive after immunocyto-chemistry staining.The mainly staining site is cellular membrane and cellular plasm.The strong expressions in compound 861-treated group were also observed.The five kinds of subtypes of SSTR in LX-2 were proven to be positive via the detection of RT-PCR.To compared the level of the subtypes,SSTR1,4>SSTR2,5>SSTR3 was observed.Conclusion LX-2 expresses five kinds of somatostatin receptors subtype.It is suggested that the activated hepatic stellate cells is target of SST and its analogs.
    The Comparison between Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography and Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography in Diagnosis of Pancreatobiliary Diseases
    Jiao Yue;Zhang Shutian;Yu Zhonglin;Yu Yongzheng;Ji Ming;Wu Yongdong
    2006, 27(4):  445-449. 
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    Objective To determine the diagnostic effect of magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography compared with ERCP in the pancreatobiliary disease.Methods 186 cases suspected pancreatobiliary diseases were collected from Jan,1997 to Nov,2004.MRCP alone or MRCP+abdominal MRI should be performed randomly.And then,ERCP within one day.When taking ERCP as the gold standard,it was calculated interms of the sensitivities,specificities,accuracies,positive predictive values,negative predictive values,positive likelilood ratios and negative likelihood ratios.Results Among the 186 cases,the successful cannulation of ERC and ERP was 96.77% and 94.74% respectively.While MRCPs were all successful.The accuracy for MRCP alone and MRCP+abdominal MRI in choledocholithiasis was content.The accuracy in the upper and middle part of bile duct of MRCP alone was 95.65%.The statistic value including accuracy and k value of MRCP+abdominal MRI had been improved to 97.78% and 0.93 respectively.But it's discontented in diagnosing periampulla carcinoma and the begin diseases of pancreas by MRCP alone and MRCP+abdominal MRI.Conclusion MRCP alone has been rather sensitive,specific and accurate in diagnosing biliary diseases.MRCP can replace diagnostic performance of ERCP partially.
    The Preliminary Study on Mechanism of Proliferation of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cell Lines and Its Relation with Cigarette Smoking and Cyclooxygenase-2
    Zhou Qiaozhi;Zhang Shutian
    2006, 27(4):  450-453. 
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    Objective To investigate the effects of cigarette smoking extracts(CSE) on prociferation of human ESCC cell lines(EC109 and EC9706),and to explore the mechanism of tumorigenesis in human ESCC cell lines.Methods Two cell lines EC109 and EC9706 were cultured with CSE for different periods of time.Cells proliferation of ESCC was tested with MTT reduction assay.Genes expressions on COX-2 were detected by RT-PCR assays.Results The results of cell culture indicated that there was a time dependent manner for the cell proliferation with CSE on human ESCC cell lines EC109 and EC9706.The difference between groups was significant stacitically(P<0.01).The effects of cigarette smoking ethanol extracts(EE) on cell proliferation were correlated with the upgrade of COX-2 gene.Conclusion CSE could stimulate the proliferation of human ESCC cell lines EC109 and EC9706,and COX-2 expression upgrade may be one of causes for ESCC cell line EC109 proliferation treated with EE.

    Study of Acute Gastric Mucosal Lesion and Portalvein Hypertensive Gastropathy Complication in Patients with Severe-type Hepatitis
    Jin Rui;Xiong Feng;Zhang Shibin;Wang Zhenbiao;Ding Huiguo
    2006, 27(4):  454-456. 
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    Objective To investigate the features of the acute gastric mucosal lesion in patients with chronic severe-type hepatitis by endoscopy.Methods 521 patients were divided into three groups.Group A included 191 patients who were diagnosed as chronic severe-type hepatitis with underlying hepatocirrhosis,and group B including 175 patients with the same diagnosis as group A but underlain with chronic hepatitis,and group C,as control group,including 155 patients who were diagnosed as acute jaundiced hepatitis.All cases were examined with by endoscopy within 3 d after their being hospitalized.Results In Group A,there were 131 cases(68.6%) who was found the minifestations of portal hypertensive gastropathy(PHG),and acute gastric mucosal lesion(AGML) in 81 cases(42.4%),and in group B,PHG and AGML were found in 119 cases(68.0%)and 79 cases(45.1%),respectively.In group C,PHG and AGML were found in 11 cases(7.0%)and 21 cases(13.5%),respectively.There was no significant difference between the numbers of cases with PHG in group A and those in group B,so did the numbers of AGML.Compared with group C,there was significant difference in terms of either PHG or AGML in group A,and so did in group B compared with group C.Conclusion PHG and AGML pravelence present frequently in patients with chronic severe-type hepatitis underlain with either hepatocirrhosis or chronic hepatitis,and the appearance rates of the two kinds of lesions were much greatly in patients with chronic severe-type hepatitis than patients with acute jaundiced hepatitis.The presence of PHG /AGML is related to chronic liver disease(CLD) probably.
    Efficacy and Safety Octreotide in the Treatment of Acute Variceal Bleeding in Cirrhotic Patients
    Yang Xun;Li Hongmei;Yu Zhonglin;Zhang Shutian
    2006, 27(4):  457-459. 
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    Objective To investigate the efficacy and safety of octreotide acetate and sandostatin in controlling esophageal variceal bleeding,and make comparison between domastic and imported products.Methods One hundred and thirty-one cirrhotic patients with esophageal and gastric variceal bleeding were divided into two groups randomly.68 cases in Group A were treated with octreotide acetate infusion.63 cases in Group B were treated with sandostatin infusion.Group A received octreotide acetate infusion of 50 μg/h intravenously for 120 h after a bolus of 100 μg.Group B same dose sandostatin in same way.The blood pressure,arterial pulse and blood transfusion volume were monitored and recorded in the course of the investigation.Results The base-line data in the two groups were similar.The efficacy of octreotide in hemostasis,the blood transfusion volume and mortality have no significant difference between two groups in statistically(P>0.05).Conclusion Both octreotide and sandostatin present a high initial and final control of esophageal and gastric variceal bleeding.
    Diagnostic Value of the Serum-ascites Albumin Gradient in Differentiation of Ascites
    Wang Yancai;Zhao Xinyan;Jia Jidong
    2006, 27(4):  460-463. 
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    Objective To compare the utility of serum-ascites albumin gradient(SAAG) with the exudate-transudate concept in the classification of ascite.Methods One hundred and twenty three patients with ascites were enrolled into our study.Serum and ascitic fluid were obtained on the same day.SAAG,ascitic fluid total protein(AFTP),ascites/serum total protein ratio(A/S) and ascitic fluid LDH were measured.SAAG was defined as the serum albumin concentration minus the ascitic fluid albumin concentration,and it was classified into high-gradient(SAAG≥11 g/L) and low-gradient(SAAG<11 g/L).AFTP≥25 g/L,(A/S)≥0.5,LDH≥200 U/L were diagnosised as exudates fluid.Results The mean SAAG in patients with diseases associated with portal hypertension was significantly higher than that in patients with diseases not associated with portal hypertension[(19.32±4.39)g/L vs(7.11±2.73) g/L,P<0.01],giving a significantly higher diagnostic sensitivity,specificity and accuracy(95.69%,90.00% and 94.31%,respectively) than that of exudate-transudate classification(62.60%,67.48% and 75.61%,respectively).Conclusion SAAG is valuable to differentiate ascitic fluid of portal hypertension from that of non-portal hypertension,and is superior to the exudate–transudate classification.
    Dynamic Expression of OB-Rb in CCl4 Induced Hepatic Fibrosis in Rats
    Zhang Peng;Ma Hong;Wang Liting;Jia Jidong
    2006, 27(4):  464-468. 
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    Objective To determine the expression of leptin receptor(OBR) in the normal and fibrotic liver,and to investigate the dynamic expression of the long form of leptin receptor(OB-Rb) in carbon tetrachloride(CCl4) induced hepatic fibrosis in rats.Methods One hundred and twelve male Wistar rats were randomized into control group(16 rats) and model group(96 rats).In model group 40% CCl4 in olive oil was injected subcutaneously two times per week for 8 weeks at the dosage of 5(mL·kg-1) body weight for the first shot and 3 mL·kg-1 body weight for the next shots,while rats in the normal control group were treated with olive oil.Six rats were sacrificed each time 1,4,7,10,14,28,42,56 d after administration of CCl4 and liver tissues were taken for pathological examination,whereas two normal rats were sacrificed as control each time.Expression of OB-R protein was measured by immunohistochemistry.Gene expression of OB-Rb was detected by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR) and analyzed semi quantificationally.Results OB-R was slightly expressed in the portal and perivascular area of the normal liver,located in the cytoplasm and cell membrane of mesenchymal cells.It was up-regulated in the portal area,the perisinus of the lobule and the hepatic septum in the rats with the CCl4 treatment.The OB-Rb mRNA was increased after 4 d of CCl4treatment,and the level of OB-Rb mRNA was correlated with hepatic fibrosis stage positivly(rs= 0.804,P= 0.000).Conclusion In the process of the hepatic fibrosis induced by CCl4 in rats,expression of OB-Rb was elevated from the early stage and correlated with fibrosis stage positively,aggravating the fibrosis.
    Imaging Analysis of Non-uniform Fatty Liver Disease with Ultrasound
    Wu Jing;Wang Zhongyin;Zhen Hao;Leng Zhenpeng;Wang Ping
    2006, 27(4):  469-471. 
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    Objective To investigate the imaging characteristic of non-uniform fatty liver with ultrasound(US) and provide the reliable diagnostic basis for clinic.Methods 35 patients,who were diagnosed by US as non-uniform fatty liver,have been classified into four types based upon imaging characteristics.The ultrasonic imaging was compared with results of computerized tomography(CT).These patients were suggested to conduct the controlled diet and physical exercise for 6 months.Results The degrees of fatty liver injury in all cases were alleviated after 6 month diet and exercise treatment.Of them,5 cases were found complete disappearance of fatty liver image by ultrasound.One case presented an occupying neoplasm by ultrasound image was finally diagnosed as liver cancer via MRI and three cases were diagnosed as liver hemangiomas.Conclusion The non-uniform fatty liver disease is reversible illness and will be much reliable diagnosed by combinative use of US and CT/MRI.
    New Target of Endoscopic Therapy for Periampullary Cancer——Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency
    Wang Yongjun;Zhang Shutian
    2006, 27(4):  472-475. 
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    Objective jaundice,pain and duodenal obstruction is the main target of palliative treat ment for periampullarycancer.Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency caused by mechanical obstruction of pancreatic duct and secondly pancreatic fibrosis havereceived little attention.Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency can be another important target of endoscopic therapy for periampullarycancer.
    Histone Deacetylase Maybe Involved in the Mechanism of Inhibition of Tyrosine Hydroxylase Expression in α-Synuclein-Transfected Dopaminergic Neuronal Cells
    Wang Xuemei;Chen Biao
    2006, 27(4):  476-479. 
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    Objective To investigate the mechanism of inhibition of tyrosine hydroxylase(TH) expression in α-Syn-transfected dopaminergic neuronal cells,specifically whether or not α-Syn inhibits TH activity through affecting histone deacetylase(HDAC).Methods Histone deacetylase activity assay kit was used to measure the difference of HDAC activity in transfected cells and control cells.After treatment with the inhibitor of HDAC(TSA) in transfected cells,the expression of TH was determined by RT-PCR and Western-blot,respectively.Results The HDAC activity in the transfected cells was significantly higher than in the control cells.After inhibiting the HDAC activity in transfected cells by TSA to the level of control cells,the expression of TH was up-regulated both at mRNA and protein levels.Conclusion These results suggested that HDAC was involved in the mechanism of inhibition of tyrosine hydroxylase expression in α-Syn-transfected dopaminergic neuronal cells.
    Synergistic Effects between eNOS Gene G894T and GNB3 Gene C825T Polymorphisms in Essential Hypertension
    Li Dongbao;Hua Qi;Pi Lin
    2006, 27(4):  480-484. 
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    Objective To investigate the interaction between the G894T polymorphism of endothelial nitric oxide synthase(eNOS) gene and the C825T polymorphism of GNB3 in the way of sunergistic effects for essential hypertension(EH).Methods Polymerase chain reaction combined with restriction enzyme digestion was used to detect the G894T polymorphism of eNOS gene and C825T polymorphism of GNB3 gene in 151 normotensive controls and 310 hypertensive patients.Results The frequencies of T allele and GT+TT genotype of eNOS gene G894T polymorphism in EH were significantly higher than in control group;There were no significant difference of the GNB3 gene C825T polymorphism CC,CT,TT genotypes and C,Talleles between hypertensive patients and normotensive controls;The odds ratio(OR) estimated by combined analysis with eNOS 894T and GNB3 825T(1.77) was markedly increased compared with that estimated alone from either eNOS 894T allele(0.53) or GNB3 825T allele(1.05).Conclusion eNOS 894T allele should be a risk factor for EH in chinese Han nationality,there was a significant synergistic effects of eNOS 894T allele and GNB3 825T allele in EH.
    Effects of Precondition on Nitric Oxide Synthase of Ischemic-reperfusion Myocardium in Rats
    Lu Lingqiao;Yan Li;Wang Hongxia;Zeng Xiangjun;Hao Gang;Jiang Ying;Zhu Yingfen;Zhang Like
    2006, 27(4):  485-487. 
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    Objective To investigate the effects of coronary artery ligation precondition(CAIP) and femoral ligation precondition(FIP) on nitric oxide synthase in myocardial ischemic reperfusion injury and explore its impact on myocardial protection.Methods Myocardial ischemic/reperfusion model was produced by 60 min ischemic and 30 min reperfusion,observing the change of +LVdp/dtmax and-LVdp/dtmax of the cardiac dynamics,examining the activities of inducible nitric oxide synthase(iNOS) and constrictive nitric oxide synthase(cNOS)of myocardium.Results Compared with group I/R,dp/dtmax increased in group sham,CAIP+I/R and FIP+I/R(P<0.01).The activities of cNOS in group I/R were lower than those in group sham,CAIP,CAIP+I/R and FIP+I/R(P<0.01).Compared with group I/R,the activities of iNOS decreased in group sham,CAIP and CAIP+I/R(P<0.01).Conclusion Two precondition methods of CAIP and FIP resulted in a significant improvement of cardiac functional recovery of the ischemic-reperfusion heart in rats.The cardioprotection of CAIP is possibly related to the changes of cNOS and iNOS,and the cardioprotection of FIP is related to the activity of cNOS.
    An Absence of Gene CCR5 on Donor Cells Results in Acceleration of Acute Graft-anti-host Disease
    Wang Zhao;Fu Li;Huang Dayong;William J Murphy
    2006, 27(4):  488-491. 
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    Objective To evaluate the role of gene CCR5 on donor cells in models where intensive preconditioning of the recipient occurs,thus provide the scientific evidence for clinical experience of allo-HSCT.Methods Lethally irradiated BALB/C mice received C57BL/6 mice is allogeneic bone marrow transplants.We divided mice into 4 groups according to receiving variant donor cells: B6 CCR5 KO group,receiving C57BL/6 CCR5(-/-)mice bone marrow cells and splenocytes;B6 WT BMC group,receiving C57BL/6 mice bone marrow cells and splenocytes;B6 CCR5 KO BMC group,receiving C57BL/6 CCR5(-/-) bone marrow cells alone;B6 WT BMC group,receiving C57BL/6 mice bone marrow cells alone.Results Compared to B6 WT group,B6 CCR5 KO group succumbed to acute GVHD at an accelerated rate.Donor CD8+ T cells expanded to a significantly greater extent in recipients of CCR5 KO vs WT control cells.T cells recovered from recipients of CCR5 KO cells roduced more IFN-γ and TNF-Αand proliferated to a T-cell mitogen at a significantly greater level than T cells from recipients of WT cells,indicating that CCR5 plays a role in downregualting donor alloreative CD8+ T-cells expansion.Histological assessment of the mice indicated pathological lesions in the kidney and a greater degree of liver pathological changes in mice that received CCR5 KO donor grafts.Conclusion The absence of gene CCR5 on donor cells results in increased GVHD and donor CD8+ T cells as well as hepatic and renal lesions in allo-HSCT,which indicated gene CCR5 is very important in allo-BMT.
    Effect of Rhizoma Curcumate Zedoariae, Herbra Trifolii Repentis and IL-6-induced on Apoptosis of Human Breast Cancer Cell Line MCF-7
    Zhang Jinfeng;Wang Zhe;Liu Xin;Tang Zuoqing;Xie Wenjie;Fu Guifang
    2006, 27(4):  492-493. 
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    Objective To explore the mechanism of inhibitory effects on breast cancer cell(MCF-7) of two Chinese traditional herbs(rhizoma curcumate zedoariae and herbra trifolii repentis) and IL-6.Methods Human breast cancer cell line MCF-7 was adopted as target cell.Tumor cell apoptosis was investigated by means of flow cytometry.Results The extracts of both herbs induced apoptosis in MCF-7 cells.The combination of two herbs had stronger apoptosis-inducing effect than either alone.The presence of these two herbs enhanced IL-6-induced apoptosis.Conclusion Two herbs,Rhizoma curcumate zedoariae and herbra trifolii repentis induce apoptosis in breast cancer cell line MCF7.This may be one of the mechanisms for anticancer properties of these herbs.
    A Convenient Method to Prepare Microcapsules: The Microencapsulation of Ovarian Cells and the Evaluation of Their Function
    Xu Qing;Liang Yuanjing;Lu Xin;Shi Xiaolin
    2006, 27(4):  494-497. 
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    Objective To investigate the in vitro proliferation and microencapsulation of ovarian cells.Methods Ovarian cells were separated,cultured and microencapsulated by a convenient microencapsulating method developed by our laboratory.The in vitro proliferation of ovarian cells was observed.Estradiol and progesterone levels in the culture medium were measured to evaluate the endocrine function of ovarian cells and the permeability of the capsule.Results Estradiol and progesterone levels in culture medium of the 6 th generation were similar to those in the primary culture.There were no significant differences in the levels of estradiol and progesterone pre and after microencapsulation(P>0.05).Conclusion The cultured ovarian cells in vitro have the ability to produce estradiol and progesterone. Microencapsulation will not affect the release of these hormones produced by ovarian cells.
    The Analysis of MTHFR Gene Polymorphism in Patients with Renal Damage Caused by Hypertension and Patients with Renal Parenchymal Hypertension
    Li Xiuji;Huang Wen
    2006, 27(4):  497-500. 
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    Objective To investigate the possible relationship between the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase(MTHFR) gene C677T polymorphism and renal damage caused by essential hypertension(EH) and renal parenchymal hypertension. Methods The technology of polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism(PCR-RELP) was used to detect the distribution of frequencies of MTHFR gene C677T mutation in healthy controls,EH patients with normal renal function,EH patients with renal failure and renal parenchymal hypertension.Results The systolic and diastolic blood pressures in EH patients with renal failure and renal parenchymal hypertension were both significantly higher than that in EH patients withnormalrenal function(P<0.05).The frequency of MTHFR T allele in EH patients with renal failure was significantly higher than that in healthy controls and in EH patients with normal renal function(42.1% vs 18.3% and 19.2%,P<0.05).There was no difference in other two groups(P>0.05).There was also no difference in the distribution of the frequencies of MTHFR C/C,(C/T) and T/T genotypes in any two groups.Conclusion MTHFR T allele is probably one of the predisposing factors for EH patients associated with chronic renal failure in north Hans.
    Effect of Simvastatin on Lipids and Lipid Ratios of the Elderly Patients with Coronary Heart Disease
    Xie Ying;Li Xi;Tian Yuxian;Jiang Zhaohui
    2006, 27(4):  501-503. 
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    Objective This study was to evaluate the regulating effect of simvastatin(Zocor) on lipids and lipid ratios of the elderly patients with coronary heart disease(CHD).Methods We selected 106 elderly patients with CHD associated with primary hyperlipemia and gave them simvastatin,20 mg/d.The patients were treated and had been followed up for 12 months.If the serum total cholesterol(TC) of the patients were ≤3.6 mmol/L(140 mg/dL) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol(LDL-C) ≤1.8 mmol/L(70 mg/dL),the dosage of simvastatin was changed to 10 mg/d in follow up.Results After 12 months,the TC、LDL-C、triglycerides and apolipoprotienB(ApoB) of the 104 patients reduced by 38%,45%,20% and 25% respectively(P<0.001),while high-density lipoprotein cholesterol(HDL-C) and apolipoprotienA1(ApoA1) arose by 7% and 10%(P<0.05) respectively.The radios of TC to HDL-C,LDL-C to HDLC and ApoB to ApoA1 reduced to 3.30,1.71 and 0.62 respectively((P<)0.001).In the 6th and 12th month 87.3% and 95.2% of the patients took simvastatin 10 mg/d respectively in case their(TC≤)3.6 mmol/L(140 mg/dL) and LDL-C ≤1.8 mmol/L(70 mg/dL).There was no abnormal increasing in serum aminotransferase and creatine kinase.Conclusion The regulating effects of simvastatin on lipids and lipid ratios of the elderly patients with CHD are definite and safe.
    Comparison of ProCOUNT and Single-platform ISHAGE Gating Strategy for Enumeration of CD34 Positive Cells in Peripheral Blood and Apheresis Samples
    Wan Suigui;Su Li;Sun Xuejing;Ji Bingxin;Liu Congyan;He Jingjuan;Xu Juan;Tian Ding
    2006, 27(4):  504-508. 
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    Objective To evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of methods of ProCOUNT and single-platform ISHAGE gating strategy for CD34 positive cells in peripheral blood and apheresis samples.Methods Flow cytometry was adopted to enumerate CD34 positive cells in peripheral blood and apheresis samples with ProCOUNT and single-platform ISHAGE gating strategy.And enumeration of CD34 positive cells in 23 peripheral blood and 50 apheresis samples were performed.The results of the two methods were compared using Spearman correlation and paired t-test.Results There was a strong correlation between the absolute counting and percentage of CD34 positive cells for the two methods(r all >0.9,P all<0.001).The absolute counting in peripheral blood and apheresis samples with ProCOUNT and single-platform ISHAGE gating strategy were(42.7±7.5) μL-1 and(52.1±7.2) μL-1(P<0.01)respectively,(30515.2±684.7) μL-1 and((30923.8)±711.1) μL-1(P<0.01)respectively.The percentage of CD34 positive cells in peripheral blood and apheresis samples were(0.26±0.07)% and(0.13±0.05)%(P<0.01)respectively,(0.79±0.18)% and(0.83±0.17)%(P=0.056)respectively.All of the results using ProCOUNT were lower than those using single-platform ISHAGE gating strategy.Conclusion There is a strong correlation between the absolute counting and percentage of CD34 positive cells for the ProCOUNT and single-platform ISHAGE gating strategy,but the result of the former is significantly lower than that of the latter.
    Prevalence of Abnormal ABI in 1 008 Cases of Patients with Cardiovascular Risk Factors
    Wang Kun;Hu Dayi
    2006, 27(4):  509-511. 
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    Objective The purpose of the study was to investigate the prevalence of abnormal ABI in patients with cardiovascular risk factors and the relationship between abnormal ABI and the various cardiovascular risk factors.Methods This study was performed through cross-sectional survey.Patients with cardiovascular risk factors were enrolled from September 2004 to December 2004 consecutively.ABI was measured and data were analyzed to investigate the prevalence of abnormal ABI both in men and women,and to identify the risk factors.Results(1 008) patients were enrolled(559 men and 449 women ranging from 31 to 99 years old).The prevalence of abnormal ABI was 31.3% in men and 31.4% in women.Abnormal ABI was positively correlated with age,diabetes mellitus and hypercholesterolemia in men,and was positively correlated with age,diabetes mellitus and smoking in women.Conclusion The prevalence of abnormal ABI in patients with cardiovascular risk factors is high.It is necessary for clinicians to pay more attention to these patients.
    Polymyositis and Differential Diagnosis of Hypothyroid Myopathy
    Zhang Hongyu;Li Xiaoxia;Yu Naichang
    2006, 27(4):  512-513. 
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    Objective To study polymyositis and differential diagnosis of hypothyroid myopathy.Methods The clinical manifestations and laboratory parameters of 12 patients with polymyositis and 10 patents with hypothyroid myopathy were analyzed and the relevant literature was reviewed.Results Hypothyroid myopathy and polymyositis show similar symptoms of muscle dysfunction and elevations of serum muscle enzymes,but can be distinguished by differences in levels of acute inflammation indexes,types of autoantibodies,muscle pathology,and thyroid function tests.Conclusion Thyroid function tests should be routinely performed in all patients with muscle weakness or elevations of muscle enzymes.
    Clinical Observation of Pulmonary Function in Uremic Patients on Hemodilysis
    Gong Zaichun;Huang Wen;Zhao Huiying;Yang Min;Wang Yang
    2006, 27(4):  514-516. 
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    Objective To analyse the pulmonary function and related factors in uremic patients on hemodialysis.Methods To determine the pulmonary function of forty-nine patients with uremia(19 patients who were not on hemodialysis,30 patients who were on hemodialysis) and 30 healthy persons.Correlative analysis was performed between parameter such as pulmonary function index and hemoglobin,plasma total albumin,albumin,Bun,Cr in hemodialysis patients;Analyze the relation between pulmonary function and chest X-ray.Results There was significant difference existed between uremic,hemodialysis patients and healthy person(P<0.01,respectively).The index of forced vital capacity expressed as percentages of predicted normal values(FVC%),forced expiratory volume in one second expressed as percentages of predicted normal values(FEV1%),forced expiratory flow rate in one second(FEV1/ FVC%),forced expiratory flow between 25% and 75% of vital capacity expressed(FEF25%~75%),pulmonary diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide expressed as percentages of predicted normal values(DLCO%) were much lower in uremia,hemodialysis patients.There were obvious increase of ventilation and dispersion function after uremic patients on hemodialysis(P<0.05).There was a strong correlation between pulmonary dispersion function and hemoglobin(P<0.05).Conclusion There was obvious lowering of pulmonary function in uremia,anemia was one of the causes to influence the dispersion function.It is necessary to make hemodialysis and cure anemia in order to improve pulmonary function of uremic patients.
    Infections in Exacerbated Stage of COPD and Innate Immun Status in the Elderly
    Chen Jin;Wang Haoyan;Li Yayu;Xia Chengqing;Qi Man
    2006, 27(4):  517-520. 
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    Objective To evaluate the relationship between infection and innate immune status in senile patients were on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease during exacerbations(ECOPD).Methods Totally 75 patients with ECOPD were randomly divided into 2 groups: senile group(n=45),non-senile group(n=30),all patients with general treatment.Another 20 healthy individuals served as the healthy control.Levels of CD14,NK,CD158b,HLA-DR in peripheral blood were measured with flow cytometry at baseline(D1) and then again at(D15),in the meanwhile observed clinical picture to evaluate patients'conditions.Results 70 patients completed the trial correctly(40 in senile group and 30 in non-senile group).WBC count and N of senile group were lower than non-senile group(P<0.05).The positive rate of sputum bacteriological examination and CRP were statistically homogeneous,but the pathogenic strains was significantly different in both groups(P<0.05).The percentage of CD14,NK,CD158b,HLA-DR in the senile groups was decreased(P<0.05) compare with non-senile groups and healthy controls,at the D1.In the D15,above mentioned the immunologic parameter of the senile group was lower(P<0.05).Clinical picture,the faster improvement in the patients in the non-senile group compared with senile group.Conclusion The results of this study suggest that respiratory tract infections are the most frequent factors contributing to acute exacerbations both,it was linked to disorder of the innate immunity in the senile patients with COPD.These deficiency in immunity increased the duration of the stay in hospital and healthy care expense.
    Early Diagnosis and Clinical Analysis for 29 Cases with Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis
    Liu Jun;Chen Yaliang;Wang Xingao
    2006, 27(4):  521-523. 
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    Objective To explore the early diagnosis and prognosis for cerebral venous sinus thrombosis(CVST).Methodes Retrospective analysis on the age and pattern of onset,first symptom,clinical characteristics, imaging characteristic,result of cerebrospinal fluid and prognosis in 29 CVST patients(male 11 and female 18).Results The CVST occurred in the second and fourth decades mainly;acute or subacute onset.The early clinical characteristics were headache(accounted for about 89.66% in all cases),vomit(accounted for about 55.17% in all cases),some accompanied with focal neurologic impairment or seizure.The imaging findings in CVST were venous sinus occlusion and local infarction(accounted for about 52% in all cases),some accompanied with capillary hemorrhage or haematoma(accounted for about 24% of cases).The intracranial pressure increased obviously in CVST patients,but the protein concentration and white blood cell count in CSF were normal or increased slightly.In addition,homocysteine occurred about 17% in CVST patients and all the patients were male.22 of 29 patients improved,2 of 29 patients recovered with occurred after focal thrombolysis with urokinase.The total effective ratio accounted for 82.81%,in addition,1 of 29 patients died.Among all the effective cases,10 cases were followed up for half a years,6 of 10 remained increased intracranial pressure.Conclusion The young patients who with acute headache attack,vomit,focal neurologic impairment or seizure,should be suspected CVST and even DSA and immediately undertaken the examination of CT,MRI,MRA and MRV in order to make a definite diagnosis.It is essential to treat with anticoagulant after the diagnosis of CVST.
    The Ultrastructure of Cortex Adjacent to Traumatic Intracerebral Hematoma in Human
    Tang Jie;Li Jian;Li Jingsheng;Liu Weiming;Sun Yilin;Zhao Jizong
    2006, 27(4):  524-526. 
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    Objective To study the ultrastructure of cortex tissue adjacent to traumatic intracranial hematoma(TIH) and the variation of severity according to the distance to the core of the hematoma.Methods The specimens were obtained from patients suffering from TIH October 2003 to February 2004.The specimen were from two sites adjacent to the core of TIH.One is from the just adjacent to TIH(adjacent area,AA),and the other is 0.5 cm farther AA (periphery area,PA).Transmission electron microscope(TEM) examination was undertaken in all specimens.Results Totally 23 patients(46 specimen) were available for the study.The TEM demonstrated severe ultrastructure damage in the tissue adjacent to TIH,including neuron,glial cell,axon,blood brain barrier(BBB),etc.The severity of AA is less than PA.Conclusion Significant ultrastructure damage develop in tissue adjacent TIH.The glial cell,as astrocyte,act as important role to support neuron and BBB.The severity of damage decreases with the increasing distance.Some component of tissue adjacent to TIH is still viable if the postoperative treatment is sufficient,therefore this part is worth preserving.
    Applications of Pelvic 3D Reconstruction and Dimension Measurement to Colorectal Cancer Surgery
    Bo Xuefeng;Xiong Chunyang;Chen Hui;Li Ming;An Qi;Zhang Jue;Fang Jing;Gu Jin
    2006, 27(4):  527-530. 
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    Objective Describes the methods of 3D reconstruction and dimension measurement in order to help doctor in diagnosis,operation planning and the actual surgery.Methods With the help of the CT scan results, we established three-dimensional digital model of pelvis.The data of 97 cases of middle and lower rectal cancer patients were retrospectively analyzed and statistically managed.Results With multivariable analysis of the measurement data,we found the anatomic factors that were key to sphincter-preserving operation for middle and lower rectal cancer.Conclusion The application of three-dimensional digital model of pelvis can bring the surgeons new anatomic diameter and spacial measurement data,and thus give more objective evaluation about the critical restrictive role of pelvis anatomy in sphincter-preserving procedure and even in operation of pelvis.
    Short Term Follow-up for Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Combined with Valve Replacement Surgery
    Xu Dong;Zhangjian;Liu Yanhui;Shang Xuebin;Li Xuefeng;Wang Shouyu;Liu Fei;Li Hongli
    2006, 27(4):  531-533. 
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    ObjectiveTo study the indications and safety in the surgery of CABG combined with valvular replacement for the patients with both CHD and rheumatic heart diseases(RHD) or valvular diseases.Methods In 12 cases of patients with combined coronary artery and valvular heart diseases CABG and valvular replacement surgery were performed from 2001 May to 2004 December in Xuanwu Hospital,CUMS.Moderate hypothermia myocardial protection was used in cardiopulmonary bypass.8 cases of 12 are males,4 cases are females,age ranging 52 to 78(mean 64.5).3 cases presented with RHD,preoperative angiography indicated coronary artery disease.9 cases presented with coronary artery disease(CAD) combined with valve disease.Angiography of 12 cases showed single vessel disease in 1 case,double vessel disease in 3 cases,and three vessel disease in 8 cases,associated with hypertension in 8,diabetes in 6,heart disfunction in 5,and atrial fibrillation in 7.Left ventriclar end diastolic diameter showed 45~87 mm [mean(56.7±77) mm],left ventriclar ejection fraction demonstrated 24%~67%(mean 50.3%±11.7%).Heart function(NYHA) showed grade Ⅰ in 1 cases,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ in 8,2,1 cases respectively.9 out of 12 underwent CABG+MVR(mitral valve replacement),CABG+AVR(aortic valve replacement) in 2,DVR(double valve replacement) in 1.Results All cases in this study recovered smoothly both peroperatively and postoperatively,no death was found after 3 months to 2 years follow up.Conclusion Coronary angiography is indicated for the patients presented with RHD aging above 50 regardless of the manifestation of pectoris angina or not.Valvar replacement is performed for the patients suffered from CAD combined moderate to severe MI or severe aortic valve calcification.For the cases with combined CAD and valve diseases,CABG plus valve replacement might result in the difficulty of procedures,however it might be beneficial for patients in terms of the prognosis and decreasing mortality in particular.
    Serus Matrix Metalloproteinases(MMP-2, MMP-9) and Ovarian Epithelial Tumor
    Chen Shengping;Wang Xiangping;Zhou Lianer
    2006, 27(4):  533-535. 
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    Objective To study the expression of gelatinases in malignant and benign ovarian epithelial tumor.Methods We use gelatinases methods to investigate serum of 20 cases malignant ovarian epithelial tumor and 18 cases benign ovarian epithelial tumor.Results The active MMP-2 protein in malignant ovarian epithelial tumor and benign ovarian epithelial tumor was(140322)±(10324.8) and(110657.9)±759.4,respectively.The difference in the intensity(P<0.05) was statistically significant. The active MMP-9 protein in malignant ovarian epithelial tumor and benign ovarian epithelial tumor was(280822.1)±(20739.9) and(220081.9)±(10924.4),respectively.The difference in the intensity(P<0.05) was statistically significant.Conclusion The expression of active MMP-2,-9 protein in malignant ovarian epithelial tumor was higher that that in benign ovarian epithelial tumor.
    Clinical Analysis of 9 Cases of Pelvic Tuberculosis
    Zhou Lian'e;Wang Xiangping
    2006, 27(4):  536-538. 
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    Objective To analyze the signs,symptoms and characteristics of ancillary examinations and tests of pelvic tuberculosis and then to improve the accuracy of diagnosis.Methods The clinical data from 9 cases of pelvic tuberculosis during 10 years were analyzed retrospectively,and compared with the misdiagnosed cases in the same period.Results The patients with pelvic tuberculosis mostly have infertility and history of tuberculosis except pelvic tuberculosis or close contac with the patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.The pelvic tuberculosis with ascitic fluid were misdiagnosed as ovarian carcinoma and simple pelvic packed effusion was easily misdiagnosed as ovarian cyst.Conclusion The key to improve the accuracy of diagnosis of pelvic tuberculosis lied in investigation of patients' history and pelvic and abdominal examination as well.For susceptible cases,ancillary examinations and tests must be performed and then exploratory laparotomy and pelvic laparoscopy performed when necessary.
    Diagnosis and Treatment of Cervical Polyp by Hysteroscopy
    Wen Qiaoying;Zhang Hongru
    2006, 27(4):  539-540. 
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    Objective To solve the problem of highly misdiagnosis and recurrence.Methods 359 patients with cervical erosion were diagnosed and treated with hysteroscopy.Results The diagnostic ratio of cervical polyp with gross observation was 19.2%(69/359),whereas the value was 50.7%(182/359) by hysteroscopy.Cervical polyp could be found easily by hysteroscopy compared with gross observation.Diagnostic accuracy was improved.Polyp pedicle with superficial muscularis was removed directly under hysteroscopy and the recurrence rate was 1.1%(2/182) in a year which decreased significantly. The recurrence rate was 23.8% in three months by routine polypectomy.Conclusion Hysteroscopy is an effective method for diagnosis and treatment of cervical polyp.
    The Comparison of Diagnostic Value between CT and Ultrasonic Examination in Low-grade Fatty Liver
    Zhou Hai;Xu Bing;Xu Nini;Zhou Nan
    2006, 27(4):  541-543. 
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    Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value between CT and ultrasound examination in low-grade fatty-liver.Methods The results in 213 cases of fatty liver diagnosed with CT and ultrasounograph were analyzed respectively.Results In 213 cases of fatty liver diagnosed with CT,the ultrasound examination showed 22 cases of normal liver,75 cases of low-grade fatty liver,95 cases of moderate fatty liver,21 cases of abnormality(non-diagnosis),no high-grade fatty liver.In 38 cases of low-grade fatty liver diagnosed with CT,the ultrasound examination showed 8 cases of low-grade,8 cases of abnormality,22 cases of normal liver.Conclusion CT is more sensitive and accurate than ultrasound examination in diagnoses of low-grade fatty liver.
    Prognostic Factors in the Elderly Patients Suffering From Thoracoabdominal Injuries
    Liu Jun;Sun Changyi;Wei Wendong
    2006, 27(4):  544-546. 
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    Objective To analyze the prognostic factors in the elderly patients suffering from thoracoabdominal injuries.Methods The clinical data of 72 elderly cases of thoracoabdominal injuries were retrospectively reviewed.Results The average stay in hospital(days) and average duration of treatment in ICU(days) were closely related to the comorbidities and ages.The mortalities were closely related with injury severity.Conclusion There are special characteristics in the elderly patients with severer thoracoabdominal injuries.Better understanding is needed in the management of elderly patients with thoracoabdominal injuries.
    Clinical Effect of High Epidural Anesthesia on Controlled Reduction of Blood Pressure in Infants During Operation of Patent Ductus Arteriosus Ligation
    Zhang Jianmin;Lü Hong;Liu Zhongyu;Zheng Tiehua;Wang Fang
    2006, 27(4):  547-549. 
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    Objective To observe the effect of blood pressure reduction induced with high epidural anesthesia and general anesthesia in patent ductus arteriosus(PDA) ligation operation.Method 40 infants were randomly assigned to two groups(group Ⅰ with high epidural anesthesia and group Ⅱ with general anesthesia).Results There were no significant difference between two groups on controlled reduction of blood pressure.In group Ⅰ, blood pressure increased steadily compared with group Ⅱ.And recovery time were much shorter.Conclusion High epidural anesthesia for PDA ligation can hardly affect cardiovascular status and blunt the stress response.
    Clinic Study on Preventing Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting with Ondansetron During the Peroperative Period
    Zheng Zengwang Wang Kejie
    2006, 27(4):  549-552. 
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    Objective Application of ondansetron is aimed at reducing the postoperative nausea and vomiting.Methods 180 patients who underwent abdomen or chest operation(90-each) were randomly divided into 3 groups.Ondansetron group Ⅰ: The patients received a bolus of ondansetron 4 mg(in normal saline 20 mL) intravenously during operations.Ondansetron group Ⅱ: The patients received a bolus of ondansetron 4 mg(in normal saline 20 mL) intravenously during operations,and repeatedly received ondansetron 4 mg(in normal saline 20 mL) 8 h there after.Control group: The patients received a bolus of normal saline 20 mL during operations.Results Observing the postoperative nausea and vomiting,it showed that the incidence and intensity of nausea for both group Ⅰ and Ⅱ after abdomen and chest operations were much lower than the control group(P<0.05).Conclusion Ondansetron has a significant effect on preventing the occurrence of postoperative nausea and vomiting.
    The Refrective and Axial Change of FDM Chicks
    Gao Xu;Zhou Yuehua
    2006, 27(4):  553-555. 
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    Objective To study the refractive change of the FDM chicks during the process of sclera remodeling.Methods 32 2-day-old white Leghorn chicks were divided into four groups.Form-deprivation myopia was induced by applying translucent plastic goggles attached on the right eyes group A and B.Untreated fellow eyes served as paired controls,and also normal controls group C and D were set.The goggles remained in place for 21 d,and all the eyes were checked up for refractive condition.Then killed the chicks of group A and C.Half of the treated chicks group B were raised for more 21 d.All the eyes were checked up for refractive condition and axial length.The data were analyzed by SSPS 11.0.Results Significant differences were detected in refraction and eye elongation of the covered eye and no significant differences were found after recovery from FDM between treated eye and normal control.Conclusion These data indicate that form-deprived myopia occurs with refractive change and axial elongation.And the myopia changes can be reversed after the recovery of form-deprived myopia.
    Biological Characteristics of Cell Lines Derived Form Human Dental Alveolus
    Tong Dan;Chen Shizhang;Sun Mingxue;Huang Jingxiang;Zhao Bin
    2006, 27(4):  556-558. 
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    Objective To investigate the biological characteristics of cell lines established from healthy and diseased human dental alveoli.Methods We first established primary cell lines from either healthy or diseased or human dental alveolus.Two cell lines,H-258 and H-171,respectively derived from healthy or diseased tissues,were selected for further studies on cell morphology,growth and aging by cell counting,histochemical and immunohistochemical staining.Results Primary cell lines were successfully established from diseased human dental alveoli.Cell lines from healthy human dental alveoli were alive but with decreased growth speed.Both cell lines(H-171 and H-258) shared the characteristics with osteoblast as they showed an attached growth type and had positive staining with APK,tolduidine blue and BMP-2 ect.Conclusion Both cell lines shared the characteristics with osteoblast.Primary cell lines established from diseased human dental alveoli showed greater growth potential than that from healthy dental.