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    15 April 2003, Volume 24 Issue 2
    Repair of Rats Peripherial Nerve Gap by Tissue Engineering
    Li Xiaoguang;Yang Zhaoyang;Zhang Kaifeng;Cai Qing;Lu Qiang;Ji Man;Xu Qunyuan;Liu YanBeijing
    2003, 24(2):  93-96. 
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    This study was to explore the possibility of repairing rats sciatic nerve's 20 mm gaps with artificial nerve graft added by Scs. The artificial nerve graft was made of chitosan and collagen. From 8 to 12 weeks after the operation, regenerating nerve joined the nerve ends of the gap. There was no rejection or inflammation. The outcomes of morphometric analysis from artificial nerve graft with Scs were superior to that from control group Ⅱand control group Ⅱ Newly artificial nerve graft with Scs can be a good bridge and promote the nerve to regenerate in reparing the Sciatic nerve gap.
    Effects of Intramascular Injection of Strychnine on the Response in M-cell Induced by Vagus Stimulus
    Huang Haixia;Liu Limin;Xie Yan;Yu Fen;Zhang Maoxian
    2003, 24(2):  97-99. 
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    After intramascular injection of strychnine, both the amplitude and the average duration of the PSPs induced in the M cell by stimulation of the vagus were increased. Two or more action potentials were superimposed on the PSPs. The results suggest that the intracellular depolarization probably comprises inhibitory components and the relation between the excitatory and inhibitory components perhaps modulates the excitability of the M cell, and thereby makes the response of the M cell in accordance with the activity of the whole body of the crucian carp.
    TCSs Effect of Inhibition on Human Hepatoma Cell Line 7721
    Xie Wenjie;Liu Xin;Wang Zhe;Wang Na;Fu Guifang;Zhang Jinfeng
    2003, 24(2):  100-103. 
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    TCSs are compounds of anticancer medicine, including three kinds of Chinese traditional herbs. The TCSs effect of inhibition on human hepatoma cell line 7721 was determined by adopting the following four methods: MTT colorimetry experiment, multicellular tumor spheroid(MTS), measure of the cell's growth curve, and observation of the tumor cell's configuration. The results indicated that the herb obviously lowered proliferation of the tumor cell with the inhibitory rate as high as 70 %. Furthermore, the herb efficiently diminished the volume of the cell's globe or disjoint it. Finally, the cell's configuration was changed greatly by the herb. These inhibitory effects probably infer one of the mechanisms of the killing effect of TCSs on hepatoma cells.
    A Comparative Study on Methods Displaying Capillary Density of Endometrium
    Xu Qing;Lu Xin;Zhu Dingshou;Shi Xiaolin
    2003, 24(2):  104-107. 
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    The aim of the present study was to examine the expression of LN, collagen Ⅳ, Ⅷ-R Ag, CD34, CD105 by immunohistochemistry in sections with human endometrial functional status. Ten secretory human endometrial sections were stained immunohistologically for two basement membrane markers ( Laminin, collagen Ⅳ ) and three endothelial markers (factor Ⅷ related antigen, CD34, CD105). Capillary density was counted in a ×100 field (×10 objective lens and×10 ocular lens, 0.998 mm2 per field) in the most active area of endometrium by an image analyzer (LEICA Q500IW). On the same sample and the same cut of the sections, a significant difference was found in the capillary density and morphosis. CD34 and CLⅣ are the best markers for the capillary density.
    Immunohistochemical Localization of Ts87 Antigen of Trichinella Spiralis
    Yang Yaping;Zhu Xinping;Yang Jing;Lei Liping;Jing Peng
    2003, 24(2):  108-110. 
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    In order to know the distribution of Ts87 antigen in Trichinella spiralis larva and to confirm whether Ts87 antigen was one of excretory/secretory antigens of Trichinella spiralis, Western Blotting and immunohistochemical methods observed with the laser scanning confocal microscopy were used. The results shows that Ts87 antigen is one of excretory/secretory antigens of Trichinella spiralis and the cuticular surface of Trichinella spiralis larva is rich in Ts87 protein.
    Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in E. coli
    Wang Yamei;Qi Yahui;Si Yang;Yin Hong;Wu Wenqi
    2003, 24(2):  111-114. 
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    The DNA sequence coding for human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (hVEGF) was inserted into the down stram of thioredoxin gene in pET32M to generate thioredoxin-VEGF fusion protein expression vector pET32M/V. After identification and transformation, the thioredoxin-VEGF fusion protein with the molecular weight of 32000 was detected by SDS-PAGE analysis and Western blotting after induced expression in E. coli BL21. The recombinant proteins were recovered as inclusion bodies, but there were also some soluble recombinant proteins. Chick Chorioallantoic Membrane (CAM) bioassay showed that recombinant protein had biological activities of hVEGF.
    Reconstruction of Nasal Anatomical Structures Based on CT Images
    Dong Shuo;Liu Sha;Yang Bentao;Luo Shuqian
    2003, 24(2):  115-117. 
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    The main purpose of this study was to develop a new reconstruction method for the development of Chinese Visual Human Project and provide a more accurate, complete and facilitated way to 3Dview for medical workers. This study used the software 3D Slicer to reconstruct the anatomical structures of human nose. We extracted the contour of the ROI (Region of Interest) in each single slice and added the processed volumes into 3D Slicer. The output of the segmentation process was a set of label maps of the ROI. Based on the label maps, we could reconstruct the 3Dsurface model of the interested tissue. The result shows that this method may be used for the reconstruction of nose.
    Inducible Expression of GFP Gene in CHO Cells under Control of MT Promoter
    Sun Licui;Qi Yahui;Zhong Feng
    2003, 24(2):  118-120. 
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    Eukaryotic expression vector of GFP report gene under the control of sheep MT promoter was constructed. Result showed that the GFP gene in the vector could express itself inducibly in cultured CHO cells. The expression level of GFPcould be increased by the inducement of ZnSO4.
    Effects of Glycyrrhiza Uralensis Fisch and Schisandra Chinensis Baill on Cytochrome P450 in Rats
    Xu Yanxia;Zhang Jinnan;Yan Shulian
    2003, 24(2):  121-123. 
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    To identify the effect on the rat hepatic CYP450 content after administer Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch and Schisandra chinensis Baill and to assay of substrates enzyme content an NADPH generating system consisting of imipramine metabolic in vivo was conducted. Rats were randomly divided into groups. The studied animals were allowed free access to water but the drug was given at morning blank abdomen. Two groups of rats received different dose of schisandra chinensis Baill or glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch plant extracts once daily orally for three or six days. For rats in other groups received once dailly orally normal saline as blank control group and phenobarbital as positive control group at the same time The cytochrome P450 content of the groups of rats receiving schisandra chinensis Baill or glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch plant extracts was enhanced; the pharmacokinetics of imipramine was changed. It is suggested that Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch and Schisandra chinensis Baill are inducer of the CYP450. The CYP450 content is relative with the time and dose of the traditional Chinese medcine. The metabolism of imipramine is quickened, and the pharmacokinetics of imipramine is changed.
    Safety and Effect of Tingmei Diet Cosmetology Capsule on Losing Weight
    Guo Jianqiang;Qi Na;Su Yilan;Chen Zhenliang;Jiang Zhicheng
    2003, 24(2):  124-128. 
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    The authors have studied the toxicological safety of Tingmei diet cosmetology capsule. The median lethal dose LD50 in mice was 10 g/kg. Ames test, bone marrow cell micronucleus test and the mice sperm abnormality test in mice were negative. In the 30 day toxicity feeding study, the body weight of male mice in 4.50g/kg body weight (the dosage was 100 times more than that for people, the dosage for people is 0.045 g/kg) group increased slowly. Weight gain, forage ingestion, food utilization rate and nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) were obviously lower than those of the negative control group, then the daily defecation and visceral-body rate of stomach and spermary were obviously higher than those of the negative control group. It was not yet found that Tingmei diet cosmetology capsule obviously affected haematological system, function of liver and kidney, metabolizability of protein, fat or glucose. The result indicates that Tingmei capsules have not harmful effect except affecting weight gain.
    SARS Pathogen Leading to Ultrapathological Change of Human Internal Organs
    Sun Yilin;Qu Baoqing;Zhang Hui;Hong Tao;Chen Liangbiao;Qu Jianguo;Wang Jianwei;Ren Lili
    2003, 24(2):  129-132. 
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    To investigate the relationship between the clinical expression and ultrastructural pathology of internal organs in SARS. The autopsy specimens included lungs(8 cases) , hearts(4 cases), livers(4 cases), spleens(3 cases), kidneys(5 cases) and lymph nodes(3 cases) obtained from SARS cases. These organ samples were examined with light and electron microscope. The examination result shows: the wall of alveolus becames thicker; some of the inflammatory cells and fibrin seeped to the alveolar sac as well as lung interstitial; the fibril of cardiac muscle broke and mitochondria swelled; the lymph cells necrosis and membrane were destroyed in the spleen and lymph node. Some pathogen particles were observed in certain organs under the electron microscope. The SARS pathogen as a causative factor of the disease causes the immunopathological reaction. This reaction leads to the damage of the human body, especially to the damage of the lung, heart and immunity organs.
    Effect of AGEs and Concentration of Glucose on Proliferation of Vascular Endothelial Cells Cultured in Vitro
    Chen Hui;Tian Mi;Han Caihe;Zhang Jing;Wu Qing
    2003, 24(2):  133-134. 
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    The objective was to study the effect of AGEs on proliferation of endothelial cells of cord vein from newborn. 3H-TdR incoporation rate of cultured cells was used as parameter for cell proliferation and VitEaffected proliferation of endothelial cells. After two hours of endothelial cells of cord vein from newborn, 11 mmol/Lglucose, AGEs (5 mg/L), VitEand 30 mmol/Lglucose were cultured to test 3H-TdR incoporation rate. The 3H-TdR incorporation rates were 4.69 times (P<0.01), 2.15 times (P<0.05) and 1.46 times (P<0.05) higher than the control group respectively. High glucose and AGEs stimulate proliferation of endothelial cells. Especially, high glucose and AGEs are in cultured cells. At same time VitE could inhibit proliferation of endothelial cells.
    Changes of Serum Level of Cytokines in Mice after Acute Oxygen Toxicity
    Wang Guozhong;Zhao Liming;Gao Chunjin;Ge Huan
    2003, 24(2):  135-137. 
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    The objective was to investigate the role and significance of cytokines in mice after acute oxygen toxicity. The serum level of IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-10 in mice at the 1 h, 6 h and 12 h after acute oxygen toxicity was measured by enzyme-linked immuno-sorbent assay. The serum level of IL-1β at the 1 h, 6 h, 12 h was higher than the normal control group(P <0.05 or P <0. 01). The serum level of IL-6 in mice at the 6 h, 12 h was higher than normal control group(P <0.05 or P <0.01). There were no significant changes in the serum level of IL-10. The results indicated that there was an imbalance between inflammatory and anti-inflammatory mediators during earlier period after acute oxygen toxicity, which might be the important factor in the onset and development of the acute oxygen toxicity.
    Epidemiological Survey of Blood Lipid and Glucose Level of Schoolchildren in Beijing Changchun Street
    Hua Congxiao;Hua Qi
    2003, 24(2):  138-140. 
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    The survey was aimed to evaluate the level of total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride(TG), fasting blood glucose (FBG), and prevalence of dyslipidemia of schoolchildren in Beijing Changchun Street. Height, body weight, fasting blood glucose (FBG), total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride(TG) and Rohrer index of 672 (aged 6~12 years, 326 boys, 346 girls) schoolchildren were collected and analyzed. For all these children, mean TCwas (4.66±0.52) mmol/L, mean TGwas (1.97±0.22) mmol/Land mean FBGlevel was (4. 25±0. 96) mmol/L. According to the criteria of dylipidemia, there were 17.3% and 21.9% children, with TC≥5. 72 mmol/Land TC 5.20~5. 69 mmol/Lrespectively. Besides, there were 10.0% and 7.8% children with TG≥1.65 mmol/Land FBG>6.05 mmol/L. The overweighted and obese children had higher TC and TG levels than normal children. The result of this survey suggests that overweight and obesity may increase the prevalence of dyslipidemia in schoolchildren.
    Morbidity of White Coat Hypertension in Different Kinds of Population
    Li Jing;Hua Qi
    2003, 24(2):  141-143. 
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    In order to know the incidence and characteristic of white coat hypertension in the population firstly diagnosed as hypertension (WCH), WCH and sustained hyper tension (SH) were classified by clinical and 24 h ambulatory blood pressure measurements. Incidence of white coat hypertension was calculated in each group by age, gender and type. According to the results, the incidence of WCH was 28%, which was higher in female or in systolic hypertensive patients. White coat hypertension was prevalent in the population firstly diagnosed as hypertension. WCH should be noticed in female patients or patients with systolic hypertension.
    Clinical Significance of Precordial ST Segment Depression in Acute Inferior Myocardial Infraction and its Relation with Lesion of Coronary Artery
    Gao Yonghong;Shi Hao
    2003, 24(2):  144-146. 
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    To study the significance of precordial ST segment depression in acute inferior myocardial infraction and its relation with lesion of coronary artery, 68 patients with inferior AMI were allocated into three groups based on the extent of precordial STsegment depression. Group 1(n=19) had no precordial ST segment depression. Group 2( n=14) had STsegment depression in V1~3. Group 3(n=35) had STsegment depression in V1~5 or V1~6. Results: The frequency of disease of left anterior descending artery(LAD) was 26.3% in group 1, 14.3% in group 2, 74.3% in group 3. The patients with LAD stenosis of more than 90% accounted for 34.3% in group 3. The precordial STsegment depression in V1~5 or V1~6 in patients with inferior AMI suggest the presence of LAD lesion. The cause of ST segment depression in V1~5 or V1~6, may be due to anterior wall subendocardial ischemia caused by severe stenosis of LAD, and precordial ST segment depression in V1~3 indicates a reciprocal change.
    Relationship between Glomerular Filtration Rate and Urinary Albumin Excretion in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
    Zhang Xuelian;Fu Hanjing;Pan Sufang;Dai Haojie
    2003, 24(2):  147-149. 
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    Objective: The purpose was to study the relationship between urinary albumin excretion rate (UAER) and glomerular filtration rate(GFR) in type 2 diabetic patients. 154 diabetic patients in hospital were divided on the basis of UAER into a normal albuminuria group (<20μg/min), a microal-buminuria group (20~200 μg/min), and a overt albuminuria group ( >200μg/min). GFRwas measured by the 99mTc-DTPA single injection method. Glycosylated hemoglobin, plasma creatinine and systolic blood pressures were also analyzed. Result: GFR in the overt albuminuria group fell consistently (P<0.01), while its UAERrose significantly(P<0.01 ). Similarly, compared with the normal albuminuria group respectively, systolic blood pressures and glycosylated hemoglobin were significantly higher in the microalbuminuria group and overt albuminuria group(P<0.01). GFR was independently negatively correlated to UAER, ages, plasma creatinine, systolic blood pressure and glycosylated hemoglobin. Multiple regression analysis disclosed that UAER, ages, plasma creatinine, glycosylated hemoglobin and systolic blood pressure were the primary factors which caused GFR to come down. Conclusion: Diabetic patients'renal function should be exactly judged by measuring both GFRand UAER. Intensive control of glycosylated hemoglobin and systolic blood pressure important for postponing the decline in GFRand the development of microalbuminuria.
    Collagen Vascular Disease with Pulmonary Fibrosis: a Review of Clinical Findings and Diagnosis in Thirty-five Patients
    Bu Xiaoning;Dai Huaping;Ye Qiao;Cui Ai;Zhang Hongyu
    2003, 24(2):  150-152. 
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    The objectives of the study were to characterize the clinical manifestations and data of laboratory tests of 35 patients with collagen vascular disease with pulmonary fibrosis (CVD-PF) , and then to improve the diagnosis and treatment of CVD-PF. Aretrospective review was carried out in 35 patients with the diagnosis of CVD-PF. Most CVD-PF patients were older than sixty years old and had a cough, expectoration and insidious onset of progressive dyspnea. Inspiratory crackles were noted on auscultation in most patients. The most impressive appearance of their radiography was peripheral reticular opacities, most profuse at the lung bases. Pulmonary function test was consistent with restrictive impairment and impaired gas exchange. The resting arterial blood gases revealed hypoxemia and respiratory alkalosis. All patients were excluded of other interstitial lung disease by history, physical examination and laboratory tests. Pulmonary fibrosis is more common in three diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, progressive systemic sclerosis and Sjogren's syndrome. The clinical manifestations, pulmonary function and chest radiographs or high-resolution CT scans are similar with idopathic pulmonary fibrosis. The definite diagnosis of CVD-PF includes the following: 1) Exclusion of other known cases of interstitial lung disease; 2) Abnormal pulmonary function including evidence of restriction and /or impaired gas exchange; 3) Abnomalities on conventional chest radiographs or high-resolution CT scans.
    Diagnostic Value of Iodine Staining under Endoscopy for Early Esophageal Cancer
    Cao Qiumei;Gong Baoli;Liu Bin
    2003, 24(2):  153-154. 
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    The objective was to explore the feasibility of lugols iodine staining to detect early esophageal cancer through endoscopy. Lugols iodine was sprayed on esophageal mucosa under endoscopy in 90 patient with suspected malignancy and biopsy of unstained position by iodine was performed. There were 72 irregularly unstained fragment including early esophageal cancer (n=2), dysplasia (n=27) and chronic esophagitis ( n=43). Lugols iodine staining under endoscopy can help the diagnosis of early esophageal cancer.
    Clinical Features and Management of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Patients with Severe Acute Pancreatitis
    Lin Dongdong;Li Fei;Sun Jiabang;Liu Dachuan;Zhu Bin
    2003, 24(2):  155-157. 
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    To explore the clinical features and management of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in patients with severe acute pancreatitis (SAP), clinical data of 246 patients with SAPwere reviewed retrospectively in our hospital between 1990 and 2001. The data of occurrence time, respiratory conditions, arterial blood-gas analysis and chest film from 68 patients with ARDS were analyzed. Meanwhile comparisons between patients with ARDS and patients without ARDS were made. The incidence rate of ARDS in patients with SAP was 27.6% . The main features of these patients included early occurrence (73.5% occurred during the first 3 days of SAP or 3 days after operation), increasing respiratory rate (36. 76±0.92/min), respiratory distress(39.7%), respiratory alkalosis and respiratory alkalosis complicated with metabolic acidosis(89.7%). The main factors predisposing to ARDS in patients with SAP were increased serum triglyceride level, higher APACHE-Ⅱscore, intra-abdominal hypertension and operation. Decreasing serum triglyceride level, relieving intra-abdominal hypertension, strictly controlling for operation and applying ventilator timely and properly may be helpful to the prevention and treatment of ARDS in patients with SAP.
    Relation between Protective Effect of Nitric Oxide on Pancreatic Injury and Phospholipase A2 Activity in Pancreas
    Zhang Zaixing;Sun Jiabang;Li Fei;Zhang Shuwen;Cui Yeqing;Sun Haichen;Liu Shuang
    2003, 24(2):  158-160. 
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    To investigate the effect of endogenous nitric oxide (NO) on acute necrosis pancreatitis in rats and its relationship to phospholipase A2(PLA2) activity in pancreas, acute necrosis pancreatitis in rats was induced by retrograde sodium taurocholate (5%) infusion into the pancreatobiliary duct (1 mL/kg), and NG-nitro-L-arginine (L-NNA) was used as the inhibitor of endogenous NO. The effect of endogenous NO on pancreatic injury and pancreatic tissue PLA2 activity was evaluated respectively. Results showed that Sodium taurocholate administration induced evident pancreatic tissue edema and acinar necrosis, and the intrapancreatic hemorrhage occurred in some rats. Pretreatment with the NO inhibitor, L-NNA (12.5 mg/kg) , significantly intensified pancreatic injury, but had no effect on the PLA2 activity in pancreatic tissue. The above results suggest that endogenous NO has the effect of pancreatic protection, but it seemed that the protection is unrelated to PLA2 activity of pancreatic tissue.
    Severe Acute Pancreatitis with Fungal Infection
    Wei Wendong;Sun Jiabang;Li Fei;Zhu Bin;Chen Hong;Jia Jianguo
    2003, 24(2):  161-164. 
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    The objective was to analyse the clinical characteristic, risk factors and prognosis of severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) with fungal infection. Retrospective analysis of 85 cases of SAP with infection was carried out. Among them 43 cases were with fungal infection, and others with bacterial infection. There were no significant differences in age, sex, etiology between the two groups. In the fungal group, APACHE Ⅱ score, CT score, times of operation were higher than the bacterial group. Flora disorder, increased abdominal express and MODS were more often found in fungal infection cases. Mortality in fungal group was twice more than that in the bacterial group(44.19% : 21.43% ). Conclusion: Fungal infection can increase mortality of SAP. APACHE Ⅱscore, CT score, Flora disorder, increased abdominal express and times of operation are risk factors of fungal infection. Unknown fever, consciousness change and heavy bleeding may indicate fungal infection. Antifungal Prophylaxis will benefit the treatment of SAP.
    Dehydration Therapy in Edema of Renal Transplantation
    Liu Jing;Guan Delin;Gao Juzhong;Han Zhiyou;Han Xiuwu;Zhang Yu;Li Xiaobei;Tian Xiquan
    2003, 24(2):  165-168. 
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    To observe the aim of this study was to explore the practical approach for treating patients with CAVH. Eighty-nine kidney transplant recipients were studied. All patients were treated with CAVH (dialysate flow rate is 2 L/h). Whole or washed blood cells or plasm were re-circulated at 25-45 mL/min through a 1.4m2 polysulfones hemofilters for 4~8 h with filtration. In every 30 min 10 mLof 10% NaCl was infused into the circulation. Immunosuppressive agents were used continuously during that period. Blood and albumin were also used. Each measurement was performed immediately before and every 30 min after commencement of technique of filtration. The main measurement included heart rate, blood pressure, output of filtrated water, cytokine, allograf t function, blood-gas and chest X-ray. Results: 67 cases with renal and heart function recovered well and 78 cases with renal allograf t recovered well after 1 to 2 years. Four patients were on regular dialysis. Eleven patients died of multi-organ failure (MOF). The use of CAVH would reduce vascular volume, extra-cellular or intracellular fluid volume. It could reduce renal allograf t edema without affecting blood pressure and electrolyte, and improve allograft function and pulmonary alveolus ventilation. CAVH is safe, effective, simple and convenient.
    Study of Dysfunction of Testis Spermatogenesis in Rabbits with Experimental Varicocele
    Xi Jinbo;Gao Juzhong;Chen Xiao
    2003, 24(2):  169-171. 
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    The objective was to explore the mechanism of the testicle dysfunction-infertility derived from varicocele. Varicocele models in rabbits were used to observe the changes of LPO contents and cAMP levels in testis tissue, sperm volumes, sperm density and its relationships. Testis LPO contents of left and right sides in VCG were significantly higher than that in SOG; cAMP levels of bilateral sides in VCG were much lower than that in SOG; the sperm density of VCG was much lower than that of SOG; but there was no difference in sperm volumes between VCG and SOG; there was a negative correlation between LPO contents and cAMP levels, and a notable positive correlation between cAMP levels and sperm density. The higher level of lipid peroxidation in the testicle tissue of varicocele caused the decrease of cAMP levels in the cells, which couldn't carry on efficiently the normal metabolism of function, especially the spermatogenesis, and did direct damage to the germ cells of the testes, resulting in the sper-matogenous disorder of the testes.
    Analgesic Efficacy and Safety in Combination of Continuous Infusion and Patient-controlled Analgesia Following Craniotomy
    Zhao Lihong;Zheng Yi;Wang Enzhen;Wang Baoguo
    2003, 24(2):  172-175. 
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    To assess the analgesic efficacy and safty of intravenous fentanyl and tramadol by combined continuous infusion and patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) compared with those of single-PCA in the treatment of postoperative pain following craniotomy, 120 patients were randomly assigned to four groups: 1) PCA with fetanyl (1μg/mL); 2) continuous infusion of fentanyl 1mL/h (1μg/mL) supplied PCA; 3) tramadol (25 mg/mL); 4) continuous infusion of tramadol 1 mL/h (25 mg/mL) supplied PCA. Continuous infusion was stopped at 24 h after craniotomy. Patient pain intensity score (VAS score 0-10), PCA demanded and delivered times, total dose and side-effects were recorded. The total PCA delivered times, demand times and VAS score in groups receiving single-PCA were significantly more than those in groups receiving continuous infusion suppling PCA (P<0.05). When comparing two groups receiving a combined regimen of continuous infusion and PCA, we found that the total PCA delivered times, demand times and total dose in fentanyl group were significantly higher than tramadol group (P<0.05). The patients'VAS score had no significant difference between two groups. Fentanyl and tramadol are efficient and safe for pain control after craniotomy. The regimen of combination of PCA and background infusion is more efficient without increasing the incidence of opioid side effects.
    Comparative Analysis of two Drugs Applied before Double Contrast Colography
    Du Xingya;Qi Zhongzheng
    2003, 24(2):  176-177. 
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    To compare the effect of clinical application of magnesium sulfate and senna before double contrast colography, 50 patients of each group for double contrast colography were studied. The results indicated there were 45 cases (90%) without side effects and 40 cases (80%) without stool in magnesium sulfate group, while 32 cases (64%) without side effects and 28 cases (56%) without stool in the senna group. There were significant differences between the magnesium sulfate group and the senna group (all P<0.05). The results suggest magnesium sulfate and senna are both safe and suitable for double contract colography and magnesium sulfate should be the first choice.
    Comparison of Clinical Features between Nomal and Abnomal Creatine Kinase in Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis
    Pan Hua;Yin Xuehong;Wang Yongjun
    2003, 24(2):  178-179. 
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    The objective was to illustrate the relationship between CK and clinical features in hy-pokalemic periodic paralysis by retrospective study. The methods of detecting CK, related laboratory tests, electrophysiological tests and combining them with clinical features were used. There were significant difference between normal and increased CK group in the force of muscle, myalgia, potassium, U wave and duration of diseases. The increased CK reflects damage of muscles and is also related with the prognosis to some extent.
    Effect of Cell Density on Proliferation and Differentiation of Human Fetal Neural Stem Cells
    Zhang Zeshun;Li Junhua;Zhang Yazhuo;Wang Zhongcheng
    2003, 24(2):  180-183. 
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    The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of cell density on the survival, proliferation and differentiation of human neural stem cells in the primary culture. Combination of EGF, bFGF and LIF can stimulate the proliferation of human neural stem cells remarkably. When these growth factors were removed, and 10% fetal bovine serum was added into culture media, the human neural stem cells could differentiate into neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. There were no proliferation and neurospheres formation in low-density ( cells < 10000/mL) culture. From this experiment, we can draw the conclusion that the human neural stem cells from the fetal brain has the ability of self-renewing and multiple differentiational potential, and moderate cells density will benefit its survival and proliferation.
    Cysitic Craniopharyngioma Chemotherapy with Intratumoral Injections of Pingyangmycin
    Yao Hongxin;Ma Zhenyu;Luo Shiqi
    2003, 24(2):  184-186. 
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    Five patients who suffered cysitic craniopharyngioma were admitted. The tube of Ommaya reservoir was inserted into the cyst, and the Ommaya reservoir was placed beneath the scalp for delivery of chemotherapy. The colors and LDH of the liquid in the tumors were studied, then pingyangmycin (bleomycin A5) was injected into the cysitic tumor. Three of the five cysitic craniopharyngioma were complete regressed, the other two cases were shrinked. There was one case showing symptoms of cranial nerve damage. The outcome indicated that the local injection of pingyangmycin was effective against tumors of the cystic type.
    Changes of Blink Reflex in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
    Li Ping;Liu Li;Bai Qin;Qiao Hui
    2003, 24(2):  187-189. 
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    The objective was to explore the change of blink reflex (BR) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and its relationship with other correlated factors. The latencies and amplitudes of waves of bilateral R1, R2 and R2'in BR were detected in 85 patients, whose average were contrasted with normal value. The patients were divided into two groups, the BR-positive group and the BR-negative group. The latencies and amplitudes of waves of bilateral R1, R2 and R2'in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus were somewhat longer than the normal. The difference was significant in statistics(P<0.05). Also significant differences of ages and disease courses were found between the BR-positive group and the BR-negative group. The longer diabetes course lasted, the more notably each value of BRchanged. They had some correlation. Type 2 diabetes mellitus could cause some impairments of the central nervous system and affect the function of brainstem. Patients'ages and disease course had certain correlation with the latencies and amplitudes of waves of BR. Different patients had different proportion of abnormality in BR. With the extension of course of diabetes, abnormal ratio increased. So BR might provide an objective and sensitive index for the asymptomatic impairment of the central nervous system caused by diabetes.
    Clinical Characters of Young-Onset Parkinson's Disease
    Ma Kai;Li Yongjie
    2003, 24(2):  190-192. 
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    944 patients with Parkinson's disease were divided into two groups, 86 cases in young-onset Parkinson's disease (YOPD) group and 858 cases in regular Parkinson's disease (PD) group. Levodopa was used in 632 cases of PD. There were no significant differences concerning clinical types, family history, side effects of levodopa. There were no significant differences concerning modified Hoehn-Yahr (H-Y)scale during "off" state between YOPD group and PD group, while significant difference was found between YOPD group and PD group concerning modified Hoehn-Yahr (H-Y)scale during "on" state.
    Use of Ultrasound in Labor and Delivery
    Lai Ailuan;Wang Hai'ou;Gao Qing;Zhang Jiansheng
    2003, 24(2):  193-195. 
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    To study the practical value of ultrasound application to labor and delivery for obstetrical problems, 92 cases in delivery room were investigated in amniotic fluid volume, fetal position, biophysical profile and other problems. Amniotic fluid was decreased in some cases of >41 weeks, cases of premature of membranes and IUGR were more than those of < 41 weeks (P < 0.01). The use of ultrasound in labor to confirm fetal position is more convenience than manual examination. Biophysical profile combined with NST can increase exactitude of fetal distress. It is useful to diagnosis of placenta previa, abruptio placenta and other abnormality in labor and delivery. The use of ultrasound in labor and delivery plays an important role in detecting obstetrical problems, fetal position, amniotic fluid volume and Biophysical profile.
    Clinical Study on Analgesic Labor with Inhaling Laughing Gas
    Wang Xiaomei;Wang Qi Beijing
    2003, 24(2):  196-198. 
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    The objective was to study the efficiency of inhaling laughing gas for labor pains, delivery processes, delivery ways and its effects on mother and fetus. 100 primiparas were randomly divided into the observational group and the control group. The control group was given the same treatments as that in the observational group except inhaling laughing gas. The degrees of labor pains, delivery processes, delivery ways, apgar scores and quantity of intrapartum hemorrhage between the two groups were measured. The score of the labor pains in the observational group was significantly lower than that in the control one (P<0.01). The duration of active phase in the observational group was significantly shorter than that in the control one (P<0.05). The total delivery process in the observational group was shorter than that in the control one (P>0.05). Conclusions: Analgesic labor with inhaling laughing gas produces a efficient labor pain relief, a shorter duration of active phase and shows no side effects on both mother and fetus, which is effective, simple and easy to be accepted.
    Relationship between Serum CA125 and Carcinoma of Endometrium before Operation
    Zhou Lian'e
    2003, 24(2):  199-200. 
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    The objective was to investigate the association between the level of serum CA125 before operation and the gradation, the relapse rate and the prognosis of the carcinoma of endometrium. The level of serum CA125 was matured before the patients'operations by using chemiluminescent immunoas-say. With the rise of the gradation of the carcinoma of endometrium, the level of serum CA125 and the positive rate both increased. The worse the differentiation, the higher the level of serum CA125 and positive rate (P<0.05). The level of serum CA125 before operation is clinically valuable in both the gradation and the prognosis of the carcinoma of endometrium.
    Observation of Hearing Aid Effect on 174 Deaf Children
    Zou Jianhua
    2003, 24(2):  201-202. 
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    The objective was to evaluate the language distinguishing ability of deaf children after wearing hearing aids. The effects of hearing aids was evaluated by using the national testing questions for deaf children. After 3 terms of observation, there was no evident difference at audio frequency of compensation range(P >0.05), but speech recognition score rose sharply(P<0.01). 1) After wearing hearing aids for a period, deaf children should be trained by aural language practice, and then they could gradually recover aural function. 2) Speech audiometry provides a very important evaluation index for aural language recovery training.