A clinical characteristic study of the patients with overt diabetes mellitus and gestational diabetes mellitus
Wang Rui, Xu Pinying, Xiao Li
2017, 38(1):
162 )
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Objective To explore the clinical characteristics of patients with overt diabetes mellitus and gestational diabetes mellitus at the late pregnancy. Methods Twenty-five cases of pregnancy overt diabetes and 30 cases of gestational diabetes mellitus from January 2015 to February 2016 who came to the Clinical Nutrition Department of Beijing Anzhen Hospital were randomly selected. We collected records of patients with a family history, past medical history and other related medical conditions and treatment, clinical nutrition indexes, blood pressure measurement, serous hemoglobin A1c(HbA1c), total protein(TP), albumin(ALB), prealbumin(PALB), urea nitrogen(BUN), serum creatinine(CREA), hemoglobin(HGB). We gave them dynamic blood glucose monitoring and record the changes of blood glucose and the test data. We statistically analyze the data of two groups. Results In the ODM, HbA1c, fasting blood glucose, average blood glucose values,two-hour blood glucose after breakfast, two-hour blood glucose after dinner, the number of hyperglycemic events and high blood glucose time ratio are significantly higher than that of GDM and two groups compared with statistical significance(P<0.05). It is recommended to use insulin patients in ODM accounted for 32%(8/25), significantly higher than GDM(0/30) (P<0.05). ODM has a family history of diabetes patients accounted for 48%(12/25),significantly higher than GDM 10%(3/30) (P<0.05). The urinary ketone positive rate in GDM was significantly higher than those in ODM(P<0.05), but urinary microalbumin abnormal rate was compared with no statistical difference (P>0.05). The number of preeclampsia in ODM(7/25) was significantly higher than that in GDM (P<0.05). The level of HGB in ODM was lower than that of GDM (P<0.05). Conclusion Late pregnancy ODM have obvious family history, high level of HbA1c, higher fasting glucose levels of breakfast, higher glucose levels of two-hour after breakfast and dinner,higher average blood glucose value, longer hypoglycemia time, higher probability of hyperglycemic events and greater opportunity to use insulin in the treatment of symptomatic patients, higher incidence of complications pregnancy complications than GDM, but HGB level is lower than GDM. GDM has higher positive rate of urine ketone than ODM.