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    24 December 2005, Volume 26 Issue 6
    The Lipoprotein Lipase S447X Mutation is Associated with Serum Lipid Levels in Visceral Obesity: A Twin Study
    Huang Aiqun;Hu Yonghua;Xu Bo;Zhan Siyan;Lü Jun;Qin Ying;Cao Weihua;Li Liming
    2005, 26(6):  645-651. 
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    Objective To investigate the impact of the lipoprotein lipase (LPL) S447Xmutation on the relationship between visceral obesity and serum lipids in a general population based twin cohort of China.Methods The twin subjects were collected based on the twin registry system of China.All twins were subjected to a standard questionnaire and physical examinations.PCR-RFLPmethod was used to detect the genotypes of S447Xmutation.Visceral obesity was classified as waist circumference ≥90 cm for male or ≥80 cm for female.Results Nine hundred and forty-one pairs of twins were eligible for analysis.TG, TG/HDLlevels were significantly higher in visceral obesity group than those in normal waist circumference group.In S447/S447 genotype, after stratification for genotype, TGand TG/HDLwere still higher in visceral obesity.However, for S447Xmutation genotype, there were no significant differences in these lipids.The interaction of S447Xmutation genotype and visceral obesity were statistically significant in HDLand TG/HDL.The genotype-environmental interactions were also tested in the visceral obesity discordant MZtwins.In S447/S447 genotype, twins with visceral obesity had significantly higher TGand TG/HDLthan normal waist circumference co-twin(increased 23.1% and 22.8% respectively).While in the S447Xmutation genotype, visceral obesity was related with lower TGand TG/HDL(decreased 4.5% and 16.1% respectively), and HDLincreased significantly (13.3%).Conclusion The results indicate that LPL S447Xmutation can modulate the relationship between visceral obesity and serum TG, HDLand TG/HDL.
    Neural Toxicity Induced by Divalent and Tetravalent Forms of Manganese and its Protection by Selenium
    Chen Li;Wu Ping;Zhang Jie;Li Jie;Xuan Dengfeng;Chu Jinhua;Zhao Feng;Li Guojun
    2005, 26(6):  652-654. 
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    Objective The neural toxicity induced by manganese with different valence was compared, and the protective effects of selenium was investigated.Methods The SH-SY5Ycells were divided into the following groups: control;Mn2+;Mn3+;Selenium;Mn2++Selenium;Mn3++Selenium.The degree of DNAstrand break was determined using a Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis method.Cell apoptosis and cell cycle distribution were determined by flow cytometry.Results Mn3+ induced more DNAstrand break, apoptosis and Sphase accumulation than Mn2+.The neural toxicity induced by either Mn3+ or Mn2+ was reduced by selenium.Conclusion Mn3+ exhibits stronger neural toxicity than Mn2+.Selenium may be a potential agent to protect neurons from Mn-induced damage.
    Transmission of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in Families
    Xie Zhaohui;Liu Gaifen;Shan Guangliang;Pan Li;Wu Zhenglai
    2005, 26(6):  655-661. 
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    Objective To explore understand the characteristics of transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome(SARS), analyze the possible factors of influencing transmission in families and to provide scientific evidence for formulating strategies of SARSprevention and control.Methods Acase-control study was conducted in Xicheng District and Haidian District of Beijing in 2004.The case was defined as a household with two or more cases of SARSand control was defined as that with only one case.All the patients were interviewed with an ad hoc questionnaire, to compare the difference of factors that influenced transmission of SARSin families, including demographic data, exposure information(time, frequency and mode), occurrence of SARSin contacts(number and time of onset), economic status, hygenic behavior, and so forth.Results There was no significant difference in living space between 56 cases and 47 controls(t=0.82, P=0.41).Proportion of families with more than three members living together was 35.71% in cases, higher than that in controls(26.09%), and proportion of families with more than two members living in a room was 38.89% in cases, also higher than that in controls(30.43%), but no statistical significance between the case and control.After onset of fever, 83.93% of the patients worried about whether they suffered from SARSin cases, significantly higher than that of 16.07% in controls(P<0.05).More than 80 % of the patients would visit hospital when they had fever.About 90% of the patients thought they infected SARSfrom hospitals both in cases and controls, and 10.71% of them infected from families in cases and 8.51% in controls(P<0.05).Room disinfection was carried out in 40.43 % of the families with the patients after occurrence of fever in cases, but only 21.82% in controls, and tableware were not shared in among family members in 44.68 % of controls, but only 25.45% in cases(P<0.05).No effects of wearing gauze masks while communicating with others, no dining with others together, as well as taking traditional Chinese herbal medicine and immune-enhancing agents on prevention of SARStransmission were found in this study.Conclusion Less persons living together in a family or in a room can reduce SARStransmission in families.Self-isolation and disinfection are beneficial to reduction of SARStransmission in families after occurrence of fever.No evidence showed that traditional Chinese herbal medicine and some immune-enhancing agents can significantly prevent transmission of SARSin families.
    Volatile Organic Compounds(VOCs)-Induced Acute Cytotoxicity to Human Bronchial Epithelial Cell Line BEAS-2B
    Liu Dongshan;Zhang Guizhi;Jin Yinlong
    2005, 26(6):  662-666. 
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    Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the acute cytotoxicity of typical VOCs mixture from decorative & building materials to human bronchial epithelial cell line BEAS-2Bin vitro.Methods Individual and the mixture of 12 often-detected VOCs from decorative materials were tested for their acute cytotoxicity to human bronchial epithelial cell line BEAS-2B.BEAS-2Bis one of the adenovirus-12/SV40 hybrid virus immortalized human bronchial epithelial cell lines.Cytotoxicity was measured by detection of survival LC50, reactive oxygen species (ROS) , and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) .Results The LC50 of individual varied greatly from 0.70 g/Lto 22.8 g/L.But VOCs mixture showed a special cytotoxic profile-its LC50 was 0.82 g/Land its clone survival LC50 was 0.30 g/L.These results indicate that the VOCs mixture is superior than individual components, and this strong toxicity may be from addictive effects of those 12 individual components.VOCs also induced ROSproduction and LDHleakage from BEAS-2Bcells.The VOCs mixture increased more ROSproduction and LDHleakage than individual VOCs.Conclusion The VOCs mixture caused stronger cytotoxicity than individual components.VOCs induced cell death of BEAS-2Bby increasing ROSproduction and damaging cell membranes.Whereas lower dose of VOCs mixture had a transforming effect, the high dose of the mixture caused BEAS-2Bcell death.
    Effect of Heavy Metal Pollution on the Levels of Trace Elements in the Hair and Serum of Printing Workers
    Wang Hui;Wang Yimin;Wu Huihui;Zhang Shuhua;Wei Qun;Zhou Zhen;Ge Wang
    2005, 26(6):  667-669. 
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    Objective To study the changes of the level of trace elements in the hair and serum of printing workers, who might have been exposed to heavy metals.Methods Hair and serum were collected from both printing workers(printing worker group), and workers not related in printing industry(control group).The concentration of manganese, lead, chrome, copper and zinc were determined by the inductance-coupling plasma atom emission spectrum method.Results The manganese and copper levels in the serum of the printing worker group were exceeded in relation to the control group(P<0.05).The level of zinc in serum of printing worker group was much higher than those in control group(P<0.05).The levels of chrome and manganese in hair of printing worker group were much higher than those in control group(P<0.05).The levels of zinc and copper in hair of printing worker group were much lower than those in control group(P<0.05).The lead level in serum and hair did not show any significant difference between printing worker and control group.Conclusion Exposure to heavy metals affects the levels of some trace elements in the hair and serum of printing workers.
    An Animal Model of Spinal Cord Injury-induced Spontaneous Pain
    Dai Hong;Xu Shaoting;Xiao Zhongxin;Zhang Hong;Xie Zuolei;Zhang Lijun;Chen Yingchao;Zhang Liren;Wang Yuanshen;Dai Ke
    2005, 26(6):  670-672. 
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    Objective To establish a practical and reliable animal model of spontaneous pain after spinal injury.Methods 30 female Wistar rats were divided into 2 groups: G1 and G2.The injury was induced in L2 segment of spinal cord using3 Ncm (G1) and 2 Ncm (G2) by WADEmethod, respectively.SEP (somatosensory evoked potential) was recorded in L1 before injury induction and 15 min after injury.The pain threshold of rats in trunk to mechanical gently pressure, gently tactile and rate of forepaws'withdrawing was assessed using von Frey hair just before and after 4 h, 8 h, 12 h, 16 h, 24 h injury everyday for about 10 months.Behavior activities of spontaneous pain were also determined everyday.Results Two groups exhibited typical allodynia phenomena.The pain threshold before and after injury has decreased significantly (P<0.05~0.01) .The obvious spontaneous pain could be observed.The proportion of serious spontaneous pain (autotomy) in G1 group is 50%, which was near to that of the clinical observations.Conclusion SCIof 3 Ncm in rat model by WADEmethod has an excellent repeatability. (It's) spontaneous pain symptom is near to that of CPin SCIpatients.The animal model will be useful for SCIpain studies.
    Soybean Isoflavone Coordinated with Folic Acid Against the Damage Effect of Cyclophosphamide on Cultured Glial Cells
    Liu Zhen;Xiao Rong;Zhang Jie;Wu Huihui;Ye Xiaofang;Wen Juan
    2005, 26(6):  673-676. 
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    Objective To study the protective effects of soybean isoflavone and soybean isoflavone coordinated with folic acid on cultured glial cells damaged by cyclophosphamide.Methods Cultured glial cells from new born ICRmice were exposed to cyclophosphamide in the presence of S9, a metabolic activator of cyclophosphamide.In order to evaluate the protective effectiveness of soybean isoflavone, folic acid and their combinative effect, the single-cell gel electrophoresis(SCGE, comet assay) and MTTassay were performed.Results Comparing to model group, the tail length of nuclear DNAand the percentage of comet-like tail glial cells were significantly reduced in solo-soybean isoflavone, solo-folic acid and soybean isoflavone coordinated with folic acid group, and the reducing effects of co-administration were more efficiency than solo-administration, but not significantly(P=(0.052)).Comparing to model group, the activity of glial cells was significantly increased in solo-soybean isoflavone, solo-folic acid and soybean isoflavone coordinated with folic acid group.Especially, the glial cell activity of co-administration group was significantly increased comparing to solo-administration(P<0.05).Conclusion Soybean isoflavone and folic acid are the protective factors of nervous system, and the protective action of co-administration would be more efficiently than solo-administration and the protective effects were dose-dependent.
    Analysis of Intron 22 Inversion Mutation of Factor Ⅷ Genein the Patients with Hemophilia A in J&K State of India
    Parvinder Kumer;Mohammed Idris;Vikas Dogra;K. Radha Mani;Kulbhushan Singh Jamwal;Wahied Khawar Balwan;T. R. Raina;G. R. Chandak;Subash Gupta
    2005, 26(6):  677-680. 
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    Objective Hemophilia A, an X-linked bleeding disorder, affecting 1 in 5000 males is caused by heterogeneous mutations in factor Ⅷ gene.Inversion mutation in Intron 22 of F8Cgene remains its leading cause.The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency and distribution of the Intron 22-inversion mutation in the patients and in the family members in the region.Methods 29 hemophilia Apatients from Jammu and Kashmir(20 severe, 8 moderate and 1 mild) were analyzed for Intron 22-inversion mutation.Results 11(38%) were positive for the distal type of inversion mutation.The mutation was found in 9/20(45%) patients with severe factor Ⅷ deficiency and 2/8(25%) with moderate severity hemophilia A, whereas the patient with mild hemophilia Awas found to be negative for inversion mutation.Evaluation of twenty-six female relatives from 11 families of inversion mutation positive patients identified one mother and one sister from one family to be the carrier, suggesting its origin in the mother.Conclusion The present study confirms the intron-22 inversion mutation in F8Cgene as the major cause of hemophilia Ain the population from Jammu and Kashmir with a higher frequency of inversion mutation in sporadic cases compared to the familial cases.
    Effect of a Mixer Containing Turtle Egg Powder on Serum Glucose Level in Hyperlipidemic Patients
    Yu Huanling;Wang Junbo;Li Yong
    2005, 26(6):  681-683. 
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    Objective The effect of turtle egg powder on serum fasting glucose level in hyperlipidemic patients was studied.Methods Sixty patients were randomly assigned into placebo group and turtle egg power(TEP) treatment group.After 6-week treatment, fasting serum total cholesterol(TC), high density lipoprotein cholesterol(HDL-C), triglyceride(TG) and glucose levels were determined by enzymatic methods using an automatic analyzer.Results Compare to placebo group, serum glucose level was significantly lower in TEPgroup.However, serum TC, TG, HDL-Cand LDL-Clevels were not affected by TEPtreatment.Conclusion TEPsignificantly decreased serum glucose level of hyperlipidemic patients.
    Risk Factors of Unintentional Injuries Among 0 to 14-year-old Children in Beijing: A Logistic Regression Analysis
    Shi Ying;Jiao Shufang;Xie Jin;Wang Yu;Yin Xiangjun;Zhou Ying
    2005, 26(6):  684-686. 
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    Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the risk factors of unintentional injuries among 0~14-year-old children in Beijing, in order to provide some epidemic data for prevention of child-hood injuries.Methods 2368 children aged 0~14-year-old were randomly selected from a urban and a suburban area and were surveyed with questionnaire from November of 2002 to November of 2003.Data were analyzed by χ2 and logistic regression analysis.Results Of the 2368 children who were eligible for the study, the morbidity of unintentional injuries was 13.05%.In multivariate logistic regression analysis the strongest risk factors of injury were: children's sex, mothers'education status, children's communication skills with peers, Parents'attention for children's injuries.Conclusion In conclusion, injuries were an important cause of morbidity among our 0~14-year-old children in Beijing.The finding that multiple factors were associated with Unintentional Injuries challenges the society to identify and treat the risk factors that can be modified to reduce the number of children injuries.
    What's Wrong with the Design of Clinical Trials in China
    Peng Xiaoxia;Zhao Yali;Xu Ying;Wu Lijuan;Cui Shuqi;Wang Wei
    2005, 26(6):  687-690. 
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    Objective To find out the problems which needed to resolve during the design phase of clinical trials via questionnaire survey.Methods Clinical doctors who have taken part in clinical trials in the bases of Drug's Clinical Trials were surveyed by questionnaire.The data were recorded by software Epidata 3.0 and analyzed by software SAS8.0 Results Forty doctors who have finished protocols of clinical trials were assigned in this survey.We can draw a conclusion that there are many limitations of statistical design of clinical trials, such as improper calculation of sample size, the insufficient utilization of randomization and blinding, the inappropriate use of control drugs.Conclusion There are some problems in the design of clinical trials, which affected the quality of clinical trials.Therefore designer of clinical trials should pay more attention to the problems mentioned above in order to improve the quality of clinical trials.
    Analysis of Demands, Utilizations and Satisfactions of Community Health Service in Huangcun Town, Daxing District
    Du Juan;Zhao Yanping;Guo Aimin;Lu Xiaoqin;Liu Xiaoping;Yang Jun;Zhao Zhongmin
    2005, 26(6):  691-694. 
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    Objective To study the residents 'demands, utilizations and satisfactions of community health service(CHS) in Huangcun Town, Daxing District.Methods Using systematic sampling method, 1453 residents were interviewed at their home with questionnaires.Results Two weeks prevalence rate of the residents was 12.6%, the prevalence rate of chronic non-communicable disease was 14.9%, and the rate of the older was 38.4%.Two weeks treatment rate of the residents was 6.9%, and the rate of utilization of community health station was 29.7%.The factors influencing the demand of the residents were chronic non-communicable disease and occupation.The factors influencing the utilization of community health station were sex, occupation and the distance from the community health station.Conclusion Community health service ought to be strengthened and improved continually in order to satisfy the residents'demands.
    The Threat of Avian Influenza A Viruses
    Wang Kai;Peng Xiaoxia;Yu Qi;Chen Kai;Kong Dejun;Zeng Wanli;Zhang Ping;Qi Yin;Chi Mimi;Guo Aiming;Wang Wei;
    2005, 26(6):  695-698. 
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    Hemagglutinin(HA) and Neuraminidase(NA) of influenza viruses are easy to have antigenic drift and antigenic shift, and new pathogenic subtype which is able to infect humans can be formed by such viral mutations.Genetic reassembly which always happens in H5N1 subtype accelerates the threat of avian influenza Aviruses to human being.In addition, bird migration contributes to the global spread of emerging infectious disease.Therefore, we review current knowledge regarding the harm, pathological properties, pathogenicity of avian influenza viruses and discuss the influence of bird migration to the global spread of the viruses.

    Study of the Interaction between Chromogranin B and Heat Shock Cognate Protein70
    You Hongjie;Wang Zesheng
    2005, 26(6):  699-702. 
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    Objective To investigate the role that HSC 170 plays in the process of CgBtranslocation in chromaffin cells.Methods Pull-down, co-immunoprecipitation and mass spectrometry of proteins were used to identify the proteins interested.Results The present data show an interaction of CgBwith heat shock cognate protein 70(Hsc70) in the chromaffin cell.Abinding sequence of Hsc70 is determined in the C-terminal region of porcine CgB(Ser586-Arg602, SR-17).Moreover, phosphorylation of Ser595 in pCgBenhances its association with Hsc70.On the other hand, Hsc70 is eluted from ATP-Sepharose by incubation with phosphorylated SR-17 at Ser595.Western blot analyses show that both CgBand Hsc70 are present in the nucleus and cytoplasm of these cells.Conclusion The present results suggest that Hsc70 may participate in the process of CgBtranslocation in chromaffin cells and that phosphorylation of CgBis likely to mediate this process.

    Study on Granulocytes'Death Processes in the Mouse Oviduct Ampulla after Ovulation
    Weng Jing;Sasaki Kazunobu;Sonoda Yuji;Suda Masumi
    2005, 26(6):  703-707. 
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    Objective To investigate the death process of the granulocytes in oviduct after ovulation.Methods Oviducts were observed at 5, 8 and 12 h after mating with histology, TUNELstaining, immunohistochemistry, and transmission electron microscopy.Results All oviduct ampullae at 5 h after mating contained oocytes surrounded with numerous granulocytes, and the majority of granulocytes disappeared from the ampulle at 12 h.At 5 h after mating, approximately 5% of granulocytes were TUNELstaining positive and, at 8 h, 30% were TUNELstaining positive.Ultrastructurelly, there were nuclear changes characterized mainly by compaction and margination of heterochromatin.These were designated as signs of classical apoptosis.In addition, some granulocytes, approximately 2% at 5 h and 13% at 8 h after mating, showed mitochondrial swelling and disruption of cellular, nuclear and the other organelle membranes.These were designated as typical signs of necrotic cell death.Among the granulocytes, there were F4/80 positive cells that contained TUNELstaining positive bodies.Conclusion Granulocytes died and disappeared rapidly from oviduct ampullas through two different death processes after ovulation, apoptosis and necrosis, and macrophages may be involved in apoptotic cell disposal pathways.
    Molecule Asymmetry in Alkaline Phosphatase of Calf Intestine
    Zhu Ying;Yan Shulian
    2005, 26(6):  708-711. 
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    Objective The dimeric CIPis known to be made up of chemically identical monomer.It is still a problem that CIPmolecule is asymmetry or not.Methods The present experiment investigated changes of thermal inactivation of CIPat different temperatures.Data have been compared with that of inactivation of this enzyme with EDTAand its subsequent reactivation with Zn2+ ions.Results The results showed that the kinetic behavior was a biphase process involving fast and slow phases of thermal inactivation.Half of the initial activity was destroyed much more rapidly than the remaining half.At EDTAconcentration 1~5 mmol/L, the inactivation processes were two-phases.This peculiar kinetic behavior was an inherent property of the enzyme protein and was not acquired by its interaction with some ligand under any specific condition.Conclusion The biphasic process of thermal inactivation and EDTAcausing inactivation indicate that the two subunits of CIPare functionally not identical and the enzyme is asymmetry in molecule.
    The Effects of LPS on Expression of mCD14 in THP-1 Cell Line
    Hou Benxiang;Zhang Chen;Yin Jun
    2005, 26(6):  711-713. 
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    Objective To investigate the effects of LPSon expression of mCD14 on the THP-1 cell line.Methods Under vitro cultured conditions human THP-1 cell line was stimulated respectively by 0(as control), 0.1~50 mg/L LPSfor 24 h, the cell apoptosis rate was determined with flow cytometry.The contents of TNFa and IL-6 in the supernatant were measured by ELISA.The expression levels of mCD14 on the cell membrane were measured in the levels of relative density of PCRproducts.Results After activation of LPS, the cell apoptosis rate was promoted and levels of TNF-α and IL-6 in culture supernatant were remarkablely increased.The mCD14 expression on the cell membrane was significantly up-regulated.Conclusion LPScan lead to activition of THP-1 and significantly up-regulate the expression of CD14mRNA.It reveals that LPSmay be an important inflammatory factor on THP-1 cell reactions.
    The Study on Pathology and Expression of MDR1 in Human Intractable Epilepsy
    Ding Chengyun;Xu Qunyuan;Luan Guoming
    2005, 26(6):  714-718. 
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    Objective To study the clinical characteristics, the pathological features, and the expression patterns of MDR1 and GFAPin intractable epilepsy patients with varied etiologies and to analyze the relations between clinical and pathological performances among those cases.Methods The clinical characteristics of strictly selected 26 intractable epilepsy patients were conduded and the pathological changes including the expression of MDR1 and GFAPfrom surgically resected tissues were analyzed systematically observed under light and electron microscopy.The relations between the clinical and pathological manifestutions of each subject were studied.Results There were certain common clinical characteristics, such as the onset of age and main types of seizure, which could be concluded in all studied cases, although the etiology of each subject may vary.Meanwhile some pathological changes including neuronal degeneration, reactive proliferation of astrocyte with over expression of GFAPand MDR1 appeared as the common features among all cases.Conclusion There are common pathological characteristics in the patients with intractable epilepsy, although the etiologies of them may vary.It may be resulted from recurrent epileptic ictus.
    Study on Electrophysiological Properties of Endogenous Voltage-Gated Potassium Channels in Human Embryonic Kidney(HEK293) Cells
    Li Jingwei;Hu Dayi;Li Cuilan;Yang Jingang
    2005, 26(6):  719-721. 
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    Objective To study electrophysiological properties of endogenous voltage-gated outward currents of potassium channels in HEK293 cells.Methods Whole-cell voltage patch clamp experiment was performed on this expression system.Results In HEK293 cells, depolarizing voltage steps from-80 mVtriggered an outward current.This current had an amplitude (422.78±68.87) pAat +100 mVand a current density of (21.91±3.20) pA/pF.TEA, 4-APas potassium channel blockers and a rise in extracellular K+ concentration from 4 to 40 mmol/Lcould block the outward currents.Conclusion Functional endogenous K+ channels exist in HEK293 cells under normal culture conditions.Their outward current may consist of IK, IK1, IKur and Ito.
    Therapeutic Efficacy of Amlodipine on Blood Pressure Lowering in Patients with Essential Hypertension
    Xing Xiurong;Hua Qi;Liu Rongkun;Yang Zheng;Ma Xiangtao;Hou Guishu
    2005, 26(6):  722-724. 
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    Objective To observe the effects of amlodipine produced in China on clinical blood pressure(CBP) and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring(ABPM) in patients with essential hypertension.Methods Twenty-nine patients with essential hypertension were treated with amlodipine produced in China for 4 weeks.CBPand ABPMwere performed before and after treatment to compare the mean blood pressure of 24 h, daytime and night, pulse pressure, heart rate, load of blood pressure and the circadian rhythm.Results CBP, pulse pressure, load of blood pressure and mean blood pressure of 24 h, daytime and night were significantly reduced.Circadian rhythm was improved markedly.No significant difference was found in heart rate.The effective rate of CBPwas 75.0% and that of ABPMwas 60.4%.The trough to peak ratios for SBPand DBPwere 61% and 64% respectively.Conclusion The blood pressure can be lowered by amlodipine produced in China can significantly and safely.And the circadian rhythm of blood pressure can be improved.
    The Effects of C825T Polymorphism in G Protein β3 Subunit Gene on Efficacy of Antihypertensive Treatment with Amlodipine
    Li Dongbao;Hua Qi;Pi Lin;Xu Ji;Liu Rongkun
    2005, 26(6):  725-728. 
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    Objective To investigate the relationship between Gprotein β3 subunit gene polymorphism and the efficacy of antihypertensive treatment with amlodipine.Methods Polymerase chain reaction combined with restriction enzyme digestion was used to detect the polymorphism of Gprotein β3 subunit gene in147 individuals as normotensive control and 321 hypertensive patients.48 hypertensive patients were treated with amlodipine for 4 weeks.Results 1) There were no significant differences of the GNB3 gene C825Tpolymorphism genotypes and alleles between hypertensive patients(CC28.7%, CT 52.0%, TT 19.3%(C54.7%, T 45.3%) and normotensive controls(CC27.2%, CT 46.9%, TT 25.9%, C50.7%, T 49.3%).Mean reduction in systolic blood pressure were significantly greater in CCgenotype((4.93±2.26)kPa(37.00±16.97)mmHg) than in CT+TTgenotype((2.99±1.41)kPa(22.40±10.60)mmHg)(P<0.05).Conclusion The C825Tpolymorphism of Gprotein β3 subunit is related to the efficacy of amlodipine but not to essential hypertension.
    Screening Genes Associated with Biological Signal Conduction and Immunity in Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma by BiostarH-Ⅰ cDNA Microarray
    Bai Peng;Zhang Husheng;Wang Yuzhou
    2005, 26(6):  729-732. 
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    Objective By use of cDNAmicroarray, to screen out the differential expression genes which are related with biological signal conduction, humoral or cellular immunity in lung squamous cell carcinoma and normal lung tissue.Methods The total RNAs were isolated from tumor and normal lung tissue and were reversely transcribed to prepare the hybridization probe.The mixed probes were hybridized with the BiostarH-Ⅰ cDNAmicroarray.After washing, the cDNAmicroarray was scanned for the fluorescent signals by ScanArray 4000 scaning apparatus.The scaning data was analyzed by Genepxix Pro software and differential expression genes between these two kinds of tissues were shown out.Results Eight strips of genes were screened out.Among them, five genes'expression level were up-regulated(r>2.0), including: METAP2, LIV-1, CUL2, CSE1L, RBBP2H1A, and the rest three strips were down-regulated(r<0.5), including: HBB, CKB, CX3CL1.Conclusion cDNAmicroarray can realize high-through out screening of the genes which associated with lung cancer.Eight genes which related with biological singal conduction or immunity in lung squamous cell carcinoma are found.Further investigation about these genes will be carried out later.
    Construction of an Eukaryotic Cell Expressing Vector of hRSV M2-1 Gene and its Transfection into Lung Cancer Cell PAa and A549
    Zhang Liqun;Chen Hangwei;Wang Sihai;Xin Qinghong;Du Yuguo;You Lanhua
    2005, 26(6):  733-736. 
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    Objective Background and human respiratory syncytial virus(hRSV) is a most familiar pathogen for severe respiratory tract infection in infants and young children, and it is found that it is also an important pathogen in adults in recent years.In this study, we try to construct a eukaryotic cell expressing vector containing the M2-1 gene of the HRSVand then try to transfect the lung cancer cell lines PAa and A549, so that we can continue studying the relationship between HRSVand lung cancer.Methods To construct the vector pXJ-41/M2-1 with gene reconstructing technique.Then check it through DNA-sequencing, PCRand enzyme-cutting.To transfect this vector into lung cancer cell lines mediated by liposome LipofectamineTM 2000 and screen out high expressing cell strains by RT-PCRin reference to the β-actin, which is an endogenous reference gene.Results 650 bp segment was obtained by PCRwith the recombinant as a template or by digesting the recombinant with EcoRIand XholI.The DNAsequencing result indicated that the M2-1 gene is high-conservative.Cell strains of PAa and A549 which can stably express M2-1 protein were acquired.Conclusion The eukaryotic cell expressing vector pXJ-41/M2-1 was successfully constructed.The acquirement of PAa and A549 cell strains expressing M2-1 protein would make it possible to study the influence of hRSVon lung cancer cells.
    Expression of Cytokine Induced Neutrophil Chemoattractant in Lung Tissue of Rats with Acute Pancreatitis
    Lin Dongdong;Sun Jiabang;Li Fei;Zhang Shuwen;Cui Yeqing;Liu Dachuan;Zhu Bin;Sun Haichen;Liu Shuang
    2005, 26(6):  737-740. 
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    Objective To explore the role of cytokine induced neutrophil chemoattractant(CINC) in pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis-associated acute lung injury(PALI) in rats.Methods Pancreatitis was induced with 3.5% sodium taurocholate.The severity of pancreatitis was evaluated by quantitation serum lipase and pancreatic pathologic score.Lung injury was evaluated by lung pathologic score and lung water content.RT-PCR(reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction) analysis was performed to assess gene expression of CINCin lung tissue.Results Lung injury can be found at 1 h after induction of pancreatitis with 3.5% sodium taurocholate.Lung water content increased from 4 h after induction of pancreatitis.The expression of CINCmRNAin lung tissue increased markedly 1 h after induction of pancreatitis, and gradually reached its peak after 24 h.Conclusion CINCmay be involved in the pathogenesis of PALI.Inhibition of leukocytes chemotaxis in lung tissue may be a new way for the treatment of PALI.
    The Preserving Therapy of Traumatogenic Spleen Rupture in 46 Cases
    Liu Qiang;Liu Jiafeng;Wang Yajun;Sun Jiabang
    2005, 26(6):  741-743. 
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    Objective To investigate the therapeutic methods of preserving spleens for splenic injuries.Methods The diagnosis and treatment of 46 patients with splenic trauma from 1995 to 2003 were reviewed retrospectively.Results All patients were divided into four groups, nonoperative group, operative repairing group, spleen resection plus autotransplantation group and vascular intervention group(splenic artery embolism).Twenty-three patients in the nonoperative group according to trauma grade were classified as grade Ⅰ in 8 cases, grade Ⅱ in 10 patients, grade Ⅲ in 1 patient and unknown grade in the rest 4 cases respectively.Three cases had traumatic shock.Nonoperative therpy accounts for 20% in the treatment of all splenic trauma.In the repairing group, nine cases were classified as grade Ⅱ in 1 case, grade Ⅲ in 7 cases and grade Ⅳ in 1 case, and 7 cases had shock in the group.Total spleen excision and autotransplantation were performed for 8 cases with grade Ⅲ in 1 case and grade Ⅳ in7 cases, and 5 patients had shock.Six patients classified as grade Ⅱ and Ⅲ included 2 cases and 4 cases respectively in the splenic artery embolize group, and all patients without shock were treated successfully with one time embolization.All 46 patients had no complications, and 45 cases were recovered except one being in vegetative status caused by craniocerebral injury.There were no significant difference in hospitalization in the four groups.Conclusion Splenic injuries of grade Ⅰ and Ⅱ may be given priority to nonoperative therapy, and grade Ⅲ is fit for splenic artery embolism or repairing for preserving spleen.Splenic trauma of grade Ⅳ or above should only be operated for preserving spleen.And therapeutic methods should be selected according to individual's condition and combined agilely.
    Prognostic Value of the Expression of bcl-2, bax, and Ki67 Proteins in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer
    Wang Xuhui;Wang Song;Tian Tieshuan;Han Xingpeng;Xu Meilin
    2005, 26(6):  744-746. 
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    Objective To assess the prognostic value of the expression of Ki67, bcl-2 and bax proteins in non-small-cell lung cancer.Methods Non-small-cell lung cancer specimens from 51 patients were immunohistochemically stained with Ki67, bcl-2 and bax antibodies.The expression of the proteins were divided into negative group and positive group.Results The positive expression rate of Ki67 protein was 29.4%.The expression of Ki67 protein was significantly different in Tcategory, and the highest expression of Ki67 protein was in T2 category(P=0.033).Patients with positive expression of Ki67 protein experienced a shorter survival period than those with negative(P=0.013).The positive expression rate of bcl-2 protein was 33.3%, and it was not significantly associated with clinical features.The expression of bcl-2 protein was not associated with survival period.The positive expression rate of bax protein was 35.3%, and the expression of bax protein was significantly different between squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma(P=0.040).The expression of bax protein was not associated with survival period.In the multivariate COXregression analysis, the lung cancer staging was the first that entered the COXregression model, the second was Ki67 protein.Conclusion As a biological marker of cell proliferation, and the expression of Ki67 protein is significantly associated with prognosis.The positive staining of Ki67 protein have been linked to poor prognosis, and it may become a valuable biomarker in non-small-cell lung cancer.
    Expression of Apoptosis Gene bcl-xl in Osteosarcoma
    Meng Xianglong;Wang Qingyi;Qu Tiebing;Wang Jinjun;Fan Guangyu;Wang Yufeng
    2005, 26(6):  747-748. 
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    Objective The aim was to study the role of apoptosis gene bcl-xl in the tumorigenesis of osteosarcoma.Methods The expression of bcl-xl was observed by immunohistochemical assay in twenty-seven classical osteosarcoma and twenty-two benign bone tumors.The extent of expression was evaluated by using half-quantitative method.Results The positive rate of bcl-xl expression was 100% in osteosarcoma, 4.5% in benign osteochondroma.There was a difference with statistical significance(P<0.01) between two positive rates.Conclusion No correlation exists between different differentiation and positive grade(P>0.05).The expression of bcl-xl is involved in the tumorigenesis of osteosarcoma, but not associated with the differentiation of osteosarcoma.
    Alterations of Coagulation Function and Electrolytes During Hypervolemic Hemodilution with Polyglucose and Sodium Chloride Infusion
    Wang Huiwen;Liang Hui;Ji Yong;Wang Baoguo
    2005, 26(6):  749-751. 
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    Objective To compare the alterations of coagulation function and electrolytes during hypervolemic hemodilution induced by polyglucose and sodium chloride infusion(groupⅠ) and 6% hydroxyethyl starch(groupⅡ).Methods 24 neurosurgical patients were randomly allocated into two groups.Hypervolemic hemodilution was induced by rapid infusion(25 mL/min) with PG(groupⅠ, n=12), 6% HES(group Ⅱ, n=12) after general anesthesia.Hematocrit(HCT), activate partial thromboplastin time(APTT), prothrombin time(PT) and serum electrolytecalcium concentrations were determined in whole procedure.Results After(1500) mL PGwas injected, HCTdecreased by 21.5%, Ca2+ decreased by 16.7% while APTT, PTincreased by 12.1% and(15.5)% respectively.After 1500 mL HESwas injected HCTdecreased by 27.3%, Ca2+ decreased by 12.5% but APTT, PTincreased by 21.4% and 16.3% respectively.Conclusion The hemodilution effects of polyglucose and sodium chloride infusion on coagulation and electrolytes are weaker than the effects of 6% hydroxyethyl starch.However, the coagulation function of 6% HESis stronger than that of PG.
    A Comparison between Transabdominal and Laparoscopic Myomectomy
    Long Di;Cheng Jiumei;Wang Haiou;Li Yunfei;Zhu Xian
    2005, 26(6):  752-754. 
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    Objective To investigate the efficacy and clinical value of transabdominal myomectomy(TAM) and laparoscopic myomectomy(LM).Methods The clinical date of 53 cases of LMand 40 cases of TAMwere retrospectively analyzed.Results All operations were performed successfully.No operation-related complications occurred in any cases.Compared with group TAMthe group LMhas many advantages in postoperative farting time and uriating time.The operating time in group TAMis markedly more than that in group LM.Conclusion LMhas the advantages of less invasion, early resumption of normal activities.LMis safe and effective means for simple cases.TAMis more fit for complex cases.The operation patterns should be chosen properly.
    Analgesic Effect of Transdermal Fentanyl to Moderate or Severe Cancer Patients Treated at Home
    Ma Zhenshan;Shao Jun;Jia Aihua;Ren Shuping
    2005, 26(6):  755-757. 
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    Objective To assess the analgesic effects of Transdermal Fentanyl(Durogesic) to moderate or severe cancer patients treated at home.Methods 116 moderate or severe cancer patients with pain received a pain relieving treatment offered by a group of qualified doctors.The trial dosage of Transdermal Fentanyl is 25 μg/h or dosages referred to a conversion formula from morphine to Transdermal Fentanyl.The plaster will be changed with a new one after every 72 h.Dosage could be adjusted according to patients'reaction.Results After follow-up interviews, the effects and adverse reactions of Durogesic were observed.98.27% of patients were observed to relieve pain and the quality of life was significantly improved after use of Transdermal Fentanyl.The minimum dosage of Transdermal Fentanyl was 25 μg/h and the maximum 375 μg/h, average time of treatment was(90.5) d.The main adverse reactions were dizziness, nausea, constipation and skin allergy.Conclusion In summary, Transdermal Fentanyl is a kind of ideal analgesic which has the advantage of convenience and low rate of adverse reactions.It suits moderate or severe cancer patients who treated at home.
    Study on Tanycytes Promoting Axonal Regeneration in CNS
    Xu Xiaoxue;Yu Fen;Shao Xuemei;Zhang Maoxian
    2005, 26(6):  762-764. 
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    Tanycytes(TAs) are the specialized ependymal glia in central nervous system which locate mostly in the ventral wall of the ventricle Ⅲ and median eminence(ME).They have close relations with local cerebrospinal fluid, blood and neurons.Tanycytes are the common component of the brain barrier system, brain-CSFneurohumoral circuit and immune-neuroendocrine network.They naturally conduct the axonal regeneration process in the adult hypothalamus of mammal animals.Aseries of studies have shown that tanycytes can support the regeneration of the lesion axons in CNSand indicated that tanycytes may be a proper substrate for transplanting into injured spinal cord like the olfactory bulb ensheathing cells(OECs).This review focuses on tanycytes'origin, properties, studies in neuroregeneration and the possible mechanisms.
    Progress of Study on Pathogenic Gene Associatedwith Parkinson Disease
    Peng Jiying;Sun Yilin
    2005, 26(6):  765-768. 
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    Parkinson disease is a kind of neurodegenerative disease.The classic pathological finding of Parkinson disease is Lewy body(LB).Certain genic mutation would induce Parkinson disease, such as α-synuclein, Parkin, UCHL1 which are ascertained to be associated to Parkinson disease.These gene mutants damage the ubiquitin-proteasomes system(UPS), the UPSdysfunction would lead to Parkinson disease.This review focuses the relationship between the three gene mutant action and the ubiquitin-proteasome system.
    The Sequenling and Analysis of ITS1-5. 8SrDNA-ITS2 from C2 isolate of Giardia Lamblia
    Wen Shaofang;Lu Siqi;Wang Fengyun
    2005, 26(6):  769-770. 
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    Hard X-ray Phase-Contrast Imaging for ObservingBiological Micro-structures
    Yin Hongxia;Luo Shuqian
    2005, 26(6):  771-771. 
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    Survey on Dose Reference Level in Interventional Radiology
    Bai Mei;Liu Bin;Wang Xiaofeng;Peng Mingchen
    2005, 26(6):  772-772. 
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