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    15 January 2001, Volume 22 Issue 1
    Construction of pBV-BPI600 Recombinant Expression Vector and its Expression in E. coli
    An Yunqing;Liu Qing;Ke Yan;Shen Haizhong
    2001, 22(1):  1-5. 
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    BPI 600 bp gene which encode 193 amino acid fragments(rBPI21)BPI N-terminal was amplified by RT-PCR from mRNA that were extracted from qHL-60; It was digested by EcoRI and BamHI to obtain BPI 400 bp and BPI 200 bp fragments.②PUC18-BPI200 and PUC18-BPI400 recombinant cloning vector were successfully constructed, and sequences were identical with those of the report. ③pBV-BPI600 recombinant expression vector was successfully constructed, It was transformated into the competent E. coli DH5α and BPI21 recombinant protein was expressed by temperature induced method. The results of SDS-PAGE and Western blot has proved that the expressed recombinant protein is rBPI21 which is encoded by BPI600 gene.
    Effect of Cerebral Post-ischemia Reperfusion on Blood Viscosity and Erythrocyte Deformation
    Ding Kuke;Zeng Yanjun;Liao Donghua;Hu Jinlin;Song Xin
    2001, 22(1):  6-9. 
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    The rat model of cerebral post-ischemia reperfusion was employed in the experiment to explore whether the values of indicator of blood viscosity and erythrocyte deformation had significant difference between the experimental groups and the control group. It was found that the blood viscosity declined during ischemia, mainly because of the compensation of RBC. During reperfusion viscosity of both blood and serum increased, but there was a tendency for viscosity to return to the normal level at the point of 12 h after onset of reperfusion. These results indicate that the reduction of ATP and the release of some chemical factors during ischemia induced the change. Long time reperfusion can compensate for it. With the increase of shear rate, the erythrocyte deformation increased exponentially and the math equation of this model was set up at the same shear rate: φ= a+b×e[-c(x-x0)]. It was found that erythrocyte deformation varied greatly. This is not only related to its ischemia and acidosis, but the biological character of RBC is involved.
    Changes of the Ultrastructure of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells and Fibroblasts Cocultured in Vitro
    Zhang Hua;Sun Haime;Guo Chongjie;Gao Fuyun;Zhao Tiande;Wei Yulin
    2001, 22(1):  10-12. 
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    A localized cell culture method in vitro was empolyed to investigate the interaction between human hepatocellular carcinoma cells and fibroblasts. These two kinds of cells were cocultured in the same container by design.To prepare samples for TEM, embedding slice in situ and vertical sectio ning were adopted. It was convenient to observe the ultrastructure of different kinds of cells with loca lized cell culture. The result indicated that mitochondria appeared to be swollen, the number of lysosomes increased in cytoplasm of the two kinds of cells, and microfilaments beneath the cytomembrane of fibroblasts touching the pseudopodia of the tumor cell were pushed down by pinosomes and broken at some areas after being cocultured for 96 h.The result suggests that the interaction between human hepatocellular carcinoma cells and fibroblasts causes changes of cellular structures.
    Study of Morphology of Brain Cortex Using Active Contour Method
    Luo Shuqian;Zhao Yuanyuan;Yan Hua;Li Xiang
    2001, 22(1):  13-16. 
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    An active contour model based on the extraction of the appearance of brain cortex is described in this paper. The initialization of the initial position of the active contour,the new defination of mass function and the method determining control points automatically could be used to improve the results of the extraction of the appearance of brain cortex.
    Fibronectin and Laminin Expressions in Prolonged Uterine Bleeding after Medical Abortion
    Zhao Yanzhong;Weng Liju;Zhu Dingshou
    2001, 22(1):  17-20. 
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    To investigate the expression of fibronectin(FN)and laminin(LN)in prolonged uterine bleeding after mifepristone induced abortion, 20 specimens from curettage were obtained from 20 women who had prolonged uterine bleeding after termination of early pregnancy by mifepristone and misoprostol. Ten specimens from normal early pregnancy by suction aspiration served as control group. All samples were studied by immunochemical stainning. Trophoblasts or villi were presented in 45% of the cases with prolonged bleeding, and retained decidua cells were shown in 90%. By immunochemical stainning, LM and FN were both significantly expressed around the decidual cells and in the base membrane of blood vessels and glandular epithelium; and also within some of the decidual cells. The expression levels at the three locations had no significant differences between the 2 groups(P>0.05). The result illustrated that the retained decidua cells kept the function of secreting FN and LM, which served as the adhesion molecules to the uterine wall, thus caused prolonged uterine bleeding and postponed the regeneration of endometrium development.
    Effect of Different Constituents of Fetal Lamb on Adult Wound Healing
    Wang Pengwen;Yang Peisun;Zhou Yijian Chen Jinjie;Zhang Lianzhu;Dong Rui'an
    2001, 22(1):  21-23. 
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    Different constituents of fetal lamb were used to induce scarless wound healing.Sheep wound models were prepared on both sides of vertebral column. Amniotic fluid, fetal skin and cord blood were picked up from pregnant sheep. Total protein amounts of different constituents were examined. Different constituents of fetal lamb were used to treat adult sheep wounds. To investigate the repair, compared the wound healing of 1 d, 3 d, 7 d and 14 d in the adult sheep during different treatments in HE and Masson staining. Electronic microscope observation was done in 7 d wounds. Results: During the same period, clean inflammation reaction, granulation tissue and collagen desposition are better in amniotic fluid group, fetal skin group and cord blood group than in Yunnan bai yao group and N.S group. But didn't find the scarless wound healing in those groups. Conclusion: The different constituents of fetal lamb may improve the wound repair in adult sheep and make wound healing in a shorter time.
    The Preparation of Replication-deficient Recombinant Adenovirus AdE1CMV-NGF
    Liu Shiquan;Zhang Wei;Jia Donghui;Wang Shenwu;Zheng Shuying;Wang Wei;Zhang Huirong
    2001, 22(1):  24-26. 
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    With the DNA recombinant techniques, we constructed a secretable form of adenoviral shuttle plasmid pAdE1CMV-NGF through sub-cloning and cloning steps. And then pAdE1CMV-NGF was cotransfected with pJM17 in 293 cells with the application of FuGENE 6 to produce the replication deficient virions containing the cDNA of interest, AdE1CMV-NGF. The titer reached 4.6×1010 PFU/mL by grade-dilution evaluation.
    Effect of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Gene Polymorphism on the Renoprotective Responsiveness to Benazepril in Dlabetic Nephropathy
    Wang Jianjun;Fu Hanqing;Yang Ling;Wang Yang;Li Hongbing;Wu Baoyu;Hu Hongying;Zhu Lianxiang;Yuan Shenyuan
    2001, 22(1):  27-31. 
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    The punpose of the research is to test the potential role of an insertion/deletion polymorphism of angiotensin converting enzyme(ACE)gene on the renoprotective responsiveness to benazepril in type 2 diabetes mellitus with nephropathy. Ninety two cases with diabetes nephropathy were classified according to the genotype of the ACE gene into three groups:31 cases with II genotypes, 30 with ID and 31 with DD. Mean arterial blood pressure(MABP), urinary albuminexcretion rate(UAER), creatinine clearance rate(Ccr)and ACE levels were measured before and after the six month treatment of benazepril(no differences in drug dose between the groups).Initiation of the 6 month treatment with benazepril induced a significant drop in MABP, UAER and ACE levels in all three groups(P<0.05), but the reduction was significantly greater in patients with II genotype(UAER 58.6%, MABP 2.87 kPa, ACE 72.3 %), compared with patients with either ID or DD genotype(P<0.01, respectivly). A mild decline in the creatinine clearance rate was seen in all groups after the initiation of benazepril, but the change was highest in DD group and lowest(P<0.05)in II group. A multiple linear regression analysis revealed that the ACE gene polymorphism influenced the decline in albuminuria after initiation of ACE inhibition(R2=0.72, P<0.001). The patients with II genotype are particularly susceptible to commonly advocated renoprotective treatment.

    Randomized and Controlled Clinical Verity on Lomefloxacin and Ofloxacin in the Treatment of Infectious Disease
    Lin Long;Wang Suqiu;Hu Jie;Sun Kuikui;Cai Fengyun;Xu Ming
    2001, 22(1):  32-35. 
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    In order to observe lomefloxacin's safety and effect, we had an experiment with 56 patients with infectious diseases. They were divided into two groups randomly. One group(28 persons)were treated with lomefloxacin, the other(28 persons)with ofloxacin.As a result, lomefloxacin as had the same effect ofloxacin in terms of improving symptom and sign, and clearing bacteria. Lomefloxacin has ideal effects on the treatment of infectious disease and little side effects.
    Clinical Features of Acute Myocardial Infarction in Patients with cor Pulmonale
    Chen Dongning;Tan Jie;Zhang Husheng
    2001, 22(1):  36-38. 
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    To investigate the clinical features of acute myocardial infarction(AMI)in patients with cor pulmonale. Manifestations of AMI in 20 patients with cor pulmonale(observation group)was compared to that of 168 patients with AMI only(control group).The incidence of acute left ventricular failure and cardiogenic shock in observation group(75.0% and 45.0%)was significantly higher than those in the control group(20.8% and 20.8%).All the patients in the observation group were accompanied with serious lung infection.The incidence of chest pain in observation group(35.0%)was significantly lower than that in the control group(83.3%).The mortality in observation group(40.0%)was significantly higher than that in control group(12.5%). Infection is an important precipitating factor in acute myocardial infarction characteristic of painlessness in patients with cor pulmonale.Acute left ventricular failure and cardiogenic shock etc,can be the initial symptoms of AMI.Because of its high mortality and poor prognosis,more attention should be paid to these symptoms.
    Prediction of the Reaction to Glucocorticoid in Patients with Nephrotic Syndrome by Lymphocyte Transform and Restrain Test
    Zhang Yu;Guo Wang;Wang Zhigang
    2001, 22(1):  39-41. 
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    Nineteen patients with nephrotic syndrome received administration of glucocorticoid after they receired the blood test for lymphocyte and restrain test. Seventeen out of 19 patients completed the 8 week observation. Ten patients were sensitive to the glucocorticoid, whereas 7 were resistant to it. There was significant difference in the results of lymphocyte transform and restrain test between the sensitive and resistant patients. The result indicates that the lymphocyte transform and restrain test can be used as a method to predict the reaction to glucocorticoid in patients with nephrotic syndrome.
    Changes of Gastric Motility, Gastric Myoelectric Activity and NOS in Experimental Diabetic Rats
    Zhang Tongyan;Yuan Shenyuan;Wang Yan;Zhang Jianzhong;Wan Xiaoping;Ding Yan;Qian Dongmei
    2001, 22(1):  42-44. 
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    The purpose of this study was to observe the changes of gastric motility, gastric myoelectric activity in DGP and nitric oxide synthase(NOS)in experimental diabetic rats. Thirty male Wistar rats were divided into 2 groups. Diabetes mellitus was induced in these rats by streptozotocin administration in one group. The other group was the control group. Gastric motility and myoelectrical activity were recorded in both groups. Changes in NO synthase activity and expression were determined by using NADPH diaphorase histochemical staining and nNOS immunohitochemical technique in these groups. Gastric motility measurement showed that the frequency of gastric contraction and the average contractile amplitude in diabetic rats were reduced significantly. Gastric myoelectrical measurement showed that the frequency and amplitude of slow wave were also reduced. NO synthase activities in intermusclar plexuses, circular and longitudinal smooth muscles and vascular endothelium were increased in diabetic rats. Gastric motility and myoelectrical activity were depressed in diabetes mellitus. Increase in NO synthase activity might be related to the depression of gastric motility in diabetes mellitus.
    Survey on Osteoporosis in EH
    Wang Xue;Ye Zhiming;Tian Jian;Xin Zhong;Liu Wei;Yu Mei;Yang Liping;Lin Yuzhi
    2001, 22(1):  45-47. 
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    To evaluate the relationship between osteoporosis and the essential hypertension(EH), serum BGP, PTH-m, urine DPD and the bone mineral density(BMD)of the lumbar vertebrae and the upper portion of the femur were examined in 121 cases with essential hypertension. The study revealed that the values of BGP, PTH and DPD in the study group were higher than that of the control group(P< 0.01). The BMD values of lumbar vertebrae and the upper portion of the femur in the study group were lower than that of the control group(P<0.01), except in the group under 40 years age in female. The BGP,PTH-m and DPD in the study group revealed the negative correlation with BMD(P<0.01). There were no significant differences between the values of serum calcium, phosphorus and AKP in the study and the control group(P>0.05).The incidence of osteopenia in male and female EH was 44.83 % and 36.50% respectively, and the osteoporosis rates in male and female EH were 6.90% and 26.98 % respectively. This study showed that there were calcium and phosphorus decompensation in EH patients, which is characterized by high bone turnover rate and leading to osteoporosis. Thus, administering Vitamin D and calcium preparation to EH patients may result in therapeutic effect.
    Clinical Observation of Folic Acid to Homocysteine Disease
    Xu Xiaowei;Du Fenghe;Zhang Chunling 
    2001, 22(1):  48-49. 
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    To observe the effects and side-effects of folic acid to plasma homocysteine disease, 30 coronary patients with high plasma homocysteine were selected. They took 0.8 mg folic acid per day and their homocysteine levels were compared before and after being treated. The homocysteine levels of 53.3 % patients decreased to normal by taking folic acid for two weeks. The homocysteine levels of 93.3 % patients decreased to normal by taking folic acid for four weeks. No side effect was found.Conclusion: The homocysteine levels can be effectively decreased by taking folic acid for four weeks.
    Postoperative Mechanical-assisted Ventilation of Myasthenia Gravis Patients with Total Thymectomy
    Liu Yanhui;Dong Zongjun;Xue Xianglu;Xu Qingsheng
    2001, 22(1):  50-51. 
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    Twenty-five patients with myasthenia gravis underwent total thymectomy in our hospital. Most patients had postoperative mechanical-assisted ventilation. Factors related to myasthenic crisis, stage of crisis appearance time of prolonged mechanical-assisted ventilation, and other important postoperative cautions are discussed.
    Relationship between Abnormal Glucose Metabolism and Existence of HBsAg and HBcAg in Liver and Pacreatic Tissues from Patients with HBV Infection
    Li Xuemei;Lang Zhenwei;Cui Shichang;Zhu Renping;Liao Huiyu;Qin Tianyun
    2001, 22(1):  52-54. 
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    To study the relationship between the abnormality of glucose metabolism and the existence HBsAg and HBcAg in liver and pacreatic tissues from autopsy patients with HBV infection, samples taken from 22 cases were detected by immunohistochemistry. In the meantime, 22 cases with normal blood sugar were selected as control group. Result: There was remarkable HBV difference in pacreatic tissues between the hepatic group with the abnormal glucose metabolism and the control group(P<0.05). The data shows that HBV infection in pancreas tissues might be one of the causes of the hepatic with the abnormal glucose metabolism.
    Effects of bFGF on Collagen Synthesis and Stabilization of Phenotypes of Cultured Rabbit Articular Chondrocyte in Vitro
    Feng Mingli;Yong Yimin;Shen Huiliang;Hu Huaijian
    2001, 22(1):  55-58. 
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    The purpose of this study is to investigate effect of bFGF on rabbit articular chondrocyte culture in vitro. Chondrocytes were isolated from articular artilage of New Zealand rabbit of 1~3 d. Chondrocytes were seeded in 10 mL 1640 medium supplemented with 2% fetal calf serum(FCS)in the presence or absence of bFGF. Some slices were placed in culture flask before seeding chondrocytes. After 3 d in culture, cells were exposed to [3H]-proline for 24 h, then the rate of incorporation of [3H]-proline was measured and morphological appearance of collagen of chondrocytes monolayers was obsrved under electron microscope and light microscope. When chondrocyte was cultured for 2 weeks at confluence, chondrocyte was kept to cluture in the presence and absence of bFGF for 1 week, then morphological appearance of collagen was defected. The amount of incorporation of [3H]-proline was greater in chondrocyle cluture grown in the presence of bFGF than that in the absence of bFGF(P<0.05). In the presence of bFGF, configuration of collagenous fibersis appearced to be in a better order under electron microscope. Chondrocytes grown in absence of bFGF assumed gradual fibroblast configuration after confluent culture, but chondrocytes were Strikingly similar to normal chondrocytes in the presence of bFGF. It can be concluded that bFGF exerts a strong effect on stabilization of phenotypes of cultured chondrocytes and can stimulate the collagen synthesis.
    Analysis of the Complication Prothesis Replacement of the Femoral Head
    Shi Yongchang;Wang Bao;Yu Qiang
    2001, 22(1):  59-61. 
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    To find out the causes and precautions of complication prothesis replacement of the femoral head 78 cases(80 hip)of prothesis replacement of the femoral head in the last 10 years was analyzed.The follow up time was 1.5 to 10 years, with an average of five years and eight months. The results were as follows: best 2 cases, better 2 cases, good 5 cases, fair 1 case, poor 2 cases, very poor 3 cases. Fifteen cases underwent complication(19.2%). Sufficient pre operation preparation, and regular and careful operation is the key to the successful operation and complication reduction.
    Desflurane Inhalation Anesthesia Used for Neurosurgery
    Chen Xinzhong;Luo Fang;Wang Baoguo
    2001, 22(1):  62-64. 
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    Relations between the maintenance concentration of desflurane, BIS, SEF and hemodynamics were evaluated in order to select a suitable inhalation concentration in neurosurgery. Thirty-six patients, ASA gradeⅠ to Ⅱ, undergoing neurosurgery were divided into three groups: 0.7 MAC(4.2 %), 1.0 MAC(6.0%)and 1.3 MAC(7.8%)with 12 cases each. MAP, HR, BIS and SEF were measured before induction,after induction, before inhalation at the predetermined MAC at maintenance 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180 min, stopping inhalation, extubation, opening eyes, following commands and oriential recovery, respectively. Desflurane inhalation concentrations had good dose-relationship with BIS and SEF. Hemodynamics was stable in 1.0 MAC group with faster recovery. 1.0 MAC of desflurane anesthesia is suitable for neurosurgery.